T3 B22 Interview Overall Fdr- Entire Contents- Withdrawal Notices- Key Questions- Nsc Directory- Interview Sequence 085

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WITHDRAWAL NOTICE RG: 148 Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions SERIES: Team 3,9/11 Commission NND PROJECT NUMBER:




BOX: 00008

FOLDER: 0001


TAB: 16

DOC ID: 31209634


The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: FOLDER TITLE: Interview Overall DOCUMENT DATE: 10/15/2002




Tier A Matrix

This document has been withdrawn for the following reason(s): 9/11 Personal Privacy


EOP/Homeland Security Council/National Security Council (NSC) -1-31 HOMELAND SECURITY STAFF Facsimile Terrorism Preparation Website Internet

(Area Code 202)

(202) 456-1655 http://www.ready.gov http://www.wnitehouse.gov/nomeland

(Area Code 202) •» Assistant to the Pres for Homeland Security Adm Charles Stevenson Abbot USN (Ret) (Actg) 456-1700 Haval Acad 1966 8S: Oxford (WMS Executive Assistant Morgan A Middlemas 456-1700 Special Asst to the Pres fur Homeland Security Richard Falkenrath 456-1700 Special Asst to the Pres and Sr Assoc Counsel to the President Edward McNally 456-1700 Associate Counsel Catherine Anderson 456-1700 Associate Counsel Faisal Gill 456-1700 Deputy General Counsel Robert Delahunty 456-1700 Senior Director for Critical Infrastructure Protection Robert Stephan 456-1700 Senior Director for Cyberspace Security Paul Kurtz 456-1700 Senior Director for Health & Bioterrorism Kenneth Bernard 456-1700 Senior Director for Research & Development Penrose "Pamey" Albright ... 456-1700 Senior Director Response & Recovery (Vacant) 456-1700 Director David Aidekman 456-1700 Director Kirsten Hildebrand 456-1700 Director Christopher Hornbarger 456-1700 Director Lisa Bobbie Hughes 456-1700 Director Robert Kadlee 456-1700 Director Curt Mann 456-1700 Director of Bioterrorism Protection Lawrence Kerr 456-1700 Director of Border Law Enforcement Ron Colburn 456-1700 Director of Border & Transportation Security Brian Peterman 456-1700 Director of Cargo & Port Security John McGowan 456-1700 Director of Critical Infrastructure Protection Robert Stephan 456-1700

Director for Critical Infrastructure Recovery Kenneth Wall Director for Cyberspace Security Marjorie Gilbert Director for Cyberspace Security Greg Rattray Director for Cyberspace Security Marcus Sachs Director, Domestic Transportation Jan Brecht-Clark Director, Economic Consequence Management Lewis R Podolske Director for Health Security George Alexander. Director of Immigration Security Una Brien Director, Investigation & Law Enforcement Stephen King Director, Personnel Dee Shallenberger Director, State Affairs Christopher Furlow Director, Training & Exercise James Kish Director for Weapons of Mass Destruction Ken Stroech Deputy Director, Incident Management Joel Bagnal Deputy Director, Incident Management Richard Irwin Deputy Director, Incident Management Kathleen Packard Associate Director Rory Cooper DCI Representative to Homeland Security Dennis Bowden Executive Assistant Charity Azadian Executive Assistant Mike Brasseur Executive Assistant Barbara Howerton Executive Assistant Julie Mitchell Executive Assistant Gayle Worthy Special Assistant Andrew Ballenger Special Assistant Marianne Burtnett Legislative Assistant Michael Allen Legislative Assistant Frank Bonner Executive Secretary Tim Stout Special Asst to the Exec Secretary Laura Fullerton White House Fellow Jon Spaner Staff Assistant Katherine Hildebrand Staff Assistant Eric Walker

456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700 456-1700

NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC) Eisenhower Executive Ofc. BIdg. 17th St. & Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20504 Internet . . .


. http://wvw.whrtehouse.gov/nsc

(Area Code 202)

MEMBERS (Area Code 202) The President George W Bush 1st (I, West Wing, WH . raltlSSSBA; Harvard 1975 MBA The Vice President Richard B Cheney 276 Wpming I960 BS, 1S66W E-Mail: [email protected] Secretary of Defense Donald H Rumsfeld 3E880 PUT Princeton 1954BA Secretary of State Colin L Powell 7226 STATE CCHY195SBS; George Washington MBA E-Mail: secretaryastate.gov


. (703) 692-7100 647-9572

(Area Code 703)

482-1100 *"USAF 2E873 PNT • • •697-9121

J Tenet CIA

... ^PO'ntment requiring Senate confirmation * Prtsideafial Appointment 0 SetaOdl. c Appointment ft

456-9491 456-9491 456-9491 456-9481 456-9481 456-9271




Asst to the Pres for National Security Affairs Condoleezza Rice 1st fl, West Wing WH Denver 1974 BA: Notre Dame 1975 MA,- Denver 19S1 PhD Scheduler Liz Lineberry 1st fl, West Wing, WH Asst to the Pres and Dep Natl Security Advisor Stephen J Hadley 1st fl, West Wing, WH Cornell 1969 BA: Yale 1972 JD Special Asst Jane Heishman 1st fl, West Wing, WH Executive Asst Matthew Waxntan 1st fl, West Wing, WH Spokesperson Anna Perez 1st fl, West Wing, WH

Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Gregory L Schulte Ground fl, West Wing, WH Special Asst Cathy L Millison Ground fl, West Wing, WH Administrative Asst Alexian Wines Ground fl, West Wing, WH Administrative Asst Deborah Severn Ground fl, West Wing, WH Deputy Executive Secretary John Pray Ground fl, West Wing, WH Special Asst M Kay Joshi Ground fl, West Wing, WH Deputy Exec Sec for Scheduling & Advance Mary Haines Ground fl, West Wing, WH Special Asst for Scheduling Ruth Elliott Ground fl, West Wing, WH

456-9461 456-9461 456-9461 456-9461 456-9461 456-9461 456-9461 456-9461

Legal Adviser Senior Assoc Counsel to the Pres and Legal Adviser John B Bellinger III 348 modrow Wilson AS; Harvard 1986 JD Dep Legal Adviser Brian Cunningham 348 Dep Legal Adviser Holly Moore 348 Dep Legal Adviser Brad Weigmann 348

456-9111 456-9111 456-9111 456-9111

• Career Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointment o Non-Career Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointment

® Leadership Directories, Inc.

Spring 2003


1-32 - EOP/Hational Security Council (NSC) Staff — cont'd



(Area Code 202)

African Affairs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Jendayi E Frazer 499 Stanford BA, MA, PhD Director Cindy Courville 375 Director Matthew McLean 375 Director Bobby Pittman 375

Asian Affairs ft Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Oir James F Moriarty 493 Dartmouth 1975 BA Director Karen Brooks 493 Director Michael Green 493 Director Elizabeth Millard 493

456-9261 456-9261 456-9261 456-9261

456-9251 456-9251 456-9251 ft

456-9191 456-9191 456-9191 456-9191 456-9191

Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations ft Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir (Vacant) 365 Director Tony Banbury 365 Director Jonathan Dworken 365 Director Courtney Nemroff 365 Director Matthew Waxman 365

456-9141 456-9141 456-9141 456-9141 456-9141



456-9151 456-9151 456-9151 456-9151 456-9151 456-9151 456-9151

Intelligence Programs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Mary K Sturtevant 300 Director Karen Laino 300 Director Marilynn McKenney 300 Director John Quattrocki 300 Director David Shedd 300

456-9341 456-9341 456-9341 456-9341 456-9341

Legislative Affairs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Michael Andricos 375 Director Robert Wilkie 375 Near East Southwest Asian and North African Affairs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir (Including Arab/Israel Relations) Elliott Abrams 351 Senior Director for Middle East Initiatives Flynt Leverett 351 Princeton PhD Director Hillary Mann 351 Director Benjamin Miller 351 Director (Vacant) 351 Director (Vacant) 351



European and Eurasian Affairs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Daniel Fried 368 Cornell 1974 BA; Columbia 1977 MA Director Walter Andrusyszyn 368 Director Matthew Bryza 374 Director Thomas Graham 368 Director Pamela Quanrud 368 Director Lisa Tepper 372 Director Kurt Volker 368 Program Analyst Sarah Lenti 368

International Economic Affairs ft Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir John A Cloud 227 Connecticut 1975 BA; George Washington 1977 MA Director Tara Eratti 227 Director Adam Isles 227 Director Ken Peel 227

Office of Combating Terrorism National Director for Combating Terrorism and Deputy National Security Advisor Gen John A Gordon USAF (Ret) 313 Missouri 196S BS; Naval Postgrad 1970 MS; Heir Mexico Highlands 1972 MBA

* Presidential Appointment requiring Senate confirmation ft Presidential Appointment



Defense Policy/Arms Control ft Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Franklin C Miller 386 Williams BA; Woodrm Wilson MPA Director Tom Greenwood 371 Director Gil Klinger 303 Director Frank Klotz 386 Director Korie Schake 303 Director Jessica Zdravecky 303


(Area Code 202)



456-9281 456-9281 456-9281 456-9281

456-9171 456-9171


Executive Asst Karen Marmaud 313 Special Asst Stephanie Clark 313 Special Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir for Combating Terrorism R Rand Beers 303 Dartmouth BA: Michigan MA Senior Director Jeffrey Jones 303 Director Lisa Gordon-Hagerty 303 Director William McRaven 303 Director Joseph "Jody" Myers 303 Director Gregory Passic 303 Director Nicholas Rasmussen 303 Press Office Dep Asst to the Pres and Counselor to the Natl Security Advisor for Comms Anna M Perez 491 Director Sean McCormack 491

456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361 456-9361

456-9271 456-9271

Proliferation Strategy, Counterproliferation and Homeland Defense Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir Robert G Joseph 380 Chicago MA; Columbia PhD Director Susan Koch 373 Director Vayl Oxford 376A Director John Rood 380 Director Maureen E Tucker 382

456-9181 456-9181 456-9181 456-9181

Records and Access Management Senior Director William H Leary 392 Asst for Special Projs Brian T Merchant 300 Access Mgmt Dir Rod Soubers 392 Dep Dir (Vacant) 392 Records Management Dir John W Ficklin 379 Dep Dir Victoria Dames 379

456-9201 456-9238 456-9201 456-9201 456-9221 456-9221

Western Hemisphere Affairs Spec Asst to the Pres and Sr Dir John F Maisto 361 Eeorgetom 1961BS Special Envoy for Western Hemisphere Affairs Initiatives Otto J Reich 361 North Carolina BA; Georgetown 1973 MA Director Samuel Brock 361 Director Emilio Gonzalez 361 Director Hugo Llorens 361 Director Joanna Wallace 361 Administrative Office Facsimile


456-9131 456-9131 456-9131 456-9131 456-9131 456-9131

. (202) 456-9300

Deputy Executive Secretaiy and Senior Director Paul Wedderien 397 ... 456-9301 Administrative Officer Sonya Watts 397 456-9301 Personnel Marsha Dimel 397 456-9301 Administrative Asst Gay L Joshlyn 397 456-9301 Administrative Support Asst (Vacant) 397 456-9301 Program Asst Cynthia Ball 397 456-9301 Financial Manager Katherine J Fertakis 397 456-9301 Security Ofcr Robert Orlosky 397 456-9301

Systems and Technical Planning 456-9121 456-9121 456-9121 456-9121 456-9121 456-9121

. 456-9361

Director Deborah Loewer 1st fl, West Wing WH Dep Director Gary Bresnahan 203 EEOB

456-9433 456-9311

White House Situation Support Staff

White House Situation Room Director Deborah Loewer, Situation Room, West Wing, WH Dep Director Ralph H Sigler, Situation Room, West Wing, WH

456-9433 456-9437

• Career Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointment O Non-Career Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointment

o Schedule C Appointment

Federal Yellow Book

T-3 Interview Sequencing Principles

(1) President Bush, President Clinton


(2) Current Cabinet/Principal Officials


(3) Former Cabinet/Principal Officials


(4) Current Deputies


(5) Former Deputies


(6) Current Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, CINCs


(7) Former Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, CINCs


(8) Everybody Else

August/September/ October

(9) Special Cases

Late July - —

*WH1 have 2-types of interviews with Current Principals and Deputies: Fact Witness; How is the fight against terrorism going? **Some interviewees will be interviewed multiple times * """Interview schedules will be affected by availability of documents


Key Questions and Points for Interview Policy Sub-Group Uniform Policy on What We Will Tell Each of the Interviewees • • • •

Need for common introductory script Talking Points for Prefatory Comments Checklist Introductions o Discuss clearances of all Commission Staffers present, including special compartments o Scope of the interview • Recording • What can and cannot be disclosed to the press by the interviewee (e.g. "I met with the Commission." Vs. "I discussed x, y, and z with the Commission.") • Description of the Commission's mandate: In words of Tom Keane and Lee Hamilton • Compiling a 3-ring binder with these policies for all interviewers.

Letters Requesting Interviews • • •

Description of scope of interview/topics of interest; Statement of possible follow-on interviews Specify which Team will be conducting?

Policy; Tips on Courtesies of an Interview • • • •

How long? Sticking to the time allotted Can the Commission schedule two people at once to testify on a certain issue? Advising of follow-on interviews

Questions that Interviewees may ask; Problems that Could Arise • • • • •

What will be "on the record"? What if the interviewee requests "going off the record? What should we answer? Need for policy statement How do we handle a refusal to answer a question? Can they bring a lawyer or assistant to take notes?

Can they review the transcript for accuracy at a later date?

Administrative • • • •

Where will the interviews take place? At Agencies? What about interviewees not currently in government? Secure sites available? Does this depend on their clearance level?

Staff Preparations for Interviews •

Cover areas of interest to other teams/coordinate questions with them

Record-Keeping • • • • •

Memorandum for each interview List of questions asked Recording and who will transcribe testimony Forms for memoranda What else?

Participation of Commission Members • • • •

For interviews of which officials will Commission Members wish to participate? Will Commissioners take the lead in questioning? What needs to be done to prepare the Commissioners? In setting up appointments, whose schedule has primacy?

Participation of PZ/CK/DM/SD •

For interviews of which officials will PZ, CK, DM, SD wish to participate?

Other •

Do we send a thank you letter from the Commission?

WITHDRAWAL NOTICE RG: 148 Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions SERIES: Team 3,9/11 Commission NND PROJECT NUMBER:




BOX: 00008

FOLDER: 0001


TAB: 17

DOC ID: 31209635


The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: FOLDER TITLE: Interview Overall DOCUMENT DATE: 06/20/2003




Team 3 - Interviews

This document has been withdrawn for the following reason(s): 9/11 Personal Privacy


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