T1 B24 Tobin- Cia Timeline Fdr- Notes-emails-memos Re Notes- Cia Docs- Access- Procedures

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Download & View T1 B24 Tobin- Cia Timeline Fdr- Notes-emails-memos Re Notes- Cia Docs- Access- Procedures as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 11
Yoel Tobin From: Sent: To: Subject:

Yoel Tobin

Friday. December 05,200312:16 PM 9/11 Closed by Statute

RE: your notes

Thank you very much for the quick turnaround, Do you know if the notes have actually been sent out here yet? -Original Messaae9/11 Closed by Statute From: J_ J Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:34 PM To: Yoel Tobin Subject: your notes Yoel: tried to reach you by phone today & was unsuccessful. We've reviewed your from the timeline & only had 3 small redactions to make, we removed the names of I I from your notes & replaced them with the letters USP where it wasn.'.t "obvious from ;the text that it was a J I I discussed this change with Dan Marcus & he |found it acceptable. /I'm retaining in my office a full-text version 6f your notes should iyou ever need those .riames and you are welcome to it whenever you are out. 3as£ let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I Please i see 3-i

Hope all is well, long time n


9/11 Closed by Statute



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Mail:: INBOX: Fwd: PRIORITY: Few reminders for all staff working with/at CIA

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INBOX: Fwd: PRIORITY: Few reminders for all Move i copy ITNS message to staff working... (3 of 859) Co


Delete | Reply | Reply to All | Forward | Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Print Back to INBOX Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 17:29:52-0400 From: Niki Grandrimo 4? To: "" ^? Subject: Fwd: PRIORITY: Few reminders for all staff working with/at CIA Part(s): ^2 unnamed text/html 3.54 KB fSl

Niki Grandrimo Professional Staff National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 202-331-4702

Forwarded message f r o m j 9/n closed by statute Date: Mon. 08 Seo 2003 1 1 : 2 6 : 5 4 • - 0 4 0 0 From: • 9 / n closed by statute Reply-To: Subject: PRIORITY: Few reminders for all staff working with/at CIA To: Philip Zelikow A few reminders for Comm'n staff

working with or at CIA.

1. HOW TO NOT GET LOCKED IN THE VAULT AT NIGHT: I understand that last week one of the staff working out here at CIA got locked in the vault because the door to the office was closed and no one that was in the vault was aware that there was anyone in the Comm'n office space. Since Comm'n staff do not have Vault Access to the OCA Liaison Group vault, they need to be out of the office before the last CIA staffer with vault access leaves the vault for the night. Liaision Group staff do check the vault before they leave & set the alarm and they will continue to do so but Comm'n staff need to make their presence known to the people on the other end of the hall particularly if they are in the office with the door closed & are there around closing time 6-7 pm so that they don't get locked in--either leave the door open or make sure when it starts getting late that you make your presence known. We are also trying to get an IN/OUT SIGN for the door to make this easier, but this will also require the staff's attention. 2. HOW TO NOT GET TURNED AWAY AT THE GATE FOR ACCESS TO THE BUILDING: Unless Comm'n staff are holding CIA badges (green, blue or brown), we need to know each & every time they plan to be out here at CIA Headquarters or they will be turned away at the gate regardless of whether you are "perm certed" to CIA or not. Being perm certed is only



Mail:: INBOX: Fwd: PRIORITY: Few reminders for all staff working with/at CIA

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* <- h 11 i v j if , the other requires r ;_t t -t transmission of that ) i you won't: get: in. h 1 jii.<"t'~T -j-fORE the day you

t"~ c t it< p c f o r approval DAYS i _iu t r l e i in t i m e . 3 . TRANSMITTING CLASSIFIED NAMES OVER AN UNCLASSIFIED SYSTEM: Please d o n ' t transmit CIA o f f i c e r s names over unclassified e-mail unless you KNOW that they are not under cover--either because t h e y ' v e told you or I ' v e told you. Ordinarily, analysts, lawyers and logistics & ~d"L" '• -*-r~ * ~ l ~ r ~ p ' " p l ill "o*" be rVrcover others you j u s t c a n ' t ' -° < a r _, - r njest a. phone call b e f o r e you r i e / be i \ initials; are the way to communicate. i i < r i t L i ( up by a phone c a l l .

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The process and list of persons assigned to examine the timeline at the appropriate agency, and to select objects for examination, has already been set. Thus the question is how to make the most efficient use of this process. As we understand the rules, while we can use the "up close" procedure to provide us with advance tips on which objects to examine, there is still a requirement to go through the following procedure: • • • •

• •

Estimate and if possible identify items we would need to examine. Return to home office and prepare formal paperwork request. Submit request through channels, until it lands on desk of custodians at warehouse. Custodians then pull objects identified, on a list that - given the uncertainties forced by first two steps — is likely to be more sweeping than may well be necessary, and send those objects back through channels to the originators of the request. Recipients then catalog, examine, and store the requested objects. All this is done as part of a long queue that already imposes extensive competing demands on the time of those who manage the flow-through process and are on the receiving end of the requests.

An alternative that seems more sensible and more efficient for both the agency and the Commission would be as follows: • •

• •

Since we are reviewing the timeline at the agency, we could have a formal "sign in" mechanism for making informal requests on the spot. The item requested can then be provided on the spot, usually mechanically. (Perhaps a few items in each request, but normally nor more than a handful, e.g., a quajntity that can be examined in a matter of hours). t! c As the requestor is handed the document(s) requested, he/she signs 'a "log out" entry in a record book. Examination of the document then takes place on the spot. Any lapse between physical delivery of the document to the requestor and its return to a warehouse custodian is solely a matter of time required for the examination, and can be handled by a "holding box" at the warehouse reception room itself. After examination, item(s) is/are returned to the warehouse custodian who signs a "return received" log. If the Commission staff member determines that a document examined under this procedure requires further examination and that a copy ought to be brought to Commission offices and placed in the Commission's files, then a formal document request will be submitted through the usual channels.

This procedure should be easier on all concerned. It will streamline the process of looking through documents associated with the timeline and should reduce the volume and scope of formal document requests. Thus, there will be less administrative work for all concerned, and equal, if not better, safety, because fewer items will be moved from one site to another. Rules for notes would be the same in both processes.


4m In sum, for participants on both ends, the alternative process seems faster, more efficient, less burdensome, and more secure than the process currently envisioned. Thus, why not do it?



7S par : 84 92 84 29 83





The process and list of persons assigned to examine the inventory of objects in Rudi's stockpile, and to select objects for examination, has already been set. Thus the question is how to make most efficient use of this process. As we understand the rules, while we can use the "up close" procedure to provide advance tips on which chambers and which objects to examine, there is still a requirement to go through the following procedure: • • • • • •

Estimate and if possible identify items we would need to examine. Return to home office and prepare formal paperwork request; Submit request through channels, until it lands on desk of custodians at warehouse Custodians then pull objects identified, on a list that - given the uncertainties forced by first two steps - is likely to be more sweeping than may well be necessary, and send them back through channels to the originators of the request. Recipients then catalog and store objects, then conduct examination. All this is done as part of a long queue that already imposes extensive competing demands on the time of those who manage the flow-through process and are on the receiving end of the requests.

An alternative, that adds no new search tasks, or control tasks, and in fact makes process easier at both ends: •

Since we are reviewing the warehouse catalog at the warehouse "reception room," we could have a formal "sign in" mechanism for making requests on the spot. • Item requested can then be provided on the spot, usually mechanically. (Perhaps a few items in each request, but normally no more than a handful, e.g. a quantity that can be examined in a matter of hours) • As requestor is handed the object (s) requested, he/she signs a "log out" entry in a record book. Examination of the object then takes place on the spot. Any lapse between physical delivery of object to the requestor and its return to a warehouse custodian is solely a matter of time required for the examination, and can be handled by a "holding box" at the warehouse reception room itself. • After examination, item(s) is/are returned to warehouse custodian who signs "return received" log.

This docs not require any extra steps - every step would have to be included in some form or other in the first set of steps Moreover, because of uncertainties re individual objects, requests under the first set of procedures would likely be more inclusive, require even more pulling, packaging, recording, etc. In the proposed alternative: I/ess administrative work

F.qual if not better safety, because of the elimination of movement of items from one site to another. Rules for notes would be the same in both processes. In sum, for participants on both ends, alternative process seems faster, more efficient, less burdensome, more secure than existing process. Thus, why not do it?

MflY 21 '03

02: 45PM ClfVOGC



Closed by Statute

CIA Document Sharing and Note Taking Guidelines for the National Commission . on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (NCTA) ''••-.. ' 1- Office Space and Security;

a. .We will provide you with the cipher lock combination for the back door of 7BOO Original Headquarters Building. b. We will provide you with a separate cipher lock combination for the dedicated NCTA office space. c. We will provide you with the combination to a safe in the dedicated NCTA space. d. Should you choose.to write down any cipher lock or safe combinations, please take care to disguise the combinations in such a way that they will not be readily recognizable to a third party and keep them in a secure place. ill not have^ault'accWgso you will only be able to access your dedicated_ office space while a CIA stafTemplovee is-in-the vault. Regular Hours of Operation for the| |M-F, 8-6 Secure and non-secure fax machines ana a copier are available for your use in the vault. h. Please be conscious of classified discussions on non-secure telephones. Please also be conscious of identifying (by name or otherwise) our covert employees in non-secure spaces (the Agency cafeteria, the elevators etc.) or in front of persons who have no need to know their identities. j. We will provide you with security cover sheets for cornpartmenred material, please make sure that all compartmented material is affixed with such a cover sheet bearing the appropriate classification markings at all times, even withiih your office space. .2. Requests for Documents, Briefings and Interviews: . a. All requests for documents, briefings and interviews snould be routed to CIA from NCTA in a manner consistent with the classification of the information requested. A simultaneous transmission of the request should be sent to the Administration's focal point Adam Ciongoli. b. Requests should be: dated, in writing, as specific as possible and indicate an NCTA point of contact to receive the request. 3.

Records Reviewed by the Congressional 9/11 Joint Inquiry Staff which remain at CIA Headquarters

a. This collection of documents has been archived in a particular order, please take care to keep them in that order. b. Please don't write on the original documents. c. No copies of operational cable traffic from this collection are to be removed from CIA Headquarters.


MAY 21 '03

02=46PM Clfi/OGC



d. Copies of e-mails from this collection that contain no operational information may be removed from CIA Headquarters to the K Street space only with specific authorization. We will consider those requests on a case-by-case basis. e. Finished intelligence reports and disseminated intelligence reports may be taken to the K Street space. These documents must be transported and stored in accordance with the classification of the information. 4. Documents Produced in response to NCTA Requests a. Operational Cable Traffic must remain on the CIA HQS compound, no copies may be removed to K Street. b. Copies of e-mails that contain no operational information may be removed from CIA Headquarters to the K Street space only with specific authorization. We will consider those requests on a case-by-case basis. c. Please don't write on the original documents. d. The copies of operational cable traffic produced in response to NCTA requests and any emails that contain operational information, remain at all times CIA agency records, not Congressional or Commission records. e. Finished intelligence reports and disseminated intelligence reports may be taken to the K Street space. These documents must be transported and stored in accordance with the classification of the information. 5. Notes; a. Please do not take notes of information about individual or liaison sources that contain specific details that may allow the source to be identified by a person knowledgeable of the subject matter. The information of greatest concern to us is information that pertains to the acquisition of the information which might reveal the identity of a particular source or liaison service such as: specific dates, locations, times, names, employment position held by the source, names of the source's sub-sources, exclusive streams of reporting only known to the source. We can help you craft language which is not so specific as to be identifying, but will still be useful to your research. b. Please do not take down "crypts", the code names CIA uses to identify specific sources and operations, in your notes. Crypts are readily recognizable in text, they consist of a two letter digraph followed by a word or words written in ALL CAPS. c. Please do not group together bits and pieces of information gathered from various sources that relate to our assets in a way that would identify the asset to a person knowledgeable of the subject matter. d. Notes must be appropriately classified and portion marked.


MPY 21 '03

02= 47PM ClfVOGC

P. 4



In order to remove notes from CIA Headquarters, they must be reviewed for classification and source revealing information and initialed by an OCA POC before they may be transported. Reviews of notes will be carried out as quickly as possible. f. Classified Notes must be transported and stored in accordance with the classification of the notes.






Please follow the markings indicated to the designate^ Visitor Parking area. Guests are reminded to obey all traffic/parking signs and signals while on the compound. Please remember that photography, recording devices, cellular phones, and weapons are prohibited on the compound. Visitor/Handicapped parking permits must be displayed at all times while vehicle is parked on the compound.

Parking permits allow for 8 hour limited parking on a daily basis.


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