T3 B19 Shelton Interview Fdr- Entire Contents- Withdrawal Notice- Invite-acceptance-decline Letters 034

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WITHDRAWAL NOTICE RG: 148 Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions SERIES: Team 3,9/11 Commission NND PROJECT NUMBER:




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_ACCESs RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: FOLDER TITLE: JenkinsVHurley's Notes: [Shelton Inteview] DOCUMENT DATE:



Notes on Shelton interview

This document has been withdrawn for the following reason(s): 9/11 Classified Information


Fhomas H. Kean :HAIR _ee H. Hamilton i/ICE CHAIR

October 30, 2003

Frederick F. Fielding

General H. Hugh Shelton (USA, ret.) President of International Operations and Vice Chair MIC Industries 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 1000 Reston, VA 20190

lamie S. Gorelick

Dear General Shelton:

•lichard Ben-Veniste Vtax Cleland

Slade Gorton lohn F. Lehman Timothy J. Roemer lames R. Thompson

Philip D. Zelikow =X!' fVE DIRECTOR

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (better known as the 9-11 Commission) is directed by statute to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including the nation's preparedness for, and immediate response to, the attacks. The Commission is also chartered to identify and evaluate lessons learned and provide recommendations to prevent future acts of terrorism upon our nation. Interviews with former senior policymakers are essential to developing an authoritative narrative of the September 11, 2001 attacks. As the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, your perspective is vital to the Commission's collective understanding of 9-11, and we are therefore writing to request an interview with you during the week of January 26, 2004. The Commission wishes to discuss a wide range of topics with you, including (but not limited to) your description, analysis, and assessment of:

The role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in the development of U.S. counterterrorism policy from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001, including your participation in relevant Principals' Committee meetings, the JCS position articulated at these meetings, and your advice to the Secretary of Defense, White House officials, and other principals about the proper strategic and tactical responses to the al Qaeda threat.

The military's counterterrorism responsibilities, the effectiveness of U.S. counterterrorism policy, and the readiness of the military to carry out possible orders to strike al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan or elsewhere.

301 7 lh Street SW, Room 5125 Washington, DC 20407 T 202.331.4060 F 202.296.5545 www.9-1 lcominission.gov

General H. Hugh Shelton (USA, ret.) October 30, 2003 Page 2 •

The effectiveness of interagency coordination on the al Qaeda threat, including guidance provided to the Department of Defense and JCS in relevant presidential decision directives and national security presidential directives.

The Department of Defense and JCS response to the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings, the Millennium plots, and the 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole, including the military's views on the various response options considered.

Military options requested, considered, rejected, or approved regarding al Qaeda from January 1, 1998, to September 20, 2001, including paramilitary or special forces missions and steps taken by the JCS in preparation for a possible order to strike al Qaeda or Taliban targets.

The handling of counterterrorism issues during the Clinton-Bush transition period, including a detailed discussion of briefings given and recommendations offered.

Intelligence support to the military on the al Qaeda threat, including the cooperation between the CIA and the military in responding to that threat and discussions on the use of UAVs.

The military's efforts to ensure international military cooperation against al Qaeda, including with the government of Uzbekistan.

Discussions that took place from January 1, 1998, to September 11, 2001, on possible al Qaeda attacks on U.S. soil and the Department of Defense's preparations for homeland defense.

The Pentagon's immediate response to the attacks of September 11, 2001, and your personal involvement in that response.

You may wish to review notes and other materials you may have to refresh your recollection of these matters prior to the interview. We are, of course, interested in any other issues you deem important to the Commission's understanding of 9-11 specifically and counterterrorism policy generally, as well as your thoughts on policy recommendations for the future. The Commission anticipates that classified information will be discussed at this private session, requiring that the interview take place at the Commission's 2100 K Street, NW, location. Members of the Commission may attend, but the

General H. Hugh Shelton (USA, ret.) October 30, 2003 Page 3 interview will be conducted by Commission staff. It is the general policy of the Commission to record interviews. This proposed interview is separate from your requested participation in a public hearing to be held in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2004. You will receive a separate invitation to testify in the coming weeks, and we hope that you will agree to appear before the Commission for this important public forum. Please have a member of your staff contact Daniel Leopold at (202) 331 -4064 to indicate your availability for such an interview and to relay any questions you or your staff may have. Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation with the Commission and its staff in this important matter. Yours sincerely,

Thomas H. Kean

Lee H. Hamilton


Vice Chair

Nov-04-03 16:24







Michael S. Ansari Chairman & CEO Goneral H. Hugh Shelton, USA (Ret.) President, International Operations

I N 0 U 8 T H I E S

Gonaral Anthony C. Zlnnl, USMC, (Ret.)

Special Assistant to the Chairman Board of Advisors

Honorable William S. Cohen - Chairman General H. Hugh Shelton, USA (Ret.) -Vice Chairman General Anthony C. Zlnnl, USMC, (Ret)

Ruth Rabb

Honorable Ronald V. 0«llum*

Ben Gazzira

Central Charles E. Wllhclm, USMC, (Ret)

Susan EltonnoV»«r

November 4,2003 The Honorable Thomas H. Kean Chair, 9-11 Commission 301 7th Street SW, Room 5125 Washington, D.C. 20407 Dear Chairman Kean: 1 received your request to appear before the 9-11 Commission during the week of 26 January 2004. I will be happy to accommodate your request; however, in looking through the list of questions and proposed areas of discussion, I am concerned that I will be unable to provide you with many of the insights you are seeking. It has been nearly 30 months since I was Chairman and 1 have "no notes or other materials" to refresh my memory since most of this material was classified; consequently, it will have to be to the "best of my memory." As you know, the Chairman's position is an extraordinarily busy position, usually with a number of activities occurring simultaneously. This makes the task of remembering exact times and dates even more difficult. Nevertheless, I will honor your request and provide insights to the best of my ability. Respectfully,

H. Hugh Shelton

One Founian Square. 11911 Freedom Drive. Restcn, Virginia 20190, U.S.A., Telephone: (703) 318-1900, Facsimile: (703) 318-9321

Dec-24-03 1 1 : 1 3






Michael S. Ansari

Chairman & CEO General H. Hugh Shelton, USA (Ret.) President, International Operations General Anthony C. Zlnnl, U3MC, (Ret) Special Assistant to the Chairman

Board of Advisors Honorable William S, Cohen - Chairman General H. Hugh Shelton, USA (Ret.) - Vice Chairman General Anthony C. Zlnnl, USMC, (Reu)


Hononblo Ronald V. Dallum*

Ban Qazzarj

Gan«ral Chartaa E. Wllhalm, USMC, (gat)

Susan Elionhower

The Honorable Thomas H. Kean Chair, 9-11 Commission 301 7lh Street SW, Room 5125 Washington, D.C. 20407 Subject: 9-11 Commission Interview Reference: Letter dated November 4, 2003 from General Shelton to Chairman Kean Dear Chairman Kean: I will not be appearing, as scheduled, before the Commission. Alter further review of the questions and areas of discussion that are being proposed, T doubt that I would be able to provide any substantive testimony. As 1 mentioned in my previous letter to you, it has been more than 30 months since I was Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Since the information about 9-1 1 is mostly classified and 1 no longer have access to notes or other materials that might refresh my memory about events during mat time, I believe my Contribution at this late date is negligible. T appreciate the efforts put forth by the Commission. Respectfully,

Henry H. Shelton HHS/dmc

One Fountain Square, 119n Freedom Drive, Reston, Virginia 20190, U.S.A., Telepnona: (703) 318-1900, Facsimile: (703) 318-9321

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