T1 B27 Miscellaneous Fdr- Email- Memo- Withdrawal Notice 669

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ACCESS RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: Miscellaneous Document Date: 07-09-2003 Document Type: Handwritten Notes From: To: Subject:

Notes re: document requests

In the review of this file this item was removed because access to it is restricted. Restrictions on records in the National Archives are stated in general and specific record group restriction statements which are available for examination.

NND:281 Withdrawn: 04-23-2008


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Delete I Reply I Reply to All I Forward I Redirect I Blacklist I Message Source I Resume I Save as I Print Back to INBOX ^ Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:37:41 -0400 From: "" 4F' To: "" 4P Subject: Fwd: progress

Forwarded message from "" Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:36:16 -0400 From: "" Reply-To: "" Subject: progress To: "" Re team 1 progress with documentary materials and interviews: This is offered as an overview, not a comprehensive detailed ^account. Dieter will be sending you an additional note re wome efforts he has underway with DoJ components. Allowing for that: Our document requests so far have focused on (albeit are not confined tp_l__Ja) ^ detailed reports of the information obtained from detainees; (b) CIA (and FBI documents provided to the Joint Inquiry, listing first those that appearec (from the index which is less than fully informative) to merit priority; (c) FBI documents relating to the New York and other terrorism trials, as well as debriefings and post arrest statements; (d) CIA assessments applying the latest information to assess earlier terrorist actions; (e) a request, in connection with a Team 4 request, for FTO designation recordes. To date, we have received substantial segments under (b). Both/'the FBI^andJ CIA have made special efforts to make these materials available, incl delivering then in a "rolling installment" fashion that enables us to begin our research_without having to await the complete collection. CIA has applied the same "rolling^appr^a^lT~tc^Ti(cl\h has been particularly useful in offering new insights. Moreover, CIA~nas delivered to us two traunches of documents without any request other than the discussion during the DCI RG briefing of "otehr materials that could be of use to the commission. So far, we have not received materials described in (a), (c) and (e) (you might want to confirm query Team 4 about (e).) It goes without saying that these materials and others in various requests (and some more being"prepared as we speak) will be essential to completing our project. That said, while responses to some of the document requests may be formally overdue, that has so far had no practical effect in our ability to proceed with our work. The amount of materials we have obtained so far demands heavy lifting. Re interviews: So far we have sought mainly briefs and informal discussions designed mainly to help us point our research efforts. Our work enthic is to first learn as much as we can so that when and if interviews are necessary we can employ them most efficiently. Again, our experience so far has been that CIA and FBI have been very receptive to this and helpful in tipping us on where

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Team 1A Progress Report on Agencies' Compliance with Briefing and Document Requests Most of Team 1 A's briefing and document requests thus far have been submitted to the FBI, which —following its promising start of making available facilities at Headquarters where we can review the documents it provided to the Joint Inquiry - has failed to make any further production responsive to our document requests. The Bureau has, of course, provided the Commission and Staff with extensive briefings on Pentbom and DSM. In addition, on June 12, we received an index of the documents the FBI provided to the JI; the index has been installed on the Classified Share Drive at K Street. The Bureau's failure to meet request deadlines appears to be due mainly to difficulty coordinating with DOJ and the Moussaoui trial team. I understand from a conversation just now with the POC that an agreement has been negotiated between the Commission and DOJ to accommodate concerns arising out of the protective orders and local court rules restricting disclosure of materials relating to the Moussaoui case. Once the agreement is signed, the Bureau will be able to produce an initial installment of documents from the Pentbom file in electronic format, using Concordance software. Document Requests: Classified requests for detainee materials were submitted June 4 and 6 to the DCI (Nos. 3 & 4), FBI (Nos. 2 & 3), and DOD (No. 3). Production was due on June 18 and June 20, and has not yet begun. FBI Document Request No. 7 (issued jointly with Team 7) was submitted on June 19; production (which is not due until July 3) has not begun. DOJ Request No. 1 was submitted on June 17. The request seeks documents and exhibits related to the prior al Qaeda-related terrorism trials conducted in the Southern District of New York. To date, the POC has not responded to my inquiry regarding the status of the production. Production (due July 1) has not begun, even though some of the material (e.g., lists of trial exhibits) could be produced with a minimum of effort. Briefings: To this point, Team 1A has made no formal briefing request.

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