T Activin - Immune System Booster

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,283
  • Pages: 3
T activin - immune system booster The immune system works with the operation of a variety of cells which move freely about the body locating and destroying alien viruses , bacteria and cancer cells . Out of every million to ten million cells created by a body one is a cancer cell . This means that every day the body produces several thousand cancer cells capable of touching off the formation of tumour . The immune system kills them . As long as the system functions as it should , the individual remains in good health . But , any upset can touch off disease , including the most serious . The immune system can call upon various organs to help it . 1) Lymph nodes ( which swell up when a person has tonsillitis) . 2) The spleen 3) The bone marrow 4) The thymus gland ( the most important but also the most puzzling organ of all ).

Thymus gland Thymus is a two lobed ductless endocrine gland . Hidden behind the breast bone , in front part of top of thorax , the thymus is a unorthodox organ . The thymus participates in lymphopoiesis ( the formation of lymphocytes ) and immunological defense reactions of the organism . In addition , the thymus intensively synthesizes DNA . The role of thymus remained mystery to scientists until 1960s . Now we know that the thymus produces T- lymphocytes . Scientists developed a special breed of mice lacking the thymus gland . Such mice are distinguished by steeply reduced immunity . Infections ,tumours arise in them comparatively easily. Unlike the liver , kidney and heart , for instance , the thymus is at its largest in children . The thymus reaches maximum weight ( 20 to 37 grams ) by the time of puberty. It remains active only until puberty. Then with growing age , it starts to shrink . In old people , the thymus gland is scarcely distinguishable from surrounding fatty tissue . As man ages the thymus slowly shrinks , eventually degenerating into tiny islands of fatty tissue . By the age of 75 years , the thymus gland weighs only 6 grams . In children the thymus is grayish-pink in colour and in adults it is yellow . The thymus's function also changes as a person gets older . Initially it acts as a " teacher " Most of the immune cells , which occur within the marrow , cannot at first combat the body's enemies , but when they get into the thymus , influenced by specific substances , they become a regular army trained to fight

viruses and tumours . Scientists call them " T- Lymphocytes " As the person ages , the thymus too gets older ; it can" train " fewer and fewer " T- lymphocytes " Hence , the body's own protective powers become increasingly diminished . ( This is one of the reason why malignant tumours occur mainly in elderly people. Statisticians have found out that the incidence of cancer increases with age at a rate of 25 to 26 .A malignant tumour is like a shrapnel timebomb which unless quickly rendered harmless , will explode ( metastasize ) and kill the patient ) In some people the thymus " wears out " sooner than in others . Any infectious disease and various stresses speed up its wear . Involution of thymus also occurs under the effect of external influences ( infections , starvation , burns etc. ) and hormonal factors such as glucocorticoids , androgens and oestrogens . The consequence is the ageing of the immune system , in other words , of man himself .

Yes , scientists found the answer . Research scientists at the Moscow Medical Institute's laboratory of molecular immunology , led by Dr. Vitaly Arion under the general supervision of Dr. Rem Petrov and Dr. Yuri Lopukhin ( the both are from USSR Academy of Medical Sciences ) have made it their business to help the thymus retain its " teaching " abilities . From the thymuses of calves ( young cows and bulls ) they obtained an extract which they exposed to a special process of purification . And , they dubbed the resulting substance " T-activin " Experiments demonstrated that a course of T-activin injections apart from " rejuvenating " the thymus , makes it to train the T- lymphocytes quicker , which then go onto the blood in more powerful concentration . Scientists found that , T-activin substantially slows down the glands wear . Immediately after discovery of " T- activin" the first curative use of T -activin was made in the treatment of a tumour disease known as child lymphogranulomatosis and also in the treatment for the sufferers of multiple sclerosis ( another serious disease ) And the treatments were found to be much more successful. T- activin can help the body cope with many senile diseases . If it can't actually stop ageing process , it will at least make old age less wretched .

More about T-activin In the 1970s, researchers began to isolate from the thymuses of calves immunologically active peptides ( the research proceeded under the general supervision of Dr. Rem Petrov and Dr. Yuri Lopukhin , members of the USSR Academy of Medical sciences . ) T -activin is evolved from these peptides .

It consists of more than 30 compounds and does a good job of regulating many immune functions . By performing the functions of the thymus , the T- activin makes the entire immune system younger . Many diseases simply deplete the immune system , but T-activin will make it even more robust . T- activin is to immune system what a coach is to a weight lifter . The coach neither lifts the bar bell nor sets world records. But , he does teach the athlete how this should be done . The same holds true for T - activin preparation . it doesn't take a direct part in the battle against ageing and age-related diseases . But , it neutralizes the stress influences which inevitably accompany man's every day life and which speed up the thymus involution .

B- activin Preparation The immune system possesses amazing ability to produce antibodies capable of combating antigen – those harmful elements which can occur within the body or penetrate into it from without , such as microbes ,viruses , allergens , noxious organic substances contained in the food and in the air , worn-out tissue , mutant cells , including cancer cells , and proteins which have disintegrated as a result of an injury or burn. Each antigen has a specific weapon forged against it - an antibody or , properly speaking , body’s own internal medicine . The antibodies are the substances of the protein nature , they react with antigens and either neutralize them or destroy them . At present , over 1000 different types of antibodies are known to exists If a ‘flu virus gets into organism anti-‘flu antibodies are immediately become synthesized , if a cholera vibrion gets in , then anti-cholera antibodies are produced , and if a cancer cell appears anticarcinogenic ones are formed . In the small lymphocytes which are formed in the bone marrow , there are sensitive areas of the membranes ( receptors ) - these are the first to come in contact with and recognize alien antigens . The process of recognition triggers the transformation of these cells ( called as B-lymphocytes ) into plasmocytes , which produce antibodies . The scientists invented B- activin preparation - a stimulant of the synthesis of antibodies .

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