T7 B10 Fbi 302s Homer Fdr- 302s Re Joseph Lawless 356

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M-INT-00032576 265A-NY-280350-302-41629 09/27/2001 JUVES, JOSE 10/4/01 On September 27,2001, U.S. Department of Commerce DOC. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Special Agent! Isa Klnrth Shrth street, New Bedford, Massachusetts, telephone nurnbea land DOC/NOAA Special Agent| interviewed by phone JOSE JUVES, Massachusetts Port Authority MASSPORT Harborside Drive, East Boston, Massachusetts. JUVES was interviewed regarding a newspaper article s in THE BOSTON GLOBE and BOSTON HERALD stating a metal blade was left on AMERICAN AIRLINES flight 147, from PARIS, FRANCE, was a tool left on the plane by maintenance workers. JUVES stated he was contacted by THE BOSTON GLOBE, reporter TOM PALMER and BOSTON HERALD reporter JOE BATEFIELD on September 26, 2001, suggesting a metal blade left on AMERICAN KltemeSW«^W,fnSrPARll; FRANCE, was a tool left on the plane by maintenance workers.

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JUVES stated he contacted MASSACHUSETTS Director of Aviation ED FRENI and Director of Public Safety JOE LAWLESS regarding the aforementioned. JUVES stated he was not told by FRENI or LAWLESS the metal blade was a maintenance tool left on the plane by maintenance. JUVES stated he did not tell either reporter the metal blade was a maintenance tool left on the plane by maintenance. JUVES stated he described the metal blade to the reporters, however, JUVES stated he did not deny the blade was a maintenance tool left on the plane by maintenance.


East Boston, MA..


265A-NY-280350-302 9/28/01 S t f l U S D O C . N O A A / v i SAU_ / USbOC.NOAA [PDF page 1] 265A-NY-280350-302 JoseJuves

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M-INT-00032586 265A-NY-280350-302-41639 09/27/2001 LAWLESS, JOE 10/3/01 On September 27,2001, U.S. Department of Commerce DOC National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Special Aaentj \53 North Sixth Street, New - * -"' ' - ' JartdDOC/NOAA Special Agantl Interviewed by phone JOELAWLESS. Massachusetts Port Authority Director of Public Safety, Harborside Drive, East Boston, Mass. EDWARD FRENI was . Interviewed regarding information he told JOSE JUVES about a metal blade on AMERICAN AIRLINES flight 147, from PARIS, FRANCE.. LAWLESS stated he gave JUVES a description of the metal blade as a piece of metal, three quarters of an inch 3/4" thick, ten inches 10" long and serrated. When asked by JUVES if this was a maintenance tool LAWLESS said it "could" have been but did not say it was a tool used by maintenance. LAWLESS obtained a description of the metal blade from Massachusetts State TmnparT"


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East Boston, MA.







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at the Orlando Resident AgencyX prior to the interview and requested to talk to agents regarding the incident at the World Trade Center in New York City. Upon being interviewed by the investigating aaents.r~ [provided the following information: ]was in Boston; Massachusetts in the middle of L February, 2001 for approximately five days. The purpose of his visit was to meet with representatives frorrrt

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J had made flight arrangements for his return trip to his home In Orlando, Florida. At that time, he stated he had approximately a two-hour "flying wait" out of Logan International Airport LIA, Boston, Massachusetts. While he was . / waiting for his flight, he observed very poor security withinlhe /;'/ airport. He said employees and security officers at the airport /./' were not paying attention and some appeared to be sleeping. As a' result of his observations at the L1A1 Heft a note in the// security suggestion box, noting his observations concerning the lack of security. I isaid the Director of Security for We LIA later e-malled him regarding his concerns for security.and wanted further suggestions for Improvement, t "Ifespondadfo the e-mail with his suggestions.! ~|recalls getting another e-mail from the Director of .Security requesting additional suggestions for security improvement. I lalso responded to this e-mail, however, never heard from the Director of Security again. J~ tdoes not remember any other communication between himself and the Director of Security. I |took the lack of

,9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

continued communication, addressing his security issues, as a lack of interest in his security concerns at the airport.

Investigation on 09/11/2001 File*

MaitJand, Florida Date dictated

265D-NY-28Q350-TP by




This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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.On 09/11/2000

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Jprovided a copy of the e-mail he received from L the LIA Director of Security, Joseph Lawless, dated 03/16/2001, and a copy of his reply to Lawless, sent via e-mail and dated 03/18/2001. The copy of the two e-mails from! teach contained on one-page, are attached hereto and made a part of this report.

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M-INT-00033261 265A-NY-280350-302-10439 09/13/2001 WE RECEIVED A REQUEST FROM DETECTIVEW (DET.)[ 09/20/01 We received a request from Detective Det. L IPOIILICE DEPARTMENT, who claims to be working with of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI.

They are interested In learning whether MASSPORT sponsored a seminar on airport security in October, 1999. Det. I Iwanted to know If there were two .Saudi Arabian and an Egyptian National who attended that class and, if available, who. I contacted Mr. JOSEPH LAWLESS head of Public Safety at MASSPORT 617-561-3402 who would be the party responsible for presenting such seminar. Mr. LAWLESS remembers some sort of seminar that was put on for airport managers 'around that time but could not recall any details. Mr. LAWLESS instructed his assistant Ms. ROSEMARY REED 781-945-8340 to research this seminar and to provide class list and overview of course if any . of the details are still available. Ms. REED stated because of ongoing operations and news conference scheduled for this AM, she will research this as soon as she has a free period and will notify me. She stated I should have this information by 3 PM. At approximately 3:45 PM from information I received from Ms. REED, two security classes were conducted one in February, 1999 and one in July, 1999.

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The class in February did contain foreign nationals from China and the July class contained only managers from other United States airports. The dass did contain information on how Logan security system works including bay scanning, ramp access, badges, etc. and tours. There were no names listed on class roster that would indicate a potential Egyptian or Saudi citizenship. • Ms. REEO -did suggest that-the companies that provide security for airlines do run tours for diverse groups such as JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY, BOSTON GAS. 09/13/01

Boston, MA ,





If DetectiveL Jcould provide more detailed information names etc. they will try to re-check these files. I notified Detective^

Jbf the results etc.

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