Synopsis of Discussion with Philip. Barbara. Mike and I on Monday. August 11, 2003 Regarding Homeland Defense In accordance with Team 3's overall focus on the preparedness of the military in CT efforts, Team 3 will focus on the role of the military in CT homeland defense. The question posed, broadly stated, is to what extent did the DoD participate in CT homeland defense prior to 9-11? This brings in issues related to posse comitatus. It also raises questions as to what has been done since 9-11. Here Team 3 will focus on the new Northern Command (NORTHCOM). NORTHCOM's mission is to conduct operations to deter, prevent and defeat threats and aggression aimed at the United States, its territories, and interests within the assigned area of responsibility. That area covers the continental Untied States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and surrounding water out to 500 miles. The defense of Hawaii and our territories and possessions in the Pacific remain the responsibility of US Pacific Command. Team 3 will also address relevant issues related to the National Guard, Reserves and possibly the Coast Guard. Team 3's primary focus is not on the Department of Homeland Security. It will also not focus on the role of intelligence in domestic homeland defense issues or on the law enforcement aspect of homeland defense. These issues are within the purview of Teams 2 and 6. In addition, Team 3 will not address issues related to NORAD or issues of preparedness for emergency response, which is within the portfolio of Team 8. However, the above teams will need to work together on research and writing of the report since these issues will not always be clearly separable.