Immune System Immune System immunologists: Dr. Kimberly Murillo, By : Dr. Dr . Kimberly , Dr . Salvador LopezMurillo , Salvador Dr. JoseLopez Lemus, , Dr & . Jose Lemus Dr. Brian gonzalez
Function of the System • The definition of immune is, not subject to an obligation imposed on others.
Organs Involved • The organs involved in the immune system are as simple as the skin it’s the first protection that the body has. It covers all our body which keeps us from being exposed to most of the bacteria In the air.
How the System Works • The immune system defends the body from attack by invaders recognized as foreign. The invaders are practically like germs and bacteria not accepted to the body.
System Cells • The Immune system is an extraordinarily complex system that relies on an elaborate and dynamic communications network that exists among the many different kinds of immune system cells that patrol the body. system cells that patrol the body
How vaccines work
How can you avoid getting sick and germs?Simply by vaccinating yourself or in other words getting shot to avoid he flu or simply a fever. A vaccine contains a killed or weakened part of a germ that is responsible for infection. Because the germ has been killed or weakened before it is used to make the vaccine, it can not make the person sick. When a person receives a vaccine, the body reacts by making protective substances called "antibodies". The antibodies are the body's defenders because they help to kill off the germs that enter the body. In other words, vaccines expose people safely to germs, so that they can become protected from a disease but not come down with the disease.
The difference between bacteria and Viruses
What are the differences of virus and Bacteria? There are very important differences between virus and Bacteria like the fact that virus is like ten to one hundred times smaller than bacteria. We can build immunities to bacteria. This is why you can vaccines against certain bacterial infections.