T8 B15 Faa Subpoena Compendium Fdr- Dot Faa- Manager Certification Of Request For Records From Employees (personnel List) 065

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Download & View T8 B15 Faa Subpoena Compendium Fdr- Dot Faa- Manager Certification Of Request For Records From Employees (personnel List) 065 as PDF for free.

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U.S. Department of Transportation


Federal Aviation Administration

Subject: INFORMATION: 9-11 Request for Information

From: Acting Manager, Air Traffic Division, ANE-500

Date: >fjg J J J

Reply to Attn. of:

To: Program Director, Air Traffic Operations, Safety and Security Programs, AAT-20 I hereby certify that we have asked the following employees that were on duty on 9/11/01, and do not have any records including e-mails, audio tapes or other recordings pertaining to the events of 9/11/01. William Yuknewicz Francis MacDonald Janet Lung Peter Melanson Wilson Brown Bill Risso Walter Knof John O'Shea Bill Tobin Joe Bellabona Terry Flieger Alecia Cox Barbara Parsons Susan Sampson Sue Longey Ron Sevigny

Sandra Bogosian Bob Isibel Theresa Theriault Monique Closs Peter Ng Tom Killion Diane Falzone Ray Duda Bob Locke Jim Powers Acher Davis Bert Ouellette Jon Harris Mike Baney Deborah Johannes Gregory Hollebeke

The following employees supplied records including e-mails, audiotapes or other recordings pertaining to the events of 9/11/01. Patricia Garrambone supplied with ANE-500 submission Mark Olsen in AAT-20 supplied through AAT-20 Thomas Benson on detail at headquarters supplied directly to Shirley Miller

The following employees have not yet been surveyed for records including e-mails, audiotapes or other recordings pertaining to the events of 9/11/01. Karl Anderson

Pending, Out of country, expect return to duty on 10/20/03

Retired or no long employed and could not contact. Ron Conroy Ruth Goldberg Lois Corbett If you have any questions please contact, Gregory Hollebeke, ANE-505 at 781-238-7505.


William C.


U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

subject ACTION: Employee Certification



Ajr Traffic


October 14, 2003

Manager, Boston ATCT, BOS-1

Evaluations and Investigations, AAT-20 I hereby certify that I have asked the following questions to the below noted employees on duty during the period 9/11/01 midnight through 9/11/01 11:59 pm, regardless of whether retired or transferred except as noted below. 1. "Do you have any copies of government records including e-mails, audio tapes, or any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01 that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 11:59 p.m.? 2. Do you have any personal noted or records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01 that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 11:59 p.m.? Employees Interviewed: William Corbo Ronald Grossman Allan Turmelle Michael Marshall John Ingaharro Christopher Quigley Paul Dozois Kathleen Flannagan-Hawe Shari Barrientos Gary Hufnagle Robert Francis Michael Leahy Randolph Arslanian

Mark Scheid Douglas Sasserson Michael Milliard Richard Johnson Thomas Joyce Thomas Coronite Richard Solimine John Covino Albert Suchicicki Timothy Davis Edward Kiley Herbert Drury James Buckley

Magdalene Gribble Charles Milan Laura Lease Brendan Reilly Robert Sgroi

Bettina M. Peronti

Cori Potter James Sawyer Charles Borgioli Patricia Pilanen

1 U / 1 4 / 2 U U 3 15:38 FAA

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration


INFORMATION; Boston TRACQN (A9Q) Certification


Memorandum Date: October 15,2003

From: Manager, ^ Boston TRACON, A90-1


Director of Air Traffic, AAT-1 This is to certify that all employees who were in the facility (see attached) on September 11,2001 have been asked for any documentation such as copies of government records including e-mails, radar or audiotapes, personal notes or any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01.

oseph P, Davies Attachment


U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration




INFORMATION: 9/11 Commission Inquiry dated October 14, 2003 Ajr

Traffic Manager, Boston ARTCC, ZBW-1


October 15, 2003

Reply to

Attn. of:

Manager, Evaluations and Investigations Staff, AAT-20 Enclosed is the documentation you requested via FAX on October 14, 2003. Below are the names of the individuals that had either direct tracking responsibility or coordination responsibility for American Airlines flight 11 (AAL11) and United Airlines flight 175 (UAL 175). A ALII Operations Manager (OMIC) Traffic Management Supervisor (STMC) Traffic Management Unit (TMU) Departure Spacing Military Position Sector 47 Radar Sector 47 Radar Associate Sector 46 Radar Sector 46 Radar Associate Operations Supervisor Area C Sector 38 Radar Sector 38 Radar Associate Sector 20 Radar Sector 20 Radar Associate UAL175 Sector 47 Radar Sector 47 Radar Associate Sector 46 Radar Sector 46 Radar Associate Sector 38 Radar Sector 38 Radar Associate Sector 20 Radar Sector 20 Radar Associate

Terry Biggio Dan Bueno Joe Cooper Colin Scoggins Steve Roebuck - Greg Taccini Rich Beringer - Mark OT^Teil Pete Zalewski Alan Miller Jon Schippani Brazalino Martins Shirley Kula John Harding William Dean

Steve Roebuck - Greg Taccini Rich Beringer - Mark O'Neil Pete Zalewski Alan Miller Brazalino Martins Shirley Kula Francis Browne - John Hartling William Dean

Included in this package are copies of the following: • Boston Center Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Order 7110.33P, Chapter 3, Operations Manager in Charge, dated May 1, 2001. • Boston Center Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Order 7110.33R, Chapter 3, Operations Manager in Charge, dated August 8, 2002.

• • •

• •

• •

Boston Center Personnel Staffing dated September 1, 2001. An organizational chart is not available for September 11, 2001; however, the Boston Center Personnel Staffing dated September 1, 2001 identifies individual facility position assignments. Boston Center Personnel Staffing dated October 15, 2003. Boston Center Organizational Chart effective August 3, 2003. Boston Center, Bangor Tower, Burlington Tower, North East Air Defense Sector (NEADS) and 158 FIG Letter of Agreement (LOA) dated March 15, 1988. This LOA was in effect on September 11, 2001 and is still in effect. Boston Center, Canadian NORAD Region, North East Air Defense Sector Inter Unit Operating Agreement dated May 15, 1989. This Agreement was in effect on September 11, 2001 and is still in effect. Boston Center, Cape TRACON, Otis Tower Letter of Agreement dated December 1, 1990. This Agreement was in effect on September 11, 2001 and is still in effect. Boston Center, NE ADS/552Nl5 ACW/101ST ACS/102ND ACS/103*0 ACS/174™ FW/103RDFW and the 305th AMW Letter of Agreement. Revision 1 to the May 22, 1997 LOA. Effective date was May 17, 1997. This Agreement was in effect on September 11, 2001 and is still in effect with the minor revisions identified below. Revision to Boston Center, NE ADS/552ND ACW/101ST ACS/102ND ACS/IOS1^ ACS/174™ FW/103110 FW and the 305th AMW Letter of Agreement. Effective date was August 15, 1997. Revision to Boston Center, NE ADS/552ND ACW/101ST ACS/102ND ACS/103RD ACS/174™ *" FW/103110 FW and the 305th AMW Letter of Agreement. Effective date was May 17, 2001.

If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask.

Glenn W. Michael


U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

INFORMATION: Certification Letter; your memorandum dated 10/8/03 From: Manager, Air Traffic Division, AEA-500 5





Re P'v to

Attn. of:

Director of Air Traffic, AAT-1 I hereby certify that the following questions have been asked of every employee who was on duty in the regional Air Traffic Division offices during the period September 11, 2001, midnight through September 11, 2001, 11:59 p.m., regardless of whether the person has retired or transferred, except as noted below. I further certify that all documentation is being provided. The questions asked were: 1. "Do you have any copies of government records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001, that you may have received or generated from September 11, 2001, at 12 midnight to September 11, 2001, at 11:59 p.m.? If yes, you are required to provide any governmental records by close of business today including emails." 2. "Do you have any personal notes or records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001, that you may have received or generated from September 11, 2001, at 12 midnight to September 11, 2001, at 11:59 p.m.? If yes, you are strongly encouraged to provide your personal notes to your Air Traffic Manager by close of business today."

Name of Employee Andrea McCormick Angelique Lestrad April Martin Arlene Konig Art Olsen Audrey Carter Robert Alexander

Questions asked? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Unable to Contact? No No No No No No No





718 553 2513


U.S. Oepartmant of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

DJ£QBMfiTIQJi: Certification Letter


Acting Air Traffic Manager, Teterboro ATCT

October 21, 2003

ROP'V to

Attn. of1

To: Director of Air Traffic, AAT-1

I hereby certify that the following questions have been asked of every employee who was on duty at Teterboxo Air Traffic Control Tower during the period September 11, 2001, 12 midnight through September!!, 2001 ll:59pm, regardless of whether the person has retired or transferred, except aa noted below. I further certify that all documentation is being provided. The questions asked were: 1. "Do you have any copies of government recorda including e-mails, audio tapes. and any other records pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001, that you may have received or generated from September 11. 2001 at 12 midnight to September 11, 2001, at H :59p.m? If yea, you are required to provide any governmental records by close of business day today including e-mails." 2, "Do you have any personal notes or records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of September 11, 2001, that you may have received or generated from September 11, 2001 at 12 midnight to September 11, 2001 at ll:S9p.rn? If yes, you are strongly encouraged to provide your personal notes to your Air Traffic manager by close of business today." Name of Employee David Bender Jason Boyde David Bretherick Larry Brady Thomas Caibone Thomas Cercone Stephanie Faison John Jamison Sean McMorris Dennis Moore

P. 02

Questions asked yes yes yes yes yea yes yea yes yes yes

Unable to contact? no no no no no no no no no no




Robert Schmid Glen Szymanski Carl Turner James Hubbard


718 553 2513

yeg yes yes no

no no no yea


resigned from FAA (whereabouts unknown)

Angelo Sorrentino

TOTflL P.03

DOT Fftft

718 553 2513

P. 02



US Deportment ofTtansporrotlon

Federal Aviation Administration







OCTOBER 20, 2003

Reply 10 Ann. of:


I hereby certify that I have asked the following questions to every employee on duty the period of 9/11/01 midnight through 9/11/01 11:59 p.m., regardless of whether retired or transferred except as noted below. 1.

"Do you have any copies of government records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any another records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01, that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 11:59 pm?"

"If yes you are required to provide any government records by the close of business today including e-mails. 2.

"Do you have any personal notes or records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01, that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 1 ] :59 p.m.?"

"If yes, you are strongly encouraged to provide your personal notes to your Air Traffic Manager by the close of business today." The employees listed below answered "NO" to questions 1 and 2. The employees with (*)asterisk by their names provided controller statements. Dav Shift: Robert Varcadipane (SN)* - Supervisor Kirk Sokoloski (SI) * - Traffic Management Coordinator Andrew Persaud (AZ)* - Air Traffic Assistant Certified Professional ControllersfCPCI: Richard Tepper(TR)*, William Archbold (WA)*, Robert Gibney (BB), James Harcn (JH), Gregory Callahan(GC)*, Monica DeRojas (ME), William Shaytar (SH) transferred to CLE, Jason Rooks (KJ)« transferred to ZDC, Sean MullertMU)*, Richard Vilinsky (RV)* transferred to TEB, Anthony Barrett(AT)*transferred to CDW, Michell Banett(BM), Robert Lehmann (RL)*

Michael D. Wagner

U.S. Department of Transportation


Federal Aviation Administration

Subject: Response to Request for Information Concerning Events of 9/11/01 From: Air Traffic Manager, New York Center

Date: October 14, 2003

Reply to Arm. of:

To: Director, Air Traffic Service, AAT-1 THRU: Manager, Evaluations and Investigations Staff, AAT-20 This is in response to questions concerning the events of September 11, 2001. Attached you will find the following documents and records: 1. Certification statement from the Manager, New York Center. 2. List of New York Center employees who were on duty on 9/11/01 and their answers to the questions. 3. List of New York Center employees not available for interviews. 4. Index and documents.

Mic Attachments


wy Memorandum U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration




INFORMATION: 9/11 Questions

Operations Manager Natking Estevez

Date: October 15,2003


Shirley Miller ADA-2 As per our discussion on this date, I am enclosing a list of all those employees that worked on '" 9/11/01 and their responses to the two 9/11 questions. I have already sent to you a Certified Re-recording of the calls that came into our facility on 9/11/01. Should you have any questions you oan call me at 631-471-7181, or e-mail me at [email protected].

9/11 QUESTIONS Name of the employees that worked on 9/11/01 Bernard Anderson Maurice Aytes Patricia Bollerman John Coppola Natking Estevez Raymond Gearity Janice Hilmer Joseph Hofmann Deborah Home Andrew Kressel Lydia Lacoste Dorey Marcincuk Joseph Marcincuk Marie Miller Michael Piccola Patricia Rizer Maxine Roach Joseph Travagliato Thomas Ullrich

Answer to Questionl No No Audio Tape Sent Audio Tape Sent No No No No No No No No No No No Audio Tape Sent No No No

Answer to Question 2

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

I hereby certify that I have asked the following questions to every employee on duty during 9/11/01 Midnight through 9/11/01 ll:59pm, regardless of whether retired or transferred. Signature Manager, Date

U.S. Department of Transportation


Federal Aviation Administration

subject: ACTION: September 11, 2001 Commission Certification

From: Manager, Great Lakes Air Traffic Division &




October 16, 2003

Re P'y to

Attn. of:

Director, Air Traffic Service, AAT-1 The following listed individuals were assigned to the Great Lakes Region on September 11, 2001. Each person listed below has been asked if they have additional documentation pertaining to this tragic event. Gary Klingler, Cleveland, OH ARTCC Richard Kettel, Cleveland, OH ARTCC David Boone, Indianapolis, IN ARTCC Any and all persons having any information have submitted said documents and have no additional information.




U.S, Department of Transportation




Federal Aviation Administration



INFORMATION: 9/11 Employee Interview Certification

Air Traffic Manager, Pittsburgh Tower


October 15, 2003

Reply to

Attr». of:

Air Traffic Service Director, AAT-1 I hereby certify that we have asked the following questions of every employee on duty during the period 9/11/01 Midnight through 9/11/01 11:59 pm, regardless of whether retired or transferred. 1. - M Do you have any copies of government records including e-mails, audio tapes, and any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01 that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 11:59pm?" "If yes, you are required to provide any governmental records by close of business today including e-mails." 2. v Do you have any personal notes or records including emails, audio tapes and any other records pertaining to the events of 9/11/01 that you may have received or generated from 9/11/01 at 12 midnight to 9/11/01 at 11:59 pm?" "If yes, you are strongly encouraged to provide you personal notes to your Air Traffic Manager by close of business today." The names of the individuals contacted and their response are attached. Unable to contact the following employees: David Casper Transferred out of the region David Coe Retired Ken Filewich Transferred Mahlon Fuller Retired Victoria Lumbard Transferred out of the region Ken Myak Transferred





Dean Swickard


Transferred out of the region

Richard T. Pelkowski

3 Attachments Operational/Administrative Personnel Richard Pelkowski - Government Notes Greg Campayno - Personnel Notes File: WP: C:\Documents and Settings\dhuebner\DJ Documents\9.11 certification.doc aatm:dhuebner:djh:412.269.9237:10/15/2003



U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

subject: INFORMATION; Presidential 9/11 Commission Follow-Up From: Acting Air T r a f f i c Manager, ZOB-1

Memorandum Date:



Reply to Attn. of:

To: Shirley Miller, ADA-2 In response to your Memorandum dated October 8, 2003, this letter is to certify that all employees who were working on September 11, 2001, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. were contacted except for the following individuals. > Harry Chasin, retired, unable to contact. > Robert Pride, retired, unable to contact. > Enrique Hinojosa, retired, phone disconnected, unable to contact. > Delmar Ott, retired, left voice mail messages, did not return calls. > Michael Hattersley, retired, left several messages, no return call. > Brent Lake, retired, left messages, no return call. ^ John Harmon, on vacation left several voice mail messages no return call. ^ Steve Williams, unable to locate, hospitalized - no answering machine to leave message. > Jimmie White, transferred, left voice mail messages, no return call. ^ Ellen Cole, on vacation, unable to contact. > Terrence Pitts, Unable to contact.


WED Deliver By:

8373 2059

9700 -DC-US

150CT03 Al



Indianapolis Center 9/11 Commission Documents Request OPERATIONS OFFICE Ken Holm Doc 02:

EMail Message Dated May 8, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 03:

EMail Message Dated April 10, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 04:

EMail Message Dated April 9, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 05:

EMail Message Dated Feb. 22, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 06:

EMail Message Dated March 28, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 07:

EMail Message Dated March 4, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 08:

EMail Message Dated March 20, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 09:

EMail Message Dated Sept. 30, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 10:

EMail Message Dated Sept. 23, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 11:

EMail Message Dated Aug. 16, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 12:

EMail Message Dated Sept. 12, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 13:

EMail Message Dated Feb. 5, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 14:

EMail Message Dated Feb. 4, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 15:

EMail Message Dated Aug. 16, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 16:

EMail Message Dated Aug. 15, 2002

Ken Holm Doc 17:

EMail Message Dated Jan. 17, 2003

Ken Holm Doc 18:

EMail Message Dated Sept. 12, 2002


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

ATCSCC Advisory 36 Dated 9-11-01 FDC Special Notice

Indianapolis Center 9/11 Commission Documents Request AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALIST John Cozart Doc 01:

ATCSCC Advisory 36 Dated 9-11-01 FDC Special Notice


Memo Dated 10-14-03 Attaching Flight Strip For AAL77 and Handwritten Notation of Who Was Working The Sectors And Positions In Area 6


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Traffic Management Display Events CD Dated Sept. 11,2001

Thomas R Davidson

To: Douglas Gould/AWA/FAA@FAA OO"

10/16/2003 04:32 PM Place your copy in 9-11 master doc pis.

Thomas R. Davidson AAT-20 (202) 267-9342 Forwarded by Thomas R Davidson/AWA/FAA on 10/16/2003 04:31 PM ----ZZZl William A Orr 10/16/2003 12-51 PM

To: Thomas R Davidson/AWA/FAA@FAA cc: Dou9las Gould/AWA/FAA@FAA, Karyl DiDiana/AGL/FAA@FAA, David M Boone/AGUFAA® FAA, Kathryn M Hughes/AGLVFAA® FAA, Nancy Shelton/AGUFAA® FAA Subject: 9/11 questions due 10/16 noon

1. No local changes to procedures. A QA Alert was published shortly after 9/11 (9/14) describing new expectations on handling future losses of radar and communications. This Alert was included in the package overnighted to AAT-20 on 10/8/03.

.. '

Operational personnel have been trained on any national changes such as handling hijack aircraft and intercept aircraft. 2. Notification of law enforcement: At the watch desk is a file of 8020-3s, accident/incident notification forms. There is a separate form for every airport in ZID's airspace. Each form has phone numbers for local emergency and airport personnel to notify. In the front of the book are phone numbers for state and federal agencies including the FBI and Secret Service. Prior to 9/11 notification of most military units would be through the Regional or Washington Communication Centers. The Watch Desk would notify The Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) for search and rescue support in accidents or missing aircraft. Presently we have the Domestic Event Network hotline. The "red" phone for direct contact CONR and the vscs communications unit, at each Supervisor position and the Watch Desk, have a direct line to North East Air Defense. 3. We do not have an organizational chart from 9/11 but the following is a list of management positions occupied on 9/11 to the best of my recollection. ZID-1 Air Traffic Manager (ATM) ZID-2 Assistant Air Traffic Manager (AATM) 1 Supervisory Personnel Management Specialist ZID-3 Operations Managers (6) 37 Operations Supervisors ZID-TMO Traffic Management Officer 3 Supervisory Traffic Management Coordinators 1 Supervisory Flight Data Specialist ZID-17 Support Manager for Training ZID-505 Support Manager for Quality Assurance ZID-510 Support Manager for System Requirements ZID-530 Support Manager for Operations

i personnel in communication with AAL 77 and responsible for radar tracking. Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working HNN sector radar position, accepted hand off from on AAL 77 and established initial communication. Was relieved by Chuck Thomas. Shifano Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working HNN sector radar associate position throughout the entire event. rhgrles Thomas Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working HNN sector radar position, relieved Mr. Gayde and was working the position when radar and communication was lost with AAL 77. Jnseph Eisert (deceased) Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working DAC sector radar position, accepted hand off on datablock from HNN on AAL 77, did not communicate with AAL 77 but assisted in attempts to re-establish radar and radio contact. Theresa Adams Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working DAC sector radar associate position Richard Bvard Air Traffic Control Specialist - Working the Controller in Charge position for Area 3 during the event. Linda Povinelli Operations Supervisor returned to Area 3 and supervised Area 3 efforts concerning AAL 77. John Thomas Operations Manager coordinated facility efforts during the event. Sally Weed Operations Support Manager assisted Mr. Thomas coordinating facility efforts during the event. 5. Excerpts from timeline contained in FAA Form 8020-6, Report number ZDC-ARTCC-212 At 1240z ZID HNN sector (Gayde) established initial radio contact with AAL 77 At 1243z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) issues climb instruction to AAL77, response received. At 1247z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) issues vector to AAL77, response received. At 1250z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) issues route change to AAL77, response received. At 1250z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) initiates handoff to ZID DAC sector At 1256z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) makes several attempt to contact AAL 77 At 1257z ZID HNN controller (Thomas) advises DAC radar controller (Eisert) about the situation. HNN and DAC sectors continue attempt ing to establish radar and radio contact.

If you have any questions or need more information please call. Bill Orr ZID-505 317-339-9014


U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration


INFORMATION: Presidential 9/11 Commission Follow Up

From: Manager, Air Traffic Tactical Operations, ATT-1




. 4 'd£3


Attn. of:

Director of Air Traffic, AAT-1 Below is information pertinent to the ongoing Presidential 9/11 Commission Inquiry. All employees at the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) who reported for duty on September 11, 2001 between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m., as well as anyone who was directly involved in the gathering of information from the Command Center's internal investigation, were asked the following question pertaining to documentation of 9/11 events. "Do you, as an individual, have any written or electronic document with information pertaining to events that occurred on September 11, 2001?" The following is a list of Command Center employees and their response to the above question. Managers Dan Smiley John White Benedict Sliney Linda Schuessler Ellen King Jack Kies Patrick Harten Lorraine Vomacka Tim Grovac

No No No No No No No No No

Staff Jill Charlton Carla Lounsbury Ann Bishop Debbie Hartman Sean Corcoran Patty Swenor Henry Butler Forrest Terral

No No No No No No Retired, no forwarding phone number No

Carol Catron Steve Bell Paul Branch Troy Gascoyne Karen Farley Rhonda Sharp Sharon Price Chuck Vomacka George Dabrowski Don Jaeger Scott Fox Toni Ann Vigil

No No No No No No No No No No No No

NTMO Tom Paccione Glenn Godfrey Tom StClair Mike Artist Duane Amann Tim Smith Stan Stefancic Arthur Klassen John Shaffrey

No No No No No No No No No

West Tom Allen David Jaynes Nick Collins Pam Adams Tom Asby Terry Bynum Dana Whitman Greg Elwood Bill Doyle

No No No No No No No No No

SPT Andy Archut Joe Dotterer Doug Balok Mike Brennan Joe Rather Bill Failor

No No No No No No

Severe Weather Ricky Bell Patricia Harshman Joe Hof

No No No

Jim Johnston Michael Murphy Dale Curran Margaret Hartman Brian Holguin Cliff Keirce Randy LeVangie Mike Horvath Jeff Richards

No No No No No No No No No

East Harry Bergman Bill Broach Joe Furman Wanda Jordan Anne Krachey Frank Loy David Maher Mike McNulty Ken Palmes Rob Raske Jim Ratkus Richard Sickle Denzil Simmonds Anthony Smith Pat Somersall Richard Sullivan Robert Whittemore Tony Polzin

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

TCA Bruce Cameron Joe Hart

No No

CARF Ralf Beard Ray Brooks Tim McHale Tony Moreno Robert Williams

No No No No No

NQTAMS Marquette Bradley Dino Rovito Tommie Smith Judy Terry Phil Vigil

No No No No No

Mike Fedowitz


CSA Patricia Gay Judy Merrill

No No

ccwu Steve Wagner Rick Wise Janice Collier Duane Torbert

No No No No

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