Symbian Os Powerpoint Presentation

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  • Words: 2,544
  • Pages: 42
Operating Systems Prof . Antonette Daligdig

SYMBIAN OS Embedded Operating System Atienza , Lemuel Jay Bacarra , Dan Paolo Dulatre , Michael Angelo Jimenez , John Edward Llorca , Bryalle


n 1980

n Psion founded by David Potter n Handheld devices evolved

n 1984 n Psion

Organizer – the world’s first handheld computer – launched

n 1986 n Vastly

improved Psion Organizer II launches, with a simple-to-use database programming language, OPL (Open Programming Language)


n 1987


n Psion begins development of its SIBO

(SIxteen Bit Organiser) family of devices and its own new multitasking operating system called EPOC to run its PDA products

n 1989 n First EPOC16 devices, the MC400 and

MC200, ship with a primarily 1-bit, keyboard-operated graphical interface

n 1990


n Dramatic increase in use of mobile

phones n Psion Computers manufactured devices that were PDAs

n 1991 n Psion produced the Series 3: a small

computer with a half-VGA, monochrome screen that could fit into a pocket

n 1996


n Series

3c with additional infrared capability n Psion started to design a new 32-bit operating system that supported pointing devices on a touch screen, used multimedia and was more communication rich n Introduction of the system as EPOC Release 1

n 1997 n The first version of EPOC32 Release 1

appeared on the Psion Series 5 ROM v1.0


n 1997

n EPOC32 operating system, at the time

simply referred to as EPOC, was later renamed Symbian OS

n 1998 n In

June, Psion Software became Symbian : a major joint venture between Psion and phone manufacturers Ericsson, Motorola, and Nokia. n EPOC became known simply as Symbian OS

n 1999


n The Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 7,

Psion Revo, Diamond Mako, Psion netBook, netPad, GeoFox One, and Ericsson MC218 were released using EPOC Release 5

n 2000 n The first phone : the Ericsson R380

was released using ER5u (Symbian OS v5.1. u = Unicode) in November

n 2000


n Manufacturers were searching for a

new & advanced operating system for its next generation of devices n Psion and the leaders in the mobile phone industry : including Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, and Matsushita (Panasonic), formed a joint venture, called Symbian n Develop the EPOC operating system core, new core design was called Symbian OS



n The first open Symbian OS phone

: the Nokia 9210 Communicator, was released in June and Bluetooth support was added n Almost 500,000 Symbian phones were shipped in 2001, rising to 2.1 million the following year n Symbian OS debuted at version 6 n

n 2003


n First shipment of Symbian OS 7.0 and

7.0s, an important Symbian release which appeared with all contemporary user interfaces including UIQ (Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910, Motorola A925, A1000), Series 80 (Nokia 9300, 9500), Series 90 (Nokia 7710), Series 60 (Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6670, 7610) as well as several FOMA phones in Japan n It also added EDGE support and IPv6 n One million Symbian phones were shipped with the rate increasing to one million a month by the end of 2003

n 2004


n Psion sells its stake in Symbian n Symbian

OS version 8, enhanced the performance of Symbian OS, particularly for its real-time functions

n 2005 n Symbian OS version 9, added concepts of

capability-based security and gatekeeping installation n Symbian OS version 9 also added the flexibility for hardware that Symbian OS version 7 added for software

n 2006


n Symbian

helped bring forth the explosion of mobile device innovation —with Symbian software at the base of more than 100 million phones

n 2008 n The next step of Symbian evolution

took place, with Nokia purchasing all Symbian assets and starting the software down the path to open source n Symbian acquired by Nokia; Symbian Foundation formed

Characteristics : Processing


n Threads : form the central unit of

multitasking n Process is simply seen by the operating system as a collection of threads with a process control block and some memory space n Thread support in Symbian OS is based in the nanokernel with nanothreads

Characteristics : Processing

n Nanothreads

n Run in privileged mode and need a

stack to store their runtime environment data n Cannot run in user mode n Nanothreads can be in the following states: n Suspended n Fast

Semaphore Wait n DFC Wait n Sleep n Other n

Characteristics : Processing

n Processes

n Concepts of process state and process

scheduling have already been defined by Symbian OS threads and nanothreads n Scheduling a process, then, is really implemented by scheduling a thread and initializing the right process control block to use for its data needs

Characteristics : Processing

n Processes

n Symbian OS threads organized under a

single process several ways: n First,




there is a single main thread that is marked as the starting point for the process n Second, threads share scheduling parameters. Changing parameters, that is, the method of scheduling, for the process changes the parameters for all threads

Characteristics : Processing

n Processes

n Symbian OS threads organized under a

single process several ways: n Third,




threads share memory space objects, including device and other object descriptors n Finally, when a process is terminated, the kernel terminates all threads in the process

Characteristics : Memory n SystemsManagement with No Virtual Memory n Only storage available to the operating

system on these platforms is memory; they do not come with a disk drive n Do not support a demand paged virtual memory n Memory space used in most small platform devices. Typically, have two types of storage: RAM and flash memory

Characteristics : Memory n SystemsManagement with No Virtual Memory n RAM n Stores

the operating system code (to be used when the system boots)

n flash memory n used for both operating memory and permanent (file) storage n it is possible to add extra flash memory to a device (such as a SD [Secure Digital] card), and this memory is used exclusively for permanent storage.

Characteristics : Memory n SystemsManagement with No Virtual Memory n Absence

of demand-paged virtual memory does not mean the absence of memory management n Smaller platforms are built on hardware that includes many of the management features of larger systems includes features such as : n Paging n Address

Translation n Virtual /Physical Address Abstraction n

Characteristics : Memory Management nSystems with No Virtual Memory n Memory management consists of

the following tasks: n Management



size n Heap management n Execution in-place n Loading DLLs n Offload memory management to hardware n

Characteristics : Memory Management nHow Symbian OS Addresses Memory n Symbian OS is a 32-bit operating

system, addresses can range up to 4 GB n Symbian OS divides memory into virtual pages and physical frames n Symbian OS adopts a two-level page table strategy (shown in next slide)

Characteristics : Memory Management n How Symbian OS Addresses Memory

S ym b ia n O S u se s a tw o -le ve lp a g e ta b le to re d u ce ta b le a cce ss tim e a n d sto ra g e

Characteristics : Input/Output nDevice Drivers nDevice driver in Symbian OS

is split into two levels: nA

logical device driver (LDD) n Presents

an interface to upper layers of software


physical (PDD) n Interacts


device directly

driver with

Characteristics : Input/Output n Kernel Extensions n Kernel extensions are device drivers

that are loaded by Symbian OS at boot time n Provided for two reasons: n First,

it matches the object-oriented design abstractions we have come to see as characteristic of microkernel design n Second, it allows the separate platforms that Symbian OS runs on to run specialized device drivers that enable the hardware for each platform without recompiling the kernel

Characteristics : Input/Output nDirect Memory Access n Device drivers frequently make

use of DMA and Symbian OS supports the use of DMA hardware n DMA hardware consists of a controller that controls a set of DMA channels

Characteristics : Input/Output n Special Case: Storage Media n Media drivers are a special form of

PDD in Symbian OS that are used exclusively by the file server to implement access to storage media devices n The file server in Symbian OS can support up to 26 different drives at the same time n Local drives are distinguished by their drive letter, as in Windows

Characteristics : n Blocking Input/Output I/O n Symbian OS deals with blocking I/O

through active objects n The weight of all threads waiting on I/O event affects the other threads in the system n Active objects allow blocking I/O calls to be handled by the operating system rather than the process itself n Active objects are coordinated by a single scheduler and implemented in a single thread n

Characteristics : Input/Output n Removable Media n Removable media needs a controller, a

driver, a bus structure, and will probably communicate to the CPU through DMA n Symbian OS provides software controllers that control each supported card n Symbian OS provides a series of events that occur when state changes happen


n Client-Server Architecture n In Symbian OS, clients are programs

that have user interfaces, and servers are programs that can only be accessed via a well defined interface from other programs

n Event Management n Event

management has long been considered core strength of Symbian OS - reflecting the fact that Symbian OS was designed from the start to have event based time sharing in a single thread


n Object Oriented Design n Because Symbian OS has an object

oriented design, it is easy to configure for different sorts of hardware, and being component based, it allows manufacturers to add or remove components n This will provide a stable base as the telecommunications industry moves from 2G to 2.5G to 3G to 4G, with the further introduction of new technologies such as SyncML, BlueTooth, and Multimedia Messaging amongst many


n Power Management

n Symbian OS users are used to the

performance of mobile phones - and so demand similar performance in terms of weight and operating times when they adopt new devices n Power management is built into the kernel of Symbian OS and is designed to make efficient use of the processors and peripherals and so minimize power usage


nRobust and Dependable n Devices should not lose user data,

crash or require rebooting n Symbian achieves this in two ways: n Each

process runs in a protected address space, thus it is not possible for one application to overwrite another’s address space. The kernel also runs in a protected address space, so that a bug in one application cannot overwrite the kernel’s stack or


nRobust and Dependable n Symbian

achieves this in two

ways: n The

client-server architecture of Symbian OS allows applications to exchange data without compromising overall system integrity. This meets the requirement to work on stand alone portable devices, even though Symbian devices offer greatly enhanced functionality over standard mobile phones.


n Memory Management

n For stand alone portable devices, memory

management is important n The need to minimize weight, device size and cost means the amount of memory available on a Symbian OS device is often quite limited n Symbian OS always assumes that the memory available is limited, and minimizes consumption at every turn n Consequently, less memory is actually required by the system also having less memory helps to keep down power consumption


n Full Multitasking

n Symbian OS runs each application as a

separate process, allowing multiple applications to run concurrently

n An Open Operating System n Symbian OS is an open OS n n n n


Open to anyone to license Open to anyone to develop application Based on open standards Owned by the industry


n Memory Management n The

absence of demand-paged virtual memory does not mean the absence of memory management, smaller platforms are built on hardware that includes many of the management features of larger systems

n Execution in-place n Platforms with no disk drives usually support

execution in-place n Flash memory is mapped into the virtual address space and programs can be executed directly from flash memory, without copying them into RAM first n


nNo Virtual Memory n The

only storage available to the operating system on these platforms is memory; they do not come with a disk drive n Smaller systems, from PDAs to smartphones to higher level handheld devices, do not support a demand paged virtual memory n

Example of Applications where the Symbian OS is being used n Nokia Series 80 interface n Nokia 9210 Communicator smartphone (32-

bit 66 MHz ARM9-based RISC CPU) (2001), 9300(2004), 9500 Communicator (2004) using the Nokia Series 80 interface

n UIQ interface n Used for PDAs such as Sony Ericsson P800

(2002), P900 (2003), P910 (2004), P990 (20 05), W950 (2006), M600 (2006), P1 (2007), W960 (2007), G700 (2008), G90 (2008), G7 02 (2008), Motorola A920, A925, A1000, RIZR Z8, RIZR Z10, DoCoMo M1000, BenQ P30, P31 and Nokia 6708 using this interface n

Example of Applications where the Symbian OS is n Nokia S60 (2002) being used interface n Nokia S60 is used in various phones, the first being

the Nokia 7650, then the Nokia 3650, followed by the Nokia 3620/3660, Nokia 6600,Nokia 7610, Nokia 6670 and Nokia 3230 n The Nokia N-Gage and Nokia N-Gage QD gaming/smartphone combos are also S60 platform devices n It was also used on other manufacturers' phones such as the Siemens SX1, Sendo X, Panasonic X700, Panasonic X800,Samsung SGH-D730, SGHD720 and the Samsung SGH-Z600

Example of Applications where the Symbian OS is n Nokia S60 (2002) being used interface

n Recent, more advanced devices using S60 include the Nokia

6620,Nokia 6630, the Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681 and Nokia 6682, Nokia 6120 classic, Nokia 6121 classic, Nokia 6220,a next generationNseries, including the Nokia N70, Nokia N71, Nokia N72, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N78, Nokia N79, Nokia N80, Nokia N81, Nokia N82, Nokia N85, Nokia N90, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N95, Nokia N96 and Nokia N97 n The enterprise (i.e. business) model Eseries, including the Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E62, Nokia E63, Nokia E65,Nokia E66, Nokia E70, Nokia E71, Nokia E71x, Nokia E78, and Nokia E90 and some of the models of Nokia Xpress music mobiles likeNokia 5320, Nokia 5700, Nokia 5800 and Nokia 5530 XpressMusic

n Nokia Series 90 interface n Nokia 7710 (2004) using the Nokia Series 90 interface



S ym b ia n O S Lo g o

A scre e n sh o t o f th e U IQ 3 p e n -b a se d in te rfa ce o n th e P9 9 0

H isto ric Fo rm a tio n o f In d u stry fo r S ym b ia n

S cre e n sh o t o f a typ ica lN o kia S 6 0 u se r in te rfa ce

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