T3 B14 Pakistan Nuke Sanctions Fdr- Notes- Emails- Withdrawal Notice

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Borek, Jamison S (SBU) [[email protected]] Friday, February 13, 2004 4:37 PM Scott Allan Schwab, Carol M (SBU) Coup Sanctions

Hi, Scott - relaying what Carol Schwab has told me The annual appropriations act coup sanction was first lifted for Pakistan for FY 02 - the sanction provision itself stated that it would not apply to Pakistan for the FY - this was PL 107-57 passed 10/27/01. The next FY there was Presidential and the President did waive.

waiver authority in the (FY 03) appropriations bill

The current waiver is provided for in the FY 04 supplemental, PL 108-106 sec. 2213. However, for most of the FY thus far we have been under a continuing resolution, which carries forward the status quo for FY 03, so until recently we were still operating under the FY 03 waiver.



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Date: ~&rtff?2A Aurj Pfina ng^pH^Q -0400 From: Daniel Byman 4P' To: "" <[email protected]>^ Cc: "" 4P Subject: Saudi task ^U 1.2 unnamed text/html 0.36 KB ^ All,

FYI, here is the brief writeup on the Saudi effort I did for coordination with other teams. Warren: a point or two may be of interest for adding to the outline. Best, Dan § 2 Proposed Division of Labor on Saudi Arabia 081503.doc application/msword 15.76 KB §p

Proposed Division of Labor on Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is a vital topic for our Commission. In addition to its obvious importance in the 9-11 story itself, it is also an important in the war on terrorism as well as a possible source of violence and radical ideology. Excluding the compartmented work, the Commission final report should address three topics with regard to Saudi Arabia:


The priority of counterterrorism in the overall bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11. What was the quality of counterterrorism cooperation from Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11? It would examine cooperation on past investigations, such as Khobar Towers and OPM/SANG. In addition to intelligence, what other forms of assistance did the Saudis provide to the United States (e.g. on oil production, basing for Operation Southern Watch, and so on)? What issues, if any, prevented a stronger relationship on counterterrorism? [ [Team 3 lead, with support from Team 2]

1. The treatment of Saudi citizens by U.S. authorities. Were the activities of Saudis of appropriate interest to U.S. intelligence and consular officials? Was proper direction given if intelligence indicated Saudis might be a threat? This section may be extremely short. [Team 6 lead, with support from teams 3, 5, and 7]

1. The threat emanating from Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11. Assessing the threat would include al-Qa'ida's ability to recruit, raise money, and enjoy a haven in the Kingdom. In addition, it would include Saudi efforts to spread Wahhabism beyond the Kingdom and the effects of this campaign. [Team 1 lead, with Team 4 handling the financing issue] Team 3 will take the lead on integrating the various sections into an overall report. In addition to handling much of the drafting, this may involve asking various teams to contribute to short pieces on narrow topics (e.g. the spread of Wahhabism, which Team 1 is already working on) and passing on questions related to Saudi Arabia for other teams to ask in their interviews. iither a staff member or team leader with the knowledge of the compartmented investigation should read the report over to ensure that there are no gaps and that the two reports inform each other.

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Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 12:06:07-0400

From: Daniel Byman ^l To: "" <mhurley @9-11 commission.gov> 4f,"" <[email protected]>4| Subject: Saudi workplan

Mike, Attached is a slightly revised version of the Saudi workplan. My attempts to coordinate with other staff members had a bit of progress, but I don't think anyone read it over too carefully. (Some key folks are on vacation, which doesn't help.) Given the importance of Saudi Arabia, we may want to run this by the Front Office. If we do, I think it would be appropriate to coordinate this with various team leaders, as in essence I've signed up almost every team for some aspect of this. An alternative -- one that may be easier -- is simply to begin the work and get fairly far down the road before we attempt further coordination. My initial plan was that we'd coordinate first, research second. But it may be good to do a good chunk of our work before bothering with the coordination process internally, which seems a bit cumbersome. Best, Dan S] 2 Division of labor proposal 080503.doc application/msword 30.15 KB H

Proposed Division of Labor on Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is a vital topic for our Commission. In addition to its obvious importance in the 9-11 story itself, it is also an important partner in the war on terrorism as well as a possible source of violence and radical ideology. Excluding the compartmented work, the Commission final report should address at least four topics with regard to Saudi Arabia: 1. The priority of counterterrorism in the overall bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11. What issues, if any, prevented a stronger relationship on counterterrorism? [Team 3 lead] 2. The treatment of Saudi citizens by U.S. authorities. Were the activities of Saudis of appropriate interest to U.S. intelligence and consular officials? Was proper direction given if intelligence indicated Saudis might be a threat? [Team 6 lead, with support from teams 3, 5, and 7] 3. The quality of counterterrorism cooperation from Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11. This would include intelligence cooperation in particular, but also other means of support. [Team 2 lead, with support from Team 3] "^

4. The threat emanating from Saudi Arabia, both before and after 9-11. This would include al-Qa'ida's ability to recruit, raise money, and enjoy a haven in the Kingdom. In addition, it would include Saudi efforts to spread Wahhabism beyond the Kingdom and the effects of this campaign. [Team 1 lead, with Team 4 handling the financing issue]

Team 3 is willing to take the lead on integrating the various sections into an overall report, if appropriate. http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?index=896


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.ember or team leader with the knowledge of the compartmented investigation should read the report over to ensure ..re no gaps and that the two reports inform each other. Commission Sensitive Commission Sensitive Delete | Reply | Reply to All | Forward | Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Print

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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: FOLDER TITLE: Pakistan Nuke Sanctions DOCUMENT DATE: 11/04/2003

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Former Ambassadors to Riyadh, Council on Foreign Relations

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