T8 B16 Miles Kara Work Files Otis Langley 1 Of 2 Fdr- Transcript (partial) Boston Center R18

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Download & View T8 B16 Miles Kara Work Files Otis Langley 1 Of 2 Fdr- Transcript (partial) Boston Center R18 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 375
  • Pages: 2
Committee Sensitive Boston Center R18 Transcript Tape provided by FAA on Sep 25, 2003 Transcribed by Miles Kara Sep 25-26 2003 083


Boston Cape Sector, Huntress multi requests


Huntress: on 89 line reference active air Boston: go ahead Huntress: Yes sir, reference the active air, the heading we gave him on, I guess is a bad heading now, south of JFK.. .target we're going against the hijack can you direct the Panta flight towards that now



Alright but I don't even see the target at all

Huntress: We just talked to Scroggins the TMU and he said he's south of JFK now and we want to get them headed in that direction 182


I'll do that


alright thanks

Panta 45: Boston Center, Panta 45 with you at thirteen 5 [according to radar this is approx 08:54:30 EDT—25.3 second correction figured in] 194


Go ahead

Panta 45:

At 17 for 290 [correct radar time is 08:55:05 EDT]


at 260 maintain level 290

Panta 45:

260 heading for 290


Understand you going to look for American 11

Panta 45:


Boston: Just got information the aircraft crashed into the world Trade Center so I'm not sure what your intentions are, if you're still going to head that way or you may want to talk to operations Panta 45:

Going to talk to Huntress right now... OK with you


Several attempts to raise Panta 45

Panta 45:

Panta 45

Committee Sensitive

Committee Sensitive Boston:

Go ahead, your breaking up

Panta 45: Long Island

250 for about 100 miles, Huntress wants us to hold just south of

Boston: OK that's fine, you are heading into warning area if you can't call me go to Giant Killer at 338.1, let them know, or Boston 295.1 Panta 45:

Roger on that


Boston handles an a/c whose transmission is breaking up and who is not transponding


Boston tells two a/c (Air France 22 and American 115) of the incident, two aircraft crashed into WTC, NY not accepting arrivals


Boston tells a/c of two hijacks and of need for increased cockpit security


Panta 45 in background, Giant Killer calling


Boston tells Bangladesh Oil about active terrorism

Committee Sensitive

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