Systematic Theology, By Alva Huffer

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 639
  • Pages: 5
Systematic Theology Adapted from Systematic Theology, by Alva Huffer, published by Church of God General Conference, Oregon, Illinois 61061, U.S.A.)

The Bible I. Theology and Truth II. Importance of Truth III. Final Authority for Truth IV. Inspiration of the Bible Begin with God I. The Starting Point II. Men Normally Believe in God III. Classical Arguments for God's Existence IV. The Witness of the Supernatural God's Attributes Natural Attributes of God I. Infinity II. Eternity and Immortality III. Immutability IV. Omniscience V. Omnipresence VI. Omnipotence Moral Attributes of God I. Holiness II. Love III. Truth One God I. Major Bible Truth II. Indications of God's Oneness The Son of God The Holy Spirit Nature of Man


I. The Dust of the Ground II. The Breath of Life III. Man Is a Living Soul IV. Man Is a Unity Immortality I. Atheism -- No Immortality II. Paganism -- Natural Immortality III. The Bible -- Conditional Immortality IV. The Brevity of Man's Life V. The Mortality of Man VI. Promise of Immortality Conditional Death I. What Happens at Death II. Nature of Man in Death III. Death Compared to Unconscious Sleep IV. Dead Remain in Grave Until Resurrection V. Death Not Time of Reward VI. Two Deaths HELL I. The Bible Hell Is the Grave II. The Hebrew Word "Sheol" III. The Greek Word "Hades" IV. Some Facts About Hell V. Gehenna Fire VI. Destruction of the Wicked SIN I. The Reality of Sin II. The Universality of Sin III. The Guilt of Sin IV. Forgiveness of Sin Results of Sin I. Sinner's Relation to God II. The Wages of Sin III. Sin's Results Within the Sinner IV. Sin's Relation to Environment V. Penalty, Power, and Presence of Sin Christ the Mediator


I. Man's Need for a Mediator II. Christ the Only Mediator Nature of Jesus I. Jesus in God's Eternal Plan II. The Humanity of Christ III. Christ's Divine Relationship The Cross I. Basis of Salvation II. The Sinner's Substitute III. Condition of Salvation The Empty Tomb I. Importance of His Resurrection II. Old Testament Prophecies III. Old Testament Types IV. Our Lord's Predictions V. Proof of Christ's Resurrection VI. False Theories Concerning His Resurrection VII. Nature of Christ's Resurrection VIII. Results of Christ's Resurrection Christ's Threefold Work I. Christ's Three Ministries II. Three Pictures of Christ III. Threefold Salvation IV. Threefold Relationships God's Grace I. Salvation Not By Works II. God's Search for Man Conversion I. Origin of Salvation II. Basis of Salvation III. Condition of Salvation IV. Conversion Involves Decision V. Three Elements of Conversion VI. Complete Conversion Repentance Faith VII. Baptism


Baptism I. Authority for Baptism II. Manner of Baptism III. Essential Conditions for Baptism IV. Subjects for Baptism V. Results of Baptism Doctrines of Salvation I. Forgiveness II. Justification III. Reconciliation IV. Redemption V. Sanctification VI. Newness of Life VII. Adoption Christian Living God's Tomorrow I. Future Aspect of Salvation II. The Future Can Be Known III. What the Future Holds IV. The Believer's Hope V. Preparing for the Future Second Coming of Christ I. The Fact of His Coming II. The Importance of His Coming III. The Nature of Christ's Second Coming IV. The Purpose and Results of His Coming The First Resurrection The Kingdom of God Israel's Future I. God's Covenant With Abraham II. Three Departures and Returns III. World Dispersion of Israel IV. Israel's Restoration to the Promised Land V. Future Conversion of Israel VI. Future Position and Work of Israel Judgment


I. Necessity of Judgment II. Certainty of Judgment III. Historic Divine Judgments IV. Earth's Future Judge V. Future Periods of Judgment The New Earth I. The Earth Will Abide Forever II. The Inheritance of the Saints III. Christ's Kingdom Will Be on the Earth IV. The Earth Made New V. God's Glory in the New Earth


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