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LEGAL ETHICS a) Legal Ethics, defined. b) The Code of Professional Responsibility, adoption


Canon 1 – Duty to Uphold the Constitution and the Laws 

Rule 1.01 – Duty of Honesty and Morality 1. Tapucar vs Atty. Tapucar, AC No. 4148, July 30, 1998 2. Acejas III vs PP, GR No. 156643, June 27, 2006 3. Atty. Alan F. Paguia Vs. Atty. Manuel T. Molina, A.C. No. 9881, June 4, 2014,

Rule 1.02 – Duty to Obey the Laws and to Support the Legal System 4. Donton vs. Dr. Tansingco, AC No. 6057, June 27, 200625. 5. Velez vs. Atty. De Vera, AC No. 6697, July 25, 2006

Rule 1.03 – Duty against Barratry and Duty Not to Delay Any Man’s Cause 6. Linsangan vs. Atty. Tolentino, AC No. 6672, September 4, 2009 7. Atty. Vitriolo et al vs Atty Dasig, AC No. 4984, April 01, 2003

Rule 1.04 - Duty to Promote Amicable Settlement 8. Sa Si III vs NLRC, GR No. 104599, March 11, 1994 b) EFFICIENT AND CONVENIENT LEGAL SERVICES


Canon 2 – Duty to be an Efficient Lawyer 

Rule 2.01 – Duty to the Defenseless and the Oppressed

Rule 2.02 – Duty to Give Legal Advise on the right of the Defenseless and the Oppressed 9. Santiago vs. Atty. Rafanan, AC No. 6252, October 5, 2004

 

Rule 2.03 – Duty to Shun Vulgar Solicitation Rule 2.04 – Duty to Shun Cut-Throat Rates c) TRUE, HONEST, FAIR, DIGNIFIED AND OBJECTIVE INFORMATION ON LEGAL SERVICES



Canon 3 – Duty of Honest and Dignified Pronouncement of Legal Services 10. Atty. Khan Jr. vs Atty. Simbillo AC No. 5299, August 19, 2003 

Rule 3.01 – Duty Not to Use Fraudulent or Misleading Pronouncement of his Qualifications 11. Linsangan vs. Atty. Tolentino, (AC No. 6672, September 4, 2009 12. Atty. Khan Jr. vs Atty. Simbillo AC No. 5299, August 19, 2003

Rule 3.02 – Duty of Honesty in the Firm Name 13. BR Sebastian Enterprises, Inc. vs CA GR No. L-41862, February7, 1992

Rule 3.03 – Duty of a Law Partner to Withdraw from the Firm when he accepts Public Office

Rule 3.04 – Duty not to pay media for publicity d) PARTICIPATION IN THE IMPROVEMENT AND REFORMS IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM


Canon 4 – Duty to support the improvement of legal system e) PARTICIPATION IN LEGAL EDUCATION PROGRAM


Canon 5 – Duty to keep abreast of Legal Developments


Canon 6 – The same duties apply to lawyers in government service 14. Diana Ramos vs. Atty. Jose R. Imbang, AC No. 6788, August23, 2007. 15. Gisela Huyssen vs Atty. Fred L. Gutierrez, AC No. 6707, March 24, 2006 16. Ruthie Lim-Santiago vs Atty. Carlos B. Sagucio AC No. 6705, March 31, 2006

Rule 6.01 – Duty of a Public Prosecutor to see that justice is done 17. Cuenca vs CA, GR No. 109870, December 1, 1995

Rule 6.02 – Duty to separate public duties from private interests 18. Ali vs Atty. Bubong, AC No. 4018, March 8, 2005 19. Olazo vs. Justice Tinga, AM No. 10-5-7-SC, 07, 2010


Rule 6.03 – Duty to Avoid Conflict of Interest after leaving government service 20. Gisela Huyssen vs Atty. Fred L. Gutierrez AC No. 6707, March 24, 2006 21. Olazo vs. Justice Tinga AM No. 10-5-7-SC, December 07, 2010

b. Chapter II – The Lawyer and the Legal Profession a) INTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES (RULE 139-A) *Membership and dues b) UPHOLDING THE DIGNITY AND INTEGRITY OF THE PROFESSION i.

Canon 7 – Duty to Uphold the Dignity of the Legal Profession


Rule 7.01 – Duty to be Honest in Applying for Admission to the Bar 22. Rodolfo M. Bernardo vs Atty. Ismael F. Mejia, Adm. Case No.2984, August 31, 2007

Rule 7.02 – Duty to Support only those qualified to be admitted to the Bar

Rule 7.03 - Duty to be professional and dignified. c) COURTESY, FAIRNESS AND CANDOR TOWARDS PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUES


Canon 8 – Duty of Professional Courtesy 23. Que vs. Atty. Revilla Jr. AC No. 7054,December 4, 2009 

Rule 8.01 – Duty to be Professional in Language

Rule 8.02 – Duty to Refrain from Professional Encroachment d) NO ASSISTANCE IN UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW


Canon 9 – Duty to Shun Unauthorized Practice of Law 

Rule 9.01 – Duty to keep a Lawyer’s work limited to lawyers of good standing 24. PP vs. Hon. Maceda, GR No. 89591-96, January 24, 2000 25. Zeta vs. Malinao, AM No. P-220, December 20, 197839 26. Tan and Pagayokan vs. Balajadia, GR No. 169517, March 14,2006

Rule 9.02 – Duty to maintain the integrity of the Lawyer’s Fees 27. Lijauco vs. Atty. Terrado AC No. 6317, August 31, 2006 28. Plus Builders Inc. vs. Atty. Revilla Jr. AC No. 7056, September 13, 2006

c. Chapter III – The Lawyers and the Courts a) CANDOR, FAIRNESS AND GOOD FAITH TOWARDS THE COURTS i.

Canon 10 – Duty of Candor to the Courts 

Rule 10.01 – Duty of Fidelity to the Courts 29. Pangan vs. Ramos, A.C. No. 1053, Sept. 7, 1979 30. Artiaga vs. Villanueva, A.C. No. 1892, July 29, 1988 31. Dr. Domiciano F. Villahermosa, Sr. Vs. Atty. Isidro L. Caracol, A.C. No. 7325, January 21, 2015,

Rule 10.02 – Duty to Give Accurate Citations

Rule 10.03 – Duty of Fidelity to the Rules of Procedures 32. Garvoda vs. Sales, Jr. G.R. No. 124893, April 18, 1997 b) RESPECT FOR COURTS AND JUDICIAL OFFICERS


Canon 11 – Duty to Give Respect to the Courts 33. Re: Suspension of Atty. Rogelio Bagabuyo, A.C. No. 006, October 9, 2007 34. Tiongco vs. Aguilar, G.R. No. 115932, January 25, 1995


35. Henry Samonte Vs. Atty. Gines Abellana, A.C. No. 3454, June 23, 2014     

Rule 11.01 – Duty to be properly attired Rule 11.02 – Duty to Be Punctual at Hearings Rule 11.03 – Duty of Proper Language and Behavior Rule 11.04 – Duty not to attribute unfounded ill-motives to a judge Rule 11.05 – Duty to Observe Proper Grievance Mechanism c) ASSISTANCE IN THE SPEEDY AND EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE


Canon 12 – Duty to Assist in the Speedy and Efficient Administration of Justice 36. Banogon vs. Zerna, G.R. No. L-35469, October 9, 1987 37. Medina vs. Yan, G.R. No. 30978, Sept. 30, 1974 38. Javellana vs. Lutero, G.R. No. L-23956, July 21, 1967 39. Achacoso vs. CA, No. L-35867, June 28, 1973 40. Sambajon vs. Suing, AC No. 7062, Sept. 26, 2006        

Rule 12.01 – Duty to be Prepared for Trial Rule 12.02 – Duty not to engage in forum shopping Rule 12.03 – Duty to file pleadings seasonably Rule 12.04 – Duty against dilatory moves and misuse of court processes Rule 12.05 – Duty not to coach a witness under examination Rule 12.06 – Duty no to present a false witness Rule 12.07 – Duty to Respect Witnesses Rule 12.08 – Duty not to be a witness and counsel at the same time d) RELIANCE ON MERITS OF HIS CAUSE AND AVOIDANCE OF ANY IMPROPRIETY WHICH TENDS TO INFLUENCE OR GIVES THE APPEARANCE OF INFLUENCE UPON THE COURTS


Canon 13 - Duty not to influence judge

   iv.

Rule 13.01 – Duty of Non-Fraternization with Judges Rule 13.02 – Duty Not to Resort to the Bar of Public Opinion during pendency of a case Rule 13.03 – Duty to Respect Judicial Independence from the Other Branches of Government


Services regardless of a person’s status

Services as counsel de officio

 Valid grounds for refusal Canon 14 – Duty to Render Legal Service to the Needy


41. Villafuerte vs. Cortez, AC No. 3455, April 14, 1998 42. Endaya vs. Oca, AC No. 3967, September 3, 2003   

Rule 14.01 - Duty not to prejudiced in accepting clients Rule 14.02 – Duty to accept appointment as counsel de officio or amicus curiae and duty to render free legal aid Rule 14.03 – Duty to Render Legal Service to the Indigent 4

Rule 14.04 – Duty to Treat Paying and Non-paying clients with the same standard


Confidentiality rule Privileged communications Conflict of interest Candid and honest advice to clients Compliance with laws Concurrent practice of another profession

Canon 15 – Duty of candor to the client 43. Paz vs. Sanchez, A.C. No. 6125, September 19, 2006 44. Gamilla vs. Mariño, Jr., A.C. No. 4763, March 20, 2003 45. Pasay Law and Conscience Union, Inc. Vs. Paz, 95 SCRA 24 46. Almira C. Foronda Vs. Atty. Jose L. Alvarez, Jr., A.C. No. 9976, June 25, 2014 

Rule 15.01 - Duty to ascertain conflict of interest as soon as practicable

Rule 15.02 – Duty of Confidentiality

Rule 15.03 – Duty to Avoid Conflict of Interests 47. Daria O. Daging Vs. Atty. Riz Tingalon L. Davis, A.C. No. 9395, November 12, 2014, 48. Wilfredo Anglo Vs. Atty. Jose Ma. V. Valencia, Atty. Jose Ma. J. Ciocon, Atty. Philip Z. Dabao, Atty. Lily Uy- Valencia, Atty. Joey P. De La Paz, Atty. Cris G. Dionela, Atty. Raymundo T. Pandan, Jr.,* Atty. Rodney K. Rubica," And Atty. Wilfred Ramon M. Penalosa, A.C. No. 10567, February 25, 2015,

Rule 15.04 – Duty to act as mediator or conciliator when given written consent by all concerned

Rule 15.05 – Duty of candor in advising the client

Rule 15.06 – Duty to not to engage in influence peddling

Rule 15.07 – Duty to advice the client on the Rule of Law

Rule 15.08 – Duty to make clear with the client his capacity as a lawyer when the lawyer is also engaged in business or another profession c) CLIENT’S MONEYS AND PROPERTIES  Fiduciary relationship  Commingling of funds  Delivery of funds  Borrowing or lending


Canon 16 – Duty to be a trustee of client’s moneys and properties 

Rule 16.01 - Duty of Accountability 49. Rebecca Marie Uy Yupangco-Nakpil Vs. Atty. Roberto L. Uy, A.C. No. 9115, September 17, 2014 5

Rule 16.02 – Duty not to commingle funds and properties

Rule 16.03 – Duty to deliver funds and property upon demand; retaining lien; attorney’s lien 50. Chamelyn A. Agot Vs. Atty. Luis P. Rivera, A.C. No. 8000, August 5, 2014 51. Spouses Nicasio And Donelita San Pedro Vs. Atty. Isagani A. Mendoza, A.C. No. 5440, November 26, 2014,

Rule 16.04 – Duty to avoid the debtor-creditor relationship with the client d) FIDELITY TO CLIENT’S CAUSE


Canon 17 – Duty of fidelity to the cause of the client 52. Ramos vs. Imbang, A.C. No. 6788, August 23, 2007 e) COMPETENCE AND DILIGENCE    


Adequate protection (ii) Negligence (iii) Collaborating counsel (iv) Duty to apprise client

Canon 18 – Duty to serve with due diligence 

Rule 18.01 – Duty to know his professional limitations

Rule 18.02 – Duty to be prepared for any legal matter

Rule 18.03 – Duty not to be negligent 53. Eduardo A. Maglente Vs. Atty. Delfin R. Agcaoili, Jr., A.C. No. 10672, March 18, 2015

Rule 18.04 – Duty to keep client informed f) REPRESENTATION WITH ZEAL WITHIN LEGAL BOUNDS   


Use of fair and honest means Client’s fraud Procedure in handling the case

Canon 19 – Duty to serve only within the bounds of the Law 54. Peña vs. Aparicio, A.C. No. 7298, June 25, 2007 55. Rivera vs. Corral, A.C. No. 3548, July 4, 2002   

Rule 19.01 – Duty to serve only thru fair and honest means Rule 19.02 – Duty not to condone a client’s fraud Rule 19.03 – Duty to take the lead in handling a case


Acceptance fees

Contingency fee arrangements

Attorney’s liens

Fees and controversies with clients

Concepts of attorney’s fees  Ordinary concept

 Extraordinary concept Canon 20 – Duty to charge only fair and reasonable fees


56. Retuya vs. Gorduiz, A.C. No. 1388, March 28, 1980    

Rule 20.01 – Duty to comply with the guidelines in determining lawyer’s fees Rule 20.02 – Duty to divide fees in proportion to work done Rule 20.03 – Duty not to accept any compensation in relation to a client’s case except from the client himself Rule 20.04 – Duty to avoid disputes with client over fees



Prohibited disclosures and use

Disclosure, when allowed

Canon 21 – Duty to Preserve the Client’s Confidence and Secrets       

Rule 21.01 – Duty not to reveal the client’s secrets except when allowed by the Rule Rule 21.02 – Duty not to misuse information acquired from a client Rule 21.03 – Duty to obtain the written consent of the client prior to disbursement of a certain information Rule 21.04 – Duty not to disclose information to members of the firm when prohibited by the client Rule 21.05 – Duty to prevent leakages of client’s confidences and secrets Rule 21.06 – Duty to prevent indiscreet conversations about a client’s affairs Rule 21.07 – Duty not to reveal the fact of consultation i)



Canon 22 – Duty to Withdraw legal services only for good cause and upon notice  


Rule 22.01 – Duty to withdraw legal services only when allowed by the Rule Rule 22.02 – Duty to effect an orderly turn-over after withdrawal or discharge.

RULE 138 ATTORNEYS AND ADMISSION TO BAR A. PRACTICE OF LAW (Rule 138) , Concept a) Privilege b) Profession, not business 7

1. Qualifications a) Requirement of Good Moral Character 57. Rolly Pentecostes vs Atty. Hermenegildo Marasigan, A.M. No. P07-2337, August 03, 2007 58. Father Ranhilio C. Aquino et al vs. Atty. Edwin Pascua A.C. No.5095, November 28, 2007 59. Administrative case filed against Judge Jaime V. Quitain, JBC No.013, August 22, 2007 60. Rodolfo M. Bernardo vs. Atty Ismael F. Mejia, Adm Case No.2984, August 31, 2007 61. GSIS vs. Hon. Vicente A. Pacquing, AM No. RTJ-04-1831,February 2, 2007 62. Velez vs. Atty. De Vera A.C. No. 6697, July 25, 2006 63. Cynthia Advincula vs. Atty. Ernesto M. Macabata, AC No. 7204,March 07, 2007 b) Rehabilitation from criminal conduct and good moral character 64. In re: Petition to disqualify Atty. Leonardo De Vera, AC No.6052, December 11, 2003 65. IRRI vs NLRC, GR No. 97239, May 12, 199312 66. Roberto Soriano vs. Atty Manuel Dizon, AC 6792, January 25,2006 c) Passing the bar and the practice of law 67. Cayetano vs. Monsod, GR No. 100113, September 3, 1991 68. Cruz vs Atty. Cabrera, AC No. 5737, October 25, 2004 69. Ruthie Lim-Santiago vs Atty. Carlos B. Sagucio, AC No. 6705, March 31, 2006 d) What is practice of law? 70. Aguirre vs Rana, BM 1036, June 10, 2003 e) Membership in the IBP 71. In re: Atty. Marcial Edillion, AM 1928, August 3, 1978 f) Exemption from payment of IBP dues? 72. Letter of Atty. Cecilio Y. Arevalo Jr. BM 1370, May 9, 2005 73. Santos Jr vs Llamas, AC 4749, January 20, 2001 g) Citizenship Requirement 74. Petition for Leave to Resume Practice of Law, B.M. 1678, December 17, 2007 *1987 Philippine Constitution, Art. 12, par 1 2. Appearance of non-lawyers a) Law student practice (Rule 138-A) *Revised Rules of Court, Rule 138-A, Section 34 75. Cruz vs. Mina, GR No. 154207, April 27, 2007 b) Non-lawyers in courts c) Non-lawyers in administrative tribunals 8

d) Proceedings where lawyers are prohibited from appearing 3. Sanctions for practice or appearance without authority a) Lawyers without authority b) Persons not lawyers 4. Public officials and practice of law a) Prohibition or disqualification of former government attorneys b) Public officials who cannot practice law or with restrictions 5. Lawyers authorized to represent the government 6. Why is a lawyer “an Officer of the Court? B. SUSPENSION, DISBARMENT AND DISCIPLINE OF LAWYERS (RULE 139-B, RULES OF COURT) 1. Nature and characteristics of disciplinary actions against lawyers a) Sui generis b) Prescription 2. Grounds 76. Alvin S. Feliciano Vs. Atty. Carmelita BautistaLozada, A.C. No. 7593, March 11, 2015 77. Adelia V. Quiachon Vs. Atty. Joseph Ador A. Ramos, A.C. No. 9317, June 4, 2014 78. Po1 Jose B. Caspe Vs. Atty. Aquilino A. Mejica, A.C. No. 10679, March 10, 2015 79. Teresita B. Enriquez Vs. Atty. Trina De Vera, A.C. No. 8330, March 16, 2015 3. Proceedings 4. Discipline of Filipino lawyers practicing abroad C. READMISSION TO THE BAR 1. Lawyers who have been suspended 2. Lawyers who have been disbarred 3. Lawyers who have been repatriated 80. Conrado N. Que Vs. Atty. Anastacio E. Revilla, Jr., A.C. No. 7054, November 11, 2014 D. MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Purpose Requirements Compliance Exemptions Sanctions Bar Matter 2012, Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service



CANONS OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS 81. Mariano R. Cristobal Vs. Atty. Ronaldo E. Renta, A.C. No. 9925, September 17, 2014, 82. Spouses Rogelio Amatorio And Aida Amatorio Vs. Atty. Francisco Dy Yap And Atty. Whelma F. Sitonyap, A.C. No. 5914, March 11, 2015 83. Hirley Olaytacamba Vs. Atty. Otilio Sy Bongon, A.C. No. 8826, March 25, 2015,



A. SOURCES 1. New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary (Bangalore Draft) 2. Code of Judicial Conduct B. Qualities 1. Independence 84. Re: Letter of Presiding Justice Conrado M. Vasquez, Jr. on CA-G.R. SP No. 103692 (A.M. No. 08-8-11-CA, October 15, 2008) 85. Perez vs. Costales, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1876, February 23, 2005 86. Re: Suspension of Clerk of Court Joboco, A.M. No. 93-10-1296-RTC, August 12, 1998 87. Arban vs. Borja, A.M. No. R-281-RTJ, August 26, 1986 2.

Integrity 88. Vedana vs. Judge Valencia, 295 SCRA 1 (1998) 89. Judge Alumbres vs. Judge Caoibes, A.M. No. RTJ-99-1431, January 23, 2002 90. Junio vs. Rivera, Jr., 225 SCRA 688, August 30, 1993 91. Samahan Ng Mga Babae Sa Hudikatura (Samabahu) Vs. Judge Cesar O. Untalan, Regional Trial Court, Branch 149, Makati City, A.M. No. Rtj-13-2363, February 25, 2015

3. Impartiality 92. OCA vs. Judge Floro, A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460, March 31, 2006 93. Hilado vs. Judge Reyes, A.M. No. 163155, July 21, 2006 94. Santos vs. Judge Lacurom, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1823, August 28, 2006 95. Gaspar Bandoy Vs. Judge Jose S. Jacinto, Jr., Presiding Judge, Branch 45, And Acting Presiding Judge, A.M. No. Rtj-14-2399, November 19, 2014 4. Propriety 96. Alday vs. Cruz, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1530, March 14, 2001 97. Francisco vs. Cosico, A.M. No. CA-0437, March 16, 2004 10

98. Resngit-Marquez vs. Judge Llamas, A.M. No. RTJ-02-1708, July 23, 2002 99. Ortiz vs. Judge Jaculbe, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1833, June 28, 2005 100. In re: Judge Acuña, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1891, July 28, 2005 101. Antonio M. Lorenzana Vs. Judge Ma. Cecilia I. Austria, Regional Trial Court, Branch 2, Batangas City, A.M. No. Rtj-09-2200, April 2, 2014 102. Josephine Jazmines Tan Vs. Judge Sibanah E. Usman, A.M. No. Rtj14-2390, August 13, 2014 103. Conrado Abe Lopez, Represented By Atty. Romualdo Jubay Vs. Judge Rogelio S. Lucmayon, A.M. No. Mtj-13-1837, September 24, 2014, 104. Antonio S. Ascaño, Jr., Consolacion D. Dantes, Basilisa A. Obalo, Julieta D. Toledo, Joseph Z. Maac, Emiliano E. Lumboy, Tita F. Bernardo, Igmedio L. Noguera, Fidel S. Sarmiento, Sr., Dan T. Taunan, Amalia G. Santos, Avelina M. Colonia, Eric S. Pastrana, And Marivel B. Ison Vs. Presiding Judge Jose S. Jacinto, Jr., A.M. No. Rtj-15-2405, January 12, 2015 5. Equality 6. Competence and diligence 105. In Torcende v. Judge Sardido, A.M. No. MTJ-99-1239, January 24, 2003 106. Echaus vs. CA, G.R. No. 57343, July 23, 1990 107. Gonzalo-Decano V. Siapno, A.M. No. Mtj-00-1279, March 1, 2009 108. Mane Vs. Judge Belen, A.M. No. Rtj-08-2119, June 30, 2008 109. Office Of The Court Administrator Vs. Judge Borromeo Bustamante, A.M. No. Mtj-12-1806, April 7, 2014, 110. Gershon N. Dulang Vs. Judge Mary Jocylen G. Regencia, A.M. No. Mtj-14-1841, June 02, 2014, 111. Re: Report On The Financial Audit Conducted At The Municipal Trial Court, Baliuag, Bulacan, A.M. No. P-15- 3298, February 04, 2015 C. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIARY 1. Members of the Supreme Court a) Impeachment b) Ethical Lessons from Former Chief Justice Corona’s Impeachment 2. Lower court judges and justices of the Court of Appeals and Sandiganbayan (Rule 140) 112. Office Of The Administrator Vs. Executive Judge Owen B. Amor, Regional Trial Court, Daet, Camarines Norte, A.M. No. Rtj-08-2140, October 07, 2014, 113. Anonymous Letter-Complaint Against Discipline Of Members Of Judiciary Lower Court Judges And Justices C. Jacinto, Electrician, Hall Of Justice, Both Of The Regional Trial Court, Burgos, Pangasinan, A.M. No. P-15-3296, February 17, 2015, 11

114. Efren T. Uy, Nelia B. Lee, Rodolfo L. Menes And Quinciano H. Lui Vs. Judge Alan L. Flores, A.M. No. Rtj-12-2332, June 25, 2014 115. Marilou T. Rivera Vs. Judge Jaime C. Blancaflor, Regional Trial Court, Branch 26, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, A.M. No. Rtj-11-2290, November 18, 2014 3. Grounds 4. Impeachment (ethical aspects) 5. Sanctions imposed by the Supreme Court on erring members of the Judiciary D. Disqualification of Justices and Judges (Rule 137) 1. Compulsory 2. Voluntary E. Powers and Duties of Courts and Judicial Officers (Rule 135) F. Court Records and General Duties of Clerks and Stenographer (Rule 136) G. MISCONDUCT OF OTHER COURT PERSONNELS 116. Office Of The Court Administrator Vs. Sarah P. Ampong, Court Interpreter Iii, Regional Trial Court Of Alabel, Saran Gani Province, Branch, A.M. No. P-13-3132, June 4, 2014, 117. Office Of The Court Administrator Vs. Paz P. Capistrano, Court Stenographer Iii, Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 224, A.M. No. P-13-3147, July 2, 2014, 118. Presiding Judge Jose B. Lagado Et Al Vs. Clerk Ii Bryan Antonio C. Leonido, A.M. No. P-14-3222, August 12, 2014, 119. Office Of The Court Administrator Vs. Atty. Mario N. Melchor, Jr., Former Clerk Of Court Vi, Regional Trial Court, Branch 16, Naval, Biliran (Now Presiding Judge, Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Calubian-San Isidro, Leyte), A.M. No. P-06- 2227, August 19, 2014, 120. Felisicimo* R. Sabijon And Zenaida A. Sabijon Vs. Benedict** M. De Juan, Sheriff Iv, Regional Trial Court Of Kabacan, North Cot Abato, Branch 22, A.M. No. P-14-3281, January 8, 2015, VII.

Legal Fees (Rule 141) 1. Manner of payment 2. Fees in lien 3. Persons authorized to collect legal fees


Costs 1. Recovery of costs (Rule 142) a) Prevailing party b) Dismissed appeal or action c) Frivolous appeal d) False allegations 12

e) Non-appearance of witness I.

NOTARIAL PRACTICE (A. M. NO. 02-8-13-SC, AS AMENDED) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Qualifications of notary public Term of office of notary public Powers and limitations Notarial register Jurisdiction of notary public and place of notarization 6. Revocation of commission 6. Competent evidence of identity 7. Sanctions 121. Melanio S. Salita Vs. Atty. Reynaldo T. Salve, A.C. No. 8101, February 04, 2015 122. Mercedita De Jesus Vs. Atty. Juvy Mell Sanchez-Malit, A.C. No. 6470, July 08, 2014 123. Jimmy Anudon And Juanita Anudon Vs. Atty. Arturo B. Cefra, A.C. No. 5482, February 10, 2015 124. Heirs Of Pedro Alilano Represented By David Alilano Vs. Atty. Roberto E. Examen, A.C. No. 10132, March 24, 2015


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