Syllabus Advanced Human Behavior In The Social Environment

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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities School of Social Work SW 8052 Child Development: Resilience and Risk Fall 2010 Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW Phone: 612/624-3643 Fax: 612/642-3744 toll free: 1 800 779 8636

267 Peters Hall [email protected] Office Hours: Tues11:30-12:30 or by appointment Course Syllabus

This is an advanced course in human behavior and the social environment. The course is designed for students who plan to work with children and their families who have experienced adversities. This course focuses on research and theory that is important for assessment and case planning, consistent with goals of human behavior/social environment courses. • •

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takes a case study approach that provides students with opportunities to apply theories of human development to typical issues confronting children, families, and social workers in agencies that serve children and their families. takes ecological, systems perspectives and therefore assumes that human development takes place in various contexts (ecologies), such as nuclear and extended families, neighborhoods, peer groups, schools, social service agencies, and the like, that mutually influence each other. Furthermore, these various ecologies are infused with multiple influences such as ethnicity, immigration and refugee status, socio-economic status, assumptions about gender, social policies, and widely-held and sometimes conflicting ideologies of power, privilege, and prestige; assumes that the various ecologies in which individual families and family members live their lives are remarkably diverse, while at the same time, some common themes may be present across each unique family unit; takes competency -based perspectives that seeks to identify resources within the various ecologies in which families and children live their lives and to mobilize these resources to empower clients to cope with, adapt to, and overcome adversities; and focuses on how families and children interpret the various events and relationships that they experience within the various environments in which they live their lives.

Developing capacities for understanding clients’ points of view requires an appreciation of the multiple influences on human development while at the same time recognizing that each person is unique. The theories and ideas that students learn in this course must be tested for fit with individual client situations.

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A major issue in social work in general and work with children and families in particular is social location, an issue many contemporary theories of human development overlook. Persons within particular categories of social location, such as age, gender, social class, ethnicity, race, ability, marital status, and sexual orientation, may have some characteristics in common, but each individual also is unique. In applying theories, students will be guided to assess for common and unique qualities of individuals within the various groups in which they hold membership. In short, human diversity is a major theme of this course. In the United States, access to opportunity, power, privilege, and prestige is associated with indicators of social location, such as those listed earlier. Thus, persons from non-European, poorer classes are over-represented in the caseloads of practitioners who work with children and families. Social work's task is to facilitate the access individuals have to opportunities so that they, too, can enjoy the benefits of living in a wealthy, imperfect democracy. The course provides students with information and experiences on the assessment of children and families who have experienced multiple adversities. The families and children can present multiple challenges to social service agencies, particularly in environments where there can be major gaps in services and, when services do exist, service providers may be overworked and undereducated about how optimally to deal with the issues these families and children present. In addition, I also acknowledge parallel processes, where practitioners may find that their work with clients brings out in them issues that are similar to client issues. I will show how parallel processes can both enhance and hinder effectiveness. I will provide some guidelines for making productive use of parallel processes. Course Objectives This course has five educational objectives. By the end of the course students will have developed skills and capacities 1. to apply course content to case studies for which they will be expected to assess and to do case planning; 2. to identify and understand behaviors associated with healthy development and with challenges to healthy development, within the contexts of cultural, ethnic, and social class influences, throughout the life course; 3. to become familiar with issues that children and families in social work caseloads typically confront and theories and research that shed light on these issues; 4. to evaluate their own practice with children and families in terms of principles of human behavior in the social environment, in keeping with social work values and goals, including respect for client diversities and self-directed goals; and

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5. to develop skills as reflective practitioners. Course Expectations for Students 1. Students are expected to attend all class sessions and to participate in class activities and discussion. Definitions of class participation appear later in this syllabus. Students are expected to notify the instructor--in advance, whenever possible-regarding absences, including unavoidable reasons to leave class early. Persistent absence, lateness to class, and lateness in submitting papers will be considered in assigning final grades. Please keep in mind that coming to class late is disruptive to other students and to the instructor and can detract from the quality of the class experience. Also, though eating in class may be necessary for health reasons, please refrain from eating food that crackles, crunches, and snaps or whose packaging crackles, crunches, and snaps or otherwise makes noises that are distracting. It is not acceptable to eat breakfast in class. Missing four or more classes will result in failure of the course except for documented medical circumstances. For students who miss class for medical reasons, the missed work will have to be made up. 2. Students are expected to complete all assigned readings prior to the class for which they has been assigned and are expected to be able to integrate that reading into class discussions and activities. 3. Students are expected to make use of University libraries and resources for assignments for research purposes; 4 Students will be expected to have access to the Internet and to use resources on the World Wide Web as directed in this course; 5. All assignments are to be typed, written in non-sexist language, and follow the format of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed.). Papers should be turned in with no errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Papers will not be accepted after the due date without an acceptable reason for a late paper. 6. Submission of an assignment that is not one's own will result automatically in a failing grade for the course. This is in accordance with policies of the School of Social Work and the University Student Conduct Code regarding plagiarism, a form of scholarly dishonesty. Plagiarism involves attaching your name to the writings of others without attribution to the actual author(s); these writings can be published or unpublished materials. Plagiarism is a form of theft of intellectual property. The instructor will run each paper through a computer program that detects plagiarism. I will provide students with instructions about how they might run their own papers through this program if they wish. 7. Students are expected to offer the instructor clear constructive feedback regarding course content and teaching methods. Students are expected to complete confidential evaluations of the course using the University's standardized form at the end of the semester. 8. Students may not use an assignment completed in another course for the present course. This includes papers, answer to a test question, or any other material used for a grade in another class. If students do so, they will not be given credit for the assignment; and

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9. Incompletes are given only in extraordinary circumstances. The School of Social Work's policy on incompletes requires the student to develop a contract with the instructor that will describe the work which remains to be completed and the date by which the work must be submitted to the instructor. A copy of the contract form can be found in the M.S.W. Student Handbook. In addition to providing the instructor with a copy of the complete contract on incompletes, the student must file a copy of the contract with the director of graduate students at the School of Social Work. The policy states that incomplete course grades will be converted to an F grade if not completed within two semesters. Incompletes are strongly discouraged and will be given by the instructor only in extraordinary circumstances. When students use material from their practice, please remember that as professionals, we have ethical responsibilities to maintain client confidentiality. Your instructor will disguise the identities of clients and expects students to abide by this ethical value. Course Expectations for the Instructor 1. The instructor will use a variety of instructional methods including short lectures, case studies to illustrate points of the lectures, the use of electronic slides, large and small group discussions and exercises, and individual activities to address varieties of learning styles. 2. The instructor will provide a clear structure for the course and each class session through the syllabus, statements of purpose of each class, guiding discussion, providing appropriate linkages between topics, and summarizing main points throughout the semester. 3. Student assignments will include clear expectations and, where possible, opportunities for student selection of alternatives. Barring exceptional circumstances, student assignments will be returned within one week of submission. 4. The instructor will be available on issues related to class assignments or content during office hours, by phone, e-mail, or by appointment. 5. The instructor will work to facilitate an atmosphere in the classroom that is conducive to learning, is non-threatening, and is respectful of a variety of learning styles. 6. When students work together in groups, the instructor will be available for consultation and to assist groups in completing their tasks. 7. The instructor will provide feedback to students that identifies strengths and areas for improvement in a constructive manner. Plan of the Course The course meets three hours per week on Saturday during the fall semester. There will be one 15-minute break half-way through the class. Class sessions include lectures, large and small group discussions, small group work, and student presentations. During these activities, students are strongly encouraged to apply course learnings to their work with individuals, families, and other systems.

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Readings There are two required texts as well as required and background (not required but recommended) readings available through on-line University resources and directly from the instructor. Additional readings and other tasks may be assigned over the course of the semester. All of the journal articles are available through University libraries through ejournals. The texts are Cairns, Kate (2002). Attachment, trauma, and resilience: Therapeutic caring for children. London, UK: British Association for Adoption and Fostering. Mash, Eric J., & David A. Wolfe (2007). Abnormal child psychology (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (Thomson Learning) The texts are on sale at the St. Paul campus bookstore. I list background readings, but they are not required for the course. They provide interested students with more in-depth information about topics of interest. You must do the readings every week in order to understand class lectures, discussions, and other activities. Class activities are based on the assumption that students have done the readings. Please come to class prepared to discuss the readings. Written notes of points of interest to you as well as ideas and examples on which you would like further discussion will foster an exciting learning environment. Some students may have little background in child development. If students do not have this background, much of the class material will be over their heads. For these students, I recommend the following texts. Berk, Laura E. (2008). Child development (8th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Corcoran, Jacqueline (2000). Evidence-based social work practice with families: A lifespan approach. New York: Springer. Davies, Douglas (2004). Child Development: A practitioner’s guide (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford. (free excerpt on transactional perspectives and attachment on Guilford website at Haight, Wendy L., & Edward H. Taylor (2006). Human behavior for social work practice: A developmental-ecological framework. Chicago: Lyceum. Course Requirements Besides reading the weekly assignments and sharing your observations in class discussions, you are expected to complete an interview, a class activity, and an in-class presentation, a case study using an assessment that will be introduced in class, and a course project, discussed below. The following is a description of the assignments.

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1. An interview with a social worker whose clients are children and their families. 10 points. Oral report due September 25, class 3. Be prepared to share two to three learnings from the interview. Written report due October 2, class 4. These professionals could work in such settings as public child welfare, schools, children’s mental health, or community mental health. Your general task is to ask the interviewee to discuss a case involving a child or children that stands out for him or her. Then explore the risks experienced and resources available to this child(ren) and family. Ask the professional to discuss issues related to children’s neurobiology and trauma histories. Finally, inquire about the outcome of the case. The person you interview may have some general observations on how to use resources to help clients deal with their risks. Please inquire about them. Be sure to ask follow-up questions that provide specific examples. Note in particular whether your interviewee shows an appreciation of competency-based practice. No more than five pages. 2. In-Class Presentations. 5 points. Students are also required to participate in formalized ways in discussion of course readings. About 45 minutes of each class will be devoted to this. The tasks are headliner, counterpointer, case illustrator, and connector. Each task must focus on children and families. Four students will do the inclass presentation per week. Each student will do one in-class presentation. Each task consists of four different roles that students sign up to perform. When there are less than four students left to do the in-class presentation, students can chose which roles they would like to take, and the other roles will be unfilled. These roles are Headliner: To lead a discussion of at least two main points of an article to be read for the day’s class. The headliner can choose which article. The headliner will develop discussion questions, an in-class exercise, or a combination. These discussions and exercises can be in small groups or with the entire class. Counterpointer: Present two points about what is not in an article of the student’s choice and what could be for the article to be more helpful to practice with children & families. Provide examples of what you would have liked to have seen in the article; in other words, an answer such as “A case study would have helped” is not sufficient, but, for example, a description of a possible case study, how it could be analyzed, and what readers would learn is sufficient. Case illustrator: Provide a brief case example that would illustrate a key point or points from an article of the student’s choice. Connector: Show at least two ways that two articles in the readings for the day are connected to each other. If you see no connection, provide evidence of the lack of connection. Students will schedule the date through a sign-up sheet.

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3. A case presentation consisting of a brief case study that includes an application of at least one of the dimensions of the NEATS. 10 points. Students who do a case study take 10 points from the final assignment. No more than 20 minutes total. I will discuss possible formats of case presentations in class. Students may choose to work with up to two other students, for a total of three students per presentation. No written material for instructor review is required. 4. An article for the general public to be posted on 5 points. This is a brief article of from 500 to 1000 words on a topic of interest to professionals and/or parents that we have covered in the course. Students may take five points off their final projects if they chose to do this assignment. They may not post the article until I have read and approved it. Due on or before Class 8, October 30. 5. Mid-term. 25 points. Due on October 23, Class 7. Length is between 7-10 pages. This is a case study using a brief version of the NEATS assessment. Please use a minimum of five course readings and three outside course readings. You may do this assignment with one or two other students, but if there is more than one contributor the final product must show the efforts of individuals involved. In other words, more readings and more in-depth case analyses. 5. Final project. 45 points. Due on Wednesday, December 15, at midnight. 45 points for those not doing in-class case studies and 35 points for those doing in-class case studies. Another five points come off if students do a brief article for the general public. Students have a choice of final project: a comprehensive assessment tointervention, a literature review, a 20-minute observation of a child in a social setting, or other project that students can negotiate with the instructor. Up to four students may work together on these final projects, but the depth and breadth of these projects must reflect the work of four students. Please consult with instructor if you would like clarification on this point. •

The comprehensive assessment-to-intervention involves either a case plan or plans for a program for children and their families based on the NEATS and formats that we will work on together in class. This case plan and the program plan are opportunities for you to apply course learnings to a case of your choice. You must use a minimum of seven course readings and a minimum of four journal articles from other sources.

The literature review is for students who want to do in-depth reading on a topic relevant to the course, such as on neuroscience and child development, and write a paper about the topic. A minimum of eight course readings and a minimum of six journal articles from other sources are required.

The observation is an opportunity to see attachment, executive function, and self-regulation issues in action. Students may chose a playground, a day care

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center, a pre-school, or even birthday parties for children from birth to 12 years of age. The observation must be at least 20 minutes long. It will consist of a review of the literature relevant to the behaviors observed, a description of the target child’s actions and interactions with others, an application of the NEATS to the observations, and a discussion. You must use a minimum of seven course readings and a minimum of four journal articles from other sources. The papers are to be 14-16 pages long. For the articles from other sources, students may use two selected writings published on the internet. These writings must be from recognized organizations or authors. If students would like to use more than two internet publications, they must consult with the instructor. Articles published in scholarly, refereered e-journals do not count as internet publications. If students choose to work with others on the final project, additional readings are required, commensurate with the number of persons involved. Students may use other readings to supplement but not substitute for course readings. Students may work with up to three other students on final projects. The more students involved, the more comprehensive the paper must be. A written and signed accounting of the contribution of each collaborator is required if students choose this option. I will return the paper unread if this statement is not with the paper 5. Class Participation. 10 points. This will be a highly interactive class, with students involved not only in small group discussions, but also in doing brief presentations on cases and on presenting pithy summaries and activities related to the readings. Class participation is defined in the first two items of “course expectations for students,” above and in a few paragraphs later in this syllabus. Students may perform additional tasks throughout the semester as the instructor and students see opportunities arise. Grading Oral Presentation of interview Written Interview Activity related to a reading Midterm Optional case study Optional brief article Final paper Class participation

Points 10 5 25 (10) (5) 45 10

Due Dates Class 3, Sept 25 Class 4, Oct 2 variable Class 7, Oct 23 variable Class 8, Oct 30 Dec 15 at midnight

The criteria for evaluating these assignments are generally those of any graduate-level course. Papers will be graded on organization, ability to write clearly, ideas supported by evidence, and demonstrations of abilities to synthesize, critique, and apply course learnings. Organization generally means the work has a logical flow from one main point to the next and that each paragraph begins with a topic sentence followed by elaboration of the point the topic sentence makes. APA style requires the use of headings, and headings help demonstrate the logical flow — or organization —

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of papers and other assignments. Be sure to develop an introduction and a concluding discussion for the papers and course projects. Additional markers of excellence include supporting and illustrating general ideas with examples, abilities to apply social work principles, ethics, and empathy to course work, and the ability to show clients' points of view; e.g., to bring client perspectives to life. In addition to having a well-thought out paper with the above characteristics, each paper must have a title page, an introduction, a concluding discussion section, and, of course, a well-designed main body. If students are unclear or dissatisfied with grading, conversations about grading standards and expectations are welcome. Besides, engaging actively in the activities discussed above, in general, class participation means students' active engagement in class discussion and activities in ways that enhance class discussion. In their comments, students demonstrate their understanding of the many ideas--and their applications--important to the effective and ethical practice of social work with children and their families. Class participation is a strong indicator that students do the assigned reading every week and are thinking about the implications of the readings for practice. Respect for and openness to the points of view of others are important dimensions of class participation. Please do not interrupt others, speak without regard for others who might want to speak, and monopolize class time. Your instructor will talk to students who demonstrate these behaviors. Resistance to changing these behaviors will be reflected in the course grade for class participation. Sometimes students are so enthusiastic about course content that they monopolize class time. In these cases, your instructor will gently ask them to save some of their comments for discussion with the instructor after class, over the internet, or during office hours. Lateness to class and missing class also affects quality of students' participation and are considered in the assignment of points for class participation. For this course, the grade of A denotes superior performance that is both consistent and outstanding. A's are given when the point range is between 93 and 100. A-'s are given when the point range is between 92 and 90. The grade of B denotes good, steady adequate performance, with some of the plus values that make for an A. B+'s are given when the point range is between 89 and 88. B's are given when the points are between 87 and 83. B-'s are given when the points range from 82 to 80. The B student shows understanding and ability to integrate learning and ends the course with a comprehensive grasp of the material. The grade of C denotes a performance that is barely acceptable and is probably adequate to complete the next course in a sequence. C+'s are given when the point range is between 78 and 79. C's are given when the points range between 77 and 73. C-'s, are for grades between 72 and 70. The grade of D denotes unacceptable work and some comprehension of

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course material and no probability of being able to complete the next course in a sequence. The grade of D is given when the point range is between 60 and 69. The grade of F denotes failure--that is, unacceptable performance: an inability to understand the material. F's are given when the total points are 50 or below. P denotes a grade of A to C+. Policy on the Use of Student Papers At times, the professor may ask students for a copy of their papers to use as a sample paper for students in future classes. If asked, students have the right to refuse without fear of reprisals, and your instructor will ask students to sign a form indicating that they have freely given the instructor’s permission to use their paper as a sample paper. Supportive Learning Environments The development of a supportive learning environment is fundamental to this course. Learning takes place in the free exchange of ideas. In such a course, listening to and appreciating the points of view of others, eliciting ideas from others, and articulating your own points of view will foster a supportive learning environment. As discussed in relation to class participation, some enthusiastic students may talk to the point where others feel they are monopolizing class time. Please monitor yourself and be open if others suggest you may be monopolizing. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers during class time. Do not surf the web or check e-mail during class. If I see you doing any of this, I will ask you to stop immediately. We all have been exposed to sexist, racist, homophobic, classist, and ableist ideas and practices. We cannot be blamed for misinformation we have absorbed, but we will be held responsible for being open to alternative points of view. In addition, we will be held accountable for repeating misinformation once we have learned otherwise. We each have obligations to combat the myths and stereotypes about our own groups and other groups so that we can turn walls into bridges and thus promote the common welfare. As we will discuss in class, these values are deeply embedded in the NASW Code of Ethics. Please do not use scented personal care products when in Peters Hall. Several persons who are part of the School of Social Work community become extremely ill, and sometimes their reactions could be life-threatening, when exposed to a wide variety of scents. I will ask persons who wear scented products in classrooms or other enclosed areas to leave if there are persons with chemical sensitivities in that area. Persons with environmental illnesses greatly appreciate your efforts. The instructor will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with documented disabilities to give them an equal opportunity to achieve success in their graduate education. Students seeking accommodations must work with the University

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of Minnesota’s Office of Disability Services. This office determines eligibility and makes recommendations for reasonable accommodations. This office can be reached at 612/624-8281. CLASS SCHEDULE AND READINGS Sat, Sept 12 Class 1

Introductions Overview of the Course A Framework for Assessment An ecological, systems approach NEATS Risks, Resources, & Resilience

Background Reading (Recommended but not required) The following article has a terrific list of references that students may want to read for their work and for doing projects for this course. Cicchetti, Dante & Nicki . Crick (2009). Precursors and diverse pathways to personality disorder in children and adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 683-685. Sat, Sept 18 Class 2


Readings Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). Introduction and chapter on neurobiology. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Available from instructor. Van der Kolk, Bessel A. (2006). Clinical implications of neuroscience: Research in PTSD. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1071, 277–293. Zeanah, Charles H. (2009). The importance of early experience: Clinical, research, and policy perspectives. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 14, 266-279. Website Review Review the Bruce Perry, Ph.D., website at and click on the link CTA’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics Background Reading (Recommended but not required) Aron, Laudan & Carl Zimmer (Eds.) (2005). The new frontier: Neuroscience advancements and their impact on nonprofit behavior health care providers. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Thompson, Ross A., & Charles A. Nelson (2001). Developmental science and the media: Early brain development. American Psychologist, 56 (1), 5-15. Teicher, Martin H. (2002). Scars that won’t heal: The neurobiology of child abuse: Maltreatment at an early age can have enduring negative effects on a child’s brain. Scientific American, 286(3), 68-76.

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Assignment Interview with a social worker about a pivotal case—oral report due next class Guidelines for the interview are located earlier in this syllabus. Sat, Sept 25 Class 3

Attachment: Secure and Insecure ***Oral Reports of Interviews Due***

Readings Cairns, Part I: Making love, pp. 3-34; Part II: About feelings, pp. 37-43 Davies, Douglas (2004). Child Development: A practitioner’s guide (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford. Chapter 1: Attachment as a context of development, pp. 7-38; available on Guilford website at or on the Amazon website Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). Attachment. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Sat, Oct 2 Class 4

Attachment and Trauma: Reactive Attachment Issues ***Written Reports of Interviews Due***

Readings Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). Trauma. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Hinshaw-Fusilier, Sarah, Neil W. Boris, & Charles H. Neanah (1999). Reactive attachment disorder in maltreated twins. Infant Mental Health Journal, 20(1), 42-59. Lieberman, Alicia F. (2004). Traumatic stress and quality of attachment: Reality and internalization in disorders of infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal, 25(4), 336-351. Schechter, Daniel set al (2006). Traumatized mothers can change their minds about their toddlers: Understanding how a novel use of videofeedback supports positive change of maternal attributions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 27(5), 429–447 Van der Kolk, Bessel A. (2005). Developmental Trauma Disorder: A new, rational diagnosis for children with complex trauma histories. Psychiatric Annals 35(5), 390-398. Zilberstein, Karen & Eileen A. Messer (2007). Building a secure base: Treatment of a child with disorganized attachment. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38, 85-97. THE ENTIRE ISSUE OF THIS JOURNAL IS DEVOTED TO CLINICAL WORK WITH ATTACHMENT THEORY. Background Reading Koren-Karie, Nina, David Oppenheim, & Rachel Getzler-Yosef (2004). Mothers who were severely abused during childhood and their children talk about emotions: Coconstruction of narratives in light of maternal trauma. Infant Mental Health Journal, 25(4), 300-317.

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Zeanah, Charles H. & Anna T. Smyke (2008). Attachment disorders in family and social context. Infant Mental Health Journal, 29(3), 219–233. Sat, Oct 9 Class 5

Self-Regulation and Executive Function

Readings Anderson, Peter (2002). Assessment and development of executive function (EF) during childhood. Child Neuropsychology, 8(2), 71-82. Cairns: Attachment: formative experience, pp. 45-97 and Part III: Trauma: transformative experience, pp. 98-142. Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, NC: Lulu. Read chapters on self-regulation and executive function. Notice how EF connects to the other four components of the NEATS. Case Study Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). A case study of Ian, 11, & his family. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Background Readings Macfie, Jenny & Scott A. Swan (2009). Representations of the caregiver–child relationship and of the self, and emotion regulation in the narratives of young children whose mothers have borderline personality disorder. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 993–1011. Shonkoff, Jack P., & Deborah A. Phillips (Eds.). (2000). Acquiring selfregulation. From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early childhood development (pp. 93-123). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Sat, Oct 16 Class 6

Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Issues (ADHD) Bipolar Issues & Psychoses

Readings Mash and Wolfe, chapter 5, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) Case Study Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). A NEATS analysis of childhood ADHD. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Background Readings Taylor, Andy & Brynna Kroll (2004). Working with parental substance misuse: Dilemmas for practice. British Journal of Social Work, 34, 1115-1132. Thapar, Anita et al (2003). Maternal smoking during pregnancy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in offspring. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(11), 1985-1989.

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Sat, Oct 23 Class 7

Anxiety The Pivotal Roles of Parents

Readings Calkins, Susan D., Alysia A. Blandon, Amanda P. Williford, & Susan P. Keane (2007). Biological, behavioral, and relational levels of resilience in the context of risk for early childhood behavior problems. Development and Psychopathology, 19, 675–700 Mash and Wolfe, chapter 7, Anxiety Disorders Winter, Karen. (2010). The perspectives of young children in care about their circumstances and implications for social work practice. Child and Family Social Work, 15, 186-195. Background Reading Mash and Wolfe, chapter 11, Communication and Learning Disorders ***Case Studies Due*** Sat, Oct 30 Class 8

Mood Issues

Readings Clark, Roseann, Audrey Tluczek, & Roger Brown (2008). A mother-infant therapy group model for postpartum depression. Infant Mental Health Journal, 29(5), 514–536. Mash and Wolfe, chapter 8, Mood Disorders Shaw, Daniel S., Arin Connell, Thomas J. Dishion, Melvin N. Wilson, & Frances Gardner (2009). Improvements in maternal depression as a mediator of intervention effects on early childhood problem behavior. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 417–439 Case Study Gilgun, Jane F. (2010). A case study of Pete, 10, & his family. The NEATS: A Child & Family Assessment. Morrissville, N.C.: Lulu. Sat, Nov 6 Class 9

Conduct Issues

Readings Cunningham, Jera Nelson, Wendy Kliewer, & Pamelaw Garner (2009). Emotion socialization, child emotion understanding and regulation, and adjustment in urban African American families: Differential associations across child gender. Development and Psychopathology, 21, 261–283 Mash and Wolfe, chapter 6, Conduct Problems Case Study Gilgun, Jane F. (2009). Children with serious conduct issues.

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Mental Retardation Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Issues Meth Use

Readings Arendt, Robert E. et al (2004). Child prenatally exposed to cocaine: Developmental outcomes and environmental risks at seven years of age. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 25(2), 83-90. Hohman, Melinda, Rhonda Oliver, & Wendy Wright (2004). Methamphetamine abuse and manufacture: The child welfare response. Social Work, 49(3), 373-381. Mash and Wolf, chapter 9, Mental Retardation National Institute of Drug Abuse website’s fact sheets. Sokol, Robert J., Virginia Delaney-Black, & Beth Nordstrom (2003). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. JAMA, 290(22), 2996-2999. Application Gilgun, Jane F. (2009). A guide to case planning in services to children & their families. Background Readings Gleason, Mary Margaret et al (2007). Psychopharmacological treatment for very young children: Contexts and guidelines. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46 (12), 1532-1572. SAMSHA Booklets on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Sat, Nov 20 Class 11

Autism Spectrum Issues Sensory Integration Tourette’s Spectrum Issues

Readings Mash and Wolfe, chapter 10, Autism and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia Davis, Kat Kleman, Jeffrey Sasha Davis, & Lorraine Dowler (2004). In motion, out of place: The public space(s) of Tourette Syndrome. Social Science and Medicine, 59(1), 103-112. . An extremely well-written article. Weatherson, Deborah J., Julie Ribaudo, & Sandra Glovak (2002). Becoming whole: Combining infant mental health and occupational therapy on behalf of a toddler with sensory integration difficulties and his family. Infants and Young Children, 15(1), 19-28. Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2009). Mothers of securely attachedchildren with autism spectrum disorder are more sensitive than

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mothers of insecurely attached children. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 50(5), 643-650. Case Study Coffey, Kenneth M., & S. John Obringer (2004). A case study on autism: School accommodations and inclusive settings. Education, 124 (4), 632-640. Applications Gilgun, Jane F. (2009). A NEATS analysis of autism spectrum disorders. Sat, Dec 4 Class 12

The NEATS and Intervention Strategies of Early Intervention

Readings Dawson, Geraldine (2008). Early behavioral intervention, brain plasticity, and autism spectrum disorder. Development and psychopathology, 20, 775-803. Lieberman, Alicia F. (2007). Ghosts and angels: Intergenerational patterns in the transmission and treatment of the traumatic sequelae of domestic violence. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(4), 422-439. Sat Dec 11 Class 13

The NEATS and Intervention Strategies of Early Intervention

Readings Lederman, Cindy S, Joy D. Osofsky, & Lynne Katz (2007). When the bough breaks the cradle will fall: Promoting the health and well-being of infants and toddlers in juvenile court. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(4), 440-448. Summers,Susan Janko, Kristin Funk, Liz Twombly, Misti Waddell, & Jane Squires (2007). The explication of a mentor model, videotaping, and reflective consultation in support of infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28(2) 216236. Background Readings Weatherston, Deborah J., Melissa Kaplan-Estrin, & Sheryl Goldberg (2007). Strengthening and recognizing knowledge, skills, and reflective practice: The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health competency guidelines and endorsement process. Infant Mental Health Journal, 30(6), 648-663. Review Review the NEATS for today’s class. ***Projects due Wednesday, December 15 at midnight***

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