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  • Words: 1,919
  • Pages: 12
Bluetooth Messenger


Submitted To: Lect. Comp Sc. & IT

Submitted By: Tarun Msc (Npd-4th semester)

Lyallpur K halsa C olleg e , Jalan dha r

Bluetooth Messenger Introduction: Emergence of new technologies have became so fast these day one of them is Bluetooth. This has made communication in short range an effortless task. In recent past this technology has not only became popular but also affordable this has brought it to the masses. it was first officially standardized in 1999, the Bluetooth market has grown to more than 35 million devices per year It has become a prime choice for instant access where speed is not the concern. In spite of being blamed as a slow medium of communication it has managed a data rate of 2-3Mbps. Which is about to be over come in the near future with up coming version 3 of Bluetooth which promises to have data rate between 50 to 100Mbps over the range of 100meters. Above all the kind of versatility it users are provided with array of features and low cost. I think it will win the race for wireless home in upcoming day. Such an interesting profile of this technology has lured us to work up on this gem of a technology called Bluetooth. Now the question arise what could be done to enhance the usability of this technology. Lot of work has already been done on this technology, which has made it bit difficult to try some thing from scratch so the basic concept of the project is reflection of an already existing application. This is being made for high-end mobile device running a Symbian platform. Our idea is to make same kind of an application for devices running other platforms for example Nokia’s Series 40, Sony Ericsson Motorola one. Our intentions are to make this Chat Application for devices that supports CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile), which allows the devices to support java Applications. Since this Support for MIDP is found in majority of devices the reach of this application increases by many folds. The Chat Application is suggested to have interfaces running on both the devices showing the instant massages typed by the users on each end. To accomplish this task Bluetooth is used as the Communication media and the User interface will be designed using Java.

Bluetooth At a glance: A large amount of data is carried over the wired networks. Even cordless & mobile telephones rely on wired ‘landline’ telephone system to carry & route call between endpoints. The rat’s nest of cable behind the computer is going to be the thing of the past now. “Bluetooth” is an economical radio technology that enables computer, cell phones, laptop & other devices to talk to one another wirelessly with in a 30-foot radius. Till date the most apparent application of Bluetooth device has been in mobile phones. Headsets with Bluetooth chips enable hands-free access to the latest phone models. Very soon, digital cameras, laptop, computers & PDAs shall access Internet wirelessly via Bluetooth enable 3G mobile phones. Prior to the Bluetooth, wireless computer link was enabling through infrared light waves. Infrared has limitation of use within line of sight. The Bluetooth spectrum is divided into 79 channels & the Bandwidth is limited to 1MHz per channel. The concept of frequency hopping spread spectrum communication is deployed here. There are other applications also which make use of this spectrum. Bluetooth wireless communication makes use of the technique of frequency division spectrum i.e. frequency hopping. Here the spectrum is divided into different frequency or channels. One packet of the massage is transmitted on a particular channel & then the next packet is transmitted on a new channel, & process is continues. Bluetooth is link between two devices consist of master & slave. Any Bluetooth radio can assume any role & the master only controls the synchronization & frequency pattern of FHSS. A Piconet consists of a single master & all slave in closed proximity. A Bluetooth device has basic three states/modes. Active mode: The Bluetooth device actively participates on the channels. The master co-ordinates the transmission based on a traffic demands to and from the slave. Sniff mode: A slave device listen to the piconet at reduce rate & this interval is programmable. Hold mode: It refers to the power saving mode i.e. the data transmission & reception restarts when unit come out of the Hold mode. Park mode: The device is synchronized to the piconet but does not participate in transmission & reception.

Future of Bluetooth: Atomic Encryption Change:allows encrypted links to change their encryption keys periodically, increasing security, and also allowing role switches on an encrypted link. Extended Inquiry Response: provides more information during the inquiry procedure to allow better filtering of devices before connection. This information includes the name of the device, and a list of services, with other information. Sniff Subrating: reducing the power consumption when devices are in the sniff low power mode, especially on links with asymmetric data flows. Human interface devices: (HID) are expected to benefit the most with mice and keyboards increasing the battery life from 3 to 10 times those currently used. QoS: Improvements - these will enable audio and video data to be transmitted at a higher quality, especially when best effort traffic is being transmitted in the same piconet. Simple Pairing: this improvement will radically improve the pairing experience for Bluetooth devices, while at the same time increasing the use and strength of security. It is expected that this feature will significantly increase the use of Bluetooth.

Bluetooth Application Programming with the Java APIs: Bluetooth technology allows a variety of devices, from cell phones to PDAs to desktop computers, to communicate with each other without connecting them via cables. Bluetooth has more applications in the mobile and embedded devices area where, according to industry observers, 80% of mobile phones will support Java by 2006. The reason for this is two-fold: the number of Java developers (and their technology demands) are increasingly on the rise and the standard Application Programming Interface (API) for Bluetooth technology was just defined for the Java programming language in February 2002.Bluetooth for Java is not an overview of Bluetooth .This includes an API overview of the Java library, development of Bluetoothbased services, highlights of security concerns, and walkthroughs for development with some of the different tools available. Programs will not be just J2ME (micro devices) based, but will also be for J2SE (client/desktop).

Abstract: Our project is based on Bluetooth technology & cell phone communication .Bluetooth technology is important for so many types of consumer electronics devices. You will find out how Bluetooth devices can automatically locate nearby Bluetooth devices authenticates them, discover their capabilities, and the process used to setup connections with them. You will learn how the use of standard profiles allows Bluetooth devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other and work together in the same way.

Objective: The main objective is to design and implement a chat application on mobile devices capable of running java applications on them. Doing so will increase the reach of designed application as Bluetooth have became a mandatory feature and all the latest devices have the support for CLDC and MIDP which enables them to run the Java applications?

Existing System: The existing system is said to have good implementation of the concept of chatting. But being designed in C++ it is run able on a device running Symbian platform. This delimits its usability to a certain level. Because the smart phones are still in there evolutionary State and high R&D cost has kept them away from average users, which is the major drawback of the current system. Other available Solutions in this field address only the issue of chat over WAP using GPRS OR EDGE. In Simple terms chat is carried over two remotely separated mobile device using network services.

Drawbacks of Existing System:  Only Applicable on Smart Phones.  Limited Usability due to high cost of the core hardware.  Not Economical, since it makes the use of network


Proposed system: Purposed system is an implementation of chatting application on a device running Java applications. Which is a regular feature in today’s mobile devices, almost all the mobile device comes equipped with support for java applications. Hence the purposed system is to increase the usability of the application by serving a larger number of audiences. The Hardware Aspect of the system is based on Bluetooth Technology and the Software Part relies on the Java2 Micro Edition. The combination of these two technologies forms the core part of this System.

Benefits of the Purposed System:  The Main advantage of the purposed system over exiting system is its ability to run on both kind of mobile device.  The System is economical since it does not make use of

the network services. 

Extended usability due to implementation of System on having support for Java applications.

Feasibility Study: Technical Feasibility: As long technical feasibility of the project is concerned the purposed application is to be developed using Java Wireless Toolkit. The implementation of the system will be done on a mobile device supporting Bluetooth and Java Applications. Since there are variety of devices available in the market the main technical aspect to be looked after is the ability of the purposed system to adapt it self to the all the devices.

Economical Feasibility: Economical feasibility is cost and benefits analysis of purposed system. In general terms what we will get out the investment on the purposed system. Purposed system here is said to be economically feasible since the required tool for designing the system are available free. The only financial input required in case of the system is hardware requirements for the implementation of the system. If we go for the benefits of the system they hold quit good against the due to the fact that the users of the system going to save there money as the system will not make the use of network service, instead the uses Ad Hoc network running on Bluetooth technology.

Operational Feasibility: The convergence from old to new system, how fast the users will get accustomed to new system. Since the system is going to have an interface like a regular chat interface provided in already exiting systems, the users are expected get familiar with the system instantly. Secondly the increased use of SMS services have made it quit an easy task for users to key in the massage using the standard numeric keypad of Cell phone. The purposed system will also use the numeric keypad as the mean of input. Both the points prove the system to be operationally feasible.

Requirements: The requirements of the purposed system are categorized in two part Hardware and Software which are listed below:

Hardware Requirements: Minimum hardware requirements For Design tools are:  50 MB hard disk space  128 MB system RAM  800 MHz Pentium III CPU Minimum hardware requirements of Mobile device for testing and implementation of system are  160KB of total memory available for Java  16-bit processor  Low power consumption (often battery power)  Network connectivity (Bluetooth enabled)

Software Requirements: Software Requirements of purposed system are:  Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating systems  Java 2 Standard Edition SDK  J2ME Wireless Toolkit for Windows

Software Requirements of implementation of system are:




 CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 Compatibility



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