T4 B1 Team 4 Workplan Fdr- 10-21-03 Terrorist Financing Monograph Outline 122

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Terrorist Financing Monograph Outline Commission Sensitive Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03


How did AI-Qaeda as an institution (as opposed to the hijackers) raise and move funds to support itself? What were Al-Qaeda's expenditures?


Prior to 9/11, what did the U.S. do to identify and stop the raising and movement of money in support of terrorist groups? A. What did the USG do to gather and analyze intelligence on the raising and movement of money in support of terrorist groups? 1. Description and assessment of the government's ability to gather and analyze intelligence domestically on al-Qaeda related fundraisers and money transmitters a. FBI b. Treasury (a) General description and analysis of the level of coordination between FinCEN and other USG intelligence efforts (i) Domestic agencies (ii)


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2. Description and assessment of the government's ability to gather and analyze intelligence on al-Qaeda related fundraisers and money transmitters overseas a. CIA i. Description and assessment of the CIA structure involved in terrorism generally and terrorist financing specifically (a) Non-CTC efforts (0 9/11 Closed by Statute (ii) b. General description and assessment of the State Department's role in gathering and analyzing financial intelligence related to terrorist groups i. Structure of State for gathering and analyzing intelligence generally (a) Analysis by INK • Pre-9/11 seems that limited analysis on top of distributed intell|9/n closed by statute | • receives and disseminates intell • ask: how prepare briefings, summaries (b) Other efforts (i) Foreign trips/meetings • seem fairly high-level; not sure much intell gained (ij)


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• appears that posts wd visit locations; more to verify HQ info than to gather? • but lots of errors from HQ so perhaps both functions (iii) Multilateral/regional efforts

Commission Sensitive — Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03

Commission Sensitive — Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03

• is there an intell function here? (iv) Voluntary provision of information • or is it more likely to be confirmation ii. Description and analysis of the level of information collection and analysis conducted by State with regard to terrorist financing B. What did the USG do to disrupt the raising and movement of money in support of terrorist groups?

1. 9/11 Closed by Statute

2. A description and assessment of efforts to freeze terrorist assets or otherwise financially isolate them through designations a. Legal authority for and scope of designations i. President's authority under War Powers Act and IEEPA, delegated to OFAC (a) History and nature of President's authority (b) Description of how designations work within OFAC (including chain of command, information flows, funding) (c) Level of follow through ii. Secretary of State's authority to designate Foreign Terrorist Organizations and individuals/entities under EO 13224 (a) Nature and history of Secretary's authority • authority stems from Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 • actions must be taken in conjunction w/ UST and DOJ; all designation orders/admin records? signed by Sec, of State must be countersigned by other two secretaries 9/11 Closed by Statute

• State objected to draft EO, treasury secretary w/ broad discretion, rdos-7439, rdos-7436 (b) Description of how designations occur (including chain of command, information flows, funding) (i)


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• pre-9/11, who took lead at HQ? • what was role of posts? Suggest names, vet, pre-notify, etc. (c) Level of follow through • cables to embassies iii. Level of interagency coordination among agencies involved in the IEEPA and FTO process • how were equities balanced pre-9/11, pre-PCC?

• signs of progress on UBL strategy, 9/12/99, rdos-6345 2

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Commission Sensitive ~ Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03

• in context of new UBL strategy, visit to UAE/SA, 5/14/99, rdos-6341 • general US position, 7/10/99, rdos-6674 • Taliban strategy, no new sanctions now, 12/8/99, rdos-7436 • concern re: US $ to NGOs supporting terrorism, 10/12/99, rdos-7433 • differences in opinion in State re: UBL strategy, 5/5/99, rdos-7424, 7423 • DOJ proposed to target fundraising, to learn if wd. have results, UK doubted approval, 4/13/99, rdos-5735 C. What did the USG do to generate international cooperation on identifying/ disrupting terrorist financing? 1. What were US efforts to garner international support for efforts to block and freeze assets a. Description of the general international attitude regarding counter-terrorist financing i. Support of multilateral institutions for blocking and freezing (a) UN actions against Taliban UNSCR 1267 Oct. 99 • unanimously adopted, Malaysia reversed initial 'no' vote, 10/15/99, rdos-5730, rdos6665 • loopholes in UNSCR 1333, 4.12.01, rdos-5721 • US requested countries to comply w/ sanctions before take effect, 10/26/99, rdos-6659 (b) Other examples of support • early Egypt efforts, rdos-4332 O • SA stripped UBL of citizenship, froze assets, 4/8/94 • UK proposed G-8 project based initiative dealing w/ Saudi-based NGOs, 2/24/00 (RDOS 03005171) • UAE offered to assist, 9/14/98 (RDOS -6364) • G-8 mtg. considerable disciissinn of TF, 3/8/99, Fr draft convention, rdos-5156 ,| 9/11 closed by statute |Qerm jegjs> 3/2Q/98, rdos-5746 • arab CT convention, 4/22/98, rdos-6541 • draft OAU convention, 3/26/99, rdos-6705 • summary of EU CTF efforts, 6/7/99, rdos-6681 • UN adopted US/R resolution imposing new sanctions on Taliban, Ch/Malaysia abstained, France approved of time limits, 12/20/00, rdos-5263 (c) USG response to independent foreign efforts (i) Did they overlap USG efforts (ii) Were they seen as effective (iii) Interaction with private sectors • US-UK. 2/10/98, rdos-6222 9/11 Closed by Statute


Foreign entities' views of the terrorism problem and the utility of blocking and freezing 3

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(a) Definitions of terrorism (b) Charities (c) "Legitimate struggles" (d) Emphasis on sources of terrorism (e) Human rights issues (f) Link between terrorism and other issues (drugs/guns/etc.) (g) Interface between UNSC CTC and Sanctions Committee (h) State terrorism

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' intl coop not easy to obtain pre-9/11, 12/10/02, JI report 9/11 Classified


1 9/11 Classified Information


SA arrested Murabi/Nass for providing $ to UBL, 4/28/00, JI, td-314/137776-00 UAH looked other way while funds flowed, 1/20/02 (LATimes) 9/11 Classified


Sudan seized UBL assets, 9/12/99, rdos-6345 Germ request for more info, 1/6/99, rfbi-7495 UAE request for more info, 2/2/00, rdos-6593

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Pak appears to be complying w/ sanctions, 2/2/01, JI, S/oo/3909-01 UBL transferring funds via Pak, 8/18/00, tdx/26218-00 9/11 Classified Information

• Sudan made credible effort re: UBL, 9/15/00, rdos-6698 • Bahrain efforts pre-9/11, AML law, 9/24/01, rdos-5296, 1/27/02, rdos-6436 • SA, CP assured VP cooperation, 11/26/99, rdos-5215 2. Description and assessment of USG efforts to increase foreign political will a. What were efforts made in conjunction with countries not involved in supporting terrorism • Europe, Japan 4

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Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03

• HQ demarche to target countries on Taliban sanctions, 10/30/99, rdos-6657 • action cable to reinforce policy message re: UBL, 9/30/00, rdos-5166 • background for posts re sanctions, rdos-5163, 5165 •I

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US-UK strategy re: UBL, 4/13/99 (rdos-5160) US/Aus meetings, overview of US law, 10/7/98, rdos-5753

•LUN slist must be more precise for EU banks to properly identify, must discredit 9/11 Classified


campaign that sanctions harming Afghan citizens, 3/23/01, rdos-5721 i. Meetings and conferences in which the subject of terrorist financing was on the agenda, ii. Efforts in multilateral context • Sec. of UST reservations about FATF, 2/6/01, RTR-4518 US efforts in UN to increase sanctions vs. Taliban, 12/15/00 (RDOS 03006577/74) 9/11 Classified Information

» briefing for EU embassies. 8/21/98, rdos-6804 I

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• US-EU CT troika, CTF convention, strategy, 12/7/99, rdos-5729

b. What efforts were made against (with?) countries considered to be supporters of terrorism 9/11 Classified Information

i. ii.


Sticks: What sanctions were considered or levied Carrots: What benefits were considered for those who would renounce support of terrorism iii. Multilateral efforts and sanctions

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guidelines for approaching cnts re: NGOS, 11/5/99, rdos-7435 9/11 Classified Information

memo re: efforts to get support vs. UBL, 9/14/98, rdos-6364 agenda w/ UAE. 3/6/00. rdos-5880 9/11 Classified



urge host govts to investigate NGOs, 12/23/99, rdos-6653 5

Commission Sensitive — Law Enforcement Sensitive

Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03 • SA mission budget, one line abt CTF, good overall description, US-SA, rdos-6402 9/11 Classified


SA/UBL, history, assessment, 10/13/98, rdos-6708 SA/UBL, 1/11/99, rdci-1871 UAE7UBL. 3/29/99. rdci-1872 9/11 Classified


' US-GCC senior level consultations, US presents UBL strategy, 8/7/00, rdos-5726 9/11 Classified


US amb mtg w/ EGIS, outlines strategy incldg going after $, 3/27/96, rdos-6430 3. 9/11 Classified Information

• re: US AML, US looking for ways to improve, little effect on fundraising by T orgs, 3/16/98, rdos-5145 • R discussing draft AML law w/ Europe, draft to Duma, 4/7/99, rdos-5727 • Canadian working on CTF legis, 6/4/99, rdos-6682 • EU legal regimes, no specific TF legis, 5/3/99, rdos-6686 • Italy regime, 10/4/01, rdos-5253 • AML reports, 99-01, rdos-4329B, C, D I

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' training in Philippines. 7/6/01. rfbi-5481

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• description training, 6/17/98, rdos-6518/19 • French 99 annual terrorism report, no mention of TF, 12/2/99, rdos-6656 9/11 Classified


Germany cd not act against AQ contacts be no law broken, 9/11/02, JI-0084 German law made prosecuting ML dffct, 12/10/02, JI i. Legal authorities ii. Intelligence

6 Commission Sensitive ~ Law Enforcement Sensitive

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iii. FIUs iv. Private sector sophistication b. Description and assessment of USG efforts to improve these abilities i. Assessments ii. Training iii. Funding iv. Role of various agencies (coordination, etc.) • embassy Cairo proposed 5 yr training program, no mention CTF, rdos-6513 • Cairo notes that ML not big in Egypt, no laws against, 9/24/98, rdos-6512 • US trying to internationalize training efforts, include G-8 in FSAT visits, 3/18/02 (rdos5845) D. What did the United States Government do to coordinate the disparate agencies involved in identifying, tracking and disrupting terrorist finances? III.

Based on what we know about the 9/11 conspiracy, were there any key opportunities to detect them as a result of their financial transactions? What other lessons can be drawn from these financial transactions? A. What do these transactions say about how organized, planned terrorist operations operate within the US? 8. Were the anti-money laundering controls in place sufficient to detect the types of movement of money involved here?

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• criminality • KYC • hawala/charity oversight • wire transfers • zakat and relnp bw charities and banks C. Was there any concerted, contemporaneous effort to track known terrorists cells through their financial transactions? IV.

What has al-Qaeda done since 9/11 to continue to support terrorist operations and move money?


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Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03


What are we currently doing, and have these efforts eliminated the deficiencies present before 9/11? A. What is the current approach to gathering and analyzing intelligence on the raising and movement of money in support of terrorist groups?

9/11 Closed by Statute

B. What is the current approach to disrupting terrorist funding? 1. Description and assessment of the changes made, procedurally and substantively, in the US effort to name terrorist groups a

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Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive I n/71 /m

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C. What is the current regulatory environment? D. What are the current efforts to generate international cooperation?

• • • • •

1. Description and assessment of structural changes within the USG a. Description and roles of various agencies involved b. Methods and effectiveness of interagency coordination UST vs. DOS in training, rdos-5927 directive from DC/OMB re: CTF authority, 9/25/02, rdos-5922 communications breakdown re: designation, 9/27/02, rdos-5689 information dissemination to foreign govts notification to posts of interagency efforts to coordinate delivery of CTF training,

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Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive

Commission Sensitive — Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03

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Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive

Commission Sensitive -- Law Enforcement Sensitive 10/21/03 decisions (general, not TF), 3/4/03, rdos-5680

E. What are the current mechanisms to coordinate government agencies? VI.

What specific, actionable policy recommendations can be made to improve the current efforts in light of the lessons of 9/11?

do we undercut coop on intl efforts against AQ if broaden designations?


Commission Sensitive ~ Law Enforcement Sensitive

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