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Fahrenheit 9/11 Transcript: The Saudi Flights (Aaron Swartz: The Weblog)

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Fahrenheit 9/11 Transcript: The Saudi Flights What follows is a verbatim transcript of the portion q/Tahrenheit 9/11 which deals with the facts of the Saudi flights out of the US. I have checked the transcript several times for accuracy and I am quite confident it is correct. The film goes on to make jokes and argue why this is important; I have included only the factual portion here. Moore provides documentation for his claims on his website. [A plane flies overhead before landing.] [Scenes of stranded travelers in airports.] MOORE (VO): In the days following September 11, all commercial and private airline traffic was grounded. [An airport flight monitor listing all planes as cancelled.] [A lot of planes parked on the ground.] MALE SPOKESMAN: The FAA has taken the action to close all the airports in the United States. [Bush I and Barbara enter a dark car.] MALE NEWSMAN (VO): Even grounding the President's father, former President Bush, on a flight forced to land in Milwaukee. [More stranded travelers.] MALE NEWSMAN (VO): Thousands of travelers were stranded. [Ricky Martin.] Among them, Ricky Martin, due to appear at tonight's Latin Grammy awards. MOORE (VO): Not even Ricky Martin could fly. But really, who wanted to fly? [A dog walked by the police in an airport terminal.] No one. [Osama bin Laden.] Except the bin Ladens. [A large plane takes off, apparently dodging missiles(???).] SONG: We gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do... SEN. BYRON DORGAN (D-ND), Senate Subcommittee on Aviation: We had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to fly to pick up Osama bin Laden's family members and others from Saudi Arabia and transport them out of this country.



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Other items in this section. What Fahrenheit 9/11 Says About the Saudi Flights Out of the Country After September 11

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WHAT THE FILM SAYS: Sen. Byron Dorgan: We had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to fly to pick up Osama Bin Laden's family members and others from Saudi Arabia and transport them out of this country. Narration: It turns out that the White House approved planes to pick up the bin Ladens and numerous other Saudis. At least six private jets and nearly two dozen commercial planes carried the Saudis and the Bin ladens out of the U.S. after September 13th. In all, 142 Saudis, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, were allowed to leave the country.

Additionally, in an interview with author Craig Unger, the film makes reference to the fact that these individuals were briefly interviewed before they were allowed to leave.


Breaking News Fahrenheit 9/11 Facts Mike In The News Statements Wacko Attacko

More of Fahrenheit 9/11 Fad Newsweek: Howard Rubenstein or Dav Rubenstein? YOU MAKE THE CALL Michael Isikoff and Newsweek Magazir Deceive the Public About Fahrenheit 9 What Fahrenheit 9/11 Says About the £ Flights Out of the Country After Septer What Fahrenheit 9/11 Says About The Relationship Between The Families Of W. Bush And Osama Bin Laden

1. THE FLIGHTS - WHO GOT OUT WHEN The facts stated in Fahrenheit 9/11 are well documented and are based entirely on the findings contained in the 9/11 commission draft report, which states, "After the airspace reopened, six chartered flights with 142 people, mostly Saudi Arabian nationals, departed from the United States between September 14 and 24. One flight, the so-called Bin Ladin flight, departed the United States on September 20 with 26 passengers, most of i them relatives of Usama Bin Ladin." National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Threats and Responses in 2001, Staff Statement No. 10, The Saudi Flights, p. 12 Unfortunately, some news organizations have misinterpreted what the film says. Some have said Fahrenheit 9/11 alleges that these flights out of the country took place when commercial airplanes were still grounded. The film does not say this. The film states clearly that these flights left after September 13 (the day the FAA began to slowly lift the ban on air traffic). 2. WHO APPROVED THESE FLIGHTS AND WHY

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48. Will Michael Moore's Facts Check Out? PHILIP SHENON The New York Times MICHAEL MOORE is not coy about his hopes for "Fahrenheit 9/11," his blistering documentary attack on President Bush and the war in Iraq. He wants it to be remembered as the first bigaudience, election-year film that helped unseat a president. "And it's not just a hope," the Oscar-winning filmmaker said in a phone interview last week, describing focus groups in Michigan in April at which, after seeing the movie, previously undecided voters expressed eagerness to defeat Mr. Bush. "We found that if you entered the theater on the fence, you fell off it somewhere during those two hours," he said. "It ignites a fire in people who had given up." The movie's indictment of the president is nothing if not sprawling. Mr. Moore suggests that Mr. Bush and his administration jeopardized national security in an effort to placate Bush family cronies in Saudi Arabia, that the White House helped members of Mr. bin Laden's family to flee the United States after Sept. 11 and that the administration manipulated terrorism alert levels in order to scare Americans into supporting the invasion of Iraq. Mr. Moore's previous films generated a cottage industry of conservative commentators eager to prove sloppiness and exaggeration in his films; a handful of mainstream critics have also found flaws. But if "Fahrenheit 9/11" attracts the audience Mr. Moore and his distributors are predicting, Mr. Moore may face an onslaught of fact-checking unlike anything he — or any other documentary filmmaker — has ever experienced. After all, White House officials and the Bush family began impugning the film even before any of them had seen it. "Outrageously false," said Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director, last month when told about the film's assertion of a sinister connection between Mr. Bush and the family of Osama bin Laden. The former president George H. W. Bush was quoted in The New York Daily News calling Mr. Moore a "slime ball" and describing the documentary as "a vicious personal attack on our son." So how will Mr. Moore's movie stand up under close examination? Is the film's depiction of Mr. Bush as a lazy and duplicitous leader, blinded by his family's financial ties to Arab moneymen and the Saudi Arabian royal family, true to fact? Mr. Moore and his distributors have refused to circulate copies of the film and its script before the film's release this Friday; his production team said that as of last Wednesday, there was no final script because the film was still undergoing minor editing — for clarity, they said, not accuracy. After a year spent covering the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, I was recently allowed to attend a Hollywood screening. Based on that single viewing, and after separating out what is clearly presented as Mr. Moore's opinion from what is stated as fact, it seems safe to say that central assertions of fact in "Fahrenheit 9/11" are supported by the public record (indeed, many of them will be familiar to those who have closely followed Mr. Bush's political career). Mr. Moore is on firm ground in arguing that the Bushes, like many prominent Texas families with oil interests, have profited handsomely from their relationships with prominent Saudis, including members of the royal family and of the large and fabulously wealthy bin Laden clan, which has insisted it long ago disowned Osama. Mr. Moore spends several minutes in the film documenting ties between the president and James R. Bath, a financial advisor to a prominent member of the

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