Table Tenses

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Tenses Table No I





Jenis Tenses SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (Kebiasaan / Sederhana Sekarang)

(Sad Agus, 2009) Contoh Kalimat Keterangan Waktu

Rumus Umum I/You/We/They + Verb I He/She/It + Verb I + s/es

PRESENT CONTINUOUS I + am + Verb I + ing TENSE You/We/They + are + Verb I (Waktu sedang berlangsung + ing Sekarang) He/She/It + is + Verb I + ing PRESENT PERFECT TENSE I/You/We/They + Have + (Bentuk Kalimat Sempurna Verb III Selesai Sekarang) He/She/It + Has + Verb III -

PRESENT PERFECT I/You/We/They + Have + CONTINUOUS TENSE Been + Verb I +ing (Sedang Berlansung Sempurna He/She/It + Has + Been + Selesai Sekarang) Verb I + ing SIMPLE PAST TENSE I/You/We/They + Verb II (Bentuk Lampau Sederhana)He/She/It + Verb II



PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE You/We/They + Were + (Sedang Berlangsung Lampau) Verb I + ing I/She/He/It + Was + Verb I + ing


PAST PERFECT TENSE You/We/They + Had + Verb (Sedang Berlangsung Lampau) III He/She/It + Had + Verb III



PAST PERFECT I/You/We/They + Had + CONTINUOUS TENSE Been + Verb I + ing (Sedang Berlangsung SelesaiHe/She/It + Had + Been +



I read a book every day. always, generally, often, regularly, Menyatakan perbuatan yang menjadi He swims with his brother every Sunday.normally, usually, sometimes, seldom, kebiasaan. Menyatakan kebenaran She washes her clothes every morning. once a week, once a year, nowadays,umum. They study math everyday. everyday, every week, occasionally, once We play football every week. in a while I am singing with my mother. now, right now, at present, today, soon, Menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa You are dancing now. this morning, this afternoon, tonight,yang sedang berlangsung. Menyatakan He is standing next to her. tomorrow, in a few days. peristiwa / perbuatan yang bersifat She is drawing a picture of her mother. sementara. Menyatakan peristiwa / They are learning about our culture. perbuatan yang berlangsung pada We are trying to call Lisa now. waktu yang akan datang. We have told you the story once. once, twice, already, lately, recently,Menyatakan since perbuatan / peristiwa He has travelled around the world since 1998. yesterday, for an hour, for two years,yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan She has eaten this cake twice. never, ever, this year, several times.masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu I have finished my education recently. sekarang. Menyatakan peristiwa yang They have visited grandmother several times. telah terjadi. Menunjukkan suatu perbuatan ulangan pada waktu yang tidak tertentu. Menunjukkan suatu perbuatan / peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat. I have been walking for half an hour. for, since, long, how long, the whole Menyatakan day, perbuatan yang dimulai She has been jogging for an hour. all afternoon, for over two years. pada waktu lampau dan masih We have been knowing wach other for over berlansung hingga sekarang. three years. I saw a dog yesterday. yesterday, last Monday, an hour ago,Digunakan the untuk menyatakan She met her old friends yesterday. other day, last night, last year, a fewperbuatan yang selesai dilakukan pada They did their exam an hour ago. minutes ago, two days ago. waktu lampau. You spoke with her last week. They were talking about her. when, while, as, all day yesterday, the Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu She was riding a horse. whole day last Monday. perbuatan / peristiwa yang sudah You were watching TV all day yesterday. dimulai namun masih tetap He was riding his car when I met him. berlangsung ketika kejadian / We were going to the market while you slept at peristiwa lain terjadi di waktu lampau. home. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan / peristiwa yang sedang terjadi diwaktu lampau. I had seen the movie before you watchedbefore, it. after, until, as soon as. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu He had known some words before he started perbuatan yang telah selesai sebelum learning English. suatu perbuatan lain dilakukan pada waktu lampau. I had been running for an hour when it started when Digunakan untuk menunjukkan raining. perbuatan yang berlangsung terus pada He had been preparing his bag when the taxi waktu lampau.









Jenis Tenses Lampau) SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE (Akan Datang Sederhana)

Rumus Umum Verb I + ing I/We + Shall + Verb I You/She/He/It/They + Will + Verb I

Contoh Kalimat -

Keterangan Waktu


came. I shall come back at 10pm. tomorrow, this afternoon, tonight, next Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu You will buy a new house. week, if, next year, soon, when, while, perbuatan / peristiwa yang akan We shall meet Dina tomorrow at her house. until. dilakukan pada waktu yang akan She will play violin tonight. datang. They will invite you to their party next week. Digunakan untuk membuat suatu janji He will fix his motorcycle this afternoon. pada waktu yang akan datang. Digunakan untuk menunjukkan syarat. Digunakan untuk memohon kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. We shall be watching TV when you arrive. at this time next year, at this time Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu You will be getting home this evening. tomorrow, at the same time next Monday. perbuatan yang akan sedang terjadi. She will be making her homework.

FUTURE CONTINUOUS I/We + Shall + Be + Verb I + TENSE ing (Akan Sedang Berlangsung) You/She/He/It/They + Will + Be + Verb I + ing FUTURE PERFECT I/We + Shall + Have Been + - Whe shall have been driving 6 hours by the by the end of…, by the end of this year. Digunakan untuk meyatakan suatu CONTINUOUS TENSE Verb I + ing time I get home. perbuatan / peristiwa yang sudah (Sedang Berlansung Selesai You/She/He/It/They + Will - He will have been trying to find a new job for 5 dimulai pada waktu lampau tetapi ada Akan Datang) + Have Been + Verb I + ingmonths by June. kemungkinan dilanjutkan pada waktu yang akan datang. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I/We + Shall + Have + Verb III- I Shall have graduated from Cambridge by by July Sunday, by the end of this week, Digunakan by untuk menyatakan suatu (Sempurna Selesai Akan You/She/He/It/They + Will + 2009. next month. perbuatan / peristiwa yang sudah Datang) Have + Verb III - You will have read the book by Tuesday. dimulai pada waktu lampau dan segera selesai pada waktu akan datang. PAST FUTURE TENSE I/We + Should + Verb I - I should go with you. the nextday, the day before, the week Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu (Lampau Akan Datang) You/She/He/It/They + Would - They would ask your name. before, the month before. perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada + Verb I - We should invite you to our party if you had waktu lampau. enough time. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu - She would save her money. perbuatan yang akan dilaksanakan apabila syaratnya terpenuhi pada waktu lampau. PAST FUTURE I/We + Should + Be + Verb I +- I should be dancing with you. on Monday last week, at nine yesterday, Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu CONTINUOUS TENSE ing - He would be travelling to Spain. in July last year. perbuatan / peristiwa yang akan (Akan Sedang Berlangsung You/She/He/It/They + Would=- They would be playing tennis on Sunday last sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau. Dimasa Lampau) Be + Verb I + ing week. PAST FUTURE PERFECT I/We + Should + Have + - I should have met my uncle if I had finished if m Menyatakan suatu perbuatan / TENSE Verb III homework. peristiwa yang akan sudah selesai pada (Pada Masa Lampau Akan You/She/He/It/They + Would - You would have watched TV if you had waktu lampau atau menyatakan Selesai Sempurna) + Have + Verb III studied. pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena syaratnya sudah pasti tidak akan terpenuhi. PAST FUTURE PERFECT I/We + Should + Have Been +- I should have been saving my money. by the end of this month, by March last Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu CONTINUOUS TENSE Verb I + ing - You would have been taking an English course. year. perbuatan / peristiwa yang akan sudah (Pada Masa Lampau Waktu You/She/He/It/They + Would - We should have been buying a house. sedang berlangsung pada waktu Akan Sudah Terjadi) + Have Been + Verb I + ing lampau.

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