T2 B21 Working Drafts Of Document Requests 1 Of 2 Fdr- Emails From Redacted Agency Re Dci Document Requests 789

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Mail :: INBOX: update Re: DCI document request no. I

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Date; Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:21:52 -0400

Fromj To: ""<[email protected]># ; Cc: "" ^, "" ^, "" # •.Subject: update Re: DCI document request no. 1

;I have a binder in my office which I will give to Kevin tomorrow which contains '.responsive documents for Items 1-3. This does contain CA material for which I 'understand only Mr. Salvetti & Kevin are authorized.

Stem 4--we are still looking, we may not have anything responsive here. Items 5 & 6--we do not believe we have any responsive documents, we cannot

attibute any thing we do have to CT. 4 tern 7 was provided on May 30. [email protected] wrote: - As promised, here is our first document request to the DCI. A second > request will follow shortly. Please arrange for the production of these

> documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please ask him if you have any > substantive questions. Please feel free to call Dan or me as well with any > questions. Thanks. Steve > ^ ____ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___»,_. ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ -„_-_„. ___ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • . • . • . • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ > >


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Mail :: INBOX: Re: DCI document request no. 2

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Undelete | Reply | Reply to All | Forward | Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Back to INBOX Print \ Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:29:44 -0400 Fromj To: "" <sdunne@9-11 commission.gov> &, John knepper <[email protected]>^ Cc: "" ^, '"' <[email protected]>#, '"' ^ Subject: Re: DCI document request no. 2 Item 1 requires OMB concurrence. Item 2--we have responsive documents, they have been pulled together, but have not yet been provided to OCA — there may be additional clearances required to read portions of this material which we'll have to obtain, but that's not a problem :. and again, this is CA material for which I understand only Mr. Salvetti & Kevin '• are cleared for. ; Items 3 & 4 should be obtained from the authorizing committees i I tern 5 — CMS is searching their chronological files in order to obtain. •Item 6 should be obtained from the appropriating committees Item 7 requires OMB concurrence.


$dunne@9-llcommission . gov wrote:

> > > > > > > > >

I Attached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can also give Dan or me a call w i t h any questions. T h a n k s . Steve -----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: WinWord File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

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Mail :: INBOX: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2 Closed by Statute

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Date; Mon. 30 Jun 2003 16:37:04 -0400 From: | \: ""<[email protected]>4P Cc: "" 4P, "" ^, "" ^, \" # Subject: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2

•CMS tells me that this document is OMB originated and that it should be obtained \from OMB, we only have RMO's request for the NFIP, not OMB's approved list. Sdunne69-llcommission.gov wrote: ^' > > > > > > > >

* Attached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can also give Dan or me a call with any questions. Thanks. Steve

DCI Document Request no 2.doc

Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

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Mail :: INBOX: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2

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INBOX: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no.... (3 of 78) S

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L -J

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Cc: "" ^, "" #, "" ^, "" 4P Subject: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2 CMS tells me that this document is OMB originated and that it should be obtained : from OMB, we only have RMO's request for the NFIP, not OMB's approved list. : sdunne@ 9- 11 commission . gov wrote : I > > > >

> > >

I Attached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can also give Dan or me a call with any questions. Thanks. Steve

DCI Document Request no 2.doc

Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

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Mail :: INBOX: correction of the correctionRe: DCI document request no. 1

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INBOX: correction of the correctionRe: DCI document reque... (1 of 78) <si

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Delete | Reply | Reply to All | Forward j Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source j Resume | Save as | Print Date: Mon. 30 aun 2003 17:41:45 -0400 From| . [


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To: '"' <[email protected]>^,john knepper <John. [email protected]> ^ Co: "" ^, "" £P, "" '4P Subject: correction of the correctionRe: DCI document request no. 1 ^ 2 unnamed text/html 1.39 KB |J=J.. I have 1 , 2 & 5--nothing responsive on 3, Will Innkinn on 4 & nothing responsive on 6 & you already have 7. that's it, I swear that's right, now I'm giving up & going hornet I

sdurine@9-1 1 commission.gov wrote: | As promised, here is our first document request to the DCI. A second request will follow shortly. Please arrange for the production of these documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please ask him if you have any substantive questions. Please feel free to call Dan or me as well with any questions. Thanks. Steve

Name: DCI Document Request no 1 .doc DCI Document Request no l.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Delete | Reply | Reply to All | Forward | Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Print

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