T5 B70 Saudi Flights Fbi Docs 2 Of 4 Fdr- Passenger Interview Tab- Entire Contents- Fbi Docs 687

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Download & View T5 B70 Saudi Flights Fbi Docs 2 Of 4 Fdr- Passenger Interview Tab- Entire Contents- Fbi Docs 687 as PDF for free.

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Date of transcription


DHAMMED SALEH BIN LADEN, Caucasian male, date of birth rr^v t place of birth Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian p.as.sport number! 1 United States visaf* [ home of \d in Saudi Arabia Post Office) \l code |

'• '• Bin Laden stated that he is the nephew of USAMA BIN LADEN. His father is MOHAMMED MOHAMMED BIN LADEN, the half-brother of USAMA BIN iADEtf. Bin Laden has been in the United States, on a student visa since\September 8, 2000. He returned to Saudi Arabia in the summer of 2001, \an<4. returned on September 4. 2001 to the United States to resume school \t 1 , „_ I Bin Laden lives with FAISAL ALMADDUDI (male), and OMAR ALMADDUDI (male)',\who are his "assistants." \n Laden stated that to his knowledge he has never met his uncle, USAMA BIN LADEN. Bin Laden stated that he had no knowledge of the WORLD'.TRADE CENTER terrorist act, the highjackings of AMERICAN AIRLINES Alight 11, and UNITED AIRLINES Flight 175. Bin Laden stated i that no on^ within the local Saudi Arabian community approached him, or tasked him tp assist or support any other Saudi Arabian students, known \or unknown to him. Bin Laden further advised that his father has ^directed hini to return to Saudi Arabia. A lawyer in New York, New York, | \ "1 represents the interests of the bin Laden Family of Mohammed Mohammed bin Laden. Bin 'Laden provided no more information at that this time.

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Investigation on


File# 2 6 5 - D - N Y - 2 8 0 3 5 0





at 1



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1 Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Dept. o f State

This documejjLcontauis. neWier recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the properly of the FBI and is loaned to your agtW<jX-/-» « « « /\ 4

9/11 Personal Privacy \2 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Date of transcription


Nawaf B. Bin Laden,/

\s advas'-ie

L '.Trooper! \" I Massachusetts State Police and ''thereafter provided the following information:

His\father\is Bakr Bin Laden who is a half-brother to Osi-ama Bin Laderk Osaka has fifty two half-brothers and sisters, the majority of 'vhich dp not live in the United States. Currently in the\d States are the following: Abdullah -

] (half-brother)


- At\ meeting/conference in Washington, DC (half-brother,)


- Los Ah-geles, California telepho-ne number') (half-srster)



- Resides at'|_ (half-sister) - Visiting in Florida (half-brother)

According to Nawaf B. Bin Laden his father is the eldest of the\Bin Laden family. Approximately eight years ago the family met\d discussed Osama after his exile. The family and particularly his father as head of the family, disowned Osama. His father is a Saudi Arabian businessman who heads the Saudi Bin Laden droup which is mainly a construction business. Nawaf wa-s asked if he has ever been contacted by any Middle Eastern extremist group. He stated he detests the fanatical groups and will not even entertain a conversation

Investigation on

9 — 13 - 01

File* 265D-NY-280350 by

Date dictated

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This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your "^"S'k « f\ n/\

9/11 Personal Privacy i&r302a (Rev:-1.0-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of


.On 9-13-01

.. Pag*.

'cbndeir-ning it. He did relate a 1-M.ephnne call he received in ApVii-/ '2001, shortly after moving to i I/ from Tys-.pns, Corner, Virginia. A male spoke in Arabic requesting md-ne.y.\e informed the caller he did not speak to strangers and hun.,g\\y two days later a man who spoke in broken English Vhi-ch he swears was the same caller, stated he was an investment, banker and wanted Nawaf to invest in a fund. Again he tbl'd the caller no. This time he noted a 703 area code and the ri-ame on\e caller ID to be a common Arabic name similar to Mohammed. or\Has\san. Nawaf stated the FBI could determine the name because\he '--recalls looking it up on the Internet. Nawaf has AT \ XT as\his\t provider and looked up the name on the MSN\white 'pages. \f provided his uncle Mohammed Bin Laden'S cell phone nuiribefe as: 1 | who works in the family business a.nd\was last''--in the United States in May, 2001, for a visit. \f provided'-.the following as a contact number for

Nawaf '.provided the following contact number for I Veronica (LNU) a s t l ~|"--who was Mohammed Bin Laden 's \personal assistant and resided in 1 I when she lived at Nawaf is\r described as follows: Name: Address:

slawaf B. Bin Laden

Telephone: DOB: SSN:

Education: FOB:


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, On 9 - 1 3 - Q 1

\f stated Doctor Wael Kawach, aitho.ucrh not a blood •relative. is considered family. Kawach resides afc\

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9/26/01 T'AMARA K./BINLADIN, white femafrg, date of birth was interviewed

Residence telephone number \ A'ls/6 in attendance during Vfris i '•'•'-. —f ALCOHOL, TOBACCO \aW FIREARMS (ATF) . After Age'nt (SA) [. beirtg advised of ,,the\y of th^ interviewing ^ge.nts • and the nature of the interview, BINLADIN furnished \the following information: / \ \r to meeting-, and interviewing BINLADIN, 'SA|_ J

IJtelepKonically contacted BINLJADIN \from 'a \telephd-ne located in the lobby security office of t : : : \l '''When BINLADIN hiiti&elf as a. Special answered the telephone, SA Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (-.FBI) . SA I I requeste^'' a couple moments of BINLADIN's time and '^Inquired if she would be7 3.nterested in coming downstairs t'p meet With him (SA •'. ^BINLADIN stated, "pkay. Give me\ coup'^e\f minutes." SA theh inquired, "You' ill dome d4wn?" \BINLAD±N\responded, "Yes". j was Alter approximately ijix to |ten minutes, SA [ advised by t£e security guaircj Qn dutyi that ^irst Name Unknown (FNU) BINLADIN, th4; father of TAMARAJJBINLADJIN, was\n the \telephone and wished to spe^k with SA] r j "1l Whil^ telephonically speaking with KHALILI BINLADIN. SAJ /I identified himseif as a Special Agent with the FBI. \SAT I siajteiji further that \he wishe^ to speak with TAMARA BINLADIN-.. KHALILI 83JNLADIN indicated 'that his Daughter is willing to talk\with SA f / I L but s^ie is veijry frightened. KHALILI BINLADIN inquired if he cduld be present during this interview, via a conference call. \A I I j indicated Ithat this would n6t be a problem. At this\, ^n unidentified white\e exited the elevator and walkd.d towards SA I I This individual identified herself as TAMARA felNLADI. 1 provided the NLADI. At this point, SA i telephone to TAMARA\;DIN and indicated that her father, wished to speak to her. Aftei; a s^iort conversation (15 - 20 seconds') , TAMARA BINLADIN terminated the telephone call. At this point, SA 1 "1 and

9/14/01 265A-NY-280350-302



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''2 6'5.A^N Y- 2^:0.3 5 6'^ap 2



\iden-tifie;;themselve>--..as Special Agents with the FBI and ATF\. SATs. I inquired if she was willing to be inte'rviei-wed a.t th'ls time'.xx'B^NLADIN indicated that she contacted her father a s\e '•••!. s afraid for^tie'r., safety. "--B.INLADIN indicated that she fee Is \comf-pr table now-,, that SA'T--, 1 and SA'I ~l have identified themselves 't.o her-., BIN-LADIN wasxas"ked if she would prefer to conduct this interview in 'the lobby or infrerNajpartment. BINLADIN stated that her\t i.s messy,, as she is'"4rixthe process of moving to a different''-, apartment within the same bui'lding. BINLADIN suggested that the i-nterv'iew take. placeHn the lobby ,are.a.. At this point, all parties proceeded, othe 1-pbby. \. ''--... SA'I ^1 and SA'I HI again identified themselves to BINLADIN by showing \1their credentials--, to BINLADIN. 'SACI | asked BINLADIN if she recai'-ls her telephonie-interview with''--SA ' I ''oil September 13>-,2001. BINLADIN acknowledged that she recalls this, interview. SA'I I stated that during this 'interview, she indicated that she would be willing to answer only certain questions. SAI I inquired if BINLADIN was willing at this time to be interviewed regarding her. family and the incident that occurred at the WORLD TRADE CENTER, New York, New York, on SeptemberXll, 2001, or did she want her attorney present. BINLADIN stated that, she would answer questions and did not want her attorney present. SAI ~| inquired, "Are you willing to answer questions without your attorney?" BINLADIN stated, "Yeah. It's fine. I'll talk with you." BINLADIN currently resides in apartment number..-] |. BINLADIN is currently in the process of moving intg..-ap'artment number BINLADIN is changing apartments as her ...current apartment ) is possibly a handicap accessible .apa'rtment. BINLADIN's brother, SULTAN BINLADIN, 19 years o.f--age, lives with her. BINLADIN is going to keep her current telephone number---I I when she moves to apartment mimbp.r..-r l' SULTAN-Bt'NLADIN is currently in Florida with their p.a-r.:en'fcs . SU.LT-AN""BINLADIN is scheduled to start his freshman vea.r-^t-J I Boston, Massachusetts, next week. ...,::Piie';:::'t'o..-the"" recent events in New York and Washington DC, it is .u#0£r:£ai-n""a's to whether SULTAN BINLADIN will return to Boston

9/11 Personal Privacy

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•.265A-NY-280350-302 '••...TAMARA K. BINLADIN at this tirrte.



9/14/01 ""---...

\A BINLADIN is currently attending"! I Boston, Masssach-usetts. BINLADIN has not attended class since Tuesday, September, 11, 2001. 'BINLADIN will not attend class for the foreseeable\future\N indicated that she is still afraid for her safety. \BINLADIN, has stayed in her apartment for the most part since Tuesday\(September 11, 2001). She is uncertain at this time as to whether she\will remain in Boston. Her parents have been very insistent that ahe and the., rest of her family leave the United States until things calm, down. BltJLADIN indicated that she would like to stay in Boston, however, at this point in time, it appears that she along with her family, may return to Saudi Arabia. BINLADIN moved into herXcurrent apartment in September, 1999. BINLADIN has bee.n attending 1 1 since September, 1999. BINLADIN entered''! 1 as a sophomore. BINLADIN is. majoring in International Relations. BINLADIN is currently in her senior year. She has three semesters to complete in order to receive her degree. BINLADIN anticipates graduating in December, 2002. BINLADIN indicated that she plans on returning to Boston in order to complete her education if she and her family leave the United States within the next few days. BINLADIN does not want her education to go by the wayside. She is currently attempting to make arrangements with Administration personnel to continue her education via electronic mail (e-mail) if she does return to Saudi Arabia. BINLADIN plans on eventually returning to Saudi Arabia to pursue a career in Graphic Design. i BINLADIN identified her mother as ISABEL BINLADIN and her 1 father as KHALILI BINLADIN. Both reside in Florida;/ | I I Her mother is originally from Brazil and her father from Saudi Arabia. TAMARA and SULTAN BINLADIN were born'in Los Angeles, California. TAMARA BINLADIN lived in Los Angeles through the third grade. She returned to Saudi Arabia where she completed grades 4 through 11. She would return to Los Angeles during the summer months. Her parents eventually moved to Florida in order to escape the increasing

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TAMARA K. BINLADIN violence in Los Angeles. I


BINLADIN attended the 12th grade a t | ^

BINLADIN indicated that no distinction is made between using the letter "i" or "e" in the spelling of the BINLADIN name, BINLADIN or BINLADEN. Saudi nationals spell it both ways. There is no right or wrong spelling. The BINLADIN name is one word and not hyphenated. BINLADIN's father has 52 living brothers and sisters. BINLADIN indicated that she has not met all of her aunts and uncles. Her father owns retail toy stores in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the BINLADIN family owns and operates the BINLADIN GROUP. This company was started by her grandfather. The BINLADIN GROUP is involved in many -national and international- ventures, such as, building roads and palaces . BINLADIN indicated that her grandfather passed away approximately 30 years ago. Her grandfather had several wives and many sons and daughters. OSAMA bin-Ladin is her half uncle (her father's half brother). TAMARA BINLADIN has never met or talked with OSAMA bin-Ladin. TAMARA BINLADIN stated that no one in the family talks about OSAMA bin-Ladin. The family cut all ties with OSAMA binLadin many years ago. TAMARA BINLADIN believes no one in the family has current contact with OSAMA bin-Ladin. The Saudi Arabian government had revoked OSAMA bin-Ladin's passport many years ago, possibly in the early 1980's, around the Soviet, Afghan war. At the time that OSAMA bin-Ladin was disowned by the family, he (OSAMA binLadin) was given a percentage of the family business. TAMARA BINLADIN was unable to approximate the portion of the family business provided to OSAMA bin-Ladin.

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9/11- • "Law Enforcement Privacy •

9/11 Personal Privacy

f, fp-392 (Rbv., 10-6-95)


•Da4 of-transcription,. 0 9 / 2 4 / 2 0 0 1 J \n Septembe'T 12, 2001, Special Agent (SA)'"-Ji—j ^eiephonica'XLy coirtacted KHALIL BIN LADEN at CZZZ^3^ J. BIN LADEN ^yas\advised that SA'1 T.was contacting hinji in response 'to information r«ce\ved by th'e FEDERAL BUR'EAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) that\ number of Atabs\d a larq-e amount of activity had bee'n observed a,t hjs re''5ide;nce, ' . '-•. i \on the previous Sunday evening. KHALIL BIN LADEN, ibrother of known terrorist USAMA B''^N LADEN, advoLsed that the oh-ly individuals present, at his resi.deric% were he andx.his personal family members who had arrived at the home'vapproximatelyXpne month ago. The Home is an approximately twenty acire compound located in I ' IBIN LADEN\has ttwned this residence since the latj-e 1970s.

LADEN denied that any other Ariab individuals had been present^ at h'i;s location and further stated tjhat dire,, to the recent . terrorist attacks he feared for, the well beijng of his. family. He then \\f SAM ~\f he knew\of any threajts against-,his personal \family and if 5A~l I believed they were currently in danger. SA I I advised that sentiments within the United States were,, not running very high\with g'-rief and anger overx-the terrorist attacks anU.it was possible that individuals would associate hiis last name with that of terrorist O.SAMA BIN LADEN. KHALIL BlNxLADENi then, inquired if SA'' could recommend any steps which would help tJ.o ensure the safety of his family. SA 1 ~\d that BIN LADENJ obtain an unlisted phone number, sign up for \caller-id, and instalixaln answering machine on his telephone. He was further advised if he st'ip.1 felt that there was a threat, he should contact the .ORANGE COUNTY ^HERIFF'S DEPARTMENT and possibly contract for -pff-duty police office|rs\to provide additional. 1 security. \ 1 On September 1'5, 2001, KAHLIL BIN JLADEN ''left a voicemail on ^the work telephone of SA 1 I requesting that. SAj |"' [contact \iirn as early as possible. On September 16, ^001, SA\ contacted ^AHLEED BIN LADEN whereupon KHALIL BIN LADEN! advised that he feared for the safety of his family and wished to get them out of the country. He t^hen inquired as to whether it would be safe! for them to travel dommercially or whether it would be safer toj charter a flight to Washington D.C. where they could connect with a flight to Saudi Arabia being arranged through the Saudi Arabian embassy for Saudi Nationals.

Investigation on



File* 265A-NY-280350-TP TP^.S2?: TP3756; TP538! by This


Date dictated


-^ conw^j^therrecommendationsnor conclusions of the FBI. it is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agf ^ Q Q Q 0 0 9

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2 ffg A-NY-2 8 035.0'HC.P

Cfcntmuabon of f tX-302 of


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SAl \d KAHLIL BIN--.,LADEN., that he was unsure if commercial flights wer\'trying but he wo'uJLd check on the situation and call him back. X>, \\. "-•-.. '"-••.. V-, Sub'se'-queht '--to contacting appropriate officials to determine if .commercial ''ch'a:ribi$-rs\were flying, SA'I ['obtained information on several r%utable'':::co'rnpah-ies and called back KAHt/IL BIN LADEN to request a face to f'ace m'e.e t:i n'fr'Xt.6'- -. P r oy ide him with information. KHALIL BIN LADEN agree'd, to mkei^-.RA-'l \ at his residence. ""-,.

Updii. arriving;, at, the\e of KHALIL BIN LADEN, KHALIL introduced S A 1 1 to his ''-chii'dren and wife. Thereafter, SA | 1 had a conversation with KHALi'k. BT.N LADEN concerning the current climate in the country and 'questid'ned^him, as to knowledge of his brothers whereabouts. BIN\N ''does\n6t have contact with his brother and does not know where he 'can be Xpc&ted\N LADEN ''was also, gu%s tinned as to any kno agent by the name of | \ who., is alleged to have booked flights for several individuals involved in te-rroris-t acts against the United States. BIN LADEN was advised '''thafe'T T""! claimed to be involved in the booking of flights for high 'level Saa.di Of'fgLcials and members of ithe roy_al family. BIN LADEN stated that he was ''not familiar with ut stated that the companyXhe wprke'd for, 1 1 could be checked out through the. Saudi Arabian Counsel in Houston, Texas. He also advised that, if 1 \d business with SAUDI AIRLINES he would be known by the SAUDI AIRLINE representative in New York or possibly the SAUDI AIRLINE''••representative from Orlando, Florida which has flights during the summer months"..


On 9/17/01 KHALIL BIN LADEN reco'htacted SA'i land asked for assistance in safely transporting his family to ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, SIGNATURE FBO, where a. charter flight had been contracted for through the SAUDI EMBASSY. SA'I I provided BIN LADEN with the name of a limo service and offered to provide an FBI escort to facilitate his families travel to the airport. i

On 9/19/01 KHALIL was provided with an FBI escort to the airport as requested. He was accompanied by his wife and son. At the request of the charter flight crew BIN LADENS luggage was searched prior to their boarding the plane. The planes departure was delayed approximately two hours by the flight crew who refused to fly upon learning the identities of the passengers. The matter wasa resolved after the charter company agreed to pay each flight -crew member an additional five thousand dollars. The crew had been holding out for

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FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of



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$10,000. Prior to departure Bin Laden expressed his appreciation for the FBI's assistance and stated he hoped to return in several months under calmer conditions. Incorporated via attachment is the flight manifest for the charter flight utilized by the BIN LADEN family.

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9/11 Personal Privacy

9/19/01 SALMAN S. BIN LADEN, white, male, date of birth was contadpeX at his residence,|_ \After b^4,h,g advised of the official identities of the \.Xntervie'vi.ri-g Special Agent and State Trooper, BIN LADEN provided following: Y\\N provided a Massachusetts Driver's License bearing the Vfepr-ementioned address. The license'indicated that license numbe'rl'-. \ is assigned to BIN LADEN. \N LADENxhas been in the United States for approximately f i^,<= '--years. BIN LADEN graduated this year from TUFTS. \UNIVERSITY. \N majored in Philosophy. BIN LADEN's VISA Will expire in\, 2001. BIN LADEN indicated that he would\]^.ke to stay in 'the\d States; however, believes it difficult to obtain c'iti,ze'nship status. \N LADEN is \ei'ate.d to OSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA) . OSAMA is BIN L\AE?EN's uncle. OS-AM A, is. the half-brother of BIN LADEN's father. \&JN LADEN never metNpS'AMA.- Approximately eight years ago the Saiidi Arabian Gove£nme.nt\asked OSAMA to come back to \i Arabia. OSAMA declined.'-. The BIN LADEN family has disowned \OSAMA. BI^I \LADEN does not knpw'^ny-pne in who is in contact with \\OSAMA. \N has cousins \Ln the | \n |\. BIN LADEN does ''notXbelieve that any of his Cousins are ifi \contact with OSAMA.'--, BIN LADEN provided the ifollowing information: \D BIN LADEN, cellular telephone number | \ BIN LADEN thinks that MOHAMMED BIN LADEN, lives in a penthouse\apar-.tment. FAISAL BIN LApEN and his mot he. r, SANAA BIN LADEN are. at 1 "1 apartment number 1 \ SANAA BIN LADEN has, returned from Saudi Arabia. SANAA BIN LADEN's husband ZOHER LAST NAME UNKNOWN lives Ara 1 OMAR ALMADUDI resides in' in [ 9/18/01 265D-NY-280350


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REQ. 30-2


apartment number BIN LADEN grew up in Austria. BIN LADEN's father SALEM BIN LADEN died in 1988. BIN LADEN's mother is SHEIKHA ALATAS. ALATAS has remarried. It is tradition that a wife keep her father's name and not take her husband's name.

BIN LADEN Is not aware of any terrorist plots against the United States. BIN LADEN was shown a photograph of ten men and sketches of two men suspected of the September 11, 2001r hijacking and crash. BIN LADEN stated that he did not know any of the men shown.

9/18/01 765D-NY-286350



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy



Personal Privacy


9/11 Personal Privacy H| \FDO02 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription


.described as a Middle Eastern male, born| citizen of Egypt, Egypt passport number\ issuedl ' •?» e» \7e*rr^{^ was interviewed at the Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada regarding inconsistencies in his name as written on a manifest list \d to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and his name as •..written in his passport | J was one member of a large \ \entourage that consisted of Saudi Arabian royalty and their employees \staying\at the Four Seasons Hotel. After being made aware of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, he provided the following: J could speak some English, but was assisted by a L member of the entourage, Mohammed A. M. A. Alshihri, who acted as an interpreter.]

\e said he had no relatives in the United States and no associates. He said that he has never worked in the United States. His only previous travel to the United States was with the prince two previous times. The two previous trips lasted about a month each and were to. Las Vegas, Nevada, and Los Angeles, California. He said he has never been to anywhere else in the United States.

\e could provide no information about the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States other than what he had seen and heard on the television. 1 I departed the United States on September 19, 2001 aboard a Republic of Gabon-flagged DC-8-73, tail number TR-LTZ, as part of a Saudi Arabian royalty/entourage group of 51 persons].

investigation on


at Las Vegas, Nevada

File « 265D-NY-280350-LV by

Date dictated


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This docum iiment contains nejiher recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agpoM>. A A A ft "I A

9/11 Personal Privacy FDK»6;2a.{Rev. |


Continuation of FD-302 of



. On 0 9 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 1

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A copy of'1 1 pas sport, a copy of--his interpreter Mohammed A.M.A. Alshihri's passport, interview nnt-p.q>l Iselfwritten home address, and a copy of the manifest list of 69 persons is placed in an accompanying FD-340 (1A) envelope for inclusion in the case file.

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy |FD-JQ2 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Date of transcription



a Middle Eastern male, bornL \n of Egypt, Social Security Account Number \n of Egyptian passport number \ t

I by Saudi Arabian Prince Abdul Majeed Bin Abdul Al Saud, and part of a group of 69 Saudi Arabian royalty and ^ntourage staying at the Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, was interviewed at the Four Seasons Hotel regarding inconsistencies between h^.s passport number as written on a manifest provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his passport number as written in his pa\ssport. After being made aware of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the. interview, he provided the following:

\e has a son who is an American and his son is married to an American woman. His son's name is' J He uses his son's address as his United S.tates residence address. \e prince (s) and their entourage (s) came from Los Angeles to the Las v;egas area on September 09, 2001. They feared continuing earthquakes in the Los Angeles-area. \He has been to the United States before this current trip with the prince. Two previous trips with the prince, and one previous trip without the prince. departed Las Vegas on September 19, 2001, as part of a group of 51 persons of the Saudi Arabian royal party, aboard a Government of Gabon-flagged DC-8-73, tail number TR-LTZ, bound for Geneva, Switzerland.]

investigation on


at Las Vegas, Nevada

File « 265D-NY-28Q350-LV

Date dictated


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned lo your Sg$C9if'.n/./> n 4 /-

REQ. 30-2



Personal Privacy

FD-302a(Rey, 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of


a copy of lodged at September inclusion

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, On 0 9 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 1


A copy of I | passportr original interview notes, and the four-page manifest of the entire Saudi Arabian party that the Four Seasons Hotel, and departed Las Vegas, Nevada on 19, and 20, 2001, have all been placed in an FD-340 (1A) for in the case file.




Personal Privacy

I?O-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)


Dale of transcription


tin possession of\pgyptian passport number | Jissued | I was Interviewed at the Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada regarding inconsistencies between his name as written on a manifest list provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and his name as written in his passport f \

paSSporTJ. He was one member or a group of 69 persons^known to be \Saudi Arabian royalty and their entourage, all lodged under the name \ at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. After being made aware of the identities of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, he provided the following:

He has contacts and friends in Florida, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. He has an American girlfriend named I He loves America and would like to live here and have a house. He is sorry about what happened on September 11, 2001. He understands that the prince will fly to Geneva, Switzerland from Las Vegas, then on to Saudi Arabia. He came to Los Angeles on September 05, 2001, and Las Vegas on September 09, 2001.

investigation on


at Las Vegas, Nevada

File # 265D-NY-28035Q-LV by

Date dictated


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your "IKO&'A ft n n n -l o

9/11 Personal Privacy FD-3b2,a (Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of

\| , On 0 9 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 1

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He came to the United States alone in October 2000. [On September 19, 2001, he departed Las Vegas, Nevada with a party of 51 persons, all considered to be part of a Saudi Arabian royal party, aboard a chartered Government of Gabon-flagged DC-8-73, tail number TR-LTZ. The destination of the aircraft was Stamstead Airport (London), England.] A copy of his passport, copy of the manifest of the entire Saudi Arabian party, and original notes of the interview have been placed in an FD-340 (1A) envelope for inclusion in the case file.

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9/11 Personal Privacy | | Eb--302-(Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription



as ^ white\male, borrTl \citi''?en \r Saudi Arabian Pr'ijice Abdul Majeed Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (E\rince\Abdul Ma'j.eed) , was interviewed at the Four Seasons Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada regarding inconsistencies between his name as written on a manifes'^ list pro-vided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and his \e a\ typed in\his passport ['1 J I . r on passport] . After being made aware of the identities of tl^e interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, he provided the\following: \ X X -

\ He knows Prince Abdul Majeed personally and plans to travel with him and the royal party from Las Vegas, Nevada to Geneva, Switzerland, to Saudi-, Arabia. He may instead go to Paris, France fi.om Geneva'-, Switzerland.^ I ^or Prince Abdul Majeed and hi.s party if they go to Paris. He would nave liked to stay in Las Vegas, Nevada a little bit longer. tie arrived ''in the United States on September 01, 2000 with Prince Abdul Majeed. He has been to the United States before, in 1997 as a tourisfc, and stayed in the Los Angeles area for approximately three months\during that, visit.

He hop'es to work with Prince Abdul Majeed again in the future. He is willing to be of\help to the Federal Bureau of Investigation even if he is in 1 I He could get to the United States Embassy inj |to provide assistance.

investigation on File #



at Las Vegas, Nevada



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This document contains nuttier recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your ageogi;_ _ _ .» -. — -.

9/11 Personal Privacy '•'.'•'.'•:o:::...

9/11 Law Enforcement


2X6 5 D-NY-28 0 SSQ-L-V.

Continuation of FD-302 of.




\ On 0 9 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 1

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\n September 20, ''2.001 ,"1 I departed Las Vegas, Nevada with a par^y of 18 persons considered to be part of a Saudi Arabian royal party, aboard a chartered freeing 727-21, tail number N.727PX. Destination ''of the air craft'" was St artiste ad, London, airport. Immediately before boarding the aircraft,''J | approached Special Agent I and stated that, he would contact him in the future, and that he wanted to help the Fede,ral Bureau of Investigation"-;-.] Copy of 1 | passport, copy of manifest of entire Saudi Arabian royal party, copy of manifest for aircraft'1 1 departed aboard, and original notes of interview placed in a FD-340 (1A) envelope for provision to the case file.

REQ. 30-2



9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

9/11 Personal Privacy

\. 08-28-2000)





To: '"€.ounterterrorism N\ York F^ora:




Lds, Angeles Bguad NSD-4 Contact: . SA

Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID #: 265D-NY-28.0350 \A (Pending) Title:

PENTTBOMB MC\ 182 AOT\: To, set


f o r t h result-? of interviews ; .

• ,


On Q'9/17/2001, Naliah Binladen was 'interviewed at J Najiah was very upset over the recent attacks, as violence, is not the way of Islam. Najiah stated that she i.oves the United Stat-.es, especially the Los Angeles region. Najiah stated that she intended to return to Saudi Arabia by the weekend. Najia'h stated that she wasXafraid to leave her building, and was anxious about her safety. Najiah'\was even more apprehensive of the media finding, her.


On 09/18/2001, Najiah contacted SA | |and stated that she was leaving on 09/3.9/2001. Najiah is departing on a charter flight with Garratt Aviation on flight N521DB at 9:00 a.m. on 09/19/2001. Najiah stated that the plane would pick her up and take her to Orlando. In Orlando, Najiah 1 s brother, Khalil, will get on the plane, which will then depart to Boston. In Boston, they will pick up her nephews Nawaf and Suleiman, along with some other family members. The plane will then go to (Geneva, Switzerland. J that she would contact SA Najiah informed SAL Jprior to returning to California or immediately thereafter Najiah stated that she is a private pilot. Najiah took flying lessons at Santa Monica Airport, Santa Monica, California. Najiah has had training on both single and twin engine planes.

REQ. 30-2


To: Re:

Counterterror-Lsrn From: Los Angeles 265D-NY-280350, 09/18/2001

Earlier this summer, Najiah, assisted by a co-pilot, flew her daughters to Las Vegas, Nevada. Najiah did not wear a veil or an abaya in the presence of a male agent. Najiah appears to be very well educated and enjoys yoga. Najiah was constantly watching CNN news reports in English.

REQ. .30-2


To: Re:

Counterterronsm From: Los Angeles 265D-NY-280350, 09/18/2001

LEAD(s) : Set Lead 1: ALL RECEIVING OFFICES Read and clear.

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy


FAISAL K. BIN LADEN, white male, Date or birth, | \s interviewed at his residence, 1



L'ADEN was advised of the official identities of the interviewing Special Agent (SA) and Massachusetts State Police Troopers (Tpr.). Al$o present throughout the interview was NAWAF BIN LADEN (NAWAF). BIN\N provided the following:\N LADEN has been in the United States for a s

of time. BIN LADEN is a freshman at the I I BIN LADEN plans to major in business. BIN LADEN has a student visa permitting him to be in the United States, BIN LADEN will be returning to Saudi Arabia soon.

BIN LADEN's address outside the United States (U.S.) is

\ LADEN \i.s


KHLED M. BIN LADEN is BIN LADEN' s father. KHLED M BIN in the agriculture and farming business. KHLED M. BIN LADEN owns\ sugar candy company. MERVED M. MAHOUD is BIN LADEN's mother. Bf'N LADEN's parents live in the aforementioned address in Egypt. BIN \LADEN attended school in Egypt.

OSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA) is KHLED M. BIN LADEN's (father's) half-brother.\L K. BIN LADEN has never talked to OSAMA. BIN LADEN stated that his father has not had any recent contact with OSAMA. BIN LADEN does not know how long it has been since his father has spoken to OSAMA.

BIN LAI3EN stated that he did not have any prior knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. BIN LADEN stated that he only knows what he has seen on the news. BIN LADEN is not aware of any giroups or individuals planning to attack the United 'States.

09/19/01 265D-NY-280350


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy


ALMTASIM M. AbSAWWAF, white male, Date of Birth \o present throughout

BIN LADEN translated portions of the interview. After being advised of the official identities of'vthe interviewing Special Agent (SA) and Massachusetts S-ltate Polie.e Troopers (Tprs.), ALSAWWAF provided the following':.. \

ALSAWWAF is a first year''-student at |_ ALSAWWAF is majoring in English. \s father is MEZN ALSWWAF. i FATMA ALATTAS . ALSAWWAF's parents live on'd


ALSWWAF's mother is


QSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA) is ALSAWWAF's uncle. OSAMA is ALATTAS's brother. ALSAWWAF met OSAMA approximately'ten years ago. The meeting took place prior to OSAMA being expelled from Saudi Arabia\ ALSAWWAF described the meeting as brief, OSAMA said Hi. Neither ALSAWWAF nor his parents are currently in contact with pSAMA. ALSAWWAF stated that he had no prior knowledge of the September 11, 2.001 attacks on the United States. ALSAWWAF does not know of any\groups or individuals planning to attack the United States.

09/19/01 09/23/01 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy


SALEM ALYAFEAI, white male, Date of Birth:f

/. Also present during portions of the interview was NAWAF BIN 'LADEN. NAWAF BIN LADEN occasionally translated portions of the interview. After being advised of the official identities of the interviewing Special Agent (SA) and -MA State Police Troopers (Tprs:\), ALYAFEAI provided the following: \I has been in the United States (U.S.) for two \. \ALYAFEAI is utilizing a student visa in order to stay in \e United States. ALYAFEAI is studying English. ALYAFEAI had I been in the United States on one previous occasion approximately \six or se'.ven years ago. ALYAFEAI attended a summer camp called I ~| ih the state of Maine. ALYAFEAI listed his parents as ALI ALYAFEAI (father) \d ANISA L\ast Name Unknown (LNU) (mother) . ALYAFEAI's father 1 died approximately two to three years ago. ALYAFEAI lived with ihis grandmother,| \ ALYAFEAI's father is a half-brother of OSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA). Thef£ is no blood relation between ALYAFEAI's father and OSAMA. ALYAFEAI never met OSAMA. ALYAFEAI has never been contacted by anyone associated with OSAMA. ALYAFEAI stated that he had no prior knowledge of the September 11, 20(31 attacks on the United States. ALYAFEAI is not aware of any groups planning to attack the United States.



| 09/22/01

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy

09/24/01 MOHAMMED AWAD ALJOHI, bornj J cellular telephone 1 I was interviewed. Assisting in the interview was Trooper I Sta.te Police. After being advised of the identities of the _..--"" interviewing agents, and fe'he purpose of the interview, AL.JGHI provided the following information: ..-'' ALJOHI is studying at | |. He has no first-hand information relative to the event's of September 11, 2001. \1 Law Enforcement Privacy

09/19/2001 265A-NY-280350



L REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy

09/24/01 HASAN AWAD At.-J.OHI, bornj | Social Security \\Account Number / "''••-... I 1\. [ was interviewed. Assisting in the interview wasNITrooper / t S'tate Police. After being advised of the identities of the interviewing agents, and the purpose., of the interview, ALJOHI/ provided the following information: "'•••, \I has no first-hand information relative to/the i events of September 11, 2001. He was visibly--..concerned about the \time\he would be taking away from his studies at./ I 1 \ while on this trip to Saudi Arabia. ALJOHI ..hopes to returri to the United States and resume his classes .

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

09/19/2001 265A-NY-280350



SA \_

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy

9/20/01 \\SANA'A M.'BJN LADEN, white, female, date of birth: citizenship :l \, \ I Also -.present throughout the interview was NAWAF BIN LADEN.After beirig,..advised of the official identities of tirie 'interviewing Special Agent and Massachusetts Stsate Police Troopefcs (Tpr.), BIN LAD'EN provided the following: \- LADENxis "-utilizing a student'--VISA to stay in the \Uni6ed States. BIN LADEN, is enrolled at the I I \. \ BIN LADEN started this program Monday (September 17, 20'Ql)\but dropped out due to safety concer-ns. BIN LADEN wears,, a'"-scarf in conformance with the Islamic; religion.


\N LADEN is the oldestXfamily member living in \. BIN LADEN advis'ed that her passport may reflect \an incorrect birth date. BIN LAD.EN 'believes her birth date to be I \ BIN LADEN explained that birth dates in the Middle East are often calculated using 'dates important to the Islamic religion. Sometimes these da,tes'"can be confused when translated to a western culture's cale'nder'.-., BIN LADEN knows that she was born, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia but, all\of her birth records indicate Jed^ah as her birthplace. BIN\LADEN used to live in this hu'll rilna a couple of years ago. BIN LADEN owned Penthouse number L^Jt '"BIN LADEN sold that unit but liept a mailing address at unit number'! I. BIN LA'pEN believes that money in transit to her in the United States was. frozen by banks due to the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States. BIN LADEN's mother was sending her the money. BIN LA.DEN'3 father MOHAMMED BIN LADEN died many years ago at the age of fifty or sixty. OSAMA BIN \LADEN (OSAMA) is BIN LADEN's half-brother. BIN LADEN's last contact with OSAMA was approximately fifteen to 9/19/01




9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

REQ. 30-2





sixteen years ago. BIN LADEN saw OSAMA at a funeral. BIN LADEN stated that it was not a very long discussion. BIN LADEN has not heard of anyone in her family being in contact with OSAMA. The family did not know a lot about OSAMA. BIN LADEN described OSAMA as very quiet, shy, private, and almost a stranger to family members. OSAMA was so strict that he would not have his picture taken with the family at events or celebrations. BIN LADEN stated that she did not have any prior knowledge of the attack which occurred on September 11, 2001. BIN LADEN saw the live news reports after the first airplane struck the World Trade Center. BIN LADEN did not realize it was a plane crash and thought that it was a building fire. BIN LADEN was frightened for the people in the building. BIN LADEN then saw the second airplane strike the World Trade Center and was both terrified and sad. BIN LADEN is not aware of any individuals or groups planning to attack the United States.

REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy


OMAR S. ALMADOUD'I-T. white male, Date of Birth \e number

J was contacted at the aforementioned address. Also at 'apartment number present during portions of the interview, was NAWAF BIN LADEN. AfteV being advised of the official identifies of the interviewing Special Agent (SA) and. State TTroopers (Tpr.), ALMADQUDI provided the following: \I is the brother of FAISAL ALMADOdpI is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. ALMADOUDI has... been in the United States for approximately five years on a student visa. ALMADOUpI is in his fourth year of undergraduate work at I I University. ALMADOUDI is majoring in marketing and expects to graduate ''•i.n May, 2002. ALMADOUDI will be returning to Saudi Arabia tonight. \I grew up in Saudi A r a b i a . ALMADOUDI's parents lare SALEH AlLMADOUDI ( f a t h e r ) , and SU'AD BIN LADEN (mother) 'jALMADOUDI's parents live in the; ~~ ~~ 1 \ OSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA) is ALMADOUDI's uncle. OSAMA is the half-brother of ALMADOUDI's mother (SU'AD BIN LADEN) . ALMADOUDI may h.ave met OSAMA when he was a child but has no clear recollection of\. ALMADOUDI's parents are not in contact with OSAMA. \I stated that he had no prior knowledge of the September 11, 200i attack on the United States. ALMADOUDI is not aware of any individuals or groups that wish to cause harm to the people of the United States.

09/19/01 265D-NY-28Q350


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy




9/11 Personal Privacy \\FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

-1 -


Date of transcription


home address: \L S. ALMADOUDI, white, male, DOB: /was contacted at I Also present during portions of the interview were NAWAF BIN LADEN and his wife REEM HAMZA ASAR. Portions of the interview were translated by BIN LA'pEN and HAMZA ASAR. After being advised of the official identities of\the interviewing Special Agent (SA) and State Troopers (TPR), ALMiADOUDI provided the following: ALMADOUDI was born in Saudi Arabia. ALMADOUDI is a student at the j ' \' i AiiixiAuuuui • a enroliment^w a s scneauiea rrora , Apr" 11 '\Z~, 2UU1 througn October 25, 2001. ALMADOUDI is in the United \g a student VISA. \\H ALMADOUDI is ALMADOUDI'S father. SU'AD BIN LADEN is \ALMADOUDI'S mother. ALMADOUDI'S parents' address is I \OSAMA BIN LADEN (OSAMA) is SU'AD BIN LADEN'S half-brother. OSAMA is A'LMADOUDI' S uncle. ALMADOUDI ' spoke with OSAMA on one occasion when he was. approximately nine or ten years old. This conversation took place 'in Saudi Arabia. ALMADOUDI stated that no one from the family is currently in contact with OSAMA. ALMADOUDI stated that he was not aware of the September 11, 2001 attack ofe the United States prior to its occurrence. ALMADOUDI is not aware of any current plots against the United States. ALMADOUDI does not know of any groups or individuals who plan to attack the United States. \n on 09/19/01



File » 265D-NY-28Q350 by

Date dictated


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This douupent coouins wither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your WWXortrt f\o

9/11 Personal Privacy \\FD-i02 (Rev. 10-6-95)""----...


' -Oate of transcription



Omar Awad Abdullah Binladen (Binladen) , B&r-n. f L was interviewed at the Piedmont Hawthorne Charter Airline Office, Washington Dulles International Airport (Dulles Airport), Dulles, Virginia. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, Biiiladen provided the following information:

Binladen, a'''Saudi Arabian citizen (Saudi Arabia passport


Due to\concerns for his safety in the U.S. after the 9/11/01 terrorist plane crashes in the U.S., Binladen is returning to Saudi Arabia for a few months. He obtained a flig-ht on Piedmont Hawthorne Charter Airline (# 621DB1 , departing Dulles Airport at 10-.OOPM, 9/19/01. \In 1995, Binladen was traveling back and forth from Saudi Arabia to ''the U.S., where his motherNwas being treated for cancer. In 1996, Binladen attended Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. He later studied at American University and Southeastern University, both in Washington, D.C. He graduated in 1999-,with a MBA degree. On ''-3/11/00, Binladen was hired bv I I He currently has a H1B American visa, issued on 8/7/01, with an expiration date of 8/6/03, His U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service 1-94 departure card reflects INS #1 | on it. Binladen advised that he has no association with the extremist group Taliban or Osama bin Laden. He has no friends or family residing in Pakistan or Afghanistan. He has never traveled to Pakistan or Afghanistan. Binladen did not know any of the Arab terrorists who crashed the American planes on 9/11/01.

investigation on


File* 265A-NY-280350 -

at Dulles, Virginia 302

WF3976c.302 Date dictated

by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy This document contauu neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned (o your a|!f W¥\ « rt A q *

9/11 Personal Privacy ED-302 (Rev.. 10-^95)


Date of transcription


KHOLOU'D.. o. KURDI , Dog-[~

\c Passp

Airport, Dulles, Virginia. MS. KURDI wa"s,.advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, that being a request for identification of herself and four., other members of her traveling party leaving on Flight 521 to Bostori>,.Thereafter, the following information was provided: '-... _ MS. KURSI advised that she is a sophomore I I. She advised that her father is an ambassador stationed in Saudi Arabia. She stated she was returning to her home in Saudi Arabia for a period of time. Prior to leaving on her flight, her baggage was inspected by SA ' S I I and FAA SA I ~1............................................................ /9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

investigation on


«'' Dulles, Virginia

Fiie# 265A-NY-280350-302/ by

SA [


Date dictated



This document contains ngtner recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your a$WA A AA ft o E

9/11 Personal Privacy i\2 (RevV-tO-6-95)


Date of transcription


Bader Ahmed Binladin '-(-birth name Bader Ahmed bin Laden) , born ~~"~~~ _J was interviewed at the Piedmont Hawthorne"-..Charter Airline Office, Washington Dulles International Airport''HDulles Airport), Dulles, Virginia. After being advised of the identify of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, Binlad"i-n.. provided the following information: "'--...


Binladin, a U.S. Citizen, advised he is a student at\. He is in h J and has a business major. Due to in the U.S. after the 9/11/01 terrorist plane returning to Saudi Arabia for about a month. Piedmont Hawthorne Charter Airline (f 621DB), at 10-.OOPM, 9/19/01.

concerns for his safety crashes, Binladin is He obtained a flight on departing Dulles Airport

While in the U.S.. Binladin resides at I J W h e n Binladin arrives in Jeddah, cellular teiepnone |_ Saudi Arabia, he will be visiting his father, Ahmed Mohammed bin Laden. Binladin advised that he spells his last name different from his father. Binladin advised that he has had no association with the extremist group Taliban or Osama bin Laden. Binladin has no friends or family residing in Pakistan or Afghanistan.- He has never traveled to Pakistan or Afghanistan. Binladin did not know any of the Arab terrorist who crashed the American planes on 9/11/01.

investigation on


File* 265A-NY-280350-302 b


at Dulles, Virginia

WF3976d.302 Date dictated

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

ent contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to y°urffSI
9/11 Personal Privacy 'FD-3Q2(Rev. 10-6-95)


Date of transcription


Akberali Mohemedali Moawalla, f

was interviewed at Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation, 23411 Autopilot Drive, Dulles Airport, VA. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the purpose of the interview, Moawalla provided the following information: He was currently traveling on a charter flight with Shafig bin Laden who is the half brother of Osama bin Laden. Moawalla traveled from London to Boston on 9/10/01 where he stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel. During his stay in Boston, Moawalla met with representatives from Wellington Management. He was scheduled to return to London on British Airways on 9/16/01. However, after the terrorists attacks of 9/11/01, all flights were cancelled and he could not return as scheduled. Moawalla was contacted by the bin Laden family and advised that a charter was being hired to leave the U.S. Moawalla then came to D.C. and stayed at the Park Hyatt Hotel, 1201 24th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., telephone 202/789-1234. He thought that the Saudi Arabian Embassy had suggested to the bin Laden family that they leave the U.S. for safety reasons because of their relationship to Osama bin Laden. Moawalla believed that the Saudi Arabian Embassy made the arrangements for the charter flight and had coordinated everything with the U.S. government. From its origination in Los Angeles, CA today, the plane was scheduled to make stops en route to pick up various bin Laden family members, including several children and students. According to Moawalla, the children were "being taunted at school" because of their association with the bin Laden family. Moawalla too felt as though he may be in danger since he' worked for the bin Laden family.

To his knowledge, the charter flight was next scheduled to stop in Boston, MA to pick up additional passengers, then to Paris for refueling, and on to Geneva, Switzerland. Moawalla planned to deplane in Paris and catch a commercial flight to London. Some members of the bin Laden family were scheduled to deplane in Geneva with others traveling on to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Investigation on


at Dulles A i r p o r t , VA

File # 2 6 5 D - N Y - 2 8 0 3 5 0 - 3 0 2 by

Date dictated

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains peither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your 4tKBC£ KEQ. J U — ^ UUU

9/11 Personal Privacy KD-302a(Rev. 10-6-&5) ,..


Continuation pfFD-302of


Akberali Mohemedali Moawalia"---...

.On 9/19/01


Moawalla said that Abdullah bin Laden, 'a'l-s.o a half brother of Osama, was coordinating the charter flight with all the... f ami 1 v membe j- s. He \was a Harvard Law School graduate currently residing in | | Moawalla was in Boston with Abdullah until Sunday when Moawalla came to D.C.\r the charter flight. Global Administration, Limited Global was started in 1990 for the purpose of reviewing investment proposals for the bin Laden family. There are five Global employees who serve as investment advisors. This aspect of the bin Laden family business is managed by Shafig bin Laden with whom Moawalla arrived afe Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation this evening. Shafig was described 'as the President/Owner of Global. Moawalla has been employed by Global since 1990. He obtained his\Master of Business'Administration (MBA) from University of Massachusetts'., (UM) in 1976. He attended UM- on a student VISA and had a U.S. Social Security Account Number during that time (number unrecalled) . tyoawalla has been a British citizen since 1986. He also maintains citizenship with Tunisia as well. As an investment advisor at Global, Moawalla reviewed proposals for different investments, prepared investment summaries, and submitted them to\the'bin Laden brothers to decide which avenues to pursue. Once the investment proposals were accepted by the family, they were then provided to the "professional investment managers". These investment companies thereafter conducted the financial transactions at their own discretion based upon the plan proposed by Moawalla and approved, by the family. Moawalla provided the following investment firms and his contacts within each: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

J.P. Morgan -I Goldman Sachs/ Citibank - I Merrill Lynch Permal Asset Manager Morgan Stanley - |

Moawalla has never conducted any financial transactions for Osama bin Laden. He has no knowledge of any recent transactions to sell short certain stock holdings in reinsurance companies, investment companies occupying space in World Trade Center (WTC), and/or airlines. He did not know with whom Osama bin Laden conducted his financial transactions. To his knowledge, Osama bin Laden was considered the

REQ. 30-2


FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-WF Continuation of FD-302 of

Akberali Moheitiedali Moawalla

. On 9/19/01

, Page

"black sheep" of the family. The family "cursed" Osama bin Laden as he has brought much shame to the family. To his knowledge, the bin Laden family has never provided any financial assistance to Osama bin Laden since his exile from Saudi Arabia. Moawalla believed that the news reports of Osama bin Laden's financial worth being $300 million were greatly exaggerated. Moawalla believed that Osama bin Laden grew up in a different household than Shafig bin Laden and many of the 52 bin Laden children. He did not know nor could he really guess at the net worth of the bin Laden family. He did not know how the family fortunes are distributed among the 52 brothers and sisters of the bin Laden family. In the early 1990s, the bin Laden family worked with the Saudi government to build roads throughout the country. Osama bin Laden did not agree with this activity on the part of his family and took exception with both his family and the Saudi government. In 1993 or 1994, Saudi Arabia revoked the citizenship of Osama bin Laden. Moawalla felt certain that the bin Laden family has had no contact with Osama bin Laden.since that time. Moawalla explained that in their financial dealings with the various investment companies' identified above, the bin Laden family had to provide formal documentation to the investment managers showing that the bin Laden family did not support or fund Osama bin Laden. These investment companies then performed their own due diligence to corroborate the information provided by the family. Moawalla did not believe that Shafig bin Laden and/or his brothers had any current relationship with their brother, Osama bin Laden. Moawalla had no knowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, New York or the Pentagon in the Washington, D.C. area. He recognized the magnitude of the tragedy and pledged to provide any information to which he becomes privy. He did not believe, that other bin Laden family members had any knowledge of the attacks beyond that which was reported in the press. Moawalla said that if, for an instant, he believed that the bin Laden family knew of the planned terrorists attacks, he would not be working for them. Moawalla provided the following information about some of the other passengers listed on the flight manifest: Najia bin Laden - Osama's sister. returning to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

REQ. 30-2

Was in LA and is now


FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)


Continuation of FD-302 of

Akberali Mohemedali Moawalla

.On 9/19/01

Kahlil bin Laden - Brother of Osama.

Lives in Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia. Maria Bayma - Doesn't know. Sultan bin Laden - nephew of Osama. Shafig bin Laden - Brother of Osama. Nawaf Bark bin Laden - nephew of Osama/son of Bark bin Laden Reem Hamza Asar - Doesn't know. Omar and Faisal Almadoudi - possibly nephew/nieces of Osama. Mohammed Salem bin Laden - nephew of Osama/son of Salem bin Laden Salman Salem bin Laden - son of Salem bin Laden. Tamara Khalil bin Laden - niece of Osama/daughter of Khalil bin Laden. Sana Mohammed bin Laden - Sister of Osama. Hasan Awed Aljohi - nephew or niece of Osama. A consent search of Moawalla's luggage and briefcase was conducted but no items were retained. Moawalla explained that the various certificates of commendation to the bin Laden family from U.S. Department of Defense agencies were part of a public relations matter on the part of the bin Laden family to show that they assisted the U.S. in the past and were recognized for thier contributions. During the Gulf war in the middle east, the bin Laden family assisted in building roads into Iraq for U.S. troops. Moawall's briefcase contained a Prospectus from Charles W. Freeman, Jr., Chairman, of Projects International. He explained that Freeman was the Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war. The following information was obtained from Moawalla:

L REQ. 30-2

9/11 Personal Privacy

J 000000040

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-WF Continuation of FD-302of

Akberali Mohemeda.l i Moawalla

.On 9 / 1 9 / 0 1

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Moawalla left the lounge area at Piedmont Hawthorne at approximately 11:00 p.m. with Shafig bin Laden and three young adults to board the 727 charter to Boston. The Air Group, Inc. flight schedule/manifest for this charter is maintained in the 1A section of the file.




9/11 Personal Privacy

\1 On September 19, 2001, the below lasted Special Agents met with the following outgoing crew members'; of RYAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES, Wichita, Kansas, telephone number 800942-1638, in order to solicit their cooperation in the investigation of the Twin Towers and Pentagon bombings:

DAN KENNEDY, Social Security Numbe^ PHILLIP ROLISON, Social Security Niimbej MICHAEL NIGHTENGALE, Social Security Numbe] AMMIE GATES, Social Security NumberV JOHN O'QUINN, Social Security NumberX TRACEY MORSE, Social Security Number\s crew was flying a charter f

FLIGHT SUPPORT, Logan International Airport, carrying members of the BINLADEN family residing in the New England area. They were responsible for the Boston, Massachusetts, to Paris, France, portion of the trip, leaving the night of September 19, 2001. They stated they would contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation if they became aware of any information that would assist with the above mentioned investigation. SA | | furnished several business cards to this crew.

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

09/19/01 265D-NY-28035Q

East Boston, Massachusetts /



REQ. 30-2


9/11 Personal Privacy £p-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Date of transcription




interviewed at fieomont rtawtnorne unarter Aircrart,uuiies Airport. Dulles, Virginia. Also present during the interview was J \l Age LADEN was advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, that being a request of he arid his party for identification. Thereafter, the following information' was provided: SHAFIG BIN LADEN is in the investment department for the SBLG. He arrived in the U.S. on September 9, 2001 0n British Airlines from London. He attended a convention at the Ritz/Carlton in Washington, D.C. arranged by the Carlyle Group, a.h investment banking firm. While in Washington, D.C., he stayed at th.e Hyatt Hotel on M and 24th Streets in Georgetown. His contact with the Carlyle Group is HARRY ALVERSON in Washington, D.C. He displayed a Caciyle Group brochure. He further displayed a document he described as the order for the charter generated by the Saudi Arabian Embassy. SHAFIG BIN LADEN further advised that during the 1990's, he and his attorneys met at length with officials of the FBI and provided them all information to satisfy them that the SBLG had no connection with the activities of OSAMA BIN LADEN. SHAFIG BIN LADEN offered to make his and his party's baggage available to be searched. The bags were hand searched by SA.-l 1 | I Also searched" on behalf of the pilot were two boxes containing radio equipment which met flight 521 on the tarmac and were thereafter loaded onto the plane.

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

investigation on


at .Dulles. Virginia

Fiie# 265A-NY-280350-302 / Control!3976a by


Date dictated



This doovueiU con»iwr*jther recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your a ffjVtj)QOO'043

9/11 Law Enforcement


\(ttev;;o,8-28-20oo) -•••..,. \>



" \ , . , . .


To: '••CoutvlLextet-rorism


Attn:'' S.IO OC



Lb.s An'g.el'es x-Squad\NS'D.-4 don tact,:

Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID #: 265D-NY-280350-'LA \{Pending) Tit\e: PENTTBOMB \C - 182 \T Synop^s:

To notify FBIHQ of imminent tra-yel and"xr,esuits of interviews.


RS telca11 betw^en


|and SSA<


°n °9/19/2°01< FBI Los Angeles escorted 'Hajiah Binladen to N a i * h hn^H i°n%^Connter terminal at L°s Angeles 'International Airport Naniah boarded a 737-200, tail number N521DB, a Ryan international Airlines aircraft, flight number 441. aTircraft.c^ew

consisted of pilot Captain BiliNpillow, Flight Engineer Enor Svensson, flight Kafe^.S^hoen' a*d f^ght attendant Sally Kacheroski. ''Ryan • A^-rllnes Provided an unarmed security guard aboar/the _ date of h ^ f L°S .ftngeles Police Department Reserve officer ¥_] a i r c r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^|j Na^iah was the °nly passenger aboard the^-' Llsa Snider,


that they would first land in Orlando, Florida. h r n '-hSr ^Ot^ur Khali1' Khalil's wife, and Khalil's son would als o?ck uoh?waircra ft-^The plane would then proceed to Washington, D.C.? to pick up two more individuals before continuing on to Boston n?!.a MSett!'J1^ Boston' many more family members would be boarding the staged ?hat^h ?hn°Vnr W^ W°Uld be boarding in Washington DC. Najiafc bo«S?nn JL ? thou9ht her brother Nawaf and her nephew Suleiman would k 5P I ^.Boston, Massachusetts. The plane would then proceec refuelin3 befor^ its ultimate destination in Geneva, Swit 1 d

880• 3°-2


9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

..-79/11 Personal Privacy

\. ''"--.To: Counterterronsm From: Los Angel.e's/ \. 265D-NY-280350-LA, 09/19/2001 / / \.

\. On 09/1-7./2001, Naliah-'Binlad'en was interviewed at her home,"! I \. ..-•' // ' I Najiah was very upset over the re-cent attacks>,..as .violence/is not the Way of tslam. Najiah stated that 's-he loves the""ytiiited St-a/tes, especially the Los Angeles regio-n. NajiaX. stated that s'he intended to return to Saudi Arabia by the weekerid. Naj iah'xstated that shV-Va-s afraid to leave her building, and wa anxious'-, about her "-safety'. Najiah/''/wa.? even more apprehensive\about the media fi'nding her. '"••-../' // ""•••... \n 09/18 /-2001>, Najiah7 Con flight information''' on 0 9 /'19 / 2 O.Q ]/.

\\h appeared to '/be' very West

carry on readih-g materials wer..e\all in English, \4nd \slie carried her a'bays and her veil /in ''-her travel b'a^. Najiah enjoys yc-g'a aftd\s out at th'e|~~| I t when ''-she is at /he:r I '•-.. \e number rs \ I land, her Najiah also took flight le:ss'bns ' at theX.Santa Monica Ar^ort in Santa Monica, California. Najiah .-has her private pilot \s\, and flew her daughters to Las Vega's, .-Nevada, with a co-pilot ' si. &ssl\sta^.nce . Najiah stated that she would ''irtimp-diately contact SA-.J \r return to | ^ /\ . Najiah complimented SAl \n her proficiency of classical \Arabic. Najiah told SA l \ Fthkt she is welcome to come and v.isitXand stay in Najiah's Jeddah h6me \any time. On 09/17/2..-001, SA'1 I interviewed Mihaj. "Mike1*-, Mirea Leu. at I / i Mike stated that he is. the caretaker of Ibrahim Binladen's house, located at the | ~~~\.

Angeles, California, to take their children back td; start \school in Saudi Arabia. Mike stated that the return trip had been planned\for some time and was not an abrupt departure. \d that he was born in Ru citizen. Mike/ has been working off and on for Ibrah\im Binladen since 1985. Mike actually resides with his wife, Nicolette, his son, and hisdaughter in a small guesthouse on the grounds of Ibrahim's] \1 estate. Mike-'' also pays all bills related to Na-iiah'sX I/address. Mike shares/a Bank of America checking account with Ibrahim a^d Najiah ir order to pay their bills while they are gone. \ / Mike stated that neither Ibrahim nor Najiah talk about their brother,/Usama. Mike stated that it was his impression that the Binlader family does not associate or support Usama Binladen. Mike stated that Ibrahim', his wife Munira, and their children only reside at the I I I j-'address a few weeks every year, usually in August and early September.

REQ. 30-2


To: Re:

Counterterrorxsm From: Los Angeles 265D-NY-280350-LA, 09/19/2001

Mike stated that the last time he had seen Ibrahim, Ibrahim hac shown Mike a picture of Ibrahim, former President Jimmy Carter, and three of Ibrahim's brothers. Ibrahim said that the picture was taken in January 2001. Mike said that he would be willing to provide any additional assistance in the future to SA | \.

9/11 Law Enforcement

REQ. 30-2



To: Re:

Counterterrorlsrn From: Los Angeles 265D-NY-280350-LA, 09/19/2001

LEAD(s) : Set Lead 1: ALL RECEIVING OFFICES Read and clear.

REQ. 30-2


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