T1 B34 Workplans Fdr- Jun 03 Emails Re Doj Liasion Ciongoli Replaced By Levin 272

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Mail:: INBOX: RE: Executive branch liaison

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 10:44:04-0400 From: Tim Roemer 9 To: "'[email protected]'" 4P,"" 4P Subject: RE: Executive branch liaison With the departure of Adam Ciongoli, there are a few possibilities for significantly impacting our document request process and the ultimate success for our commissions work product. 1) The document request process is simply not working very well now, and a new person could further slow down and impede the flow. This could be a convenient way to put a cork in the already too small bottle-neck. I believe this system is already negatively impacting the number of interviews, documents, and field work we will be able to perform. I understand that work plans are being scaled back to adjust for this slow response from the agencies. For example, the work team will now only visit 5 FBI field offices, cut back from the 10 previously targeted. 2) We should seek a meeting with the new person, Dan Levin, and insist on changing this cumbersome and laborious system. We should try to deal directly with the agency rather than go through this elaborate maze of gate-keeping. We could treat this as an opportunity to fix a broken system before it further retards our ability to conduct our business and severely hurt our final product. 3) Given what Director Mueller said to us last week, that the problem with the Commission's document requests are not with him, but with "the other" agency, it further indicates a problem with the gate-keeper. We must change that soon. 4) I would suggest we spend some time on these issues now and at our next Commission meeting. It is very important to hear from all the team leaders at the same time and hear their progress reports on work plans, document requests, and interview ideas. 5) We agreed to put out a progress report on the agencies individual degree of cooperation with us. This is a very timely idea. We should try to have this draft document in everyone's hands by the early morning of July 7th. I hope this is somewhat helpful 'even though it is not very positive! We have some serious problems that need to be addressed soon. Original Message From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 4:45 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Executive branch liaison As many of you know, Adam Ciongoli will be leaving the Justice Department around the end of next week (July 3). I learned today that he will be replaced as Executive Branch coordinator/liaison with the Commission by Dan Levin, who is returning to the Department from a short stint in private practice after serving earlier in the Administration as an advisor to AG Ashcroft and then as Chief of Staff for Director Mueller. In Bush I he was Chief of Staff for AG Bill Barr. Sounds like he has good experience for his new role. He will replace Adam as of July 7, and Philip, Steve and I will meet him this coming Tuesday. •"*'•' We now also have the names of all four of the Justice ' Department "deputies" Adam has recruited to help him, and then Levin, manage

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

:: INBOX: RE: Executive branch liaison

^' ***> j-^


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the Exec Branch relationship with the Commission and -- one hopes -- do a better and more efficient job of riding herd on the agencies rather than being a bottleneck. They are John Knepper, who is assigned to CIA and FBI; Chad Boudreaux, assigned to DoD and NSA; Matt Zabel, assigned to Homeland Security (including TSA, FEMA, and the old INS) and DOT; and Brian Hook, assigned to State, Treasury, and the rest. While some of them (e.g. Zabel) are career DOJ people, I believe they are all currently serving in Schedule C ("political") positions.

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webniail/imp/message.php?actionID= 148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail:: INBOX: Re: Executive branch liaison

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30.04MB / 476.84MB (6.30%) Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 21:42:03 -0400 From: Jamie S Gorelick <[email protected]>4P To: "" 4P Cc: "" commissioners©9-11 commission.gov>9,"" <staff ©9-11 commission.gov> 9 Subject: Re: Executive branch liaison I don't know the others, but I do know Dan who seems like a good guy. The scoop when he left was that he couldn't take the politics. He needs to know before he walks in the door that he is walking into a 7/7 deadline and that we have high expectations. It would be helpful for the staff to collectively put together a list of what they think should easily be coming to us from the various productions right now. Jamie [email protected] wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

As many of you know, Adam Ciongoli will be leaving the Justice Department around the end of next week (July 3). I learned today that he will be replaced as Executive Branch coordinator/liaison with the Commission by Dan Levin, who is returning to the Department from a short stint in private practice after serving earlier in the Administration as an advisor to AG Ashcroft and then as Chief of Staff for Director Mueller. In Bush I he was Chief of Staff for AG Bill Barr. Sounds like he has good experience for his new role. He will replace Adam as of July 7, and Philip, Steve and I will meet him this coming Tuesday. We now also have the names of all four of the Justice Department "deputies" Adam has recruited to help him, and then Levin, manage the Exec Branch relationship with the Commission and -- one hopes -- do a better and more efficient job of riding herd on the agencies rather than being a bottleneck. They are John Knepper, who is assigned to CIA and FBI; Chad Boudreaux, assigned to DoD and NSA; Matt Zabel, assigned to Homeland Security (including TSA, FEMA, and the old INS) and DOT; and Brian Hook, assigned to State, Treasury, and the rest. While some of them (e.g. Zabel) are career DOJ people, I believe they are all currently serving in Schedule C ("political") positions.

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

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