T1a B36 Khalid Abdulrab Fdr- Entire Contents- Questions For Abdulrab 002

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  • Words: 992
  • Pages: 3
I0o Unclassified Commission Sensitive

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Khalid Abdulrab Travel to the U.S. When and why did you decide to study in the United States? When did you first arrive in San Diego and why did you choose to come to San Diego? Did you know anyone in the U.S. prior to your arrival? Were you in contact with anyone in the U.S. prior to your arrival? Did anyone provide you with a gontact(s) in the U.S. prior to your arrival? If so, who was this individual, and were you in contact with them? Did anyone meet you at the airport in San Diego when you first arrived there? Did you apply for a scholarship from the Saudi government? Did you receive one? Were you in contact with any Saudi government officials regarding the possibility of receiving a scholarship from the Saudi government? Who? How long did you stay in the United States and where did you live during this time? Did you travel abroad while you were living in the U.S.? Did anyone visit you in the U.S. while you were living there? Al-Attas When and how did you first meet Hashim al-Attas? Describe your relationship with him. When did al-Attas leave the United States? Why did he decide to leave? How did Hazmi and Midhar find out that al-Attas was leaving and that his apartment would be vacant? Did you have anything to do with putting Hazmi and Midhar in touch with either al-Attas or his landlord? Did Hazmi and Midhar ever live in this apartment? If not, why did they decide not to live there? Where did they end up living? Why did they want to move out of the Parkwood apartments so soon after arriving in San Diego? Brother Where does your brother live now and what does he do? Describe your brother's practice of Islam. Is your brother influenced by any particular spiritual leader? Has your brother ever been to Afghanistan or Pakistan? If so, when, and what was the purpose of these trips? Has your brother ever been to Chechna or Bosnia? If so, when , and what was the purpose of these trips? Did your brother ever tell you that he had met Bin Ladin? If yes, elaborate on the circumstances of this meeting. If not, why did you tell people that he had? Midhar/Hazmi When did you first meet them? Who introduced you? How often did you see them? Where did you see them? Did you ever travel with them anywhere?

Unclassified Commission Sensitive

Unclassified Commission Sensitive What did they tell you about the purpose of their visit to the U.S.? What did others tell you about the purpose of their visit? Do you know why they moved to San Diego? Do you know how they got from Los Angeles to San Diego? Were you aware that they had been living in LA before they came to San Diego? If so, do you know what they were doing in LA, and where they were living during that time? Do you know where they first lived when they came to San Diego? Do you know how they found this apartment? Who were Hazmi and Midhar's close associates in San Diego? Did you ever meet Hani Hanjour? If so, under what circumstances? Were you aware when Midhar left San Diego? Did you know why he left and where he went? Were you aware when Hazmi left San Diego? Did you know why he left and where he went? Associates Who were your closest friends during your time in the U.S.? How did you get to know these people and are you still in touch with any of them? Which mosques did you attend in San Diego? Who were the imams at these mosques and what was your relationship with these individuals? Who are "Osama" and TYassir'land what was your relationship with these individuals? Describe your relationship with al-Bayoumi. Describe Hazmi and Midhar's relationship with Bayoumi. Do you know Abdussattar Shaikh? How did Hazmi and Midhar come to live with him? Do you know Anwar Aulaqi? If so, describe your relationship with him. Describe Hazmi and Midhar's relationship with Aulaqi. Do you know Modhar Abdullah? If so, describe your relationship with him. Describe Hazmi and Midhar's relationship with him. Did you spend time at the 7200 Saranac Street apartments? If so, how often did you go there and who were you visiting? Party There was a gathering in San Diego at which Omar Al-Bayoumi presented you with a plaque. Why were you given this plaque? Who was in attendance at this gathering and who invited the participants? Did you know all of the other individuals there? Did others receive similar plaques or awards? Where was this gathering held? Were there other similar gatherings that you attended or were aware of during your time in San Diego? Did Bayoumi host another party around the same time frame either at his apartment or at Hazmi and Midhar's apartment? If so, what was the stated purpose of this party, and who was in attendance?

Unclassified Commission Sensitive

Unclassified Commission Sensitive Los Angeles Did you ever travel to the Saudi Consulate in LA? If so, when, what was the purpose of these trips, and with whom did you meet? Did you ever travel to LA on other occasions? If so, when, what was the purpose of these trips, and with whom did you meet? Did you ever visit the King Fahad Mosque in Culver City? If so, when and with whom did you meet? Do you know any of the following individuals: Fahad al-Thumairy, Qualid Benomrane, al-Muhanna. Miscellaneous Did you own a car while you were in San Diego? Where did you buy this car? To whom did you sell it when you left? Where did you work while you were in San Diego? How did you get this job? Who were your closest associates from work?

Unclassified Commission Sensitive

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