Syllabus 98

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Unit – 1 : Introduction to M/c Design. Design procedure, Factors Affecting M/c Design, Types of stresses in machine members compound stresses. Theories of material failure, Factor of safety properties and selections of material Designation of material as per I.S.I; elementary ideas of inertia and thermal stresses. Design of levers and threaded fastenes. Unit – II : Design of joints : Pin, Cotter, Knuckle, shrink friction rivetted and welded joints. SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – III : 1. Design procedure for parts subjected to alternating, shock and impact loads. Stress concentration. Endurance limit. 2. Design of Helical, leaf and spiral spring. 3. Design of keys and splines. Unit – IV 1. Design of pressure vessels and pipes. 2. Design of shafts, spindle and coupling. 3. Design of columns and frames with direct and eccentric loading. 3P2:


Unit – I : Definition of Study, objectives, brief history and evolution, work study and productivity, the human factor in the application of work study. Unit – II : Classification of works study METHOD STUDY definition, objective and basic procedure, different techniques used in methods improvement, process chart symbols, process chart for operator of Material process chart, process chart for assemblies, flow diagram analysis and critical examination of operation and development of improved method. Unit – III : Man machine charts, multiple activity charts, two handed charts. Introduction to memo motion and micro motion study simochart, cyclograph and chromo cycle graphs, preexamination installation and maintenance of improved methods.

SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV :

Work measurement :- Definition, origin and development, uses and application, basic procedures, various work measurement techniques. Unit – V : Time Study : Equipments, steps in making a time study, selection of operator, breaking of an operation into elements, different rating practices. Normal time, different types of allowances and standard time. Unit – VI : Work sampling and production structures : Introduction to standard data and synthetic time study devices special time devices and equipment, introduction of work study into and organizing criticism of time study, training of personnel in work study, introduction idea, about incentives, problems in increasing productivity through work study. 3P3:


Unit – 1 : Mechanics of metal cutting : Common features of machining processes. Basic wedge action of cutting tools, mechanism of chip formation; type of chips. Concept of cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, shear angle, velocity relation, shear strain, Merchant theory of metal cutting, cutting forces and power, metal removal rate, energy consideration in metal cutting. Unit – II : Tool war, tool life, machinability and coolents : Wear mechanism, type of tool wear, wear and chipping of different tools material, tool failutecriteria-direct and indirect. Tool life equation, effect of process parameters on tool life, tool life tests-machinability-criteria for machinability, distribution of heat generated in metal cutting, function of cutting fluide, types and selection of cutting fluid. Unit – III : Tool materials and economics of machining. Properties of cutting tool materials, types, properties and applications of tool material, carbon tool steel, HSS, cast cobalt alloys, carbides, ceramics diamonds Uco, CBN components of machining costs, criteria for optimization of High Efficiency zone tool life for minimum cost of production, maximum production rate. Surface Finish :- effect of machining, parameters on surface finish, expression for surface roughness, cost of surface finish. SECTION ‘B’ Unit IV : Single print cutting tool : Classification, system of nomenclature, consideration in design of single point tool, Recommended cutting speeds, feeds and tool angles for turning, chip breakers, shear of single point tool. Form tools : Classification, profile, clamping arrangement. Unit V :

1) Drills – Type geometry of twist drill, cutting variables and the underformed chip in drills, chip formation, forces and torque in drilling. 2) Milling cutters : Conventional Vs climb milling, types of cutters, geometry of plain milling cutter, face milling cutter; machining process and cutting varibles, force acting on plain milling cutter. 3) Reaners : Types and tool geometry. Unit VI : Broaches : a) Cutting process in broaching, geometric elements of broach teeth, cutting variables in broaching, classification of broach, design of broaches, cutting forces in broaching. b) Gear Cutting tools.(Different types) gear shaper cutter, gear hob and their geometry : c) Thread cutting tools : Geometry of taps & dies. 3MP4:


Unit – 1 1. Generalised Measurement System :- Significance, Methods of measurement, generalised systems, calibration, damping, application of measuring instruments. 2. General configuration and functional elements of measuring instruments, types of inputs, various methods of correction for interferring and modifying inputs. Types of measuring instruments : Unit – II: General Performance Characteristics : 1. Static Characteristics : Meaning, Accuracy, Percision, bias, different types of errors, combination of component errors in overall systems, Accuracy sensitivity, Linerity etc. 2. Dynamic Characteristics : General mathematical mode Zero order, first order and second order instruments, response of first and second order instruments to following inputs. Step, ramp impulse and frequency. Unit – III : 1. Strain measurement : Types of strain gauges, gauge factor, strain guage circuits, calibration, Temperature compensation, use of strain gauges on rotating shall, selection and installation of strain gauges. ( 3 periods ) 2. Pressure Measurements : Basic methods of pressure measurement, Manometers, Transdusers – elastic, gravitational, elastic diaph, strain gauge pressure cells, High Pressure measurement Brideman type, Low pressure Measurement – Mcleod, Knudsen, ionization, thermal conductivity gauges. ( 5 periods )

SECTION ‘B’ Unit – IV : 1.Force measurement :- Various mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic and electrical methods. ( 2 periods ) 2.Torque and Power Measurements : Various Mechanical, hydraulic and electric Methods. ( 2 periods ) 3. Flow Measurements : Construction-Venturi, orifice, Dall tube, rotameter, Pressure probes-Pitot static tube, yaw tube, Anemometer, Positive displacement flowmeters, turbine meter, electro magnetic flowmeter. ( 4 periods ) Unit – V : 1. Temperature Measurements : Standards, various temperature measuring devices, Bimetallic strip, liquid in glass thermometer, pressure thermometers, thermocouples, electrical resistance themometers, thermistors, radiation thermometers. ( 6 periods ) 2. Liquid Level Measurements : Various methods such as single float; displacement or force transducers. Pressure sensitivity, bubbler or page system capacitance variation type (for both conducting and nonconducting type liquids) Resistance variation type, Radioisotpe. ( 2 periods ) Unit – VI : 1. Speed Measurement : Various Mechanical type Tachometers, electrical types tachometers, stroboscope etc. ( 2 periods ) 2. Vibration Measurements : Seimic, Strain gauge and peizoelectric accelerometers. ( 2 periods ) 3. Basic Measurements and sensisng devices :- Basic input circuits – Ballast circuit, Potentiometer circuit, Wheatstone bridge circuit, LVDT, capacitance, piezo electric, photoelectric and ionization. ( 4 periods ) 3P5:


Unit – 1 : Introduction, definition of material handling, its relationship with plant layout. Types of industries, related material handling equipment Design of plant layout. Site selection for plant. ( 4 periods ) Unit – II: Principles of mechanical handling, types of material handling equipments and their field of applications, selection and specification of equipments. Screw conveyor.

Introduction, calculation of HP of motor used, characterstics and field of application of screw conveyours, determination of application of screw conveyors of salient dimentions and power requirements. Unit – III : Belt Conveyors : Introduction, types of drives used for Belt conveyors, methods of maintaining belt tensions. Optimisation of cross sectional area of belt conveyors supported on (a) Two roller system (b) Three roller system, determination of salient dimensions and power requirements. SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV : Types of cranes and their application. Electric overhead Travelling (E.D.T.) cranes. Types of EOT cranes and their application, design of mechanical system used for. a) Cross travel of the crane. b) Logitudinal travel of the crane and c) Hoisting and lowering motion of the crane load. Design of braking system for various of E.O.T.Cranes, functions of limit switches used E.D.T.cranes. ( 8 periods ) Unit – V : Introduction, working principles, and field of applications of the following mechanical handling equipments (No mathematical treatment is contemplated) a) Pneumatic conveyours. b) Hydraulic conveyors. c) Esclators d) Robots in material handling.

( 4 periods )

Unit – VI : A) Introduction, working principles and field of applications of following mechanical handling equipments. (No mathematical treatment is contemplated) 1) Ladle crant. 2) Electric lifts. 3) Skip hoists. 4) Fork lift trucks. 5) Winches. B) Repairs and maintenance of material handling equipments and hazards with M.H.E. ( 6 periods )

MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE PROJECT SECTION – ‘A’ TERM WORK Term work shall consists of minimum 2 composite jobs involving operations on the lathe, shaping, milling, drilling and slotting machine. Each students shall submit details of operations, process analysis alongwith flow process charts for the jobs prepared and time estimation of each job in the form of journal. PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS : Practical exam : shall consist of assessment of above term work and oral based on above term work. 3P7


Unit I & II : Jibs & Fixtures : Design economics; principles of locations types, of location, preparation of jaming problem of chips & dust inlocation, use of doweols; Redundant location; principles of clamping; types of clampes; power clamping drill bushes; types of drill jigs and their design, milling fixtures; turning fixtures; grindling & broaching fixtures; Indexing devices in jigs of fixtures. (16 periods) Unit III : a) Rolling :- Principle; classification of rolling mill construction of rolling mill; layout of rolling mills; maximum permisible reduction in one pass; No.of passes; Box Pass and oval pass; Defects in Rolling, sectional rolling passes; rolling torque of power; b) Extrusion; Process fundamental; forward, backword, impact, hydrostatic extrusion, pressure required in extrusion. ( 8 periods ) SECTION – “B” Unit IV & V : Press Tools; Classification of presses; shear action in die cutting operation; clearance; cutting forces; shear on punch and die; centre of pressure, classifications of cutting operation; operating of metals; drawing fundamental; types of die construction; function of nomenclature of die components; planning for cupping operation. Miscellenous dies :- Horn die, cam action die; Rubber & bulging;; subpressing die. Unit VI : Forging : Process fundamentals; classification & schedule of forging equipment; classification of forging process; type of forging product; perform stages; design of product for class die

forging; shape of perform stages for class III forgings; strength of forged component; trimtring; mounting of dies; non classified forgings. 8 periods 3P8 :


Unit – 1 : Mechanisms : Introduction to study of mechanism & machines, Basic definitions, Kinematic pair and chains; Inversions of Four bar, slider crank and double slider mechanism. Common Mechanism : Straight line mechanism; Quick return Toggle mechanism; Steering mechanisms. (8) Unit – II : Velocity and Acceleration Analysis :- Relative velocity and acceleration method; Instantaaneous centre method; Analytical method for determination of velocity and acceleration in slider crank mechanism. (8) Unit – III : Cams :Types of cams and followers; Field of application; Graphical layout of radial cams.(6) Gears and Gear Trains : Terminalogy for all types of gears; law of involute gearing; Interference and methods to reduce it Gear trains, Velocity ratio. SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV : Friction and Lubrication :Friction in pivot and collars : Brakes and clutches. (6) Balancing :- Static and dynamic unbalance; Balancing of several rotating masses in single and multi transvene planes. (6) Unit – V : Dynamic Force Analysis :- Inertia forcas; D’ Alemberts principle; Dynamic force analysis of slider crank mechanism; Shaking forces, TQ, diagram; Flywheel requirement. Unit – VI : Vibration Analysis :- Introduction to longitudinal, Transverse and torsional vibrations; free and forced vibrations with and without damping; critical speed. (8) 3MP9 :


Unit – 1 : Introduction, system concept, open and closed loop systems, Mathematical models, Transfer functions, formalation of mathematical model of mechanical, Hydraulic,

Thermal and simple electrical systems. algebra, Signal flow graphs.

Concept of Block diagram, Block diagram ( 6 periods )

Unit – II : Basic control actions :- Proportional, integral and PID controllers, Principle of working and characterstics performance of control system and components, for the following types. Position, Velocity, Temperature, Pressure, force, Torque, flow level etc.( for mechanical, Hydralic, pneummatic and electrical systems ) Study of important automatic speed systems in various prime movers. ( 10 periods ) Unit – III : Transient Response Analysis – Method of Analysis transient and steady state response of first, second and higher order systems, impulse and step input responses, Transient response specification, steady state errors and error constant. ( 8 periods ) SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV : Concept stability, necessary condition for stability, Rauths stability criterion, Root locus concept, construction of Root loci, systems with transportation log. (10 periods ) Unit – V : Logarithmic and polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion; stability analysis, Determination of system parameter from experimental results. ( 8 periods ) Unit – VI : Design and compensation Technique :- Introduction, perliminary design considerations; lead and log compensations. ( 6 periods ) 3P 10 :


Unit – 1 : 1. Standards of measurements : Line standard, End Standard and wavelength standard. 2. Limits, Fits and gauges : Terminology of limits, fits and gauges, Interchangability, allowance and tolerance, B.S. Systems, Indian standard specification for limits and fits, limit gauging. 3. Interferometry : Interferometry applied to flatness testing, surface contour test. (8) Unit – II : 1. Linear measurements : Various comparaters such as mechanical, electrical, optical, electric and pneumatic, comparaters, their principles of operation and applications. 2. Angular measurements : Vernier and optical, bevel protractor, universal bevel protractor, sine bar, levels, clinometers and taper gauges.

3. Screw thread measurements : Screw thread limits and fits, limit gauging of screw threads. Unit – III : 1. Gear measurement : Allignment error, master gear, parkison gear lester. 2. Study and use of optical dividing head, auto collimeter, tool maker’s microscope. 3. Measurement of flatness, squarness, and surface texture. 4. Inspection of jigs and fixtux with the help of Heights meter and dial gauge. (8) SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV : 1. Basic concepts of quality and quality Control : Fitness, for use, quality characteristics, parameters of fitness for use quality function, quality control, quality assurance. 2. Quality policies and objectives :- The need for quality policies, Formulation of qualaity policies, quality objectives for break through and control. 3. Quality costs : Phases in quality cost program, Discovering the optimum quality cost. 4. Process acceptance is product acceptance, Advisory Vs. mandatory process, quality mindedness, quality control circles, vendor inspection, vendor rating, process capability study. ( 10 periods ) Unit – V : Statistical quality control : Importance of statistical methods in quality control, basic philosophy and principles of subgrouping meaning of statistical control, variables and attributs, measurements and inspection, different types of control charts (X-R, MP, P and C charts) ( 7 periods ) Unit – VI : Acceptances sampling :- Sampling inspection, Viz hundred percent inspection, basic concepts of sampling inspection, operating characteristics curve, Conflicting interests of consumer and producer’s producers and consumer’s risks. AQL, LTPD, AOQL, single and double sampling plans, acceptance/rejections, acceptance rectifications plans. 3P11 :


Unit – I : Design of spur, helical, bevel and worm gear drives. Design of belt and chain drives. (8) Unit – II : Design of clutches and Brakes, Journal bearing and lubrication, selection of Ball and Roller bearings. Mounting of bearings and seals. ( 8 periods )

Unit – III : General classification, Trends in the design of machine tools. Regulation of speed and feed rates. Aim – Stepped regulations – basic concepts for design – break up of speed steps, selection of best possible structure diagram. Speed chart. Types of speed gear boxes and feedgear boxes, infinitely variable drives in machine tools. ( 8 periods ) SECTION – ‘B’ Unit – IV : Design of speed feed gear boxes – Selection of speeds, ray diagram, gear layout, types and sizes of gears, clutches, shafts, bearings and their mountings. ( 8 periods ) Unit – V : Design of Machine tool structures – Functions and their requirements. Design criteria, Materials used, profiles used, Basic design procedure, Guide ways, slideways and antifiction ways, shapes and material used, method of adjusting clearance in slideways, Protecting devices for slide ways. Design of power screws. Design of spindles.

( 6 periods )

Unit – VI : 1. Basic ideas, selection criteria of machine tool prime mover. Regulation of speed in electrical control circuits, electrical circuit diagram for starting and stopping the motor of a machine tool, electrical brakes, electromagnetic clutches, electrical automation in machine tools. 2. Inspection and acceptance of various machine tools, I.S.I. for acceptance of various machine tools. ( 6 periods )

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