T1a B33 Plot Hearing Fdr- Team 1a Hearing Proposal

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  • Words: 392
  • Pages: 2
Team 1A Hearing Proposal Panel One:

-Ewldtieu ofthe Plot

X?\: CIA (CTC and DRG) Staff Statement #1: • • • "

Scope ofthe 9/11 operation: 10 planes, SE Asia component, second wave Timing ofthe attacks: postponements, UBL wanting to hurry, Masood Targets: initial list of possibilities, UBL/Atta dynamic, WH/Congress Alternate Hijackers: list of btw 8-12 suspected dropouts, reasons why

Basic Idea: This panel would allow us to explore a variety of topics illustrating how the "planes operation" was not rigidly conceived or even executed, but rather how the plan constantly evolved from its inception into what the public knows ofthe attacks. ' Panel Two:

A Global Conspiracy

Witnesses: CIA (CTC) and FBI (Aaron Zebley and Adam Drucker) Staff Statement #2: ^ • • • •

Overview of leadership (Afghanistan, Pakistan), facilitators (Pakistan, UAE), and operatives (Germany, Saudi Arabia, U.S) Structure of conspiracy (Binalshibh as link btw operatives and leadership, etc) Means (phone, email, couriers) and mode (codes, etc) of communication and financing (travelers checks, wire transfers, cash, etc) Contrast between German pilots and West Coast crew in the U.S.

Basic Idea: This panel would allow us to frame the 9/11 conspiracy as one that spanned at least three continents and to cohesively explain how the various parts ofthe conspiracy interacted across the globe (in terms of direction, communication, and financing). Panel Three:

Hijackers Activities in the United States

"Witnesses^ FBI Penttboml

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Basic Idea: This panel would be covered under Staff Statement #2 and would allow us to focus on the domestic elements ofthe 9/11 operation - namely how there were really two cadres of operatives in the U.S. (Atta/Hazmi) with totally different MOs.

Panel Four:

Disobedience, Disagreement, and Dissent

Witnesses: CIA (CTC and DRG) Staff Statement #3: • • •

Hazmi and Midhar as experienced but not disciplined operatives (Midhar did not train with KSM, both went to Bagkok, Midhar left the U.S. without permission) Internal disagreements: Atta and Jarrah (detainee reporting and IMs) Dissent among al Qaeda leadership: Shura council division over 9/11 attacks

Basic Idea: This panel would allow us to challenge the well-publicized paradigm of the 9/11 conspirators as a coherent, unified, and totally disciplined group. As we now know, there were several times when not everybody was on the same page, from the operatives to the pilots, and even among the al Qaeda leadership.

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