Jeddah. Saudi Arabia November 28, 2001 TO:
Margaret P. Grafeld, Director, A/RPS/IPS SA-2. Room 5073 _>Ri^):d/. Baltimore, III, Consul General Congressional Request: S/ES 200127055, IPS S200I00023
Attached is a chronology of precisely when each of the eleven Saudis who approached the Jeddah Consulate General and subsequently hijacked airliners on September 11" applied for a visa in Jeddah. Following the chronology are copies of applications and all documents available or on file relating to the issuance of their visas, including OF-1 56 forms, when available, and all associated non-immigrant visa (NIV) computer data. This packet contains courtesy copies of OF-156s for the four hijacker's applications processed at Embassy Riyadh (listed on the chronology in regular as opposed to bold type), which were shared with Consulate General Jeddah. Embassy Riyadh has all other information on these four cases and will be submitting it in a separate file. As per paragraph 3 of State 202467, there were three Vice Consuls involved in checking the 1 1 individuals issued visas in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, including the 1997 visa issued to Hani Hanjour under the name of Hani Hanjoor. All Consulate General files were researched. No documents originated by any other United States Government Agencies were found to exist at the time of visa issuance for the 11 Jeddah individuals (and their 16 application files). Telephonic requests to the FAA and FCS offices in Jeddah revealed that they had no information whatsoever in their files on the hijackers. All information in Consulate General files existing at the time the visas were issued, is submitted as requested by State 202467 Consul Michael A. Ordonez, FS 3 spent 9 hours on the research. Security Officer Laurie Darlow. FS 3 spent 1 hour on the research and Security Office Secretary Susan Boyd FP 9, spent 2 hours on the research. Consul Michael A. Ordonez w i l l be responsible for any follow-up in connection with this request. Post requests that the names ot consular officers associated with the issuance of visas listed on the Case Accountability Reports and other visa documents not be released, as per the agreement between Legislative Affairs and the Senate staff detailed in paragraph 3 of State 202467 Law enforcement sensitive information such as telephone numbers on visa applications should be closely held and not be released into the p u b l i c d o m a i n . I hereby attest to the adequacy and completeness of the search as requested in Stale 202467.
CLEARANCE ADDENDUM FOR CONGRESSIONAL REQUEST S/ES 200127055. IPS S200100023 Ron Acuff Kirol Barbour MarkCaudill fl Laurie Darlox^JJohn Long ••>-, Michael Ordonez David Rundell John Waltz ^ /*,