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FDCH TRANSCRIPTS Federal Agency Jun. 2, 2003
FBI Special Agent Wright Delivers Remarks a National Press Club on Terrorism LIST OF SPEAKERS
WRIGHT: Like Larry had said, one year ago I did come here and give a press confej and that's why we're doing this today. There's no other reason. It's just one > ago from when we did it last year. And my intent and the reason for doing what I'm doing today is, I've beer pursuing this for quite a long time now and I want it to come to an end. So i intent is this will be my last time speaking publicly about this issue. The on! thing left after this is to pursue the publication of my manuscript. But after 1 just move on with my life and I'm through with this. But I want to tell the story publicly about what really went on here and th efforts of the FBI to prevent me from actually telling the truth about what happened. I have some charts here that we're going to lay out along the way as a sto: board so you'll understand some of the faces because I'm going to mention several names. First of all, as far as the Bulgar Betrayal investigation goes, I named the c Bulgar Betrayal because of the many gross betrayals many Arab terrorists a their supporters have been committing against American citizens, Americar businesses, American financial institutions, American educational institutio and various United States government agencies. The terrorists and their financial supporters have not come to America to U.S. citizenship because of our freedoms and our way of life. They have coi the United States to gain U.S. citizenship to use it as protection when caugh furthering their terrorism missions and goals, missions and goals which are direct conflict with U.S. policies and interests. The terrorists have also entei our country to access key U.S. government agencies, including the United £