
  • July 2019
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  • Words: 241
  • Pages: 1
Instructor: Joshua Davies, MS Ed TESOL 2007 BA 2001, Dip. TEFL 2002 E-mail: [email protected] Class Website:

Office: Next to Global Zone Office Phone: 760-1349 Office Hours: Monday 3-4 PM Thursday 3-4 PM

REQUIRED Materials: Line by Line Textbook, Notebook, Folder, Pencil/Pen

YOUR GRADE: 100 % 20% PARTICIPATION - No Speaking Korean -Bring all materials -ASK questions -Talk and listen in your editing groups -NO Cell Phones (-1%) -No Sleeping -Be enthusiastic -Show-off. -Don't be late (3Xlate= -1%) -Don't be absent (-1%) -7XAbsent Unexcused=F

20% FINAL TEST This will be a 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay

Getting an A or A+ will require a lot of work! GOOD LUCK!

40% Writing Assignments These include online and off-line work, pair work, worksheets and all writing done for this class. NO LATE HOMEWORK without a doctor’s note. If you miss a class- get the homework from our website or a classmate. 10% Mid-Term TEST The mid-term test will be 1 graded paragraph.

10% Quizzes We will have 4 quizzes based on the material in our textbook. Each is worth 2.5%.

* 성적평가 관련 규정 1. 성적평가는 분반 단위가 아닌 교수 단위로 상대평가가 이루어지며, 동일교수의 수강생 90%까지 B 이상의 성적을 받을 수 있으며, 최 대 50%까지 A를 받을 수 있음. 2. 7회 이상 무단결석 시, 무조건 F 성적 부여함. 수업시작 후 20분 이상 지각하면 결석으로 처리되며, 지각 2번은 결석 1번으로 처리됨. 3. 남의 글을 도용, 표절 시, 해당 과제/시험은 0점 처리되며, 제적처리 될 수도 있음.

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