Sym X

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 15,100
  • Pages: 52
SYM X SCENE 1- THE AWAKENING FADE IN FROM CUT SCENE. THE CAMERA IS PANNING UP THE SIDE OF A FUTURISTIC BUILDING, SLOWING TO A STOP AS IT REACHES THE TOP. SLOWLY ZOOMS IN ON A TALL MUSCULAR FIGURE, WHO IS STOOD LOOKING DOWN AT ANOTHER BUILDING IN THE BACKGROUND. THE CAMERA MOVES FORWARD SLOWLY AS THE DAUNTING FIGURE TURNS AROUND, AS IF SENSING SOMETHING BEHIND IT, AND SPEAKS AS IT FACES THE CAMERA SCOWLING. VOICE You reporters are more persistent than I thought. Want to know if I’ll strike again, do we?! (Laughs) But I know why you have tracked me down, even though it has taken you so long. You want to know why and when it happened; Very well, it all started three years ago when I was... Human! FADE TO WHITE AND A CUT SCENE ENSUES. FADE IN FROM WHITE, WITH THE CAMERA PANNING DOWN THROUGH THE INTERIOR OF A BUILDING WITH HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY OPENLY ON DISPLAY. THE CAMERA STOPS AT A GLASS CEILING, LOOKING DOWN ON TWO SCIENTISTS GOING ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS AROUND A LARGE ARC-SHAPED DEVICE, RUNNING CHECKS AND DIAGNOSTICS, AS THE PROTAGONIST NARRATES. JACK WALKER I was chief scientist for the New Energy Institute, or NEI for short. My name back then was Jack Walker. Our team had discovered this new energy source we had found on one of our routine excavations at a known site, but this energy we encountered was like nothing we could ever have imagined. We were all in a state of excitement, for the potential of this energy was limitless, or so we thought… CUT TO WIDE VIEW. SCIENTIST 1 All diagnostics, system checks complete sir. SCIENTIST 2 All non-essential systems have been shut off, sir. Power levels are at one hundred percent. Ready when you are, sir. JACK WALKER OK, but we do it by the book. Start the infusion sequence slowly, then increase energy infusion by two percent. (The camera follows the scientists as they carry out their orders.) SCIENTIST 2 Power fluctuating sir, comp... (Suddenly warning lights start flashing, as an automated voice issues from out of nowhere.) VOICE

Warning, warning, infusion system compromised. CUT TO FRONT VIEW. JACK WALKER What the hell?! Someone tell me what just happened! In fact don’t. Computer, report! COMPUTER VOICE Unknown anomaly detected in X5/227 JACK WALKER What anomaly?! COMPUTER VOICE Insufficient data. Scans report intelligent life-form within energy source JACK WALKER What kind... life-form? COMPUTER VOICE Insufficient data. Power levels increasing. Unable to initiate shut-down procedure. Evacuate immediately. Blast door will close in T-minus one minute (Jack turns to face the two scientists.) JACK WALKER You two get out of here! That’s an order! THE CAMERA CUTS TO VIEW FROM BEHIND AS WE SEE THE SCIENTISTS RUN TO AND THROUGH A LARGE BLAST DOOR. AT THE SAME TIME THE BLAST DOOR SLAMS SHUT. JACK WALKER (TO HIMSELF) OK (cracks his knuckles) Let’s do this! Computer access procedure 1.5-277 alpha! COMPUTER VOICE Access denied. Power levels reaching crit...... (From out of nowhere a large explosion erupts as the large arched shaped device explodes, at the same time a bright purple electrical discharge is seen rushing towards Jack. It hits him so violently that he struggles to remain on his feet, as the camera fades to black.) SCENE 2- THE VOICE WHITE FLASH IN. THE CAMERA IS IN FIRST PERSON VIEW AS WE SEE A BRIGHT LIGHT, WITH OUR HANDS SHIELDING THE LIGHT FROM OUR EYES. WE SIT UP GROGGILY - THE CAMERA IS BLURRY TO ILLUSTRATE THIS - THEN COMES INTO FOCUS AS WE SEE OUR SURROUNDINGS. WE ARE IN A HOSPITAL, WITH NURSES AND DOCTORS GOING ABOUT THERE BUSINESS AROUND US, AND FIND THAT TWO MEN IN SUITS ARE STANDING IN

FRONT OF US. MAN 1 Ah, you’re awake. I’ll leave you two to talk. (Man 1 exits the room.) JACK WALKER My head (groans) What..? Where..? Where am I? How did I get here? MAN 2 You where brought here by our people. Don’t you recognize me? (Man 2 comes closer to the bed.) JACK WALKER (LAUGHS) Mike Allen! You old son of a gun! Still pushing pencils are we? (Laughs) MIKE ALLEN Yes, unfortunately, but… we have more pressing issues to discuss! The board wants to know what happened at the lab. You know the procedure, Jack. What you tell me in this room will be just between you and me. JACK WALKER Mike, I wish I could but... It’s… all a blur. All I can remember is the fusion sequence was compromised somehow. MIKE ALLEN Go on. JACK WALKER I wish I could, Mike (smiles weakly) But my head hurts too much. Once I clear the cobwebs I’ll beep you OK MIKE ALLEN Okay. Get some rest and I’ll come back and see you. (Mike Allen exits the room.) JACK WALKER (To Himself) Finally, some peace and quiet. I’ll catch forty winks and I’ll be right as… (From nowhere a mysterious voice is heard.) VOICE So, you’re alive. I must congratulate you, human - you are more resilient than I thought. (Jack is startled and frantically searches in vain to figure out where the voice is coming from.) JACK WALKER

Who are you?! Are you a hallucination? Or have all my years of exposure to strange energy sources made me flip! VOICE (Laughs) You humans are all the same. When you hear voices you think you are going mad, and you tell yourself they are not real. Believe me when I tell you human… I am very real. JACK WALKER Say you are real. What do you want with me?! VOICE I have no time to explain just yet. We must escape this place. In time you will see who your true friends and enemies are. We must hurry. That human with the needle will be coming to extract blood from us, and test it, and then we will be in jeopardy if we linger here much longer. Come, human. JACK WALKER Wait! Before we go anywhere, my name is Jack, not Human okay?! VOICE As you wish… Jack! Now, let’s get out of this place. THE CAMERA CUTS TO A SIDE VIEW. JACK WEAKLY GETS TO HIS FEET, AND SLOWLY STARTS TO WALK. THE CAMERA CUTS TO FIRST PERSON VIEW AS HE CATCHES SIGHT OF HIMSELF IN THE MIRROR. AS WE PEER INTO THE MIRROR OUR EYES CHANGE SLOWLY TO BRIGHT PURPLE, THEN BACK TO NORMAL AGAIN. THE CAMERA CUTS BACK TO SIDE VIEW AS JACK LOOKS AT HIMSELF. HE IS PAINFULLY THIN WITH A LOOK OF SHOCK ON HIS FACE. VOICE As you see, Jack, I am no mere hallucination. You’re wondering why your appearance has changed. I am sorry… I was starved of sustenance, so I had to find something to feed on. But do not be afraid - you will regain your strength in time. But we must escape! There is an exit on the other side of this building. It is far, but it is imperative that we go. (When Jack exits the room a cut scene ensues.) DOCTOR You should be in bed. (The doctor places his hand on Jack’s shoulder. Jack grabs the doctors hand as the camera cuts in from behind, and he is sent flying into a empty room. The doctor slams violently into a cupboard and collapses on the floor unconscious. The camera cuts to a wide side view as other doctors, nurses and patients look on in horror. Close up shot of Jack’s face, a "I wish I hadn’t done that" look upon his face. Suddenly an alarm sounds and the player is back in control.) VOICE I suggest we get out of here quickly after that little display (laughs) Find the exit… And fast!

AS SOON AS THE EXIT IS REACHED A CUT SCENE ENSUES. CUT TO EXTERIOR OF HOSPITAL. THE EXIT IS SEEN FLYING OPEN AND JACK RUNS OUT OF IT. HE STOPS, LOOKS AROUND, THEN STARTS RUNNING. SUDDENLY A BRIGHT LIGHT APPEARS FROM OUT OF NOWHERE AND WE HEAR A VOICE - IT’S MIKE ALLEN. HE WALKS UP TO JACK, WHO STOPS IN HIS TRACKS. THE CAMERA IS IN FRONT VIEW AT THIS POINT. MIKE ALLEN I suggest you stop what you’re about to do, Jack. You didn’t think you would get away that easily, did you? (Laughs) Did you honestly believe we would let you get away with our finest achievement?! I think not. (Mike slowly draws a tranquilizer gun from his pocket and readies himself to fire, but Jack spots it and lunges forward, grabbing him violently and shoving him up against a wall.) JACK WALKER (ANGRILY) I cant believe in all these years I’ve known you your loyalties still haven’t changed! When are you going to realize that you don’t owe them anything?! They don’t own you… but I see you still don’t get it, do you? (Sighs) So long, Mike… (Jack turns and starts to walk away, a click is heard and jack knows he has a gun trained on him. He shakes his head slowly and continues walking.) MIKE ALLEN (SHOUTING) DON’T MAKE ME USE THIS, JACK! … JACK?!JAAAAACK! FADE SLOWLY TO BLACK. END OF SCENE 2. SCENE 3- CAPTURED SLOW FADE IN FROM BLACK. THE CAMERA IS IN FRONT VIEW AS WE SEE JACK WALKING DOWN THE STREET. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM, PASSING TALL IMPRESSIVE LOOKING BUILDINGS AND TRENDY SHOPS, WITH BARS AND RESTAURANTS NEARBY. JACK STOPS ABRUPTLY OUTSIDE A BAR, DOUBLING OVER FROM THE WAIST AS HE IS GRIPPED BY SEVERE PAIN. HE FALLS TO HIS KNEES AS HE SUCCUMBS TO THE PAIN AND WE SEE HIM CLENCHING HIS TEETH, HIS EYES FLASHING PURPLE, BEFORE THE PAIN GRADUALLY SUBSIDES. HE UNSTEADILY GETS TO HIS FEET, LOOKING AT HIS ARM AS IT BEGINS TO GLOW PURPLE. HE LOOKS ABOUT HIM QUICKLY THEN DASHES INTO THE BAR, HARBOURING HIS STRANGELY GLOWING ARM. CUT TO INTERIOR OF BAR (The camera is in a wide view but fixed on a single point. Jack is standing in the middle of the room and slowly walks to the bar to sit on a stool. The bartender idles up to the bar to serve him, as the camera then cuts to a view from behind.) BARTENDER (GRUFFLY) What will it be?

JACK WALKER Nothing… Thanks! BARTENDER Listen, pal, if you don’t want a drink then get the hell out. CUT TO VIEW FROM BEHIND BARTENDER AND ZOOM IN ON JACK’S FACE, BEFORE ZOOMING OUT RAPIDLY. (Jack just glares at the bartender, and his eyes instantly change to bright purple. Without warning, Jack grabs the bartender and hurls him out over the bar. The bartender slams hard onto the floor, and Jack casually walks up to him, clenching his fist as it starts to glow brightly. He unleashes some kind of energy bolt which strikes the bartender hard, resulting in a shrill scream, before the bartender starts to fade into thin air. Jack’s eyes then revert back to normal.) JACK WALKER What the… What just happened?! VOICE As you can see, Jack, I can assume control over your body if you are in danger. JACK WALKER But I wasn’t in any danger at all. I seen it happening but… I couldn’t do anything about it. So what your saying is that if I’m in danger you can take control of my body and vaporize any-one who threatens me?! VOICE Correct, but I fear that we have alerted the local authorities. I suggest we get out of here, before we are arrested. CUT TO MAN ON PHONE, THEN BACK TO JACK. JACK WALKER (SURPRISED) What?!! I wasn’t the one who killed him! You did! So why will I get in trouble?! VOICE Because these people have witnessed it, and I suggest by the looks we are getting, that they will say you are insane. We will talk later, but for now we must… (Suddenly without warning we hear police sirens wailing, the screech of brakes, and doors opening and slamming shut. The bar door is kicked open by four police officers who rush in and surround Jack.) POLICE OFFICER 1 FREEZE! POLICE OFFICER 2

Don’t make a god damn move, buddy. POLICE OFFICER 3 Keep your hands where I can see them. POLICE OFFICER 4 Come on you whack job, lets go. THE CAMERA IS IN A VIEW FROM BEHIND AS CUFFS ARE PUT ON JACK. HE IS LED OUTSIDE, BEING SHOVED ALONG THE WAY. CUT TO EXTERIOR OF BAR. (The camera follows Jack as he is placed into a waiting police car, while people stand and watch with shocked and horrified looks on their faces. The camera cuts to a close up of Jack’s face, showing disgust with himself, slowly fading to black.) END OF SCENE 3. SCENE 4- THE ESCAPE FADE IN FROM BLACK. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK FROM THE SIDE AS HE IS LED INTO THE POLICE STATION WITH THE FOUR OFFICERS. OTHER OFFICERS CAN BE SEEN GOING ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS IN THE BACKGROUND. HE IS SLAMMED HARD AGAINST THE BOOKING DESK. THE SERGEANT BEHIND THE DESK JUST GLARES AT HIM. SERGEANT (GRUFFLY) What’s the charge?! POLICE OFFICER 1 Creating a disturbance, and for whatever he did to the bartender… According to statements we took from witnesses at the scene. I think we better call someone in from the board. I think it’s what they’re, looking for, serge. SERGEANT Okay. Until then, put him in cell two. You other three, I want reports written up. POLICE OFFICERS 1, 2, & 3 You got it, serge. (Police Officer 1 takes Jack to a holding cell. The camera follows as he is pushed into the holding cell. Some sort of force field appears as Jack sits down on a bench. The other prisoners glare at him. One of the onlooker’s eyes widen as he recognizes the newcomer.) MAN Jack?! Jack Walker? Is that really you?! JACK WALKER Yeah, who wants to… Jake?… Jake Parker! (Smiles) I’ll be god-dammed. So

I take it you still haven’t learned what I tried to get into that thick head of yours (smiles). JAKE PARKER (LAUGHS) Well… I tried, but you know me, Jack - never could learn my lesson (smiles). JACK WALKER So, what are you in for? Let me guess! Robbery? Illegal gambling? Hacking the grid? (Sneers). JAKE PARKER Same old crap. Wrong place, wrong time. So why did they arrest you? I thought you were Mr. Squeaky Clean, Mr. Respectable (laughs). JACK WALKER I… I can’t. Not here (whispers) Let’s just say the project which is classified is loose JAKE PARKER (SHOCKED) What?! I thought the containment device would hold it. JACK WALKER So did I, but we overlooked something. Basically, some… (Jack is cut off mid-sentence when someone out of shot shouts on him.) VOICE (O.S.) Jack Walker? THE CAMERA CUTS TO SIDE VIEW. WE SEE A MAN DRESSED IN A VERY EXPENSIVE SUIT STANDING IN FRONT OF THE CELL. JACK GETS UP AND WALKS TO THE FORCE-FIELD, INSTANTLY RECOGNIZING HIM. JACK WALKER Sam Spears. I thought you retired. SAM SPEARS (SMUGLY) After the little incentive they offered me?! Not a chance. The board was very generous when I told them about you and what happened. So, how did you feel after it? Did you feel yourself change?! Don’t try and come up with excuses, Jack. I’ve seen the evidence. JACK SITS BACK DOWN IN SILENCE, BEFORE SUDDENLY SCREAMING IN PAIN AND SHAKING UNCONTROLLABLY. THE CAMERA ZOOMS IN AND WE SEE JACK’S MUSCLES FLEXING AND THICKENING AS HIS EYES BEGIN FLICKERING PURPLE. HE GLOWERS AT SAM, WHO STEPS BACK IN ALARM. JACK SLOWLY FADES IN AND OUT IN A DARK PURPLE HAZE, THEN BACK TO NORMAL AGAIN, BUT HIS EYES REMAIN PURPLE. HE GETS UP FLUIDLY AND STRIDES CONFIDENTLY TOWARDS SAM, SPEAKING IN A VOICE NOT HIS OWN. VOICE (IRONICALLY) So, my captor rears his ugly head once again.

SAM SPEARS You’re alive, I see. I never expected you to go to these lengths to stay alive. VOICE Yes, but this human I have bonded with knows all about me. He tried to hide the information when he discovered me, but you had his mind erased! But in time he’ll remember, and you will pay... All of you! SAM SPEARS (LAUGHS) Do you think that I’m scared of you?! Remember, I know your weakness. If you force my hand then I will! In the meantime, let’s get you home. (From out of nowhere, four men appear beside Mike, clad in some kind of armor and wielding menacing guns. The force field disappears as the four men enter the cell and converge slowly on Jack. He scowls at the men around him, then at Sam, before smiling confidently and fading into the dark purple haze and disappearing. Sam’s astounded expression quickly turns to anger.) SAM SPEARS(FURIOUS) Find him! MAN 1 B…but sir, he could be anywhere. SAM SPEARS I don’t care, fin..… (He is cut off mid-sentence when he hears his cell phone ringing. He takes it out and answers it.) SAM SPEARS Hello?! No, sir, he got away somehow… Don’t worry, sir, we’ll find him. Don’t worry we’ll contain the situation… Yes, sir. (Sam presses a button to end the call, then angrily puts the phone back in his pocket.) SAM SPEARS() Damn you, Jack! THE CAMERA FADES TO BLACK. END OF SCENE 4. SCENE 5- THE BETRAYAL SLOW FADE IN. WE ARE IN SOME SORT OF SCRAP YARD. WE SEE A DARK PURPLE HAZE SLOWLY APPEARING, WHICH TAKES THE FORM OF JACK, WHO RETURNS TO HIS NORMAL SELF. HE LOOKS AT HIS SURROUNDINGS WITH SURPRISE THEN RECOGNITION. JACK WALKER

Why did you bring me here?! VOICE It was… Never mind. It’s not important. What is, is that you have regained some of your strength and inherited one of my powers. JACK WALKER You mean the old Houdini trick back in the station?! VOICE Correct. But we cannot stay here for long. The board now know that I exist and will stop at nothing to capture me… And you! JACK WALKER (SURPRISED) Me?! What do they want me for? I don’t know anything about you. VOICE Hm! The little task performed on you is worse than I expected. I cannot explain or tell you the truth… Your memory will recover in ti… What?! What is that roaring noise?! (The noise gets louder as whatever is approaching suddenly and without warning rears into view, with twenty motorcycles speeding past Jack, who jumps back in alarm.) JACK WALKER Great! Just perfect! VOICE Who are these humans… I mean people, Jack? JACK WALKER (LAUGHS PLEASANTLY) You learn quickly. Don’t panic, they’re no threat to us. VOICE Your friend Jake is among them. JACK WALKER Huh?! How do you know that?! VOICE I can sense him. (The motorcycles slowly move towards Jack. His eyes flicker purple. The motorcycles slow to a stop then shut off there engines. They dismount one by one, before Jake pushes his way through their ranks and walks up to Jack.) JAKE PARKER Jack?! What are you doing here?! JACK WALKER I can’t explain… Not now. How did you get here so fast? JAKE PARKER

I... don’t know, all I remember is being on my bike. I saw what happened in the station, buddy. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. (Jacks eyes instantly change to bright purple.) VOICE Thank you, Jake. JAKE PARKER So, it is you… I’m sorry for what we did to you - me, Jack, the rest of the team. VOICE (LAUGHS PLEASANTLY) There is no need for apologies, Jake. It was out of your and Jack’s hands. He still does not know the truth. I beg you not to tell him - he must learn it for himself. JAKE PARKER Hm… Alright, so… How does it feel to have a body?! (laughs) VOICE (LAUGHS) It takes some getting use to… Jake? JAKE PARKER Yeah? VOICE It will happen. JAKE PARKER (SURPRISED) Really?! Are you sure? VOICE Yes, I’m afraid so. JAKE PARKER Is there any other way? VOICE No, I’m… sorry… Jake. JAKE PARKER Are you okay?! VOICE He is getting tired. We must find some place to rest. SUDDENLY, FROM OUT OF NOWHERE, WE SEE HELICOPTERS HOMING IN ON JACK. POLICE CARS ZOOM PAST, THEN STOP. THE HELICOPTERS LAND, SHINING LIGHTS ON JACK. HE COVERS HIS EYES AS POLICE OFFICERS AND ARMY PERSONNEL SURROUND HIM ON ALL SIDES. ONE OF THEM FIRES SOME SORT OF ENERGY AT JACK AND HE SCREAMS IN PAIN, COLLAPSING TO THE GROUND. SAM MOVES IN AND STANDS OVER JACK. JAKE

THEN WALKS OVER WITH A GUILT-RIDDEN EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE. SAM SPEARS (SMUG) Well done, Jake. I knew you could not resist. JAKE PARKER What have I done? Jack?… Can you hear me?! I… I’m sorry. SAM SPEARS He can’t hear you. It was designed to block out sound, so technically he’s deaf. Okay, let’s get you home. (Six army personnel lift Jack into a waiting helicopter. The camera follows Jack as they do so. Jake and Sam follow, but Jake walks slowly behind. The camera fades slowly to black.) END OF SCENE 5. SCENE 6- RECAPTURED SLOW FADE IN. WE ARE INSIDE N.E.I HEADQUARTERS, THE CAMERA PANS SLOWLY DOWN A HUGE WINDOW TO REVEAL JACK, WHO IS SITTING ON A BENCH, CHAINS ON HIS ARMS AND LEGS, HE IS STARING AT THE FLOOR, HIS EYES FLICKERING FROM PURPLE TO NORMAL AGAIN. HE INSPECTS HIS CHAINS AND TRIES TO PULL HIMSELF FREE BUT TO NO AVAIL. SUDDENLY WE HEAR TWO PAIRS OF FOOTSTEPS, THEN TWO MEN APPEAR, ONE IS SAM SPEARS, THE OTHER WE DO NOT KNOW OR HAVE SEEN. MAN Well done, Sam. The board is pleased with this result! SAM SPEARS Thank you, sir. It was not easy to track him,. but I knew his friend Jake, could not resist our little offer! ( Laughs smugly). MAN The results are encouraging. We tried the same scenario with other subjects, but they turned out like all the others… failures. I’m warning you, if he escapes again, next time I won’t be so lenient. SAM SPEARS(NERVOUSLY) Ye…yes si…sir! (The man walks away) SAM LOOKS AT JACK, WHO IS STILL STARING AT THE FLOOR, SUDDENLY JACK LOOKS UP AND STARES DIRECTLY AT SAM WITH HIS EYES SLOWLY GLOWING PURPLE, WHO SHUDDERS INVOLUNTARY, THEN WALKS AWAY .THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM AS HE DOES, THEN CUTS TO JACK, THEN SLOWLY ZOOMS INTO THE ROOM AND STOPS. JACK WALKER(TO HIMSELF) Jake…how could you do this to me!

I thought we were friends!

VOICE Jack! Jake is not to blame for our incarceration. Sam knew Jake’s situation , and he knew all along that he would collapse under pressure. He is still your friend, and you should not judge him so harshly. JACK WALKER(ANGRY) What would you know about friends?! Huh?! it wasn’t for you!

I wouldn’t be in this mess if

VOICE(CALMLY) I warn you jack, do not try my patience! I am sensing you are hurt, by Jake’s current actions. Remember, I can control your body, and I could kill you in an instant. JACK WALKER I’m sorry…Ok?! VOICE Apology accepted, now let us get out of this place! JACK WALKER Slight problem! (Jangling chains) VOICE(LAUGHS PLEASANTLY) These chains, are nothing, Jack. Focus, that’s all you need to do! JACK LOOKS AT THE CHAINS AND STARES AT THEM ONE BY ONE, THEY UNDO THEMSELVES AS IF POSSESSING A WILL OF THEIR OWN, THE CHAINS FALL ABRUPTLY TO THE FLOOR, JACK STANDS UP BREATHING A SIGH OF RELIEF. VOICE You may have escaped your bonds…But you have a bigger challenge you!

ahead of

JACK WALKER Let me guess! I have to bust out of this room, and get out of N.E.I! VOICE Yes… and no! Jake is here too! You must find him! They’re torturing him for information. JACK WALKER He knows all about me… I mean us, that’s why there torturing him. Listen, its all a trap, trust me. They have done it before, countless times, for lesser things. VOICE Are you saying you are going to leave him here?! He has been your friend for years. Surely you are not going to abandon him here… to rot?! JACK WALKER(ANGRY) He betrayed , me, us! I would never do that to hi…

(He is cut off mid sentence by the murmured voice of Jake pleading, then screaming for mercy. Jack looks up at the ceiling and just listens. A gunshot rings out silencing Jake’s screams. A horrified expression slowly shows on jacks face, then anger, while his eyes flash purple with murderous rage. He lets out mournful howl, then lowers his head and starts to sob.) JACK WALKER Jake... What… have I done?! VOICE It is too late for him, we must go… now! Sam, Mike, the rest of the board, they will pay…in time! Do not stand there and wallow in your self pity. It is imperative that we must go. JACK WALKER What’s the point! We’re both dead now! VOICE If you are unwilling to cooperate so be it! (The alien within jacks body try’s to take control over him, jack fights back aggressively.) JACK WALKER(ANGRILY) No! Not this time!… I’m getting rid of you once and for all! VOICE That is unwise, for you see… I am integrated, into every part of your body…killing me, would kill you. I may seem defenceless, but I can assure I am not! (The alien, again takes over jacks body, jack try’s to fight back, but looses. Suddenly, the cell door opens quickly, security forces enter the room and quickly surround jack, then Sam Spears enters the room looking smug with himself.) SAM SPEARS Leaving us so soon? VOICE Do not try and in stand in our way…Sam! SAM SPEARS So you now know my name?! Impressive…for a failed project like you! VOICE(LAUGHS) It may seem to you Sam, that I may be a failed project. But I can assure you, even though I seem weak and defenceless, my abilities are re-generating as we for Jack…He and I will become....One! (The alien within jacks body, knows it has struck a nerve, and smiles smugly

at Sam. Who in turns clenches his fists slowly and angrily, then quickly pulls a gun on jack/alien. The alien knows he wont shoot.) VOICE I know you want to shoot me Sam… but you still consider jack your friend! But how can he consider you a friend when you want to capture him! (Suddenly Jack/alien disappears in the dark purple haze. Sam just looks at him with a guilt ridden expression on his face. One of the guards turn to Sam for guidance .) GUARD 1 Sir?! SAM SPEARS No! I shall tell Brad Peterson I have failed him myself. SLOW FADE TO BLACK, ALL WE HEAR IS A GUN SHOT, THEN A "THUD", END OF SCENE 6. SCENE 7- A FRIEND REBORN ALL WE SEE IS BLACK AND TWO PEOPLE TALKING, WHICH ARE MIKE ALLEN AND "BRAD PETERSON" MIKE ALLEN Are you sure you want to proceed with this sir?! After what happened the last time?! BRAD PETERSON Don’t question my reasons for doing this Mike-do not make me angry or I’ll de-mote you so fast, it will make your head spin! Computer, begin the procedure! COMPUTER VOICE Procedure SZ221-beta initiated! levels.


bio readings within normal

BRAD PETERSON(FRUSTRATED) Damn it! Computer increase fusion by 23 percent! MIKE ALLEN(WORRIED) Are you sure about that sir?! BRAD PETERSON(SHOUTING) DO NOT QUESTION MY METHODS!!! COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply, subjects bio readings are within dangerous levels… (All we hear is an explosion, then a shrill scream, but not human, then chains being violently snapped, then a ground shaking thud. Lastly a inhuman

voice is heard.) VOICE(SHOUTING) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???!!! FADE IN FROM BLACK, WE SEE WE ARE BACK IN THE CITY. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK WHO IS CASUALLY WALKING DOWN THE STREET. HE STOPS ABRUPTLY, THEN A WHITE FLASH AND A BLURRED IMAGE IS SEEN, THEN HE SHAKES HIS HEAD. JACK WALKER Man , What…. was that?! VOICE Its seems they are trying again. JACK WALKER What are you talking about?! If you mean the experiment, then they can’t! The energy that was… YOU, was depleted. Plus we never expected the fusion sequence to go wrong! We calculated every possible outcome… Did...did we overlook something?! VOICE I can’t tell you jack. Your memory will recover, but we must find somewhere safe to hide, I believe your fathers old restaurant will suffice, we must go…quickly. (Jack starts to run to where his father’s restaurant is…Suddenly he starts running faster and faster then without warning leaps high and far into the air, then lands heavily outside the restaurant. The camera then cuts to a view from behind.) JACK WALKER(SHOCKED) Whoa! What was that?! VOICE Another of my powers has been passed on to you jack, you have the ability to run faster…if need be, and jump higher and farther than you have ever imagined. (Suddenly a man appears from the restaurant. He is a lot older in appearance, and has a patch over one eye and short gray hair…He is dressed casually.) MAN(ANGRILY) Who goes there…Jack?! Is…is that, you son? JACK WALKER Yes dad, Its me! We better go inside and talk! CUT TO INT. RESTAURANT BURT WALKER What’s wrong son?(sighs) don’t tell me, you’re on those damn drugs again!

JACK WALKER(LAUGHS) Dad… I’ve been clean of those things for years. I work at N.E.I now, remember?…. Your memory is getting worse. Have you been to see your doctor?! BURT WALKER(ANGRILY) I ain't going to see that crackpot ever... (Suddenly jacks eyes change to bright purple) VOICE We haven’t time for these pleasantries. Your son is in danger, do you recall the project he was working on at N.E.I?.. BURT WALKER(SHOCKED) Who...are you?! (angrily) What have you done to my son?! VOICE Please be calm Mr walker. Your son is quite safe.. For, you see.. I live within him, to be more precise… I live within his mind. BURT WALKER(SHOCKED) How… how is this possible! VOICE I cannot explain nor tell you at this moment, it is imperative that no-one knows where we are here! (Jacks eyes change back to normal) JACK WALKER I agree, dad!

No- one must know, please dad!

BURT WALKER Fine! But at least tell me something! JACK WALKER(SIGHS) Ok…Look! Remember the project which was named x5227? Me and Jake, and the rest of the team, were working on?! BURT WALKER Yea…Yeah! JACK WALKER We got more than we bargained for. When we and the team tested the energy source, dad! BURT WALKER mean... you found something more, than just a new source of energy? JACK WALKER

Yeah! a sentient being.... And it’s now bonded with me, but its still weak! BURT WALKER Can I talk to it?! (Jacks eyes instantly change to bright purple) VOICE Yes Mr. Walker?! BURT WALKER What is it you want with my son?! (Before the alien can answer, the alien/jack double over in pain, then the alien/jack slowly begin to glow . The glow fades then brightens before it fades completely. Jack/alien then stand up, Burt just stares up at him in awe.) VOICE Ah! That is much better! BURT WALKER What just happened?! VOICE I have re-generated. Well....almost BURT WALKER What do you mean by that. (Angrily) If you have hurt my son in any way..... VOICE (LAUGHS) There is no need for you to be alarmed, your son is quite safe.. Now we must go! BURT WALKER Go where! VOICE Back to NEI, to see what has happened, I sense they are trying the experiment again! BURT WALKER Don’t go back there, the both of you! (Jacks eyes return to normal) JACK WALKER Dad we got to, I sense it too. I got to see for myself.... And if they are, we got to stop em! (Jack/alien slowly fade into the purple haze, Burt just stares at him, tears start to well in his eyes, then jack/alien disappears, Burt just lowers

his head.) BURT WALKER(V.O.) Good bye..........Sons! THE CAMERA SLOWLY FADES TO BLACK, END OF SCENE 7 SCENE 8 GOODBYE OLD FRIEND SLOW FADE IN FROM BLACK. THE CAMERA IS IN FRONT VIEW. WE SEE JACK STANDING OUTSIDE NEI HEADQUARTERS WITH A CONCERNED LOOK ON HIS FACE. JACK WALKER Hm! I can sense they have tightened security (laughs). Maybe they were expecting me! VOICE Yes, they have tightened security...But we must get inside the building. Maybe this will help! (Suddenly jack begins to blur into bright purple, then quickly back to normal again) JACK WALKER What?......

did you just do to


VOICE I have given you another of my powers. You now have the ability to be undetectable..... This is taxing however, it will not last long, so use it wisely! And be careful not to trip any alarms. JACK JUMP KICKS THE DOUBLE DOORS OPEN. AND RUNS INTO THE BUILDING. HE STOPS ABRUPTLY AND TURNS AROUND. WE SEE TWO GUARDS HOMING IN ON HIM, HE PUNCHES THE AIR IN FRUSTRATION. HIS EYES AND ARMS SLOWLY GLOW PURPLE. HE STRETCH'S HIS ARMS OUT. THE DOORS SLAM SHUT. AND HE RELEASES AN ENERGY BOLT TO SEAL THE DOOR. JACK WALKER (FRUSTRATED) Damn it! These guys don’t quit! VOICE (FRUSTRATED) Well I told you not to snap his neck! When two other guards where right beside you! JACK WALKER OK.... (sighs) now lets find out, what's going on here! (Suddenly a large futuristic-looking door snaps open four guards step out, and at the same time jack leaps behind a nearby desk, the door snaps shut, Jack just listens)

GUARD 1 Don’t worry guys we’ll find him, and snap his neck! THE GUARDS WALK OUT OF SHOT! VOICE You have probably wondered how you where able to seal the door. Another of my powers has regenerated. You have the ability to move objects at will..... This is taxing too, you must use these abilities wisely. Other wise, you will be unable to oppose anyone who stands in our way! JACK WALKER I.... sense..... someone c.. (Suddenly a huge figure comes crashing behind a wall. It roars aloud with anger. It whips its head round to look at jack, who steps back uneasily) CREATURE (ANGRILY) GET OUT, OF MY WAY JAAAACK! (The creature sends jack flying through the air, he unsteadily gets back to his feet) JACK WALKER No, It.... can’t be! (Mournful) Jake? What have, they done to him? VOICE I am, sorry Jack. Unfortunately he has become another casualty, of Brad Peterson’s twisted experiments. We must stop him, before he escapes from here. Otherwise he will..... JACK WALKER Yes, I know. But...I still feel weak, and so do you. Let me at least try to reason with him! VOICE Reasoning with him in his current state will not help! For the being he now is, has no morals, no emotions, Jake is now "dead".... But we must stop him. Do not let your past friendship affect what you must do! I sense they are on the roof. We must hurry! THE EXIT IS SEEN FLYING OFF ITS HINGES, JACK WALKS ANGRILY TOWARD BRAD, JAKE STEPS IN FRONT OF JACK, WHO STOPS AND LOOKS AT JAKE, SADDENED WHAT HIS FRIEND HAS BECOME, JAKE STEPS TO THE SIDE AND BRAD WALKS SLOWLY TOWARDS JACK THEN STOPS, LOOKING SMUG WITH HIMSELF. BRAD PETERSON (SMUG) I commend you for coming back here jack. I didn’t think you had the guts! JACK WALKER I had to come put an end to what you’re doing!

BRAD PETERSON Bravo! But I am afraid this is the end......of you! (Brad nods and Jake advances on jack!) JACK WALKER Jake! Don’t do this, don’t make me hurt you! (A Brief battle ensues) JAKE STAGGERS BACKWARDS UNEASILY. HE THEN REGAINS HIS FOOTING. HE UNLEASH'S A HUGE ENERGY BOLT, IT VIOLENTLY HIT’S JACK. WHO IS SENT FLYING OFF THE ROOF TOP AND INSTANTLY PLUMMET’S TO THE GROUND. THEN HIS RAPID DESCENT IS SLOWED TO A STOP. ENERGY HIS SEEN FLARING FROM HIS OPEN ARMS. THEN HE GRACEFULLY TOUCH’S THE GROUND. JACK WALKER. Wow! I didn’t know I could do that... oh! It was you, thanks! VOICE My pleasure, now do you see what he has become? JACK WALKER Yes... I do! (Jack looks up to the roof top, his eyes flash purple, then the camera dissolves into black.) END OF SCENE 8 SCENE 9- UNCOVERING THE TRUTH FADE IN FROM BLACK, THE CAMERA PANS UP TO A HIGH ROOF TOP THEN STOPS, WE SEE JACK RELAXING LOOKING AT A NIGHT CLUB, SMOKING A CIGARETTE WITH A REMINISCING LOOK ON HIS FACE JACK WALKER I remember something about the project.... argh! But its hazy! It was when we escaped the hospital. (a black and white cut-scene ensues as jack narrates.) JACK WALKER (V.O.) I just ran as fast as I could to get away from mike.... and Nei security, and the army who were on to me! The first place I could think of was this nightclub me and Jake went.... (He is cut off by the sounds of helicopters zooming past, police sirens wailing, then stopping outside the night club.) JACK WALKER (FRUSTRATED) Damn it!!

VOICE I suggest we find some where we cannot be found! JACK WALKER Where? Every where we go they’ll find us! I may as well give up, they’ll never stop hunting us! (Jack staggers back as if slapped in the face) JACK WALKER Ouch! What was that for? VOICE To snap you out of your delusions jack. Don’t you realize that if you give up now, they will kill you.... which inevitably will kill me! We have no other choice, but to wait until I have fully regenerated, then we will fight! JACK WALKER Yeah, you’re right, they think I'm a coward, well from now on its you and me...X! VOICE (SHOCKED) What.... did you just call me? JACK WALKER Huh? What are you talking about? I never called you anything VOICE It does not matter, I believe I have the solution to jolt you’re memory into remembering the project but.... I fear brad has got to him, the only way is to find him. We must find a way to his home, I have marked the location on the map, but we must get past all those police cars, I believe stealth is the key! (Jack sneaks past all the police cars, and runs along the rooftops. Jumping from rooftop, to rooftop. Until he reaches an impressive looking house.) THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK FROM BEHIND, AS HE APPROACHES A IMPRESSIVE LOOKING HOUSE, HE STOPS AT THE SECURITY GATE AND PRESSES THE BUTTON, IT CHIMES, JACK WAITS FOR THE GATES TO OPEN, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS, HE EASILY SOMERSAULTS OVER THE GATE AND LANDS HEAVILY, HE RUNS QUICKLY TO THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE, THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM AS HE DOES THIS, THEN ZOOMS TO A STOP. HE BANGS THE DOOR THREE TIMES, THEN WAITS, THE DOOR OPENS SLIGHTLY THE MAN LOOKS NERVOUS AS HE SPEAKS. MAN Ye...yes? Can I he.. Help you? JACK WALKER I need to talk to you!

MAN I’m sorry you must go, you shouldn’t have come here! JACK WALKER I need to ask you about the project! MAN I can’t tell you anything. (The man slams the door in jacks face) MOMENTS LATER... THE CAMERA CUTS TO JACKS FACE WHO IS STUNNED, AND WE CAN SEE BEHIND HIM. FROM OUT OF NO WHERE WE SEE A PAIR OF DULL PURPLE EYE'S AND AN INHUMAN GROWL. JACK SPINS AROUND TO SEE WHAT’S BEHIND HIM, HE RELEASE’S A HUGE ENERGY BOLT AT JAKE. WHO STAGGERS, THEN ENERGY FLARES FROM HIS ARMS AS HE IS ROCKETED HIGH AND FAR INTO THE AIR. CUT TO: SKYSCRAPER THE CAMERA IS IN FRONT VIEW, THEN SLOWLY ZOOMS IN THEN STOPS, JACK IS SITTING WITH HIS ARMS FOLDED, STARING AT THE CITY BENEATH HIM. JACK WALKER Brad will never stop hunting us, won’t he? VOICE Yes jack.... But we can stop him once I have regained all of my strength! JACK WALKER Where did you come from? VOICE I suppose you have a right to know! I am a highly advanced energy being, our world was being torn apart by war. Our race was divided, us the ryheilia, the others the kiaeen, they wanted the whole planet for themselves... but we would not let them take it, they slaughtered my brothers, and my life mate, I had no choice, but to escape... So I opened a conduit to this world and stepped through, but one of them stumbled across the conduit, and followed me here. We were both drained by our journey, and reverted to a liquid state, that's when you! JACK WALKER You mean? VOICE Yes, one of the kiaeen is here, and Jake its helpless host (Jack stands up and looks out to the distance, a mournful look on his face, then the camera dissolves into black)

END OF SCENE 9 SCENE 10- A LITTLE TOO LATE SLOW FADE IN FROM BLACK, WE SEE JACK LANDING HEAVILY, THE PURPLE GLOWS FADES FROM HIS EYES AND ARMS, HE STANDS UP, LOOKING AT HIS SURROUNDINGS, HE INSTANTLY RECOGNIZES WHERE HE IS. JACK WALKER (SHOCKED)! What happened here? I thought the energy we discovered, was for all sectors. VOICE Lies, jack, that’s what they wanted you to believe. The corporate fat cats at NEI wanted the energy for the sector which you live in, and no-one else! But we have a more important matter to attend to, that’s why I brought you here. We must go and find Robert Johnson- the director of the project, before brad gets to him... (Jack nods, he runs to Robert Johnson’s house, before he is too late.) THE CAMERA SLOWLY FOLLOWS JACK FROM BEHIND AS HE APPROACHES A TALL IMPRESSIVE-LOOKING HOUSE. THE SECURITY GATES LIE BROKEN, TORN OFF THEIR HINGES. JACK STEPS OVER THEM, HE LOOKS TOWARD THE HOUSE, WHICH LIES IN RUIN. WINDOWS SMASHED, LARGE CHUNKS OF MASONRY LIE IN PIECES. JACK HEADS TOWARDS THE FRONT DOOR, WHICH RESTS ON ONE HINGE. HUGE CLAW MARKS ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE, HE STEPS THROUGH THE DOOR WAY. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE JACK WALKER (NERVOUSLY) I... I don’t like the look of this. VOICE Neither do I, jack, but we must find Robert, even though the situation looks bleak. Explore the house, find any clue you can, then Robert. But I fear we were not quick enough..... (Jack starts to search the house) JACK WALKER (FRUSTRATED) Not a god-damn thing, brad must have beat us to it, he’s took all bob’s research. Disks, recordings, everything! VOICE Yes, but, we still have to find Robert, I sense he has a security bunker in the basement. Hurry, jack.... (Jack find’s the bunker) THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK SLOWLY AS HE APPROACHES THE SECURITY DOOR. HE ENTERS

A FOUR-DIGIT CODE, NOTHING HAPPENS. HE TRIES AGAIN TO NO AVAIL. HIS EYES CHANGE TO BRIGHT PURPLE, HE TAKES THREE STEPS BACK, CLENCHES HIS RIGHT FIST. WHICH SLOWLY GLOWS PURPLE, THEN BRIGHTLY, HE UNLEASHES AN ENERGY BOLT AT THE DOOR FROM HIS OPEN HAND. WHICH CRACKS, THEN SHATTERS. AFTER THE SMOKE CLEARS JACK STEPS THROUGH THE HOLE. JACK WALKER (CROAKED) My god! Bob! THE CAMERA DOES A HARSH ZOOM ON A BODY LYING SLUMPED IN A CORNER OF THE BUNKER IN A POOL OF BLOOD, CLAW MARKS ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE, ARMS HAVE BEEN VIOLENTLY RIPPED OFF, BRUISING IS ALSO SEEN, JACK RUSHES TO THE BODY, HE GETS DOWN ON ONE KNEE , THEN LOWERS HIS HEAD. VOICE I am afraid we are too late! JACK WALKER (ANGRILY) You think? VOICE Jack, be calm. I know you are deeply upset by this, but we must focus. You will have your revenge on those who have betrayed you. Slaughtered your closest friends. Turned your closest friend into your enemy, erased your mind, Brad, Jake.... They will all pay with their lives, what they have done to you. But, we must be cunning about this... JACK WALKER I can’t just sit idly by, and do nothing. I just want to kill everyone who’s stabbed me in the back, you must understand that, at least! VOICE Yes, I can. But, we must go. I will take you some where- I need to show you something. It will probably not work, because the procedure has taken its toll on you. But we must try something, anything, to recover your lost me... THE CAMERA SWINGS ROUND TO THE FRONT, WE SEE A DAUNTING FIGURE STANDING IN THE HOLE, WHERE JACK BLASTED THROUGH, IT IS JAKE. JAKE PARKER Impressive, ryhyilian. I did not think you could have made so much progress in so little time. (Jacks eyes change to bright purple) VOICE Pryius, we meet again. I should have obliterated you, while I had the strength! PRYIUS (LAUGHS) You ryhyilians, are all the same....Weak! I thank you, for leading me here,

old friend. This world will soon be ours! (Energy instantly flares from jacks arms) VOICE I will not idly stand by, and let you and your kind, destroy yet another world. (A battle ensues,) THE CAMERA IS IN SIDE VIEW, WE SEE PRYIUS/JAKE LYING SLUMPED ON THE FLOOR, BLOOD TRICKLING FROM OPEN WOUNDS, AND FROM HIS MOUTH. PRYIUS (LAUGHS) Not bad, old friend. Not bad at all. Haven't you told this... human what your name is yet? Shame, allow me, on the other hand. We should let him discover the truth, for himself... which will destroy you both (laughs) VOICE You really are pathetic, Pryius. It will not destroy us. I know jack well enough, that the truth, will make him more determined to obliterate you. PRYIUS Are you sure about that? I somehow doubt that, very much so. Very well then, I'll let this pathetic human find out, for himself.. (Pryius disappears in a bright flash, then jacks eyes return to normal) JACK WALKER So... X, where are you taking me? And what’s so god-damn important, you need to show me VOICE (SHOCKED) You.. Remember my name? JACK WALKER Yeah, but not what happened! VOICE Hmm! I’m glad your memory is recovering, But to undo the damage that brad has done to your mind. Will take even more drastic measures. Where I'm taking you and what I will show you, should have the desired effect. SLOW FADE TO BLACK, END OF SCENE 10 SCENE 11-MIND TRIP WHITE FLASH IN. WE ARE IN SOME SORT OF WASTE LAND, THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK, WHO IS WALKING SLOW, SUDDENLY HE STOPS. JACK WALKER What is that? Over there!

(Jack points towards a dark liquid in the distance) X That is, where you found me, Jack! (Jack

walks towards the dark liquid, then stops)

JACK WALKER So, this is what you wanted to show me! X Yes, but to fully understand why I am here. You, must step into the liquid. Do not be afraid, jack, you will not be harmed. (Jack hesitates for a moment, then steps into the dark purple liquid) X Now close your eyes, and listen to the sound of my voice! THE CAMERA FADES TO BLACK WHITE FLASH IN, THE CAMERA IS IN FIRST PERSON VIEW. WE SEE WE ARE ON AN UNKNOWN PLANET, DESTRUCTION IS ALL AROUND. ALIEN BODIES LIE STREWN AROUND US, WE BRING OUR HANDS UP AND LOOK AT THEM. JACK WALKER (SHOCKED) What? Where am I? X Do not be afraid jack, you have assumed the form of a ryhyilian. This is my planet, which Pryius intends to destroy through his own arrogance. He will stop at nothing, to accomplish this. This is the moment where pryius defeats me in battle, watch. THE CAMERA QUICKLY ZOOMS IN ON TWO ALIENS, ONE STANDING OVER THE OTHER, WHO IS LYING ON THE GROUND, HEAVILY WOUNDED. PRYIUS Pathetic! Your are just like all the others, cowards. All you ever do is run. No matter, once I have killed the rest of your kind, and you, this planet will soon be ours (laughs) X Don't you get it pryius? Killing us, and your own brethren will only weaken the barrier. The barrier is directly linked into the well-being of our planet, and us. PRYIUS I see our elders, have filled your mind with their lies. There nothing but fools, Riyal.

RIYAL Its not lies, nor the elder’s are fools, pryius. Its the truth. With each death of our kind, the barrier weakens. And it will eventually affect the planets core. Which will inevitably destroy our home world, if you do not stop this, reckless act. When will you realize your actions, will accomplish nothing. But our own demise. PRYIUS This world, you call home, riyal, will soon be ours once again, the treaty we had.... Once, was to lull your ignorant elders, and ours, into a false sense of security. Face the facts riyal, the barrier your people had erected which your kind have cowered behind for all these millennia, will fall, for eternity, and with that, your kind will be nothing more.... Than a distant memory. So go ahead and run like your kind always do! (Laughs loudly) RIYAL (ANGRILY) Listen to me, pryius, and listen well, I may be defeated, but know this: This is not over between you and I. We will meet again,. But the next time we meet, you will be the one, who will fall. CUT BACK TO WASTELAND RIYAL So, you now know the truth, jack! JACK WALKER So now.... (Suddenly jack is gripped by severe pain, he instantly falls to his knees.) JACK WALKER (CONT’D) Is hap...happening me? Riyal? (Jack’s features start to become more alien, his eyes now become permanently purple, then the pain then subsides, then he weakly gets back to his feet.) JACK WALKER (CONT'D) I sense an elder is here, I know some of what has happened to me, but we are still too weak, to oppose brad and Jake, I am sure my memory will fully recover, I know who, and where the elder is. He holds the key to unlocking the truth, buried deep in my mind. THE CAMERA DISSOLVES INTO BLACK, END OF SCENE 11 SCENE 12- END OF AN ELDER FADE IN FROM BLACK, WE SEE WE ARE BACK IN THE CITY, JACK IS SLOWLY WALKING, THEN SUDDENLY HE STOPS. THE CAMERA QUICKLY PANS FORWARD, WE SEE BRAD, PRYIUS, AND JACKS FATHER, WHO IS ON HIS KNEES, ALL BLOODY AND BRUISED. THE CAMERA CUTS BACK TO JACK, WHO RUNS, ENERGY FLARING FROM HIS ARMS, BRAD SLOWLY RAISES A KNIFE TO BURT’S NECK, JACK INSTANTLY STOPS.

BRAD PETERSON Not so fast, jack. You move one more step, then, I’ll end your fathers life. Or I could let Jake..... Sorry, pryius, do the job for me (laughs) JACK WALKER You do that, brad and I’ll end yours. BURT WALKER Do... Don't give in M.... my sons! (Brad hits Burt in the face, hard) BRAD PETERSON Shut up! You expected to find out the truth did you jack? Well it looks like you are a little too late as always. JACK WALKER What do you want brad? Me to put my hands up and say I surrender? Never! You think that by killing my father, that I will give myself up? (Laughs) all you ever do, and have done brad, is kill all who get in your way, or who become an obstacle in your path. BRAD PETERSON You sound like that excuse for a project. I won’t be the one who will kill your father jack, it will be pryius. (Brad turns to pryius) End him! (Pryius nods and turns towards Burt, then thrusts a clawed hand into Burt's chest,. Jack looks on in horror, then screams.) JACK WALKER NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Pryius whips his head round to jack, smiles then he and brad disappear in a white flash. Jack runs towards Burt, who is lying on the ground covering the wound in his chest with one hand) JACK WALKER (CONT'D) Father! BURT WALKER Y... you... must go to th.. The temple with... (Burt dies in jacks arms) JACK WALKER What temple? Where? Riyal, what did he mean, go to the temple? RIYAL There is a temple within my..... Our mind. We riyhilians use it, if we cannot

find answers, or to evolve, if needed. But it is risky, if you are too long within the temple, your body will wither and die, or what you call a fail safe device, will rush your mind back to consciousness. And that is too dangerous, I cannot allow you to take that risk jack. JACK WALKER I am willing to take that risk, riyal, you risked your life for me. Exposing brad’s twisted projects, so, it’s my turn to repay the favour. What you say, won’t change my mind, we have got to stop brad and pryius, I think there working together, pryius must have coerced him with promises of unlimited power, and brad gave him a body. So we got to.. (From out of the distance we see a convoy of motorbikes approach, very quickly. Jack turn’s around and starts to run.) THE CAMERA FADES TO BLACK, END OF SCENE 12 SCENE 13- FRIENDS REUNITED SLOW FADE IN FROM BLACK, WE SEE WE ARE BACK IN THE WASTE LAND, THE CAMERA PANS DOWN FROM AN ARIEL VIEW, THEN BACK, THEN CUTS TO A SIDE VIEW, WE SEE A GANG OF BIKERS STANDING AROUND JACK, WITH THERE ARMS FOLDED, ONE OF THEM STEPS THROUGH. JACK WALKER Who are you? What do you want? If your here because you’ve heard of Jake’s fate, then here is your killer. Go ahead, try me! BIKER Easy old pal. Don’t you know who I am? Just look,

into my eyes.... Jack!

(Jack looks at the biker, then he slowly realizes who the biker is) JACK WALKER Jake? But.... How? JAKE PARKER Riyal knows! JACK WALKER Can you at least, share it with the rest of the group? RIYAL As you wish! The temple within Jake’s mind had become corrupted by pryius's thoughts. Jake had become a prisoner within his own body, unable to do anything. But his will to escape the catastrophe, that his body had become, was too great. Even pryius couldn't stop him! But I still don’t understand how or why! JACK WALKER Don’t under-estimate our own determination to survive, riyal! That’s what all sentient beings, strive on one single drive......To survive!

JAKE PARKER Whoa! Somebody, must have swallowed a dictionary (laughs) RIYAL I see our minds are becoming as one, Jack. But we must press on, the further we delay. The more ground, Pryius and brad gain. JAKE PARKER Riyal’s right, enough of this sentimental crap, lets get down to business JACK WALKER OK! Jake, you and the others go back to the city. Scope out NEI. See if there's any unknown activity going on JAKE PARKER You got it! What about you? JACK WALKER Me? I’ll need to go to this temple thing, within my mind. And find out the truth, and try at least to gain the power, which I need to defeat pryius, and brad. Or die trying! (Jake nods, he jumps on his bike, signals to the other bikers to move out.) WE SEE THE MOTOR BIKES DISAPPEAR INTO THE DISTANCE. JACK JUST STANDS THERE. JACK WALKER Good luck.... Friend! So, riyal, how do we go about this whole temple thing? RIYAL First, you must be comfortable, sit down jack. (Jack sits) RIYAL Now slow your breathing, until you are relaxed. Then close your eyes. Lastly will your mind into the temple. THE CAMERA DISSOLVES SLOWLY INTO BLACK. FADE IN FROM BLACK WE SEE WE ARE IN A DESERT, JACK IS STANDING LOOKING AT A TEMPLE IN THE DISTANCE, WHICH IS SEEN BUILDING ITSELF. JACK JUST STANDS THERE, ARMS FOLDED, ADMIRING THE VIEW. JACK WALKER Where.... Am...


(From nowhere riyal appears) RIYAL We are within your mind jack, which will soon become one mind,

indistinguishable. As you can see, as our minds blend together. The temple gets bigger and stronger as each moment passes. We have a more important matter to attend to here. That is why I have brought you to this place. JACK WALKER I know, shall we? RIYAL Indeed jack, let us proceed! THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK WHO CAREFULLY WALKS TOWARDS THE TEMPLE. HE THEN ARRIVES AT THE TEMPLE’S ENTRANCE. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM IN LOOK UP. AS HE SURVEYS THE TEMPLE IN AWE. JACK WALKER Wow! I didn't think, this could be possible! RIYAL We are greater than the sum of our parts, remember that jack. Let us press on. THE CAMERA SLOWLY FOLLOWS JACK AS HE ENTERS THE TEMPLE CUT TO: INT. TEMPLE THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK FROM BEHIND. JACK THEN STOPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TEMPLE. THE CAMERA SLOWLY PANS UP, THEN BACK TO JACK. JACK WALKER How.... can this be? RIYAL As I said before, the temple grows in strength, and size as our minds blend together. We must not linger here, any longer than we need to be, jack. As your mind remains here. Your body slowly grows weaker and eventually it will wither and die. So we must find what we are looking for. And quickly. JACK WALKER Your right, enough staring at the scenery. Lets explore this place, and find some sort of answers. (Jack explore's the temple reading strange murals, each mural is degraded and unreadable until the centre of the temple is reached) THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK FROM THE SIDE. AND REVEALS A HUGE DARK PURPLE CREATURE BOUND IN CHAINS ON A SMALL CEREMONIAL PLATFORM. IT RAISE’S ITS HEAD WEAKLY AND LOOKS DIRECTLY AT JACK, THEN RIYAL. THE CREATURE Ah! So you have come at last. I did not think you had the strength to journey here, both of you. Riyal you know who and what I am. I am the part of you

which you have suppressed for several millennia. The part your people vowed never to become again, but you need that part of you, if you truly desire to restore our world, and to stop pryius. Welcome, the human known as jack. You have journeyed here for one reason, and one reason alone. To unlock your suppressed memory, and to find the truth. I can aid you in this, only if you so wish. JACK WALKER I just want to know the truth, I know some of it. But..... I just want to know everything. Riyal has filled some of the gaps.... but it’s still hazy. THE CREATURE Very well then, jack. Please come forward. Do come to you.

not be afraid, no harm will

(Jack steps forward, then stops at the ceremonial platform.) THE CREATURE Look into my eyes jack, see the buried memories. Let them come forth... (White flashes are seen with blurred images, jack winces in pain with each image.) JACK WALKER Ah! Stop.... Please I C... cant take the pain! Riyal he.... Help me. THE CREATURE Do not fight them, jack let them come forward. Trying to suppress them , will only make things worse (The blurred images get faster and faster, jack screams in pain.) RIYAL That will suffice for now! (The blurred images get faster and faster. Jack

still screams in pain.)

RIYAL ENOUGH! Are you alright my friend? (Jack slowly, and awkwardly gets to his feet) JACK WALKER Yeah! I'm OK, whoa! Talk about a head rush. I know everything! Pryius, brad, all of it. How could they do this to me? And Jake! Brad set him up, all along. Even the first time we tried the experiment, brad deliberately sabotaged the infusion inhibitor. Which regulates the flow of energy into the arc which amplifies, the source of that energy. RIYAL I had something to do with that too, jack. I was angry that I was entombed within the arc. My will, to escape my enforced prison, was too great. And as you said, the arc amplifies any energy source running through it. Hence

the rather large explosion. (Suddenly jack bends over in slight pain.) JACK WALKER Wh... what was that? (Jack bends over again in slight pain.) JACK WALKER What the hell?....... FADE TO WHITE. WHITE FADE IN. WE SEE WE ARE BACK IN THE WASTE LAND. THE CAMERA IS IN FIRST PERSON VIEW, WE SEE OUR VISION IS BLURRED, THEN COMES INTO FOCUS. THE CAMERA THEN CUTS TO A SIDE VIEW. PRYIUS IS STANDING IN FRONT OF US. RIYAL Pryius, we meet again! PRYIUS I knew that little jolt, would make you come to your senses, human. JACK WALKER I know everything, pryius, you and brad working together. Your plan to take over my planet, won’t work. Our government, will stop you in your tracks, as for brad. Don’t worry he’s next on my list. PRYIUS Brad is of no importance to me nor is your small insignificant government. Brad has played the willing pawn so far. And he will be rewarded, but not the way he thinks. I have promised him the greatest gift that could have ever been bestowed upon a human. But he will soon realize, that great power comes at a price, and nothing will stand in my way (laughs) JACK WALKER Forget it pryius, it’s over. I'm here to stop you once and for all. Even if that means taking my own life. I’ve seen what you’ve done, you sick son of a..... All that destruction, desecration, killing your own kind to fulfil your own sick twisted desires. Your nothing more than a vicious cancerous parasite, spreading death and disease, every where you go. Consuming every source of energy until there’s nothing left. (Pryius clenches his fists. And scowls at jack, in anger.) I know what you’re thinking, pryius. You want to obliterate me... but you find me interesting. PRYIUS True! I do find you interesting, But, what interest I have, will soon fade. And your pitiful planet, will soon... be mine! RIYAL

Pryius, I implore you. Please don’t do this, what you are doing is total madness and unconscionable, and will accomplish nothing. If you carry out this irrational plan of yours, you will not only destroy our world. You will destroy the last hope for our dying planet. Can’t you hear it, pryius? Our planet screaming in pain. Whimpering for help, which if we do nothing, will wither, then die. PRYIUS I think, you are hearing things, old friend. Our planet, can die for all I care. It is no longer a concern, to me. It has served its purpose, this planet is rich in energy, I can see it all around. It will soon belong to me, do not try and oppose me, both of you. You shall be obliterated... in a heart beat. (Pryius disappears into thin air) JACK WALKER So, now what do we do? RIYAL We must find brad, and try and rescue him, before pryius gets to him, and kill him! JACK WALKER You think pryius would do that? RIYAL You have already seen first hand, what he is capable of jack! (Suddenly from the distance see jets zooming in on jack, then camera fades to black.) END OF SCENE 13 SCENE 14- STEP UP WHITE FLASH IN, THE CAMERA IS IN A VIEW FROM BEHIND. WE SEE JACK STANDING ENERGY FLARING FROM HIS ARMS, LOOKING UP AT THE JETS QUICKLY APPROACHING. JACK WALKER Great! Just great! This is just what I need right now. The army after my butt! RIYAL Jack! I sense its not your army, that has sent those jets, but someone we know all too well! JACK WALKER Pryius, right? Something tells me, those jets aren't manned! RIYAL I’m afraid that he has taken control of the jets, that you used for parts to build the prototype for the arc. When NEI took over the abandoned hanger

before you took over the building, which the arc you had built now resides in . That the army declassified, many years ago. JACK WALKER Yeah, let me take a wild guess here, call it intuition if you will. But....If we don't stop these jets, pryius sent to hinder our progress. Then brad is more or less dead meat! RIYAL Correct, jack! You now possess the abilities to stop anyone who poses a threat to us, I believe they will come in three waves, take them all out so we can press on (Jack destroy’s the jets with ease) CUT TO SIDE VIEW JACK WALKER Well, that was easier than I thought! RIYAL Don’t be easily fooled by pryius jack, and never under estimate him. He is more cunning than you think. And, even more dangerous, we must proceed with caution jack. I believe that he will test how far we are willing to go. JACK WALKER Riyal! You should have a little more faith in me (laughs) RIYAL I do jack, but.... I'm begging you please be careful. Let us proceed. WE SEE JACK FLYING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE MOMENTS LATER: WE SEE JACK ZOOMING IN FAST THEN STOPPING FAST, THEN HOVERING. RIYAL Oh no! JACK WALKER What the....... RIYAL I'm afraid we are too late, once again jack CUT TO VIEW FROM BEHIND WE SEE A LARGE DOMED SHAPED ENERGY BARRIER, DARK PURPLE IN COLOR RIYAL

He has beaten us to your city. Which the bunker is just outside your city limits as you call it. CUT TO CLOSE UP SHOT OF JACKS FACE, SLOWLY SHOWING ANGER (Jack clench's his fists tightly) JACK WALKER(SHOUTING) I... REFUSE... TO...GIVE UP! (His arms start to glow brightly. Suddenly jack and connects.)

swings for the barrier

THE BARRIER CRACKS THEN SHATTERS. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK HAS HE FLOATS GENTLY TO THE GROUND AND TRYING TO REGAIN HIS COMPOSURE. BUT HE HIS BREATHING HEAVILY AS IF HE IS WINDED. WE SEE THE BARRIER LYING IN PIECES LIKE BROKEN GLASS. RIYAL Jack? Are you... alright? (Jack just stands there and says nothing, and stares ahead) RIYAL Please jack, listen to me. Pryius is trying, to get inside your mind, do not let him. Otherwise, he will poison your mind, with unwanted thoughts. Of anger, hate, resentment. To all living things, and people, who you care for. I know how it feels, to be betrayed, to give in to your emotions jack. My kind, gave into such emotions, jack. I soon realized, this was pryius’s doing, all along. JACK You, that than

WALKER (ANGRILY) don’t know a god damn thing about me, you’re just some lousy experiment, went wrong. Ever since you have been with me, you’re nothing more, a parasite. That need’s eradicating.

RIYAL Jack please, pryius is within your mind, I can sense him. Fight him, he will not give in, until he has complete control over you. For once in your life, fight back. Ever since you were a young boy, you have let people walk all over you. And when you started out as a junior scientist at NEI, you have let brad, and the others use you... like a doormat (Jack clench's his fists, he starts shaking uncontrollably, his eye’s flicker from bright to dark purple.) JACK WALKER G... GET OUT.... OF... M... MY... MIIIIIIIND! RIYAL Are you... alright jack?

JACK WALKER (PANTING) Yeah... I'll... I'll be fine. That was the hardest thing, I've ever had to do. He was trying, to take over. I need to sit down. RIYAL I’m afraid we have no time, to sit and rest jack. We must, stop pryius otherwise, he will carry out his plan. Conquering your world, and making it his own. Once he has achieved this. He will infect, you’re fellow humans, with what he calls... his children. Jack I know, that brad has treated you badly in the past, but he must not suffer death so horribly, what pryius will do to him, his body, and mind won’t be able, to handle the change. JACK WALKER What change? Don’t tell me he intends to..... Oh, crap! RIYAL Indeed jack! JACK WALKER Alright, I'll rescue him but, eventually . He’ll have to die, and by my hand. RIYAL If you still feel that way jack, so be it. I will not stop you, shall we? THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK AS HE SLOWLY FLIES TO THE CITY LIMITS. LOOKING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT AT THE DEVASTATION. THE CITY LIES IN RUINS. BODIES, ALL WOMEN, CHILDREN AND MEN LIE EVERYWHERE. EVERY HOME IS TOTALLY DESTROYED. SMOKE BILLOWS FROM BARS, SOME STILL ON FIRE. JACK’S FACE SHOWS SADNESS. THEN ANGER AND CONTEMPT. EVENTUALLY HE ARRIVES AT THE BUNKER, STILL IN TACT, HE LANDS HEAVILY. CUT TO SIDE VIEW JACK WALKER(CALMLY) So, how do you want me to do this? RIYAL As with NEI jack! JACK WALKER I think, he’ll be expecting a sneak attack, and on the other hand. He’ll expect a head on attack, damn it! RIYAL There is, one way we could enter the building! JACK WALKER How? RIYAL It is, a power we ryhillians suppressed millennia ago. And we forgot, to

re-awaken this power. You call it, imitation. It requires, focus, channelling all your power, and will, into your mind. It is dangerous yes, but if you manage to awaken this power, it can be used to... JACK WALKER Yeah, I know. To my advantage. How long does it last, if I’m able to, awaken this power? RIYAL It will, drain your health, slowly. Use it with extreme caution jack, but do not worry, for I will stop it, if you go too far. (Jack nods, then closes his eyes.) THE CAMERA SLOWLY SWINGS AROUND JACK, WHO IS IN DEEP CONCENTRATION. THE CAMERA SPEEDS UP GETTING FASTER AND FASTER. AFTER SEVERAL MOMENTS THE CAMERA STOPS ABRUPTLY, THEN SLOWLY ZOOMS IN THEN STOPS. CUT TO CLOSE UP SHOT OF JACKS FACE (Jacks eyes snap open, they briefly flash purple) CUT TO WIDE FRONT VIEW RIYAL How do you feel jack? JACK WALKER I think it worked, so now what do I do? RIYAL Conjure an image of pryius, in your minds eye, then it will happen. (Jack stares ahead, he clench's his fists tightly) WE SEE A WISP OF BRIGHT PURPLE ENERGY START TO WHIP AROUND JACK. SLOWLY AT FIRST, THEN IT GETS FASTER AND FASTER. AT THE SAME TIME WE SEE JACK GLOW PURPLE. SUDDENLY A BRILLIANT PURPLE FLASH IS SEEN. WE SEE JACK HAS TAKEN ON THE APPEARANCE OF PRYIUS, AND HIS VOICE. JACK WALKER What? This... is impossible! RIYAL I am astounded, jack. I didn’t honestly believe, you had the power within you to accomplish such a very difficult task, such as this. Now that you have awakened, this ancient power, lost to us long ago. You have the means to rescue brad. THE CAMERA SWINGS ROUND TO THE BACK OF JACK,WHO LOOKS UP AT THE BUNKER, READY TO TAKE ACTION AS THE CAMERA DISSOLVES INTO BLACK

END OF SCENE 14 SCENE 15- BRAD UNDONE FLASH IN, JACK IS STILL STANDING AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE BUNKER. WE SEE HIM LOOKING AT THE ENTRANCE IN CONCENTRATION, PONDERING THE THOUGHT HOW TO GET INSIDE THE BUNKER. RIYAL Why so hesitant, jack? You now have the means to get inside. But you still have doubts, about your new found abilities, and your humanity. You feel you may lose your humanity, jack. I can sense it, within you. You have nothing to fear my friend. True, you will eventually become alien, body and mind will not loose the essence of your humanity. A small portion of that essence, will remain. JACK WALKER What if I can’t do it, riyal? What if I cant rescue brad, what if I let him die, by pryius turning him! RIYAL Jack, even though brad has cruelly used you, he should not suffer the fate that pryius has planned for him. He should not, suffer death so painfully, what pryius will do to him if we do not hurry. We must get inside but….. He will be expecting us. (Jack finds a way into the bunker.) CUT TO: INT. BUNKER WE SEE WE ARE INSIDE THE BUNKER, JACK IS STANDING SUREVYING HIS SURROUNDINGS. WE SEE ARE GUARD, RUNNING TOWARDS US. GUARD Sir? We didn’t expect you back so soon! JACK WALKER Yes... But I have to make sure things are going, according to plan. How is our... guest, comfortable? But secure, I hope! GUARD Yes, sir! We have contained him within the power station. As your instructions. JACK WALKER Excellent! You may go about your duties, now! (The guard walks away) SUDDENLY A BRIGHT PURPLE FLASH IS SEEN. WE SEE JACK BACK TO HIS NORMAL SELF, HE TRY’S TO TURN BACK INTO PRYIUS BUT TO NO AVAIL.

JACK WALKER What?.... Why can’t I change back? RIYAL(WHISPERS) J..... Jack... You... where pryius for.... Too long... I tried to... sustain the illusion, as long as.... I could, but... I’m afraid..... You will have to... explore the bunker yourself... until I have regained... my strength... do not worry... you will still have... unsurpassed physical strength. (Jack runs to the power station. Stopping occasionally, to hide from guards. He stops, when he reaches the power station, and looks left and right, to see if any guards are coming.) THE DOORS ARE SEEN RIPPED OFF THERE HINGES, AND JACK SURVEYS THE ROOM. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS FROM BEHIND. WE HEAR A SLITHERING SOUND OF WHATEVER IS APPROACHING. SUDDENLY WE CATCH A GLIMPSE OF A SHADOW. JACK READIES HIMSELF TO ATTACK, BUT STOPS WHEN THE SHADOWED FIGURE REVEALS ITSELF. JACK WALKER Brad? What has, happened to you? BRAD PETERSON Don’t you recognize me? JACK WALKER How could you let pryius corrupt you like this? Don’t you realize, that he intends, to kill you? By turning you into.... BRAD PETERSON Ha! Pathetic words from a mere human. I am beyond death, jack! You’re just jealous that Pryius picked me, instead of you. JACK Have you, you, your

WALKER you gone insane? You are just a pawn, in his game. Can’t you see that are just being used? And when you have become useless, he will discard like some rag. Brad please, listen to me.... I can help you, to free mind and body, from pryius’s poi....

(Brad unleash’s an energy bolt, which hits jack so hard, that he stumbles and falls.) BRAD PETERSON Never! Listen to me, jack. I have attained immortality, a gift I never thought. That could be bestowed upon his... son! JACK WALKER What? BRAD PETERSON(LAUGHS)

Yes jack, I am no longer human. My memories are fading. I will forget even you. And will become something far greater than you could have possibly im.... What? Wh... what is happening to... me? THE CAMERA ZOOMS BACK, TO SEE BRAD’S MUSCLES FLEXING, AND TURNING BLUE. HIS EYES GRADUALLY TURN TO BLACK. THE CAMERA CUTS TO FIRST PERSON AS BRAD LOOKS AT US, WITH A HORRIFIED LOOK ON IS FACE. THEN ANGER, HE FEINS AT JACK WHO DODGES EASILY. BRAD PETERSON(SHOUTING) STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING JACK, YOU’RE TRYING TO CHANGE ME!! (A battle ensues.Jack slowly overcomes brad) BRAD PETERSON(WHISPERS) Y... You will.. Pay for this... j... jack (Brad dies. From nowhere pryius appears) PRYIUS My... son! What have you done to him! JACK WALKER Freed him from the madness, that you had so forcefully, bestowed upon him. PRYIUS I made him something more than a mere human. He was... beyond death, no more thinking that, he would no longer exist. JACK WALKER. What gives you that right, to play god with peoples lives, pryius! PRYIUS (ANGRILY) And what makes you so different. That day you descended, from the sky. And forced these rules, upon both our races! JACK WALKER I had saved you... from yourselves pryius. You were both destroying each other. I could no longer, just stand and watch. I had no other choice, but to intervene. PRYIUS Face it jack. You still are no threat to me. No matter how much power, you wield. I can see into your mind, jack! Now that you have the power, you want to change what happened to your.... Mother (laughs) JACK WALKER You no nothing about my mother. Yes I lost her when I was young, but that still doesn’t change the fact, that I can stop her from dying. No matter how much, I want to. PRYIUS

Weak! That’s all you humans are, especially you jack. You remind me of the ryhillians. I see the same weakness, within you. Even though, you possess great power and knowledge. You are, no danger to me. (Pryius unleash's an energy bolt. It hits jack hard.) THE CAMERA IS IN FIRST PERSON VIEW. WE SEE WE ARE FALLING, THEN HITTING THE FLOOR. THE CAMERA GOES BLURRY AS WE TRY TO FOCUS. THEN FADES TO BLACK AND THE SOUND OF PRYIUS LAUGHING. END OF SCENE 15 SCENE 16 COMING TO AHEAD WHITE FLASH IN. WE SEE WE ARE IN THE DESERT. AND THE TEMPLE IN THE DISTANCE. WE WEE A PURPLE FLASH, THEN JACK APPEARS. THE CAMERA SWITCHES TO FRONT VIEW. WE SEE JACKS VEINS GLOWING BRIGHT PURPLE. HE LOOKS AT HIMSELF JACK WALKER What the....? RIYAL Jack? JACK WALKER What? RIYAL How, did you do it? JACK WALKER Do what? RIYAL Leave your corporeal form! JACK WALKER What do you mean by that? RIYAL When pryius blasted you, it had, a significant effect on you... You...Evolved JACK WALKER(SURPRISED) What?.... RIYAL Your body, somehow absorbed the energy, which had accelerated our ability to evolve. JACK WALKER So why, are we inside my mind?

RIYAL We are not inside your mind jack. By accelerating your evolution, your power has increased exponentially. And you were able, to create the te... THE CAMERA CUTS TO BEHIND JACK. WE SEE THE TEMPLE FADING IN AND OUT, THEN SPITTING IN TWO. JACK STEPS BACK UNEASILY. WE SEE THERE ARE NOW TWO TEMPLES, ONE DARK PURPLE, THE OTHER LIGHT PURPLE. THE CAMERA SWINGS ROUND TO A WIDE SIDE VIEW. JACK WALKER Pryius, this is his doing! RIYAL How did you know, jack? JACK WALKER I sensed it, just after he blasted me. Before I, slipped into unconsciousness. For just a brief second, I read his mind. He knew that if I was dead. I’d be no threat, to him. Little does he know, that I have survived. And he will pay... So, what now? RIYAL We... THE CAMERA CUTS TO THE FRONT, WE SEE A GHOST LIKE FORM, BRIGHT PURPLE IN COLOR LEAVE JACK’S BODY. JACK WATCH’S MOURNFULLY AS WE SEE THE GHOST LIKE FORM SPLIT THEN RUSHES INTO EACH TEMPLE. JACK WALKER Riyal? Riyal! (Suddenly an echoed voice issues out of nowhere.) RIYAL Do not be afraid jack. I am still here. But I have been separated, as you had seen. You must find me, jack. You must enter both temples, and absorb me. You can choose, to enter either temple. As soon as you choose, which temple to enter. I will transport you inside. CUT TO INT. TEMPLE(LIGHT OR DARK) (Depends the following dialogue) (LIGHT) JACK WALKER Pure, unrefined energy! I can feel it all around me! Riyal? (Riyals voice issues out of nowhere) RIYAL

Yes jack, I am here. As you can sense, this temple has been uncorrupted. I must tell you jack, something horrible has happen... To your mind... JACK WALKER What! RIYAL Your mind is now symbiotic, living within you, and outside you. But your mind, is now poisend. You must... hurry jack. Otherwise, you will never recover. Your mind, being entwined with mine, cannot survive without each other. As I know your thoughts, your body cannot live, without the mind. As our minds and body are one. They, cannot survive alone. Find me, jack... but hurry! THE CAMERA CUTS TO A SIDE VIEW, AS RIYAL APPEARS FORM NOWHERE. JACK WALKER Riyal?.... (Riyal growls at jack, who fires an energy blast at jack, who in turn rolls out of harms way and returns fire. Riyal shatter’s into tiny pieces of purple light.) JACK WALKER(HORRIFIED) Riyal! What have I done! (Riyals voice issues out of nowhere) RIYAL Do not fret, jack. They are, put simply guardians. Who have taken on my form. They will try to obliterate you, which I cannot stop them, from doing. To them, you are a threat to me. Use what I have taught you jack. You know, well who I am.... Afraid of. Reach the lower level of the temple, but hurry. (Jack heeds the warning, and runs to the lower temple, knocking guardians easily out of his way. THE CAMERA FOLLOWS JACK FROM BEHIND AS HE WALKS INTO SOME SORT OF CEREMONIAL ROOM, STRANGE SYMBOLS AND SIGILS ARE ALL OVER THE WALLS. WE SEE RIYAL BOUND TO A CEREMONIAL PLATFORM. HE SLOWLY RAISES HIS HEAD AND LOOKS AT JACK CUT TO SIDE VIEW. RIYAL I knew you would find me, jack. As you can see, my chains are not what they seem. JACK WALKER I’m glad, your ok pal,, so how do get I get these damn chains off you!

RIYAL It is all a matter, of focus jack. (Jack stares at the chains, and his eyes flash purple briefly. The chains abruptly fall to the floor) RIYAL I am...Released. RIYAL FADES INTO A GHOST-LIKE FORM, THEN DRIFTS TOWARDS JACK. WHO IN TURN ABSORBS HIM. RIYAL How do you feel, jack? JACK WALKER Better! But I still don’t feel, like myself. RIYAL You will soon enough jack. Once we have, been to the other temple. But, be on your guard jack. (Jack disappears in a purple flash) CUT TO INT. DARK TEMPLE WE SEE JACK TRANSFORMING BACK TO HIS NORMAL SELF. HE SURVEYS THE TEMPLE WHICH IS IN TOTAL DARKNESS. ALL WE CAN SEE IS THE BRIGHT PURPLE GLOW IN HIS EYES. HE TRAINS HIS EYES AT THE WALLS, AS IF HE IS READING SOMETHING ON THEM. JACK WALKER(LAUGHS) At least, I can see in the dark! RIYAL That will be, the only thing you will be able to, jack. JACK WALKER Meaning? RIYAL The guardians which now reside within this temple are now dark creatures jack, they will kill you. If you even use, your gift. They know you are here, but they know, they are no match for you. I must warn you. They are starved, of energy here. They can sense, all kinds of energy. If you try,to use your gift. They will...drain ALL your life energy,from your body, while you're still.....Alive JACK WALKER(SHOCKED) What?!

RIYAL Yes jack, they will allow you to, explore this temple. But they will not, allow you to find me, with your gift. (Suddenly the temple begins to shake.) JACK WALKER What's happening? (We hear an inhuman shrill scream.) RIYAL We are, too late jack. They have crushed, my other self’s psyche. We must go. He is beyond, saving. JACK LOOKS UP AND FIRES AN ENERGY BOLT AT THE CEILING, WHICH IS HIGH UP. THE CEILING INSTANTLY COMES RUSHING DOWN. JACK EASILY DODGES. SUDDENLY THREE DARK CREATURES APPEAR FROM NO-WHERE AND SURROUND HIM. DARK CREATURE 1 There he is! DARK CREATURE 2 The vile one DARK CREATURE 3 Stop him. ENERGY INSTANTLY FLARES FROM JACKS ARMS, HE ROCKETS UP TO THE HOLE HE MADE IN THE CEILING, THE CAMERA FOLLOWS HIM, AS HE FLIES TO A SAFE DISTANCE, THEN LANDS. HE WATCHES AS THE DARK TEMPLE CRUMBLES TO DUST. RIYAL We where, too late! JACK WALKER What happened? RIYAL My other self, could not hold out for us. To rescue him, the influence within the dark temple... was too great. He finally succumbed, to its influence. JACK WALKER I don’t think that he did, riyal. He knew that, he had little time left. His strength was being leeched, by those...things. RIYAL I... know he has done...the right thing! It is time, we stopped pryius jack. But, to do this, you must fully awaken the power within you. You’re eyes are open jack but, you are not fully awake. You must, wake up jack. Who, are you jack? JACK WALKER

My... JACK BEGINS TO GLOW FROM A DULL PURPLE, TO A BRIGHT PURPLE, THEN THE GLOW SLOWLY FADES, THEN DISAPPEARS. THE CAMERA CUTS TO A FRONT VIEW. WE SEE THE VEINS ON JACKS FACE AND ARMS FADE AND GLOW, EVERY SECOND . RIYAL Jack? JACK WALKER No,it is I. RIYAL Rahaan?... RAHAAN I knew, you would find me...old friend. THE CAMERA FADES TO BLACK END OF SCENE 16 FINAL SCENE- SHOWDOWN WE SEE WE ARE BACK IN THE CITY, RAHAAN/JACK IS WALKING CASUALLY DOWN THE STREET, ALL THE WHILE TALKING TO RIYAL. RAHAAN I still feel jack, within my mind. It is, a strange sensation to say the least. Thank you, riyal. For finding me. I know, everything that has happened to me, from leaving the planet I had created. And the birth of both races. But I can’t recall, how I came to be on that other planet. And working for that, energy company. RIYAL I knew, I would find you, enlightened one. But as you know, I was drained by my long journey. I did not apprehend, that pryius would stumble across the conduit, also. And, follow me through. RAHAAN Ah, pryius! He would have made, a fine historian one day. But finding what he did, I did not see coming. As you know riyal, I watched over all of you. But in disguise, I had watched pryius becoming more...distant. Several days had gone by before, I sensed something wasn’t right. RIYAL Yes, he would always go to the caverns, just outside the northwest province to study. For solitude. RAHAAN I agree, but as I watched him sitting there, writing his notes. Hour’s seem to pass, slowly. I was ready to leave, until... His eye caught some writing,

on the cavern wall. I knew what, he had seen. The very beginnings, of both races, and who I really was. You know the rest, riyal. RIYAL Do you, truly believe pryius, will do the right thing, enlightened one. What I have seen, and what my friend jack has witnessed, the only thing on his mind. Is total domination, of both worlds. RAHAAN I know, deep down. He still, has goodness within him. I believe, that he will make the right choice. He has no, alternative. Small sacrifices must, be made to save the dying planet, including...Ours! RIYAL (SURPRISED) What! RAHAAN I’m afraid we have to, old friend. If the planet has, some small chance of surviving. If pryius, doesn’t choose to sacrifice is life. Then I, must fight him until, he has no... (Suddenly the ground starts to shake violently.) THE CAMERA PANS QUICKLY FORWARD, WE SEE PRYIUS OPENING A CONDUIT TO THE ALIEN WORLD. THEN THE CAMERA CUTS BACK TO RAHHAN/JACK. RIYAL We must hurry enlightened one. He has, opened the conduit. (Rahaan/Jack nods and runs to where pryius is standing.) PRYIUS I commend you jack, you have proven to be more resourceful, than I thought. But I am afraid, you are too late, to stop me. Once I, enter this conduit, and destroy the planet... Your planet, will be mine...Forever! Take one, last look at your world jack. Its the only, chance, you’ll get (Rahaan/Jack unleash's and energy bolt. It send pryius hurtling along the ground. He uneasily get’s back to his feet) PRYIUS (SURPRISED) What?... How can...this be! RAHAAN I am, no longer the human, known as jack, pryius. PRYIUS Rahaan?... RAHAAN Yes! What has, become of you pryius? You were a, fine historian. But what you, had found was not for eyes, at least... Not yet!

(Pryius shakes his head, then scowls at Rahaan/Jack) PRYIUS Whoever you are, jack or rahann. It does not matter, you are too late. (Pryius jumps through the conduit, so does rahaan/jack. CUT TO ALIEN WORLD WE SEE PRYIUS LANDING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CONDUIT, THEN DOES RAHANN/JACK. THE PLANET IS ON THE VERGE OF COLLAPSE. ERUPTIONS ARE EVERYWHERE. THE GROUND SHAKES VIOLENTLY. RAHAAN/JACK CHANGES INSTANTLY INTO A BRIGHT PURPLE ALIEN. PRYIUS CHANGES INTO A BLACK ALIEN, WITH DULL PURPLE EYES. PRYIUS Welcome to the, planets final hour. Witness the dying moments of our doomed planet. You are too late, to stop it.(Cackles) RAHAAN Pryius, listen to me. It’s not too late, to do the right thing. I sense, within you, you still hold the essence. Of your, former self. You still can make, the right choice pryius. Please don't make me, force you into doing the right thing. PRYIUS Never! This planet can die for all, I care. It has never done, me any favours. RAHAAN It gave you, life pryius! And with it, a high intelligence. And gave you a purpose in life. Either you, sacrifice your energy, or I will make you. PRYIUS (SHOUTING) NEVER!! (A battle ensues) ENERGY FLARES FROM RAHAANS/JACK’S ARMS. PRYIUS CHARGES TOWARDS HIM SCREAMING A BATTLE CRY. HE SOMERSAULTS OVER PRIUS AND RETAILTES BY HITTING HIM WITH AND ENERGY BOLT. PRYIUS STAGGERS BRIEFLY, THEN TURNS AROUND AND CHARGES AGAIN. RAHAAN/JACK EASILY DODGES THE ONCOMING ATTACK AND ROLLS OUT OF HARMS AWAY, AND FIRES A HUGE ENERGY BOLT AT PRYIUS, WHICH HITS HIM HARD. PRYIUS IS SENT FLYING THROUGH THE AIR, AND LANDS WITH A BONE CRUNCHING “THUD”. HE IS BADLY WOUNDED, AND HE KNOWS IT. RAHAAN/JACK CASUALLY WALKS UP TO HIM. RAHAAN What is, your answer pryius. PRYIUS (WEAKLY) Ne... N... Ugh...Ah... Never!


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