Synopsis On Saras Dairy

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 13
Synopsis ON

CONSUMER AWARENESS TOWARD SARAS PRODUCT Submitted in Partial fulfillment of The Post Graduation Degree Of

Master of Business Administration Faculty Guide: Submitted By:

Mrs. Charu Sharma

Imran Khan


Lucky Institute of Professional Studies Jodhpur (Raj.) (2008 - 2010)



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Agriculture still continues to be the major sector in India economy. Indian agriculture is based on mixed farming i.e. crop production through irrigation and rearing livestock. Co-operative dairying grew in the post independence era on the foundation of co-operation. The demand for milk and milk products continues to rise in our country year after year due to growing incomes of families. To meet the growing demand of milk and milk products, there is a need to revamp the country’s milk policy and promote manufacture of high quality dairy product and meet international standards. If the industry intends to make forays into international market, it will also have to relate to the free market conditions, as compared to the present dominance of the organized dairy industry by state units and cooperative. There is very good scope for new entrepreneurs


For research work ,I have assigned the topic “consumer awareness towards Saras products“ which will help in analyzing the working condition of today’s markets conditions such as overcoming competition consumer demand customer satisfaction price etc. for the betterment of the organization. Dairy, as well as know the product, which we use in our daily life Dairy products are perishable goods so its market is very chancy. Moreover, we should plan time to time a good marketing strategy to have a complete over hold on or market.


To know the market share of Saras products 5


To know the perception of customers regarding Saras products.


To determine the customers satisfaction regarding Saras products.


To determine the factors influencing the choice of customers regarding Saras products.

5. To Know effectiveness of the Marketing strategy and sales promotion in market. 6.

Evaluating the competitor’s strength and weakness in rural market

7. Retailers expectation from company



It is well known fact that the most important step in marketing research process is to define the problem. Choose for investigation because a problem well defined is half solved. That was the reason that at most care was taken while defining various parameters of the problem. After giving through brain storming session, objectives were selected and the set on the base of these objectives. A questionnaire was designed major emphasis of which was gathering new ideas or insight so as to determine and bind out solution to the problems.

DATA SOURCE Research included gathering both primary and secondary data. Primary data is the first hand data, which are selected a fresh and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various customers and past consumer views about Saras products and to calculate the market share of this brand in regards to other brands. Secondary data are that which has been collected by someone else and which already have been passed through statistical process. Secondary data has been taken from internet, newspaper, magazines and companies web sites.


The research approach was used survey method which is a widely used method for data collection and best suited for descriptive type of research survey includes research instrument like questionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target population is well identified and various methods like personal interviews and telephone interviews are employed.

SAMPLING UNIT It will help in analyzing the working condition of today’s markets. Conditions such as overcoming competition consumer demand customer satisfaction price etc. for the betterment of the organization. This research was carried in jodhpur.

DATA COMPLETION AND ANALYSIS After the data has been collected, it was tabulated and findings of the project were presented followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions.


INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In the year 1946 the first milk union was established. This union was started with 250 liters of milk per day. In the year 1972 Saras was established. A quality control expert in Jodhpur had suggested the brand name “Saras”. Saras products have been in use in millions of homes. Saras Butter, Saras Milk Powder, Saras Ghee, Saras Cheese, Saras Shrikhand, Saras Ice cream and Saras Milk have made Saras a leading food brand in India. (The total sale is Rs. 5 billion in 2009). Today Saras is a symbol of many things like of the high-quality products sold at reasonable prices, of the genesis of a vast co-operative network, of the triumph of indigenous technology, of the marketing savvy of a farmers' organization. And have a proven model for dairy development. In the early 36’s, the main sources of earning for the farmers of Jodhpur district were farming and selling of milk. That time there was high demand for milk in Rajasthan. The main supplier of the milk was Rajasthan dairy limited, which was a privately owned company and held monopoly over the supply of milk at Rajasthanfrom the Jodhpur district. This system leads to exploitation of poor and illiterates’ farmers by the private traders. The traders used to beside the prices of milk and the farmers were forced to accept it without uttering a single word.

TOPIC STUDY I have assigned the topic “consumer awareness towards Saras products“ which will help in analyzing the working condition of today’s 9

markets conditions such as overcoming competition consumer demand customer satisfaction price etc. for the betterment of the organization.


During the survey it was found that still there are 10% people who have not interested in Saras Products.

Lake of Awareness in consumers. Many people are not know about Saras Products specially children and teenagers.

As I found that the main product of Saras is Milk and company firstly wants to capture maximum market share in milk market which is approx. 66%, after it Saras is concentrating upon butter & cheese which has market share of approx. 88%, so it is not concentrating upon ice-cream.

When I interviewed people then many of the people cannot recall Saras advertisement. It shows Lake of Advertisement or advertisement is not timely given or advertisement is not given on right time.

In its advertisement is not using any brand ambassador which attracts all age group people.

PROBLEMS  Limited time available for interviewing the respondents. As a result of this it was not possible to gather full information about the respondents. 10

 When I interviewed children and teenagers, sometimes they use to give answers under the influence of their parents or elders.  As summer training is going under summer season so sometimes people are less interested in filling up questionnaire.  Non-cooperative approach and rude behavior of the respondents.  If the respondents answer does not falls between amongst the options given then it will turn up to be a biased answer.


In order to maintain and increase the sales in the city of Jodhpur, the following recommendations regarding Saras Products; particularly


regarding advertisement, distribution, promotional policies, etc, are hereby suggested:

First and foremost Saras should take proper action in order to improve service, because although being on a top slot in milk supplies, it does not get the sales in ice-cream, which it should get.

 Company should use brand ambassador which attracts

each age

segment i.e. Saniya Mirza, Atif Aslam, Amitabh Bacchan, Doni, Sharuk Khan etc. Saras should give local advertisements apart from the advertisements given at the national level. Local advertisement must mention the exclusive Saras shops of the city.



As we know that Saras is very big organization and market leader in dairy products. It has maximum market share in Milk, Butter and Cheese, which are its main/core products. As we also know Saras is a co-operative organization but it should also include chocolate industry in its organization, as it is a profitable industry we can’t ignore it. With the help of research, company can find out its week points in ice-cream product and can increase its market share through rectify mistakes. People have believed in Saras’s product and they will accept its chocolates also if effective actions were taken.


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