T7 B10 Fbi 302s Olsen Fdr- 302s Re Larry Wansley 371

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: M-INT-00139728 : 265A-NY-280350-302-26996 * 09/28/2001 : LARRY A WAMSLEY : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription 09/29/2001 „ •<>$ LARRY A WANSLEY. Managing Director Oirnnrate Snruritv


Privacy J was interviewed at his place of employment. Also present during the interview was GEORGE D BARTULEVICZ,. AnalystRavenue Protection Corporate Security. American Airlines, telephone number! .-".'." ;. * j After ueing advised ot the identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the interview WANgLEY and BARTULEVICZ provided the following information: reservations for 91 passengers to travel on three different flights, departing from John F Kennedy International Airport JFK to Los Angeles International Airport LAX on 09/29/2001 . These, tickets were one way and were to be paid for with cash at the time of final booking. All ef the booked had Middle Eastern names: i 7~"\brovided the following contact telephone numbers^ I ~l The reservation time limit expired and no tickets were issued for the reservation. Printouts of the reservations were provided to the interviewing agent and have been placed in the 1A sub file. J made reservations for 90 passengers to travel on flight #32, departing from LAX to JFK on 09/29/2001. These tickets were one way and were to be paid for with cash at the time of final booking. Ail of the passengers booked had Middle Eastern names. I iclaimed that the passengers were going to/ continue from JFK to Cairo, Egypt aboard an Egypt Air flight that departed at approximately. 11 :OOPMi /was not a travel agent, nor was he traveling with the group. I /provided the following

contact telephone numbers:! hnma I


TfarsimilB Thasa tirkats ware allagftrily firm


but American Airlines did not have any record of these tickets being Issued. Printouts of the reservations were provided to the interviewing agent and have been placed in the 1A sub file.

Investigation on 09/28/2001

F»e# by

265A-NY-280350-302 SA|

at Dallas, Texas




9/11 Law Enforcement „. Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17, 2003 10:49 am

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M-INT-00005069 265A-NY-280350-302-32188 09/21/2001 BOB SCHULER, AMERICAN AIRLINES OPERATIONA CENTER, FORT WORTH FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription

09/21 /2001

Bob Schuler, American Airlines Operations Center, Fort Worth, telephone numberT" 1waa<x>ntaeted t e l e p h o n i c a l l y . 0 / 1 1 After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and J

Investigation on 09/21/2001

at Dallas, TX

File # by

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

telephonically Date dictated

265A-NY-280350 SSd

09/21/2001 I

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 17,2003 10:50 am

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M-INT-00024604 265A-NY-280350-302-40384 10/08/2001 _ INFO FROM AA RE: FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -




LARRY WANSLEY. AMERICAN AIRLINES AA Security, reported that AA First Officer pilot I I made derogatory statements referencing 9/11/01 to Include "ifs about time" and "it was meant to be". _PejT

Personal Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

^_^^ rle is scheduled to be re-evaluated on 10/15/01 and needs to be cleared by AA medical before he can return to work. IIIA and indices checks negative. CCH clear.

Investigation on 10/8/01 File*

at DFW Airport, TX Date dictated

280A-NY-280350 by

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 17,2003 10:50 am



: : = : :

M-INT-00070950 265A-NY-280350-302-21991 09/20/2001 LARRY WANSLEY. AMERICAN AIRLINES DIRECTOR OF SECURITY FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1-


09/21 /2001

Pursuant to a Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas Division request, AMERICAN AIRLINES AA Director of Security, Larry Warjsley. advised that AA is not aware of anyone at AA releasing a transcript of a telephone call involving AA flight attendant Sweeney. On 09/20/01. SAI teelaved this information to SIOC via telephone.

.,9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Investigation on 09/20/01 File # by

at Dallas, Texas Date dictated

265D-NY-280350 I IPHHS


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 17,2003 10:49 am

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M-INT-00002892 265A-NY-280350-302-3005 09/11/2001 BETTY ONG FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription


DL-336 Case #265D-NY-280350 This is a taped telephone conversation between Flight Attendant BETTY ONG,of AMERICAN AIRLINES and the AMERICAN AIRLINES SOUTHEAST RESERVATION CENTER, WINSTON and VANESSA. She was on Flight 11 of AMERICAN AIRLINES. Today's date is September 11, 2001.

Investigation on 09/11/2001 File* 2fiSD-KIY-28Q350 by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

at Terry, North Carolina


Date dictated 09/11/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

September 17.2003 10:49 am


265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/11/2001



LARRY WANSLEY WANSLEY: Today's date is September 11,2001. The time is 12:28 p.m., Central Time. I'm LARRY WANSLEY. Managing Director, Corporate Security, American Airlines, Dallas Headquarters, telephone number, 817 967-2140. I'm on the line with NYDIA GONZALEZ who will relay a conversation and statement as to what transpired this morning. NYDIA would you please state your name and spell it, etc. NYDIA GONZALEZ ,. GONZALEZ: My name is NYDIA GONZALEZ N-Y-D-I-A, GONZALEZ, G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z. I'm calling number[ WANSLEY:

And NYDIA, you are at the RALEIGH RESERVATION CENTER. Is that correct?


I'm at the SOUTHEAST RESERVATION CENTER in Terry, North Carolina. . •••••"'" WANSLEY: And your telephone number is? . GONZALEZ:

!'~ I


Okay, and uh, would you relate the incident as it occurred this morning?


I'm the Operations Specialist on duty at the time and I would say at approximately 8:20, one of our employees received a phone call from, from a flight attendant on one of our flights. She answered the call through our International Resolution Desk who in turn hit the emergency



9/1 *

Personal Privacy }

Area code|_



\n and at that time I started listening on a call. The flight attendant's name was BETTY ONG and she was relaying to us what was happening on the aircraft. Letting us know about uh two gentlemen who had gotten into the cockpit and how two of the flight attendants had been stabbed. WANSLEY: | ' i

Okay NYDIA, uh it is my understanding that that conversation is recorded. Is that correct?


I have it recorded and do you want It?

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FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of

September 17,2003 10:49 am


, On 09/11/2001

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Yes, if you will proceed and play it.


I'm gonna try to play it now, I don't

FLIGHT ATTENDANT BETTY ONG: Ul This is ah ONG. We can't breathe Ul. He's got mace or something. WINSTON:

Can you describe the person that you said went into the flight deck or Ul?


I'm, I'm sitting in the back coming back from business. Can you hold on for one second, he's coming back?

Unintelligible noise in background. ONG:

On, on number one. He stood upstairs Ul. Ah, nobody knpws what he's going to do. UI Ah, I'm Ul is his Ul right now. Ul Ah, we can't get to the cockpit, the door won't open. Hello?


Can you Ul information relative to ah, you know, force, force that. Uhm, at this point? What operation, what flight are we talking about, Flight 12?


Right now? Okay. We're on Flight 11 right now. Flight 11.


Flight 11, okay.


Ul we are working on




One of the flight attendants Ul has been

stabbed. VANESSA:

Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit?


We cant even get a manager to the cockpit. We dont know whafs going on up there.

[PDF page 3] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)




Continuation of FD-302 of WINSTON: ONG:





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September 17,200310:49 am


. On 09/11/2001

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Ul keep the door closed and Okay. Ul Did you seen the girl who got stabbed? I think the guys are up there. They might have gone, they are on their way up there or, or

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something. Nobody can call the cockpit to see if we can get inside. Hey, is anybody still there? WINSTON:

Yes, I'm still here.


Okay, I'm staying on the line as well.


Okay. Ul, who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant, or who? Ul


We need for Ul call. I'm number three. I'm number three on this flight. Ul on this flight and Ul Flight 11 Ul. Have you guys called anyone else? You know, ah somebody's calling medical and we cant get them. ,

UNIDENTIFIED MALE UM: Ul Is anybody there? Is anybody there? WINSTON: ONG:

What, what seat are you in? What seat are you in? We've just left Boston and we're up in the air. We're suppose to go to LA and Ul.


But what seat? Whafs the number of your seat?


Okay. I'm in the jump seat right now. 3R Okay, are you the flight attendant? I'm sorry, did you say you're the flight attendant?



(PDF page 4] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of WINSTON: ONG: WINSTON: ONG: WINSTON. ONG:

September 17,2003 10:49 am


, On 09/11/2001



Hello, what is your name? Uhm, you'll have to speak up. I can't hear you. What is your name? Okay, my name is BETTY ONG. I'm number three on Flight 11. Okay. The cockpit is not answering their calls and there's somebody back in business class and there, we cant breathe in business class. Somebody's got mace or something.

Page 4


Can you describe the person that you said, someone is flying business class?


I'm, I'm sitting in the back, he's coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second, he's coming back.

Unintelligible in background. ONG:

Our, our number one who Ul stabbed. Or, something stabbed. Ah, nobody knows who stabbed who and we can't even get up to business class because nobody can breathe. Our number one in Ul stabbed right now. In number five. The first class passenger that, ah first ah class galley flight attendant and our passenger is stabbed. We cant get to the cockpit, the door won't open. Hello?


Yeah, we're getting all the information. We're also, you know, of course, recording this. Uhm, at this point?


This is operations. What flight number are we

talking about? WINSTON:

Flight 12.


Flight 12. okay.

[PDF page 5] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of ONG:


, On 09/11/2001



Okay, we are Flight 11 right now. This is Flight 11.


This Is Flight 11, okay. Boston to Los Angeles. Yeah.


And the one that has been stabbed and our flight attendant has been stabbed.


Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit?


We can't even get into the cockpit. We don't know who's up there.


Ul keep the door closed and

ONG: I'm


September 17,2003 10:49 am

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Can they not see the girls get upset? I think the guys are-up there. They might have gone or they are on their way up there or, or something. Somebody can call the cockpit. We cant even get inside. Is anybody still there?


Yes, we're still here.


Okay, I'll stay on the line as well.




Ul who is calling reservations? Is it a flight attendant or who?


I believe her name is BETTY ONG.




I'm number three, I'm number three on this flight. Ul on this flight.

[PDF page 6] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

, .„., ,

265P-NY-28Q350 Continuation of FD-302 of



, On 09/11/2001



Yeah. I'm Flight 11.


From where to where? Have you guys called anyone else?


No, we're just calling medical and we can't get

Recording concluded. GONZALEZ: WANSLEY:

** '

September 17,2003 10:49 am

That's as far as it goes. Okay. The conversation lasted another five or ten minutes but that's all the recording we have?






Communications is checking into it to find out why cause the emergency button was on the whole time.


Okay, okay, as you recall, what was the ah, the balance of the conversation? Can you?


We were trying to determine uh, at that point I was on the phone with CRAIG, to determine whether there had been an fatalities or what if they had any description of, or if there had been any PA

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announcements made from the ah, from the pilots. If they had gotten any word from anyone like that. WANSLEY:

I see, and, and you didnt, you didnt have anymore follow-up uh as to those questions?


No, no she just repeated the same, she uh gave us the condition of the number one flight attendant at one point. She became conscious, they were giving her oxygen, and ah then she told us that one of their passengers, DANIEL LORD, I think the name was, uh, they believed him to be fatally stabbed.



[PDF page 7] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of

, On 09/11/2001


He was one of our passengers in first class.





And then she started telling us about how erratically the flight was going, descending really fast and sideways.


Okay, and she was at the rear of the plane on the jump seat. Is that right?


And she told us how the first class passengers had been brought back to coach.


Uh, anything else that you recall?


Uh, basically that was it.


September 17,2003 10:49 am



Okay, so uh, at, at the end of that conversation did she say anything about uhm, where we're going in or did it just


No, no.




No, at that point she was just saying, "Oh, my God, the flight, ifs going down, ifs going down."


Okay, those were her last comments?


Basically, "We're, we're going down." Yeah, and she did ask for us to pray for her.


Okay. Did, ah, I assume that she was on a cell phone is that right?

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Uh. I, I don't know. We didn't determine that. Okay, 1.1 wanted to clarify that if you had that information.


With WINSTON and ah VANESSA to see If they recall.

[PDF page 8] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350 :;

Continuation of FD-302 of WANSLEY:


. On 09/11/2001



Okay. Well, NYDIA. I think that uh. that'll conclude what we need to do at this particular point if you can, if you can fax those two statements to me.


I will.

END OF TAPE. [PDF page 9]

September 17,2003 10:49 am

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: M-INT-00016612 : 265A-NY-280350-CE-1021 = 09/11/2001 :I ~| : FD-362 (Rev. 10-6-95)..



RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS DL267 AND CE66 I was interviewed at her place of employment, AMERICAN AIRLINES AA SOUTHEASTERN RESERVATION CENTER SERO. 500 Gregso.n Drive, Gary, North Carolina, telephone numbeff ..... fohafe she Is currently employed as thef""" /of After being advised as.tothg identity of the interviewing agent and as to the nature of the interview,

•'' 9/1 1 Personal Privacv -


haf o l l o w i n ginformation: _ . . . . " '

Dstated she had been in contact with Corporate! Security in Dallas, Texas.,.on Thstant date, i "Tidentified . Managing Security Director LARRY WANSLEY as her contact .. ; r ktatadat approximately 8:20 that morning, a call had ./ come in from Flight 11 leaving Boston from a flight attendant J-" , FA on board and had been routed in some fashion tq Customer Service Agent CSA VANESSA MINTER. At some point duririg the conversation, the record button hadJjafinJliland four minutes of the conversation was recorded. I tadvised the total conversation lasted approximately 28 minutes. L-_I_.J ad vised during the conversation, passengers seated in seats 2A and 2B and 10B were listed by the FA as individuals who had participated in the takeover of Flight 11.1 Tstatedthat at some point during the telephone call, MINTER transferred the call to another agent, WINSTON SADLER. I :ildentified the individuals designated by the FA as participating: as follows: Passenger 2A was .identified as WAIL ALSHEHR1 Passenger 2B wa> identified as WALEE ALSHEHRI Passenger 10B was identified as SATAM AL SUQAMI |_ j stated that a FA onboard a moving aircraft could be in contact with the reservations office by either using any telephone ta dial 1-800-433-7300, or by using the flight telephone aboard the airline and dialing *077, *055, or *044. "Vxplained that the "*" numbers were used by FAs naoituauy to place customers in contact with reservation agents so that they could change their flight plans or make connections.

Investigation on 09/11/2001 File # by

at Gary, North Carolina

9/11 Law Enforcement 09/12/2001 Privacy \s document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Date dictated

26Sp-NY-280350-CE SA]

and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 10, 2003 5:55 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of I


, On 09/11/2001


I tstated that if an airline utilized the "** system on their flight phones located in 1he airplane, then all calls were routed to the Gary. North Carolina, facility. I Istated if the 1800 number was utilized, then the call could go to one of seven 7 facilities in the United States depending on the call volume being experienced at the time. I Istated that the Cary, North Carolina, facility would be just one of thpse..s.e.y.en.7 facilities. I ladvisedtrte flight phone used in AA airplanes was operated by AT&T Digital.




'' 9/11 Personal Privacy

I {reported that a customer had called earlier that day on September 11, 2001 ...concerning her father's toiletries being replaced by switches and mechanisms. I , ' lined that-GuStomen Italaphopenumbeft r -, complained that herfatherl -:-l-had flown on Flight 2076 on September 9, 200Y,"trom LJallaff-hort Worth to Portland, Oregon. During that flight, a.smali plastic bag full of fuses and a five page fax written in Arabic was somehow placed intol tluggage.


i "Istated that each AA employee who had spoken to FA BETTY ONG had been asked to write a brief statement of the , facts they had obtained from the telephone call. These original . statements and the original typed statements of two were giver/to the interviewing agent. In total.1 rprovided the , following original documentation to the interviewing agent which were placed into evidence: •1. A handwritten statement by WINSTON SADLER. 2. A typed statament hyF

\. A handwritten statement byj_

4. A typed statement by NYDIA E. GONZALEZ. 5. A signed typed statement by|


6. A handwritten multiple page statement by VANESSA MINTER. 7.

A typed version of MINTER's statement.


A typed version of SADLER'S statement

[PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


SeptembeMO, 2003 5:55 pm

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265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of


, Oh 09/11/2001

9. A printout on passenger MOHAMED ATTA, seated in Seat 8D who had purchased a one-way ticket on Flight 11.

, Page


9/11 Personal Privacy

10. A passenger printout on SATAM AL SUQAMI, who was seated in Seat 10B on Flight 11. 11. A printout of upgrades and occupancy of the flight 11. 12. A passenger list for Flight 11 printed on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, at 9:07. 13. A computer printout of a passenger list dated September 11,2001, for Flight 11. [PDF page 3]

September 10,2003 5:55 pm



: : = : :

M-INT-00016607 265A-NY-280350-CE-1018 09/12/2001 NYDIA E. GONZALEZ FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription


RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS: DL267; CE66; AND CE233 NYDIA E fiONZAI F7 Hisnanir. fomalfi hnrrT

"9/11 Personal Privacy

J was interviewed at her place of employment, American Airlines AA Southeastern Reservation Center SERO, 500 Gregson Drive, Gary, North Carolina 27511, telephone m i m h a r l T Afterfaaingadvised of trtft


identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, GONZALEZ provided the following Information:


enforcement Privacy

GONZALEZ is a Reservation Operations Specialist for the AA, employee number 072048. She has been working for AA for approximately 20 years. The SERO is one of several AA's air travel reservation call centers. Their main reservation center is located In Dallas, Texas. GONZALEZ is a supervisor in charged of monitoring calls and coordinating any emergency calls with their main office as necessary. . . . - .,,, ... On September 11, 2001. on or about 8:20 AM, GONZALEZ was at her desk when she received an emergency signal light on her telephone console, (the emergency signal can be initiated by. any AA reservation agent by pressing a button at their desk, whenever they receive a call deemed to be emergency in nature.) The emergency signal light was initiated by WINSTON SADLER, one of the reservation agent on duty, who received a call from a/ woman identified as BETTY ONG. GONZALEZ monitored the telephone conversation between SADLER and ONG. ONG identified herself as the "number 3" flight attendant FA on the AA flight number 11, from Boston to Los Angeles. ONG said that she was sitting on the "jump seat 3R" at the rear of the aircraft, and she advised that somebody got stabbed in business class, onboard the airplane. At that point, GONZALEZ contacted CRAIG MARKEE, the manager on duty at the AA Security Operations Control SOC located in Dallas, Texas. GONZALES was coordinating the call with MARKEE while she monitored the conversation between SAD.LER and ONG. ONG reported that the number 1 and number 5 FA's got stabbed, and that nobody can get into the cockpit. GONZALES deduced later in the

Investigation on 09/12/2001

at / Gary, North Carolina

File #


Date dictated 265D-NY-280350-CE





This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It Is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 2:41 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of

Nydia E. Gonzalez

, On 09/12/2001

, Page 2

conversation that the lead FA, number 1, had been seriously stabbed and might be unconscious. The number 1 FA was on oxygen at some point. The number 5 FA was also stabbed, but the injury was not serious. GONZALEZ said that ONG was at the rear of the airplane and did not see the knife weapon. GONZALEZ was relaying the information back to MARKEE as ONG described the situation on the ,''.v.t'it^'".i«Ci'-f .:>«. , - r . - . .• • •• .• -' - •• airplane. GONZALEZ advised that when SADLER pressed the emergency button, the telephone conversation was being recorded automatically on a Rockwell telephone recording device. The recording device is capable of recording only up to 4 minutes. The duration of telephone contact with ONG lasted approximately 23 to 25 minutes. She said that the recorded portion of the conversation was provided to the FBI. The unrecorded portion of the conversation is as follow: ONG advised that there appeared to be two passengers locked in the cockpit, one of which was assigned to seat 10B, business class, under the name of AL SUGAMI phonetic. ONG was getting this information from other flight attendants. She did not see the two passengers, and could not provide any physical descriptions of them. GONZALEZ asked ONG about the condition of all passengers and whether the flight crew made any announcements. ONG said that no announcements were made, and that the passengers in coach class suspect something was going on, but were not aware of the situation. ONG said that the First Class passengers were moved to Coach, and that the Business Class cabin was sprayed with possibly mace. ONG said that it was difficult to breathe, and it was difficult to see what was going on in the Business and First Class. ONG told GONZALEZ that she was informed by other FA's that a passe'riger by the name of DANIEL LEWIN may have been fatally wounded. GONZALEZ said that LEWIN may have been on sit 9B, but that information is not confirmed. ONG kept GONZALEZ appraised of the flying condition of the airplane, and that from time to time the airplane was taking rapid descents and flying sideways, erratically. Throughout the call, GONZALEZ did not hear much commotion on the background. There were moments in the conversations where ONG asked for their prayers. GONZALEZ tried to keep the line open and kept ONG talking. At one point, ONG started to cry and said "Oh God Oh God, what is going onl" and the call ended. GONZALEZ later saw what [PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

September 5, 2003 2:41 pm

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265D-NY-280350-CE Continuatlorrof-PB'-SO^of

Nydia E. Gonzalez

, On 09/12/2001

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happened on the television news coverage of the destruction of the World Trade Center. On a separata matter. GONZALEZ told the writar about another call on or

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

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September 5, 2003 2:41 pm



: M-4NT-00046016 : 265A-NY-280350-302-6545 =09/11/2001 : DAVID DIVAN, CORPORATE SECURITY : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



On September 11,2001, DAVID DIVAN, Corporate Security. American Airlines, 4601 Highway 360, Dallas, Texas, telephone number:! ~1 was contacted at his place of employment by a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI, Dallas Division. DIVAty provided one copy of a recording of a phone conversation between an American Airlines AA Flight Attendant, Betty Ong, Flight #11, and the AA Reservation Center, on September 11,2001. _. .. . . , ... .j-v :::::::; The recording was made by Larry Wanstev. Managing :. Director of Corporate Security, AA, telephone numberC^^J r""~~\during an Interview with Nydia Gonzalez, AA, employee number: I i Southeastern Reservation Center; Raleigh, North Carolina, talophnnn numhar-r


9/11 Personal . <• nvacy

~1 nnring the telephonically

recorded interview, Gonzalez plays an original recording of a phone conversation between Ong. Flight #11, and the Reservation Center, on September 11, 2001. The recording played by Gonzalez appears to have been made during the highjacking of AA Flight #11. During the recording, Ong describes the assault on the crew and passengers. The recording ends prior to the crash of the flight. Gonzalez states that she was on the phone with Ong for approximately five more minutes after the recording ended. DIVAN made a copy of the recording made by Wansley in the presence of a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas Division, and then provided the FBI with that copy. Additional copies of the tape were made by Dallas FBI. The original copy, provided to Dallas FBI, and the copies made by Dallas FBI, are in the custody of Dallas FBI ELSUR.

Investigation on . , ..,,...08/11/200,1 File #


at Dallas, Texas

~"<)/\\w . D a t e dictated





Enforcement Privacy J

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 10, 2003 10:51 am

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: M-INT-00016604 : 265A-NY-280350-CE~1017 = 09/11/2001 : TROY WREGGELSWORTH : FD-302 {Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



RE: LEAD CONTROL NUMBERS: DL267ANDCE66 TROY WREGGELSWORTH. date of birthP Jvvas interviewed at his place of employment, AMERICAN AIRLINES AA SOUTHEASTERN RESERVATION CENTER. 500 Gregson Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27511, telephone number!"" i. where he is employed as the Systems Analyst for the facility. WREGGELSWORTH, after being advised as to the identity of the interviewing agent, provided the following information:

9/11 Personal i nvacy

WREGGELSWORTH stated the telephonic system utilized by the AA SOUTHEASTERN RESERVATION CENTER otherwise known as SERO, was an "ACD" switch that is produced by ROCKWELL INDUSTRIES and Is known by the generic name of "ROCKWELL SPECTRUM". WREGGELSWORTH stated that ROCKWELL kept a full-time representative on premises who WREGGELSWORTH identified as LARRY YARBROUGH. WREGGELSWORTH explained that airline reservations for the entire United States on behalf of AA is handled through one of seven 7 locations. Those locations are as follows: Hartford designated as ERO Cincinnati designated as CRO Dallas designated as DTRO Fort Worth designed as SRO Tucson designated as SWRO Las Vegas designated as LVRO Raleigh designated as SERO

Investigation on 09/11/2001


Cary, North Carolina

File # by


Date dictated 265D-NY-280350-CE SAj

9/11 Law '

.bnlorcement Privacy

09/12/2001 |

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 17.2003 10:48 am

Page 1

[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265O-NY-280350-CE Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/11/2001



WREGGELSWORTH stated he was aware that a flight attendant FA on AA Flight 11 out of Boston placed a telephone call to the Reservations Center at SERO on instant date. WREGGELSWORTH stated that all incoming calls come into the telephone circuit and are routed to the appropriate Customer Service Agent CSA. WREGGELSWORTH stated the system did employ a recording ability and that agents merely have to push an emergency button which would record telephone calls for approximately four minutes in total. WREGGELSWORTH stated after 4 minutes, the system automatically shut off the recording. WREGGELSWORTH stated in instant matter, the telephone call from the FA on AA Flight 11 had lasted much longer than four minutes and that only the first four minutes of the telephone call had been captured by the system. WREGGELSWORTH informed that the telephone system would not erase the call in its main circuitry. WREGGELSWORTH and YARBROUGH made an off-line duplicate of the telephone call to ensure that the file was backed up. This file in its original format Is in a ROCKWELL proprietary software format and can only be listened to through that format in its original state. WREGGELSWORTH copied the original ROCKWELL recording, converting it to a WAV format. WREGGELSWORTH stated he did this conversion to a WAV format so that he could e-mail a copy of the recording to his corporate security in Dallas, Texas. WREGGELSWORTH Identified the individual in corporate security that he e-mailed the WAV copy to as LARRY WANSLEY. the Managing Director of Corporate Security. YARBROUGH routed original ACD call in the ROCKWELL format to a stand-alone computer connected to the phone system so it would be safe from any computer crashes. It is encoded in the exact ROCKWELL format that it was received. [PDF page 2]

September 17,2003 10:46 am

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: M-INT-00013035 : 265A-NY-280350-302-51589 =09/11/2001


: FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) • 1FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription


JANET PADILLA, Regional Reservations Manager, was interviewed at her place of business, 11555 West Touhy Avenue. Chicago, Illinois 60666, telephone numbarT" 1. PADILLA was advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and sta then provided the following information: PADILLA was provided with the names of nine individuals from UNITED AIRLINES Flight 175 and Flight 93. PADILLA was asked to identify any and all baggage checked as well as provide any additional information available for those passengers. FAYEZ AHMED, seat 2A checked two bags, claim number 776214 and 776215. He was checked In by GAIL JAWAHIR. employee numberd^^ MOHALD ALSHERI in seat 2B was checked in by GAIL JAWAHIR and had no checked bags: ALSHERJ was traveling with MARWAN ALSHEHHI who sat in seat 6C. MARWAN ALSHEHHr cheeked one.bag -through-to-Las Vegas, claim number 775635. ALSHEHHI was checked in bvl H etnptovse fiteF^^-AHMEP'AtiGtfAMDTTn seat9D ^;;^9/11 checked two bags through to San Francisco, claim number 772897 and . :;-:v: 7 Personal 772898. ALGHAMDI was checked in by GAIL JAWAHIR. HAMZA ALGHAfcJD:l::;>Privacy sat in seat 9C, checked no bags and was checked in by GAIL JAWAH1B, " file 41389. ..,• ' ..,•••<-"".,••'' Regarding Flight 93, AHMED A.LNA1vii sat in..sea{.3C arid / / checked two baas, claim number 777391 and 777392. "ALNAMI was checked in by I [employee file .numberd^U SAEED ALGHAMDI was seated in seat 3D. ALGHAMDI did not check any / / baggage. AHMED ALHAZNAWI sat.in seat 6B and checked one baa with . claim number 77914. ^^^MM ALHAZNAWI was checked in *bvl i, ^:. . . -j... . """^m^^m^^^ employee file numberl l-'?IAD JARRAH sat in seat 1B and did .riot check in any baggage. JARRAH was checked in bvl I' employee file numhari i All the above named individuals had no inquiry phone calls made on their behalf to United Airlines. ALNAMI, telephone number 954 771-0620, 755 Dotterel Road, Apt. 1504, Del Ray Beach, Florida 33444, left a telephone number that no one answered, therefore no one could be contacted.

Investigation on ,... ,...,.,,,t.„..„:^a/J4^200-t.,

at Chicago, Illinois

File# by

Date dictated 265A-NY-280350 SAi


9/11 Law

Enforcement Privacy This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5,2003 2:12 pm


Page 1

[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 09/10/2001



ALNAMI was traveling with SAEED ALGHAMDI with the same contact jflfaranatiQD* ALHAZNA.WI .provided the same contact telephone number, but no address. These three people bought first class one-way tickets. JARRAH provided telephone number 954 920-5190 and an address of 1816 Harding Street, Hollywood, Florida 33020 as his contact information. When dialed, this telephone number had no answer. JARRAH also bought a one-way first class ticket. FAYEZ AHMED provided telephone number 954 815-3004 and an address of 14545 J Military Trail 180, Del Ray Beach, Florida 33484, as his contact information. This telephone number was answered by a phone mailbox. AHMED was traveling with ALSHEHHI and provided the same contact information. Both bought one-way first class tickets. AHMED ALGHAMDI provided telephone number 561 2781762 and an address of 1730 South Federal Highway, NBR 260, Del Ray Beach, Florida 33483 as contact information for himself and HAMZA ALGHAMDI. ALGHAMDI also provided an E-Mail address [email protected] when he bought his ticket over the internet. HAMZA ALGHAMDI provided the same contact Information as AHMED ALGHAMDI. Both ALGHAMDIs bought one-way first class tickets.

9/11 Personal Privacy

[PDF page 2]



: M-INT-00059879 : 265A-NY-280350-302-15602 =09/15/2001 :I I : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



..^*°"".-S''.••'''.-•'// Personal September 15, 2001 f ^ * \ * ' ' ' ' ~ " . . - • : : ^ ' " , . • • ' " /'// Privacy was Interviewed at his home by Det.r and Det.l regarding Lead # 1168. After being advTsed. of the nature of the Interview I 1 provided the following ^f information. .,.--'" i totaled that on 08/19/2001 "at 1100 hpurs, he was .-;?' / driving his car out of a parking spot ..located oh piUrtas Avenue ..-ff /••/ , / Brooklyn. At said time . he observed three 3 people exiting I I / I t: two 2 men and one 1 woman who were . / all said to be young and Arabic.f~ rstatas that he Jtgard / then speaking Arabic , and adds that the men were carrying a dark / colored cloth-type baa.I Isaid he drove pasttfie group,, / and returned a half hour later to see the same group at same locy ; / ation. Said persons were described byj _^'3^ b01" males had ''Hi dark hair, It. facial hair, 19-20 y/o, 5'07,160-170,lbs.; woman // , had dark hair, 20 y/o, and western looking. / On this date, the undersigned offitMrs were present at/ / / tend I conferred With building manader,) f /in-formed me that InApt^.a male Arabic lives with his girlfriend. I did speak witht. V ,: I [who stated that she lives yrithL——Li; | ^Xahrf informed that she did recall standing in front of her building waiting for a friend to pick-up herself I"""/""! and another mate .1 ~"~V She stated that they were going to the laundry to wash clothes, and thaL___Jwas holding the laundry bag. She said that the friend never arrived to pick them up. I did speak withi Kwho was at work., and confirmed the story.

Investigation on 09-15-2001



at newyork

File #

. 1168 Detj Del

A ';'' . y / 11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Date dictated 09-15-2001

1 1

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF Page 1]

September 5, 2003 5:18pm

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