Sweet Sensation

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  • Words: 36,321
  • Pages: 85
Sweet Sensation, Deadly Temptation [R] Forewords Welcome everyone to my story. As you can see, there's a big [R]right next to the title. Meaning, you just entered this place at own risk.

anywho. :D this is a rated story but it has a story line. and these are my cast: Ella Chen - just turned 19 Chun Wu - 23 Danson - 23 Ariel - 22 Chapter 1 Eye Contact With a tiny body and perfect curves, Ella Chen just turned 19 and barely began her first year in college after a long vacation with her friends. Although she may not seem like it, Ella is a very normal girl who works with her mother as a servant in the Wu mansion. Even as a servant, Mr. And Mrs. Wu adored her very much since she’s kind and innocent, but for Chun Wu, he was a different story, the type that make his way with woman, one after another. He was very attracted to Ella. She always kept her distant from him knowing his reputation, and her mother always made sure that Ella was never around Chun. So, every time Chun Wu stays home, Ella had her chance to go out and play with her friends, Selina who was attending college with her and Danson, the typical boy next door…

“Ella.” Mrs. Wu interrupted her as she nearly finished her mopping. “Yes Mrs. Wu?” “Here you go.” Mrs. Wu handed out an envelope with money inside. “Take this.” “For what Mrs. Wu? Did I do something wrong?” she asked in fear thinking that she got fired. “What is this money for?” “No silly Child.” the house lady chuckled. “I’m giving you this to spend, you are going to school now so you must need money to buy accessories and snacks right?” “But this is too much.” “Take it, you’re a big girl now.” she insisted. “You just turned 19 didn’t you? Think of it as a present from me to you then.”

“Umm..” Mrs. Wu held out Ella’s hand and placed the money in it. “Thank you Mrs. Wu.” she weakly smiled and went back to her work. As she mopped around the staircase, The young man of the house walked out of his room, that’s it.. Chun Wu. “Morning Mom.” he greeted, making his way down. “Morning Honey.” He took a glance at Ella with a satisfied smile. “Good Morning Ella.” “Good Morning Mr. Chun.” she replied in a hesitating tone then rushed back into the kitchen. She was only doing what her mother told her to do. She must stay as faraway as she can from the one son in that house. “Do you have any plans for today Chun” his mother asked. “No Mom” he sat down and let out a sigh. “I’m just going to take a day off and stay home.” His head began turning towards the kitchen, hoping to get another glimpse of Ella, but she was already far too gone. ===================== “Mommy, Can I go out and play?” Ella asked. “It’s Saturday and I’m done with all my chores” “Why don’t you go out and see if Mr. And Mrs. Wu needs anything first.” “But..” she stammered. “Mr. Chun is out there.” “He’s not going anywhere today?” “I don’t think so, he said he’s just going to stay home today.” “Oh, then go ahead honey.” her mother agreed. “You can go out today, just make sure you don’t come back home so late.” “Thanks mommy!” she made her way out of the back door and towards Danson’s house, but before she got there, a man in blue jeans and a striped tee shirt jumped out in front of her. “Where are you going little lady?” Danson joked. “Want to hang out?” “Sure thing!” answered Ella. “My mom let me out today!” “Let me guess..” Danson laughed. “Chun isn’t going anywhere today?” “Mmhmm.” she nodded. “How did you know?” “Come on, we’ve been playing together for the past 10 years. I think I know your mother by now.” he answered. “And being one of Chun’s friends.. I’m surprised he hasn’t..” he paused and looked at her from head to toe.

“What are you thinking about?!” she smacked his arm. “Look rich boy, are we going to play or not?! I don’t have all day. I have to wake up early tomorrow!” “Damn woman, I thought you had the rest of today off.” “I do, and half the day is already gone so lets go!” with that said, she pulled him into his front yard and the two started playing basketball. From the balcony outside of Chun’s room, he could see everything that was going on over at Danson’s house. He couldn’t believe that his friend could spend his time with the girl working for him almost everyday, but he himself couldn’t even get a chance to look at her directly. “Is she keeping herself away from me on purpose?” he asked himself and smirked. “Such a naïve little girl, as if I couldn’t do anything to you if you kept your distant away from me.” After hours of playing ball with the boy next door, Ella finally realized that it was already 9:00 at night… “Oh god, I got to go home now!” she shouted. “I told my mom I wouldn’t be out so late” “Oh come on, one more game! I’m only 2 points away from your score” “Oh as if you can beat me.” she laughed. “Wait until next life buddy.” “I was just letting you win, you know cause you a girl” “That is such a pathetic excuse Danson Tang.” she argued. “You’re a loser, admit it.” “Loser? Really? that’s what your calling me now?” “If the shoe fits… “ she waved and started running back to the Wu’s house. “Bye I’ll see you tomorrow!” Running through beautifully decorated back yard with the swimming pool water reflecting on the wall, Ella was trying to remember the homeworks she was suppose to finish this weekend. “Oh, I knew I should have told Selina to write it down for me.” she muttered to herself. “Don’t you think its dangerous to walk outside at this time?” someone said from behind her. “and more dangerous to hang out with the rich kid next door?” “Mr. Chun..” she softly spoke in fear. “Um, I apologize, I just got carried away and didn’t realize the time sir.” she looked at him and tried her best not to angle her face in his direction. “I’m really sorry sir.” “Don’t you have school tomorrow?” “No sir, it’s a Sunday..” with a confused look on her face, she wondered why he was asking her all these questions. “Ella, make an excuse to leave now! Your not suppose to be this close to him!” she scolded at herself. “Mr. Chun, may I be excused now? I need to finish some uh.. Homework.”

Now, Chun was walking his way towards her. For some reason, the lights reflecting from the pool made Ella look more attracting then usual. “Why does she keep looking down?” he asked himself and smirked. “Look up, “ “Um..” “I said look up!” he snapped. She began looking up, but instead of looking at him, she paid all her attention at the sky. “God Child.” he sighed out of frustration. “I meant look at me!” She angled her face in front of him, but her eyes were still wandering, she was scared to look at him, she knew his reputation with girls, all she wants to do is leave and go back to her room. “Did you need me to do something sir.?” she asked with a mixture of innocence and fear. He caressed her chin with his fingers and watched her struggle to move away from his touch. “How old are you?” She blinked continuously at him trying to find a quick answer that would let her go before he does anything to her. “17 sir..” she lied, hopping that he wouldn’t do anything because she’s not legal yet.” “17?” he laughed. “You sure can pass for a 17 year old, but I doubt that’s your real age.” he gazed at her from her head to her toes and lead his arms around her slowly. “I know your 19th birthday just passed, is there anything you want?” pressing his lips closer and closer to her face, he began smelling her sweet, innocent, scent. “A car?.. A house?” “I just want to go to my room in one piece sir.” she hurt her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She could feel his breath on her, she wanted to push him back, but it wouldn’t be a smart move to make a scene now. “Smart girl..” he leaned his lips closer to her ears. “You’ve been living in this house for the past 10 years, and yet somehow.. You’ve never made a direct face contact with me.” he whispered. “Is there something wrong with my face?” She swallowed her fear with her eyes still shut and her arms still cross, turning away from him. “No sir..” “Then how come whenever I’m around, you always make an excuse to leave?” “Its just that I have school.. And you have work. And we’re two different people..” she explained herself like she was giving a school report. “You’re a boss, and I’m just a servant.. I just want to go to my room in just one piece please sir?” she begged. He began nibbling on her ear lightly, moving his lips around her neck. “What are you doing sir?” asked Ella dumbly. “You said we’re two different people right? I can make us become one.” “Mr. Chun!” she struggled, using all her energy to push him away. But no use, he was holding her tight and seems like he doesn’t plan on letting go soon. “You can’t go this!!”

His hands are now exploring her body. With her loose tee shirt, it was easy access for Chun. He worked his hands up and down her back and moved it under her shirt, touching her care skin. All while she’s trying to escape from him. “Stop sir.. Please!!” she cried. Due to her movement, Chun moved her body and pressed her against the wall. He continued his hands under her shirt which by now began feeling her breasts. “Oh god!! What is he doing?!” she thought to herself. “What am I going to do now? Oh god, now I know why mom told me to stay away from him! I didn’t think he was this perverted!” all of a sudden she had an idea. She stopped all her movements and looked across from her. “MRS WU?!” she shouted loud enough for him to hear her. All movements stopped and Chun looked behind him, only to see no one there, but the little girl that was in his hands ran away by pushing him back hard and made her way out. “Shit man!” he cursed himself as he wiped around his lips. “Attracting and smart.” he smirked to himself. “You got lucky this time..” Chapter 2 Guilty Desires Warning: This chapter is uh.. [ Rated ] and uh.. I can't warn you enough. :D enjoy.

++++++ Sunday morning finally came and Ella was helping her mother and the other servants set the breakfast table for boss. As she poured water into each glass, she heard a voice that sent chills running down her spine. “Morning” he said. “Oh, Mr. Chun.” she jumped, with a feeling her voice was shaking. “Morning, sir.” He sat down at the seat next to where she was standing, and started massaging her hips. “black coffee sir?” she asked nervously, moving herself across from the seat he was sitting. “Sounds good.” “One minute sir.” she excused herself and went back into the kitchen. When she came back out, she saw Mrs. And Mr. Wu sitting at the table, so at least she felt a little safe with his parents out there, he wouldn’t do anything to her. Coffee sir.” she said softly as she put the cup on the glass table. One again, trying to avoid his face, Ella continue what she always does, she faced her head down and walked away. “Morning everyone!” Danson shouted from the front door. “Morning Danson, honey. Would you like join us?” Mrs. Wu asked. “No thanks, I’m just going to wait for Chun outside.” “What are you doing here so early?” Chun asked. “It’s only Sunday.”

“You don’t remember man? You said we’d hang out today.” Danson reminded him and waved at Ella. “More like, you want to see the girl working in my house.” Chun uttered under his breath. “Meet me out in the front after your done.” Danson whispered to Ella and walked out. < “Wait!!! Your boss kissed you?!?!” Selina shouted. “That old man?!!?” “No!! his son!!” Selina stared at Ella with the weirdest and most dumbest look of all. “I used to see him in magazines, it seems like he’s with another woman each time I read about him.” Selina explained then shrugged her shoulders. “Yuck, that’s nasty.” “Thanks..” Ella responded with the least enthusiasm. “Your very supporting.” “So what are you doing to go when you get home?” “That’s the problem” Ella sighed. “I don’t want to go home, every moment I’m in that house, I feel as if he’s watching my every move now.” “So, how did you avoid him for the past years?” “He was never really home back then.” answered Ella. “So it was easy.” “So, let him rape you.” Selina laughed, and when she saw Ella wrap her body with her hands and her terrifying face caused her to laugh even more. “Don’t scare me!!” Ella cried and smacked Selina’s leg. “It’s not funny.” For the next hour, Ella and Selina both watched cartoons and played games. It was just a typical, ordinary Sunday for the two girls. “I have to go now.” Ella stated. “I haven’t studied for tomorrows history test yet.” “Ew. History.” “I’m out, I’ll see you later.” “Don’t let your boss rape you babe.” Selina joked. “SHUT UP!!!” When Ella got home, she made sure to look around incase Chun jumps out like yesterday. “Oh, goodie. He’s probably still with Danson.” she giggled to herself and walked straight to her room. “Oh damn it, stupid history test!” she sat down at her desk which was seated across from the door, opened her history book, and began studying. She heard a knock on the door

and without even turning around.. “Come in mom, the door isn’t locked.” answered Ella, thinking that her mom just came in to bring her milk as always. “Wait..” she thought to herself. “Mom doesn’t know I’m home.” just as that thought sunk into her brain, she felt a pair of hands massaging her back and lips moving around her neck. “Mr. Chun!” she gasped and turned around. “What are you doing here?!” “It’s nice to know you still remember my lips.” he smiled and dragged her out from her chair and pressed it against his chest. “Mom!!” “Not gonna work this time, I don’t fall for the same shit twice young lady.” “Damn it!” she cursed herself. “Kill him Ella, just kill him!” Feeling his hot breath down her neck, she felt his hands making under her shirt, just like yesterday. His hands would rub up her back, touching her bare skin and back down cupping her ass. She doesn’t even know what she’s thinking about at this point, but she did like the way his hands felt with her skin as he moves it down to her tight fitted jeans. The light coming from her desk lamp was soon ignored by the moonlight shining on them in the dark filled room. Still standing behind her, Chun found his ways inside her shirt with his hands outlining her curves and holding on to her breast. He used one hand to angle her face with his. “Didn’t I tell you yesterday to look at me?” he asked. And there he saw, the innocent, angelical eyes of hers, which only made him want her even more. “Good girl” he whispered, and his lips was pressed into hers. Together, they stood in motion for a period of time and then she felt his tongue little by little, forcing its way between her lips. Confusion began working its way in her along with guilt and pleasure. In the moment of tangling their tongues together, Ella felt the pair of hands that was massaging her breast together slowly wandered down her tummy and over her jeans. He buttoned and unzipped her pants and slid his hands inside it, causing her to let out a gasp. “Shh..” he silenced her. “Its okay..” continuing to dig his hands deeper, he found the one place he was looking for, letting one finer slide in and began rotating around her clit. He could feel her becoming wet. “hmm..” she lets out a small moan, but then she grabbed his hands and pulled them out before both of them went any further. She went to the corner of the room and let out a big sigh. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked it?” he asked. “Mr. Chun.. This is wrong.” she told him and buttoned up her pants and trying to catch her breath. “You have to leave!!” she spoke with the confusion between her desires and her anger. “What if I don’t leave?” he asked and jumped right on her bed. “I have school tomorrow and I have to study.” “Am I really going to let her get away because she has to study?” he questioned himself and looked over at her opened book. “Fuck.” he let out a disappointment sigh. “Go ahead, study.”

he nodded and smirked at her. She slowly walked to her desk and sat down. “Aren’t you going to leave?” she asked “Nope, it shouldn’t be a problem if you are studying.” “There is..” “what?” he asked. “This is my room, and your sleeping on my bed.” “Good, then maybe we can continue where we left of after your done studying.” he replied, took off his shirt and laid down. “Shit, Ella what the hell were you thinking?!” she thought. Turning back to her desk she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down from what just happened to her about 10 minutes ago. Still, she found herself squirming around uncomfortably. She was still feeling aroused and its not going away, and the sight of her boss half naked laying on her bed smiling at her wasn’t helping one damn bit. Chun knew what was going on inside her body and he couldn’t help but smile. He found it amusing whenever she shifts around in her chair, and now her foot was tapping faster and faster and her breaths became more deep. She gripped her pen as hard as she can and muttered to herself. “damn it, damn it, damn it.” “Can I help you there?” he teased. “You look like you have a hard time concentrating.” “No, no thanks.. You’ve done enough helping for today.” Poor little Ella, burning up inside and doesn’t know how to get rid of this aroused feeling. She seriously thought it would be much easier if her boss would just leave the room… Chapter 3 The Other Side Of Her Warning: This Chapter is Rated.. but you already knew that.. so ignore this and read on :DD +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The night continued and Chun fell asleep on Ella’s bed while waiting for her. “Seriously! Where am I going to sleep?” she mumbled to herself. “His room is twice as big as my room, yet he chooses to stay here.” she sighed and smacked her forehead. “Remember Ella.” reminding herself. “Stay away from this guy, forget about what happened earlier tonight and keep your distant from him.” She picked up her history book along with her backpack and tried to walk towards the door as quiet as possible. As her hands nearly made it to the door knob, another hand pushed against the door. “Where are you going?”

Ella turned around and caught herself face to face with her boss. “Um.. Uh..” stuttered Ella. “School?” “It’s 11:15.. Night time.” he spoke. “What school makes you go that late?” she avoided eye contacts with him as usual and looking around her room hoping to find an excuse. luckily her phone rang. “Hello? Danson?” she greeted. “Wow, haven’t heard you be this happy when picking up calls.” “You Know, things.. Change” she chuckled nervously. “Did you need something? Please tell me you need something.” “I got Selina on the other line, are you going to her house?” “What for?” Ella asked. “To paint my room!!” Selina shouted on the other line. “You forgot didn’t you?!” “No I Didn’t!” she responded. “How could I?!” all while Chun was chasing after her in the room. “Hang up.” Chun Whispered. “Hang up now.” “So are you coming tomorrow then?” “Yeah I’ll…” Chun grabbed her phone and turned it off. “Oh that was so rude.” “Oh why all of a sudden your talking back?” he asked. “Because this is my room, and that was my phone!” she reasoned. “And you just cant march in here and take over like this!” she began stomping her feet like a little child not getting her way. “Its not fair!!” “And what are you going to do about it?” a grin formed in the corner of his lips. “Your like a little child, stomping your feet because your phone got taken away, oh I forgot, your 19.. Communicating with your friends is the most important thing.” at this point, the two was standing right in front of each other, and Chun stared down at her due to her… height. “Stop looking down at me!!” she stated, staring up at him. “Make me.” Ella got up on her chair and it is she now, the one staring down at him. “Just did.” she smirked. “Your nothing like your parents, your parents are nice and kind, but you, all you can do is pick on people!” scrunching her nose and sticking out her tongue at him.

“Great, I’m arguing with a little kid.” he mumbled to himself. It was unbelievable, he was standing right in font of a girl no different from a child. “Hey!!” he shouted, trying to get her attention. “What?” “Are you a psycho or something?” he asked. “One minute your nice and mature, and the next your arguing with me like a little child. What’s wrong with you?” “Being nice to you doesn’t get me nowhere, I’ve only been 19 for a little over a month and you almost raped me twice!!” “Oh please you liked it!!” raising up his face to her. “It wasn’t even suppose to happen in the first place!!” she debated and tilted her face down towards his. “And look at your face!! As if I was interested in that!!” she widened her eyes and pointed at his nose. “That’s it!” he growled and picked her off of and threw her over his shoulders. “What are you doing?! Put me down!!” “Doesn’t you mother discipline you on how to talk to elders?!” he questioned. “Its not your problem!! Now put me down!” “If she doesn’t then I’ll do it for her” he replied and spanked her butt. “Hey ow! You cant hit me!” she yelled. “You have no right to hit me! Even my mother doesn’t hit me!” “That’s why I’m doing it for her!!” continuing to spank her. Due to her struggling, he threw her on the bed, which caused him to fall as well. “Oww..” she whined, rubbing the side of her behind and mumbling. “Punk.” Ella noticed that Chun was a little too close and started to scoot herself closer to the wall, but it only made him follow after her. “What are you looking at?” she asked. “Nothing much.” he said cheekily, knowing that it would get her angry again. “You need to stop being mean!!” she stood up on her knees and pushed on his shoulders. “Don’t do that, play nice kiddo, play nice.” he laughed and started tickling her waist. “I said play nice..” her giggles were no different from a child’s laugh, holding on to his neck, she fell on her back, taking him with her. Now she was on her bed with him on top, and since the bed was against the wall, she couldn’t escape through the other way. “Um..” she stared at him for a bit longer than she had planned to, and then decided to push him back.

“What’s wrong now?” he asked right after he gripped both of her wrist and cupped them against the bed. “You wanted me to be nice right? I’ll show you my nice side.” curving his lips upward, he tipped his head down and massaged his lips onto hers. Her body was now being fully pressed on by Chun’s body. All the thoughts she had about keeping her distant from him was also gone at this point as she quickly responded to his kisses, enjoying the warmth of his tongue entering her mouth all over again. After letting go of her wrists, Ella felt as if she was still being pinned to her bed. The feeling of her half naked boss on top of her brought back they horny feeling she had when she was sitting on her desk, it was a feeling she hated but couldn’t get enough of at the same time. The hands he used to roam around her body, made its way down the familiar path he went through earlier that night. Her jeans was once again unbuttoned and unzipped. Since she had already been through this stage, she wasn’t surprise to understand what he was doing. She was way too busy paying attention to his lips at this moment. Her hands was wrapped around his shoulders pulling him closer to her, while his hands slid down her jeans like before, she let out a small gasp once again in his mouth. “It’s okay, we’ve been here before.” he whispered into her lips and continued what he was about to start. Butterflies were having their own party inside her stomach and her heart was beating faster and faster as each second passed. “Damn you..” she muttered softly out of her breath. “I know, I know” he chuckled and rotated his finger around her clit before sticking it in. “Oh..” she lightly moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Biting onto her bottom lip, he didn’t feel any hands stopping him this time, which was a hint for him to continue. While his finger went faster, the wetness was already soaking in her. The faster he motioned his fingers the more she felt her legs about shake. Chun moved his lips down to her neck and behind her ears craving for her scent while he took care of her with his fingers. “Oh my god..” she let out a louder moan that she tried so hard to control, but it was just too hard. He felt her body stiffen up and her legs shaking harder, he knew instantly that she had came. “felt great didn’t it kiddo?” he laughed and took out his hands from her jeans moving it back up to her shirt. She couldn’t respond to anything since the butterflies hadn’t gone away and she was still waiting to catch her breath. After all, that was her first climax. Chun lifted up her shirt and found her purple bra with little flowers on the side underneath her clothing. He pecked her neck down to her tummy, he already knew he was hard, but he just wanted to kiss her, everywhere. Taking off her shirt, Chun unhooked her bra and left his trail of kisses. Things were really starting to go his way but.. “Ella! Are you in there honey?!” her mother shouted from outside her room. “Shit!” she muttered, she pushed Chun away, got up and closed her eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths hoping that her senses would come back to in this instant. “Yes mom, I’m here!” she answered. “Did you need something mom?!” “Is something wrong honey? You sound shaky.” “I’m just uh..” she stuttered when she noticed Chun was still staring at her topless body. “I’m sleeping mom!” she replied pulling the bed covers, wrapping it around her.

“Okay, I was just checking to see if your home yet” her mother spoke. “Sweet dreams honey.” “It’s sweet alright” Chun winked “What was that honey?!” her mother asked “Nothing mom!” Ella replied, covering Chun’s mouth. “I said sweet dreams!” after a short while, she noticed her mothers footsteps going farther and farther. Chun, on the other hand was trying to pull the covers away from Ella. “Okay, you got to leave now!” she said. “What?! Why?!” “Because..” she looked at him and realized that her cheeks were burning up. “Aww your blushing.” he teased. She kicked him off the bed and threw pillows at him with one hand while trying to cover herself with the other. “Go!!” she shouted with a hint of anger. She wasn’t suppose to be doing this, she was suppose to be studying.. And this isn’t studying. “I’m going, I’m going” he laughed and grabbed his shirt, walked out the door, right after he turned around and gave her a blow kiss. “I SAID GO!!” she yelled, throwing a pillow at him, but too late, he already left. “Stupid Ella.” shaking her head and smacking herself. “Your so fucking stupid!!” taking a peek inside her covers, she hurriedly wrapped herself even tighter with the covers. “I hate being 19!” The next morning, Ella woke up and set the breakfast table as usual. She wore her uniform that was given by the school and walked out with an irritated mood. “Honey, are you doing anything after school?” her mother asked. “I’m going to go to Selina’s after to help her paint her room.” she replied. “But I have to come back here and change first, I don’t feel like carrying my clothes to school.” “Okay, just make sure you let me know before you go.” her mother continued and handed her the orange juice to put on the table. She walked to the table half asleep because she spent all last night telling herself how stupid she was. “Morning,” a voice greeted her. She already knew who it was, but she wasn’t in the mood to smile. “Morning.” she said nervously when she faced Chun. “Black coffee sir?” “Sounds good.” he smiled. “Are you okay?” “Black coffee it is then right?” changing the subject, she walked back into the kitchen to get his coffee then walked back out.

“Morning Ella.” Mr. Wu greeted. “Morning class today?” “Yes Mr. Wu” she answered politely. “If there’s nothing else, may I be excused?” “Wait honey.” Mrs. Wu stopped her. “Do you have a ride to school? Chun can give you a ride on his way to work” Chun turned his head and another smirk took over his face. “I can take you to school if you want.” “No thank you Mrs. Wu.” she replied ignoring his comment. “Mr. Tang is taking me to school.” “Danson Tang?” Chun asked. “You let the kid next door take you to school?” he whispered only loud enough for her to hear. “There’s Mr. Tang” Ella pointed out. “Good Day Mr. And Mrs. Wu” she smiled and left the table. “Hey, why’d you hang up on me and Selina last night?” Danson asked. “Saw a ghost or something?” “Worse than a ghost.” she responded. “Oh really? What did you see?” “I saw….” “Chun?” Danson interrupted. “Huh? Wait what?” “Chun, he’s coming behind you.” Danson pointed behind her. She turned around and saw Chun really coming her way. She quickly got in Danson’s car and locked the door. “Ella! I need to talk to you!!” he demanded. “Get out of the car!” “What’s wrong Ella?” Danson asked. “Chun just wants to talk to you.” “Just get your ass in the car and drive rich boy!” she ordered. “Ella! I know you can hear me!” Chun shouted. “Get out now!” She cracked the window down just a little bit and smiled. “No can do boss, I’m late for school!” and with that, Danson got in his car and drove off.

Chapter 4 Blackmailed “Why didn’t you talk to Chun?” Danson asked on the way to drop her off at school. “You two are okay right?”

“Normal relationship you know.. Like a boss and servant?” “Okay Miss lady, we’re here.” He parked on the side of her school, got out of the car and opened the door for her. “Good Day Miss. Chen” he smiled “Hi guys!” Selina ran over. “What’s up?” “Nothing much,” Danson replied. “I’ll come pick you guys at after school and take Ella to go change her clothes.” “Thanks Danson.” Ella said and pecked him on the cheek. “Bye Bye. Danson.” Selina waved and also pecked him on the other cheek. “God! I’m so lucky having two gorgeous ladies kiss me goodbye.” he joked but then thought about it.. “That are… barely legal” “Get to work rich boy!” Selina demanded and both the girls walked off onto the school campus holding hands and sharing an Ipod. “Hey Selina, Can I ask you a favor?” “What’s up?” she asked. “Let me crash at your place for a few days.” Ella childishly smiled. “Why? Where you live, the house is so big. Why do you want to stay at my place?” Selina asked and then she remembered the awkward conversations Ella had about her boss. “Oh Dear Buddha is happened again didn’t it?!” “What happened?!” “Let me look at you!!” Selina began spinning Ella around examining her body. “You look normal.. Just ABOUT NORMAL!! NOW TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED?!” “Nothing happened!” Ella replied. “If you won’t let me stay at your place, then I’ll go stay somewhere else!” “Aww come on, I was just playing.” Selina pouted and hugged Ella. “Course you can stay with me baby.” As usual, they went to class and after school they were picked up by Danson. “Why do you have a camera Danson?” Selina asked.

“Cause I’m a photographer dude.” he replied jokingly. “What kind of stupid question was that?” “I know what you do monkey face!” she punched him hard in the arm “And don’t call me dude!” “Usually, I don’t see you bring your camera with you, its usually at the studio.” Ella explained. “Why did you bring it today?” “I’m in need for models right now, so I was just going around snapping random pictures of girls.” “Isn’t that illegal?!” Selina exclaimed. “It’s like.. You’re a professional stalker.” “Don’t worry, I haven’t seen anyone with the looks yet.” Danson laughed. “And if I don’t find anyone soon, Chun is going to be on my ass.” “Chun?” Selina thought for a bit. “That name sounds familiar.” “My Boss.” Ella replied. “Your boss is Danson’s boss?!” She chuckled. “Small world.” When they finally got to Ella’s house, Both girls quickly went into Ella’s room to change, while Danson went to talk to Chun. “Mom, Can I sleep at Selina’s for a couple of days?” Ella asked. “Why honey?” “I just want to spend time at her house.” She replied. “Is it okay mommy?” “Sure honey.” her mother answered. “When are you coming back?” “Maybe Monday.” “Thanks mom!” Selina smiled “I’ll take care of Ella, don’t worry.” “She’s my mom man.” Ella pushed Selina lightly. “Get your own mom.” “I can’t she’s out of town.” Selina stuck her tongue out and gave Ella’s mother a hug and a kiss followed by Ella. As both girls walked inside to meet Danson, with Chun in the presence. The guys looked at the girls in disbelief. Selina and Ella were both wearing loose fitted, long overalls with an inside white tee shirt. They looked like twins, specially with their bags hanging from the side and their straps going across their chest. “Overalls? Really?” Danson asked trying to keep his laughter from exploding. “You know that we’re out of the 90’s right?” “Shut up Danson!” the girls shouted.

“I’m sorry, but you guys look… kind of cute.” he winked. “And where are you going little miss Ella?” Chun asked. “Over to Selina’s, Mr. Chun.” she replied trying not to make any eye contacts with him. “Did I say you can go?” “But, your parents already excused me!” she said. “We’re going to go wait in the car while you guys settle this.” Danson said and dragged Selina outside with him. “But I didn’t excuse you!” Chun argued. “And the way you escaped from me this morning isn’t going to let me excuse you.” “This isn’t fair! I told you I was late for school!” “That excuse isn’t good enough.” he walked over to her and was still adoring her little overalls. “What time are you coming back home?” “When hell freezes over.” she mumbled to herself. “What was that?” “I said when…” she tried making up an excuse because if she told him that she wasn’t coming back home this week, it wouldn’t let her go.. “I have to go, I’m late!” “For what?!” “For whatever it is I’m late for” responded Ella. “Good day Mr. Chun.” giving him one of her light smiles, she ran out the door nearly faster than a speeding bullet. “Ella!! ELLA!!” Chun shouted. “ELLA! GET BACK HERE, I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET KID!!” he threw himself on the couch in frustration. “There’s no way to tame this damn child!!” “Okay, so why do you want your room baby blue?” Danson asked, staring at this bucket of paint like it was his enemy. “Because, it’s a nice soothing color.” Selina replied. “I like the color. Now just paint boy!!!” “Don’t be mean to him Selina, I say we use him instead of paint brushes.” Ella joked. “And why did you bring your camera with you?” “Its too hot inside the car, you want my camera to melt?!” Both Selina and Ella looked at him as if he was a psycho. They shook their heads and continued painting the room. Like any other best friends being hold between a bucket of paint, they had paint fights. Danson thought it was really cute so he just had to take pictures

of them. Although Danson was almost 5 years older than them, he acted as if he was just a kid. That night, Chun came downstairs for dinner and noticed Ella was missing, it was now almost 9 and she still wasn’t home yet. “Where’s Ella?” Chun asked the other servants. “ isn’t she suppose to be setting up the dinner table?” “She went to sleep over at her friends house.” His mother answered. “Did you need her for something honey?” “No Mom, I was just wondering.” he said and sighed. Picking up his cell phone, he realizes that he doesn’t have Ella’s number on here, which isn’t surprising, why would a boss have his servants number on his phone? < “Ella, Your phone is ringing.” Selina shouted. “Thanks.” Ella ran to her phone and finally picked up the phone with an unidentified number. “Hello?” “Where are you?” “Mr. Chun..” she gasped. “How’d you get my number?!” “I don’t have to tell you anything.” he replied. “When are you coming home? Its so lonely without you here.” he teased. “Umm, if your looking for the number for the mental hospital, this isn’t it.” “Stop playing, I want you home now. Why do you have to go to your friends house?” he toned his voice down. “Your not trying to avoid me are you?” “You don’t hold that much space in my mind, Mr. Chun, and what I do here isn’t your business.” “Are you sure you won’t miss me tonight?” Asked Chun cheekily. “Or did you forget about last night already?” “Why wont you go bother all the other girls that’s throwing themselves at you and leave me the hell alone?!” she questioned. “Because your much more fun.” he replied. “So, are you going to come back home or not.” “Nope.” “Please?” he begged. “I’ll play nice.”

“No.” “This conversation is over Mr. Chun, good night.” she hung up at the phone and turned it off. And for the next couple of days, she spent her times with Selina, going to school, shopping, and to the movies. Danson seemed to be missing those couple of days, he finally called and invited the girls to lunch after school. “What is Danson buying lunch for?” Selina asked. “Maybe for the past couple days he was ignoring us. “ Ella replied, and noticed after that Danson was pulling into the school. “There he is.” The girls walked up to his car, and as usual, he walked out and opened the door for the girls, except this time.. Chun got out of the passenger side. “Hello Ladies.” Chun greeted. “How was school?” “What are you doing here?” Ella asked. “For lunch.” He replied. “What else?” “I hope its okay ladies.” Danson pouted, like Selina and Ella could resist his charming pouts. “Be nice today? For me?” Ella stood there for a minute then smiled. “Course its okay Danson,” she answered. Both of the girls walked up to Danson and gave him a kiss on the cheek on each side of his face. “Oh what the hell?! She just kissed him?!” Chun stared at Ella as she got behind the front passenger seat. Selina followed behind Ella leaving the front passenger seat for Chun to sit. During the whole car ride, Danson and Chun kept quiet while the girls in the back listened to the shared Ipods and danced around in the car. When they arrived at the restaurant, Danson opened the door for Selina, and of course got a kiss from her, but Chun.. “Hey, don’t I get a kiss? I opened the door for you” he winked. “You wanted to, I never asked you to open it for me.” “We’re going to go grab a table while the two of you argue.” Selina said. “No, wait for me!!” Ella shouted and ran after Selina and Danson. After seating themselves at the table, Selina and Ella were being stared at by the boys in the restaurant. “Why are they looking at us?” Ella whispered to Selina. “How the hell should I know?!” she replied. “Is something on my face?!” “Nothing is wrong with your faces.” Danson laughed and handed them a pack of pictures. “Aww, look!” Ella laughed. “It’s when we painted your room.” “Awesome!!” Selina giggled. “Danson your really awesome, its so celebrity style.”

“Do you like it?” he asked. “We love it!” the girls responded. “Myspace dot Com here we come!!” “Children..” Chun scoffed as he gazed at Ella who was sitting across from him. “Be mature for once.” “Hater.” Ella stuck her tongue out. “Anyways.” Danson Continued and handed them a magazine flipped opened to a certain page. “That’s you!!!” Ella and Selina shouted and pointed at each other, then at themselves. “That’s me!!!” “Ladies.. Ladies..” Danson tried sweet talking his way, but cant seem to make their angry faces disappear. “Now hear me out..” “Cuties in overalls?” they read the title and got up off their seats and nearly jumped over the table. “Danson, we’re going to kill you!!” “Come on!! Give me time to explain!!!” “Fine! You got 5 minutes!!” Selina said. “Starting now..” Ella continued. “Okay, look, on Monday I told you that I needed some models and that I couldn’t find any, well, while you were playing around in your stupid paint, I took some pictures and it turned out great!” he explained. “Just take a look at them please.” Flipping over the pages, Ella and Selina were amazed to see Danson’s talent. He could make an ordinary moment turn into a fabulous celebrity shooting. “You even got me drinking Snapple?!” Ella asked. “Hey, you look like you can advertise for Snapple. “ Chun winked. “Just one problem..” She smiled before exploding. “I don’t like Snapple!! I just drank it cause it was all that we had!!” “Just help a friend out please?!” Danson begged. The girls shook their heads and closed the magazine. “We’ve seen your models Danson Tang. And most of the pictures you’ve taken with them, can be counted as nude already!” the girls explained. “We don’t want to work for you.” “Not even If I said pretty please?” he asked. “I mean, the people really like the pictures!” “No” they continued to shake their heads stubbornly.

“Fine! I’m tired of being nice then!” responded Danson. “If you don’t help me out, I’m going to tell your parents all those times you got into trouble and I had to save your asses!” “Danson!!!” “Whoa, what kind of trouble did miss goodie two shoes get in to?” Chun leaned a little closer towards Ella and gazed all his attention on her. “You got nothing on us Danson Tang!” Selina said. “What about that one time I had to pick you up from the club so you wouldn’t get caught because you were only 18 back then and you had to be 21 to get in!?!” “Hey!!” they gasped. “That was so long ago, it doesn’t count!!” “If you wont help me, everything is coming up!!” Danson threatened. “Wow, sneaking into clubs? “ Chun smiled, he found it very hot that the little child he thought was so innocent had so many secrets. “What else did you do?” “You can’t do anything!” Ella said. “Who is my mom going to believe? The 2 straight A’s school girls or you?!” “hah! I knew you were going to use your little goodie girl cover” Danson laughed. “I even got the security tape of you two pole dancing at the club!!” The girls paused for a bit, staring at the tape Danson pulled out of nowhere. They looked at each other and then at Danson. “You guys got tapes too?!” Chun continued his teasing. “This is awesome!” “Well ladies?” Danson asked. “What’s it going to be?” “That’s blackmailing Danson.” Selina pouted. “I thought we were friends.” “I thought we were friends as well, until you chose not to help me.” “But all your stupid models are usually.. “ Ella paused and her face became red. “.. not.. Fully clothed.” “Don’t worry, I wont let you go through hell” Danson assured her. “Just come work for me okay?” The girls snatched the tape from the table and put it aside. “Fine, we agree.” they said unsatisfying. “Is that all you need?” “I’ll take you to my studio tomorrow to show things around okay?” “Whatever.” they answered and got ready to leave.

“Where are you guys going?!” Danson asked. “Away from you.” Ella replied. “We hate you right now” Selina added. “How are you getting home?!” “None of your business, we already told you.” Ella pouted. “We hate you now.” The guys looked at each other as the girls walked off into the driveway and took a cab home. Chapter 5 Innocent girls The next day, Danson went over and picked up the two girls. Throughout the ride, none of them bothered to talk to Danson, and not to mention both of them sitting in the back seat, leaving an empty seat next to him. When they got to the studio, Ella and Selina walked hand in hand sharing the same Ipod as always.

“These people better stop staring at us!” Selina warned quietly. “I’m not in the mood to smile back!” “Why are the girls giving us the stupid hate looks?” Ella asked. “I thought this was a studio, not fucking high school.” Chun walked out of his office and headed over to Danson and the two girls. “Ladies, can you go wait for me in my office please?” Danson asked sweetly, but it didn’t soften up the girls heart. They turned around and marched themselves into his office without saying a word. “Are they mad at you again?” Chun asked. “No, they never stopped!” Danson replied. “Anyways, I got the contract for them, want to check it out?” “Lets discuss it in my office.” Danson walked into Chun’s office, while the girls sat down and waited impatiently in Danson’s office. “It’s been 30 minutes!” Selina whined. “Where the hell is he?!” “I don’t know” Ella pouted. “I’m hungry.” “Me too, lets go get something to eat from the lounge. “ She stated. “If we don’t eat, I’m going to die.” the two left the office and entered the employees lounge. Everyone in the room all gazed at the two teenagers in their short blue and black plaid skirts and their white blouse, the normal school uniform from school. Some stared in amazement and some in hate. The girls ignored the audience and continued their attempts to buy food from the venting machines.

“Hey!!” a woman shouted. “Do you know where you are?!” Ella and Selina turned around and saw a woman well dressed for a secretary along with two other girls behind her. “Last time I checked, this was a studio.” Selina replied. “Why are you acting as if this is high school?” “So why are you here?” once again, the woman asked. “Are you trying to get Mr. Wu, and Mr. Tangs attention in your slutty school uniform?” “Who the hell is Mr. Tang?” Selina asked Ella dumbly. “Danson, dumbo.” “Oh..” She took another glanced at the woman and laughed. “Why? are you in line to be his next whore?” “You can’t just come in here and steal everyman’s attention!” “Why?” Ella asked with a smirk. “Is it because you couldn’t get none yourself?” “We don’t have time for you woman.” Selina added. “and stop staring at us!! We’re not here to steal your men, this is the last place I want to be. If your bosses didn’t use his dirty trick, we wouldn’t have to be here!” “So go blame your stupid bosses and leave us alone!” Ella Continued. “How do we know your not interested in them yourselves?” they asked. “Look at you, like you can reject such fine men.” “We’re not desperate like you ladies.” Ella laughed and caught Selina’s wink. “We’re lesbians.” Hearing the word lesbians, the whole room dropped whatever they were doing and focus all their attention on Ella and Selina. With the look on their faces, the girls knew that they didn’t believe them, and since they were already forced to be working here, why not make a scene that the whole office would never forget? “Don’t believe us?” Selina grinned. “Watch.” she winked at Ella once more and Ella nodded back knowing exactly what Selina was planning. She grabbed Selina’s waist and pulled her in closer while Selina lifted one of Ella’s legs. Shortly, the whole lounge witness the two girls kissing, and the girls made sure to include some tongue in and made it visible for the people to see with a little leg rubbing into the show. Seconds after, the girls pulled away and looked back at the crowd with a smile. The girls opened their eyes wide as the guys stared at them as if they were trying to beg for more. “Bye.” Selina winked, Grabbed Ella’s hand and walked back into Danson’s office.

As Chun and Danson left the office to go meet the girls, they found the hallway awkwardly disturbed. “Oh my god!! It was hot!!” a guy stated. “You should have been there, the two school girls kissing was way hotter than in the movies man!!” “Lets go see the two school girls” another guy added. “I heard their in Mr. Tang’s office.. ALONE!! We might get lucky!!” “What the hell is going on?!” Chun angrily stated. “Two school girls kissing?” Danson looked over at Chun in wonder. “Oh shit! The girls!!” both men shouted and ran to the office. When they got their, the front doorway into the room was being blocked by a herd of men sneaking a peek inside the office. “HEY!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!” Danson hollered. The men turned around and immediately looked down with shame. “Mr. Chun, Mr. Tang” they muttered. “If you don’t go back to your jobs, I’ll fire you on the spot!” Chun warned. All of them turned around and tried to sneak one more glance, hoping to see some more action inside the room. “I mean now!!” the doorway was finally cleared and the boys walked in finding the girls sitting innocently with their music to their ears and a gamboy advance in each of their hands. “Please don’t tell me you’re the two girls that were making out in the lounge.” Danson sighed. “Okay.” the girls replied and continued with their games. “That’s it?” Chun asked. “Nothing else?” “You guys said not to tell.” answered Selina. “Our lips are sealed.” Ella smiled. Chun jumped in next to Ella on the couch and threw his arms around her. “You’re a bad girl.” he winked. “Why did I ever think that you were innocent in the first place?” “Don’t touch her!!” Selina got up and pulled Ella away from the couch. “You’re the pervert I see in the magazines with all those different girls, My friend isn’t part of your dumb collection dude!!” “Calm down Selina.” Danson begged. “Chun was just joking.” “Well, keep joking around with my friend and I’ll make sure the jokes on him!!” she warned.

“Selina” Ella shook her head and rocked Selina‘s arm gently. “Don’t cause problems, he’s still my boss when I go home.” Chun sneered at Selina’s little threat and crossed his legs. “Did you hear that? I’m still her boss when she gets home.” “Ass.” Ella muttered. Chun was about to question Ella’s comment when they heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” Chun stated. “Mr. Wu, Mr. Tang, the papers are ready.” An assistant stated. “Jiro Wang?” the girls spoke. “Ella? Selina.” he smiled. “What are you guys doing here?” “What are you doing here?” Selina asked. “I work here as an assistant while going to school.” Jiro replied. “that way I’ll get more experience.” “That’s really cool.” Ella said. “Do you guys know each other?” questioned Chun. “We go to the same college, but I’m at my last year.” Jiro explained. “I was the one who helped these girls when they got lost around school.” “Oh, and we still owe you lunch huh?” Ella laughed. “How about after work? I could use some dinner.” “She can’t” Chun interrupted. “She’s busy.” “With what?!” she asked. “I don’t remember being busy.” “With things.” he replied. “Now stop arguing with me kid.” “Stop calling me a kid!!” “Ella, its okay..” Jiro said. “Next time would be great, I’ll see you gorgeous ladies at school.” “Bye Jiro.” the girls smiled and waved as they watched Jiro leave the room. “Danson.” Selina called. “What exactly does Jiro do?” “He’s an assistant.” He replied. “He goes around and just see if the models need anything.” “Is he assisting anyone?” questioned Selina.

“Yep, he’s going to be you girls personal assistant when you start working here.” “Assistant!?” The girls cried out in joy and high five each other. “Yay!!” “Hey!! What are you jumping in joy for?!” Chun asked, keeping his eyes on Ella. “He’s just your assistant, its not like he’s your boyfriend!” “Hey, Jiro Wang is the most handsome guy in school!” Selina replied. “And if he’s our personal assistant, then.. Then..” Ella stopped not getting over the great news yet. “Then we get to see him everyday!!” her beloved friend finished off. “You girls are so immature!” Danson complained. “I know.” Chun jumped in. “Your drooling over a popular guy in school?” “If I remember correctly, you guys are asking these two so called immature girls to work for you.” Ella said and focused her eyes on Chun. “Is it our fault that Jiro is handsome and smart?” Chun took a step closer to Ella and whispered “No, but your about to be the reason why he’s about to get fired if you don’t stop complimenting him.” “Drooling over him like that?” Danson cut in aiming his eyes at Selina. “There are way better guys in this world that’s way more handsome and way smarter than him!” Ella looked at Danson then back at Chun, While Selina took her eyes off Chun and keeping them at the view of Danson. “Then tell us when you find one!!” they shouted and dropped themselves back on the couch with their arms cross their chest and folded legs. Chun ran his fingers through his hair as Danson scratched his head both out of frustration. There was no way to keep these kids in control, for a 19 year old, they still act as if their 12. “So are you going to tell us what he have to do?” Selina spoke. “Cause if not, they can we leave? We have homework you know.” “Just sign these papers and your free to go.” Danson replied handing each of them a contract. “So, who’s taking in as out manager?” Ella asked. “We are.” the guys answered. “What the hell?” Selina interrupted. “ Danson, you’re the photographer, and Mr. Chun, you’re in charge of this whole place.. And both of you are our managers?!” “That’s too much advantage.” Ella argued. “Then who do you want as your manager?!” Chun asked.

The girls looked at each other and laughed. “JIRO WANG!!” they shouted as they point towards the door. “No.” shortly responded Danson. “Why?” “I said no is no.” he continued. “Now if your not going to sign these papers, I’m speaking to your mother and your mother.” he threatened pointing to Selina then Ella. “Don’t talk to us like we’re 12 year olds Danson Tang.” ordered Selina. “We’re young adults!” “Then stop drooling over Jiro Wang then.” he shot back. “Why are you bringing this up again?!” complained Ella. “God, acting as if you can control us.” “We can, and we will.” clarified Chun. After hearing that, Selina and Ella shut themselves up and signed the contract. Danson didn’t know what came over him, but after seeing Selina drooling over Jiro, he felt as If he wanted to fire the guy on the spot, while Chun, he didn’t like the way Ella looked at her future assistant, and just like Danson, he wanted to get rid of Jiro. He hate the sight of seeing her eye someone like that and compliments them. Selina and Ella calmed themselves down for a bit, and after signing the papers they tapped their pens on the coffee table and blew their cheeks. “Can we go now?” Selina asked with a sweet smile. “We signed the papers.” Added Ella, pushing the papers towards Chun with her cute, innocent lips curving upwards. “You.” Danson pointed at Selina. “Come here.” “What now?” “I’m going to show you the rest of the studio.” he explained and pulled her out the room. “What about Ella?!” she asked, reaching her hand for Ella, but Danson kept dragging her out of the room and shut the door with his legs to block the view between her and Ella. Ella pouted as she saw her best friend being pulled away, she got up and made her way to the door when she felt Chun’s hands pulling her back. “Where are you going?” he asked. “after Selina.” “Why? Your bodies are attached to each other.” he said. “let her go.” “But..”

“Ehh..” he pulled her in closer and locked her inside his arms. “When are you coming back home?” “That’s none of your business.” stubbornly replied Ella. “I can go back anytime I want to.” “Ahem..” clearing his throat as a sign that he was unsatisfied with the answer. She innocently glanced around the room for a little bit before looking back at him. “Monday.” without a sound, Chun shook his head. “Sunday?” she continued. Another disagreement shook appeared on his face. “Saturday? Friday?” “Today.” “Today?” widening her eyes and exaggerated the word. “Like.. Today, today?” “Mmhmm” he showed a short nod. “Today.” “Okay, today..” she agreed. “Can I go now?” “Hey..” “What now?” she childishly asked. He puckered his lips and waited for her to lean over. “Stop being silly, now let me go.” she demanded. “No.” he replied and puckered up his lips again. She sighed and giggled nervously hoping that no one would walk in the office right now. She turn her head back just enough to see that the door is still close. Leaning in closer, she pecked him on the lips lightly and pulled her head back as fast as she could. “Can I go now” he unlocked his arms and let her free. She pulled herself back and fixed her wrinkled shirt. “I like your uniform” he grinned. She walked to the door, but before she twisted the knob.. “Remember, today.” “Yeah yeah yeah.” she answered annoyingly. “today..” After she walked out, he stood there smiling to himself. Enjoying the moment, he thought everything was going great until he heard from outside the office. “HEY JIRO!! WANT TO MEET UP WITH ME AND SELINA TODAY?! WE’LL BUY DINNER!!” Ella shouted as loud as she can. “Sure!” Jiro replied.

Chun ran and stopped himself at the door. “Ella!!” he managed to let out through his gritting teeth. He saw the little innocent girl that just left the room, standing there waving at him with her tongue sticking out and then ran through the office hallway.

Chapter 6 Jealously and Anger “STOP DRAGGING ME DANSON!!!” Selina went off and used all her strength to take her hand back away from him. “What is wrong with you?! You said your showing me around the studio..” she pointed around her which was outside the studio. “DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE INSIDE OF THE STUDIO TO YOU?!”

“ Why do you have to scream for?” he asked, trying to recover his ears before he goes deaf. “Because you can’t just drag me around like a doll!!” “And you just cant compliment other guys like that!” responded Danson as he pointed back at the studio. “especially that Jiro guy!” “What does it matter? Your not my father. You cant tell me what do to!” “Its good that I’m not your father because if I had a daughter like you, I would have committed suicide already!” Danson argued with anger. “You’ve only stepped into my studio for less than 2 hours and you’ve already caused the office to go insane because you girls made out, flirt with the assistant, and now your arguing back with your own boss! You’re a trouble maker!” “Then why do you want me to work for you then?!” “If I had a choice, you would be the last person I hire!!” stepping up closer to her, he glared at her with his mean eyes. She bit the inside of her lips to keep herself from killing Danson as this minute. All she could do was stare back at him shooting back the death glares right back to Danson. “Mr. Tang” a girl said as she walked towards him, as if she was trying to seduce him. “Why are you here so late? I didn’t see you earlier.” Selina looked over at the girl talking to Danson and she immediately recognized her. “She’s the bitch from the lounge!” She thought to herself as she stomped one foot to the ground with anger. Danson, seeing this, smiled right back at his secretary and threw his arms around her as he enjoyed the angry look upon Selina’s face. “I had some business to take care of.” he replied and pecked the lady on the cheek. “Everything is clear now.” “Want to go out and eat afterwards?” she asked.

“Sure.” he chuckled playfully trying to make it look like he’s ignoring Selina.” “What about me?” Selina asked. “What about you?” “You’re my ride home dumbass.” she replied with her face cherry red from anger.. “How the hell am I suppose to go home if you go to dinner with her?” Danson totally forgot the fact that he was her ride home, but he didn’t want to give in that easily. He turned over to her and put on one of his ‘who cares’ look. “You’re a young adult right? Find your own ride.” answered Danson, hoping that she would give in to him. “You should be old enough to catch a taxi right?” his secretary added. “Or take the bus, its cheaper.” “Keep talking sweet cheeks and I‘m gonna make you look like YOU took the bus.” Selina threw back. She gazed her eyes back on Danson. Still with his ignorance look, she grabbed the keys from his pocket and walked to his car with Danson chasing after her. “What are you doing?! Planning to steal my car?!” Selina opened the back seat, grabbed her and Ella’s things and threw the keys back at him. “I don’t want your fucking car Danson Tang. From now on we don’t have to speak to each other.” she spoke angrily and pushed him aside as she walked passed him. “Selina! Selina!” He shouted and pulled her back. “Don’t be mad at me, I was just playing around.” trying to put on a silly face using it as his dumb excuse. “Really?” Selina sarcastically smiled. “Then go play with your whorish secretary, she’s aching for you to play with her!” she threw his arms off and walked away only to be called by Ella. “Selina! Selina!” Ella walk out of the studio with Jiro next to her. “Lets go to dinner with Jiro… what’s wrong with you? You look as if you just killed someone.” “Was about to.” Selina replied not taking her eyes off of Danson. And left with Jiro and Ella. “Fucking Jiro again!” Danson cursed at himself for acting like such an ass towards Selina. He should have just smiled and take her home, at least he’ll get a kiss on the cheek from her. He is now walking back into the studio, ignoring the secretary that got him into this mess, or so he blames. “Danson.” Chun called. “Have you seen Ella?” “They just went with Jiro.” he replied and shook his head. “God damn it.!” “With Jiro?!” Sighed Chun. “She really went.” ++++++++++++++

“So where would you ladies like to go for dinner?” Jiro asked. “Actually.. Can you just drop us here? We’ll take a cab home.” Selina replied. “I still have to get my homework done.” “Yeah, we’re really sorry.” Ella added. “We didn’t mean to cause you trouble.” “Its okay,” Jiro Chuckled. “I’ll drop you off home. Its kind of late to drop you off in the middle of the street right?” When they got to Selina’s house, Ella went in and got her bags. “Where are you going?” Selina asked. “I thought you said your going home on Monday.” “The boss said I have to be home by tonight.” Replied Ella. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow to finish up typing to report okay?” “Fine. But how are you getting home?” “I’ll take her.” Jiro interrupted, standing in front of the door. “I know where Mr. Wu lives.” “Uh..” “Don’t worry, it beats you taking a cab.” Ella agreed to go with Jiro. When she got into the car, Selina walked them out. “Call me when you get home okay?” Selina ordered. Ella nodded and off they went. While at home, Chun was waiting for her in front of the house. When he saw a car pull in, he was pretty sure it wasn’t a cab. “Jiro” he uttered under his breath and walked back in the house. “Thanks, Jiro.” “No problem. Its my job remember?” he smiled. “Sweet dreams Ella. I’ll see at school.” She walked through the house and looked around hoping that Chun went to sleep. After noticing that the whole house was quiet, she smiled to herself and she thought that she can safely walk to her room. Just when she entered her room, Chun pulled her into him and locked the door. “Jiro Wang? Really?” Chun whispered into her ear. “Your kidding right?!” “Ella turned around and chuckled a bit hoping that he won’t noticed. “What’s wrong with you? If you assigned him to be my assistant, isn’t it his job to take me home as well?” she asked. “I could have taken you girls home, or Danson.” “Speaking of Danson, he’s lucky Selina didn’t kill him earlier today.” she argued. “I have never seen Selina so mad.”

“Forget Danson and Selina.” he smiled and locked her inside his arms. “Lets talk about us.” “There’s me and there’s you” responded Ella. “There’s no us, Mr. Chun.” “Why are you so innocent when you come home, but so different when your outside, hmm?” “Because at home, I work for your parents, and when I’m outside, I work for no one and I am owned by no one.” she pushed his shoulders back and faced herself away from him. “Now can you leave my room? If my mother comes and see us, I’m going to die.” “What? Why? Your mother should be happy I’m trying to be with her daughter.” “Really?” She sarcastically giggled. “Have you not noticed how my mother tries so hard to keep me away from your presence? If you didn’t stay home that one Saturday, none of this would have happened.” “But you like it right?” She looked away shyly trying to hide the blood rushing into her cheeks. “You should really go now.” “You think I’m going to let you go that easily after you just came back from dinner with Jiro?” he asked. “I don’t think so.” leaning down to her lips, Chun pulled her waist in closer to him, lifted her chin up, and one of their most passionate kiss was just there, waiting to happen. Like most girls at her school, Ella’s black, smooth, silky hair was below shoulder length, tied up into a high pony tail. The beauty of her white blouse wrapping semi-tightly around her perfect curves was making him crazy. She just looks so gorgeous and so innocent, it had gotten to a point where he couldn’t help himself. She can now feel her neck being filled with his breath all around, and she was enjoying every moment his lips ran passed her skin. After smelling her sweet scent, Chun made his way back to her lips while stroking her hair. He took one deep breath before entering his tongue back in between her lips as she returned the favor. Moving down to her waist, he held her hips with a hand on each side and rubbed the side of her tummy up and down before stopping at the bottom buttons of her shirt. She tangled with his tongue once more and finally pushed him away while slowly sucking on the bottom of his lips. “That’s enough.” whispered Ella as she pulled his hands and placed them back to his side. “You have to go.” “Why?” asked Chun. As he curved the corner of his lips, he was also cornering her with the walls. His hands quickly placed itself on her waist. “Why do you want me to go?” “Because.” sighed Ella, finally catching all the air she was lacking. She leaned back against the walls and caressed his face, which only made him press his body more into her. “I have to wake up really early tomorrow, and I still have a lot more things to do.”’ “If you know it was late, and you have to wake up early, why did you still go to dinner with him?” he raised both his brows and questioned her.

“Calm down Mr. Chun.” stepping up to him and tip toed herself so she could at least be eye to chin with him. “I didn’t go to dinner with him okay? He just dropped me and Selina off home that was it.” she smiled. Smiling with such satisfaction, Chun kissed her lightly on the lips. “And please don’t keep sneaking into my room at night, its really scary.” “I thought you’d be used to it by now.” He chuckled. “we’ve been doing this a few times now.” “Go.” “Now?” he pouted. “Now, now.” He kissed her once more on the lips and opened the door. He took a look out in the hall before leaving but.. “Hey!! Hey!!” She smacked his hand since it was still attached to her clothes, and he was pulling her with him. “Your hand! Your hand!” “Oh Sorry” he laughed and pulled his hands back. “Sometimes it doesn’t listen to me.” with that said, Chun snuck back outside and she closed the door behind him. ++++++++++++++++++++ After school the next day, instead of the girls waiting for Danson, he was already there way before the girls were out. “Lets go Danson’s here.” Ella dragged Selina, but she stood there pouting with the death glare shooting at Danson. “what’s wrong? Oh come on, your not still angry are you?” “I’m not angry.” she replied. “I’m mad, I don’t need his stupid ride to get home.” “Don’t be like that, lets go he’s waiting for us.” “I said I’m not going home with him!!” Selina stubbornly said and walked towards the other end of the school. Seeing that, Danson came running to her. “Hey! Selina! Where are you going?!” he shouted. “I sorry about yesterday okay?” She turned away and crossed her arms, walking towards the opposite end of Danson. “I’m not speaking to him, I’m not speaking to him..” she continued to mutter to herself. “Ignore him, you hate him Selina, don’t talk to him.” “Selina! Please!!” Danson begged. “ How are you going to get home?!” “I’m a young adult.” she mocked. “I can find my own ride home. There are taxis.. Oh! And busses are cheaper too!”

“Selina, don’t be like that” Ella tugged on her arm. “Danson is already sorry, what else do you want?!” “Nothing, I don’t want anything from him and I don’t need anything from him!” she argued and stared back at Danson. “I’m a trouble maker, and I’m going to go thank my father for not committing suicide for having a daughter like me!!” Danson felt really bad for saying all those things to her yesterday, and he really did want to make up to her. But too late, she was already walking down the street towards the bus stop. “I’m going to go with her, she can’t go alone!” Ella stated and waved at Danson before running after Selina. “Oh Man, I screwed up big time.” he said to himself and slammed his hand onto his forehead, because he knew that once Selina is mad at someone, she doesn’t let it go easily.. Chapter 7 Guilt and Pleasures. Okay, this chapter is rated rated. i warned you :D so if you hate it.. dont read on :D okiee i warned you enjoy. :D

******************** “So are you going to stay and finish typing your report or no?” Selina asked. “I’ll type it…” she paused after realizing that she forgot her disk at home. “I have to go get my disk first!” “Wow, your so irresponsible.” Selina laughed. “Fine, go home first.” “I’ll come by later tonight okay?” “K, but remember not to forget it this time.” Ella took the cab back home and when she got there, her mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. “Mom, why are you preparing Dinner already? It’s only 4.” “Did you forget? I have to go with Mr. And Mrs. Wu out of the country, and Mr. Chun is going on his business trip. So I’m preparing Dinner for Mr. Chun before he leaves.” “Oh your leaving today?” Ella asked dumbly, smacking her forehead. “Oh stupid me!” “Aiyah honey, you seem to be forgetting a lot of things lately.” replied her mother. “Now help me get dinner ready so Mr. Chun can have dinner before he leaves.” Ella looked around the kitchen to things to help her mother with. “I’ll wash the veggies.” she stated and walked up to the kitchen sink, next to her mother. “Ella.” her mother sighed and stopped everything she was going. “Listen to me honey” she turned Ella’s face towards her and patted her head. “If Mr. Chun didn’t go on this business

trip, I wouldn’t leave you alone with him. Remember for the next month, make sure you take care of yourself when I’m not here.” “Yes mommy.” she nodded. “And if you seem lonely, you can lock up the house and go sleep over at Selina’s, just make sure you come back in time to clean the house.” “Yes mommy.” continuing to nod. “I don’t even trust you serving him dinner tonight when I’m gone.” “Mother, I’m a big girl now, not a little child.” she laughed and pecked her mom on the cheek. “That’s what I’m scared of. You know how Mr. Chun is, he only wants to have fun with girls and then leave them. don’t put yourself in the situation okay Ella?.” she warned. “You can find more guys that loves you truly.” “Mom, your speaking as if I’m in love with him. He wont do anything to me don’t worry.” Ella knew she was lying, but she didn’t want to worry her mother. If her mother knows that the boss is constantly groping her, her mother would die. “Are you ready now?!” Mrs. Wu shouted from the family room. Ella and her mother walked out to Mr. And Mrs. Wu. “We’re ready Mrs. Wu.” Ella’s mother replied and turned over to Ella. “Remember honey, take care when I’m away.” “Yes mother.” “Chun, Remember honey, take care of yourself and don’t do anything stupid. “Mrs. Wu said and kissed her son on the forehead and turned over to Ella. “Ella, since all the other maids are coming with me, I will have to bother you to set up Chun’s dinner before he leaves okay?” “Yes Mrs. Wu.” Ella stated. “Here’s the number at where we will be staying.” Mr. Wu said and handed Ella and paper. “And here’s some money if you need anything.” “Thank you.” “Okay, we’re going now, both of you take care of yourselves.” Mrs. Wu kissed her son one last time before the rest of them left the house. Chun walked his parents to the door while Ella went back into the kitchen and finished preparing for Chun’s dinner. “Mr. Chun is, he only wants to have fun with girls and then leave them. don’t put yourself in the situation okay Ella.” her mother’s words haunted her as she let the vegetables in the sink swim around her hands. “Mother is right, I should stay a little farther from him.” She thought to herself. “What if she finds out that me and Selina are being models for him? Oh my god, will she kill me?! it’s a good thing he’s leaving in a few hours, I can sleep at Selina’s for a

whole month.. Awesome!!” as her train of thought continue to dance away, a pair of hands reached around her waist, snuggling her. “What’s for dinner?” She turned around and caught Chun smiling at her with a peck on the lips to welcome her with. “Mr. Chun, shouldn’t you be packing?! You have to leave in a few hours.” she stated. “Where am I going?” he smirked. “You have a business trip to go to remember!” “My secretary didn’t say anything about a trip.” replied Chun. “All I know, is that I’m free for the next month.” “Wait, what?! Free?! What are you talking about?” “There is no business trip.” “You lied to your parents?!” she pointed her shame fingers at him. “That’s not right!” “I didn’t lie kid.” he kissed her pointing fingers down gently. “It was just cancelled and I forgot to mention it to my parents, that’s all.” “Then you can go out to eat right?!” she smiled. Thinking that she was going to go out to eat with him, Chun smiled and nodded. “Yeah why?!” “Then you can go out to eat, because I have to go out.” answered Ella, moving his hands and running out of the kitchen. “Wait! Where are you going?!” pulling back her hand after chasing her room and out into the living room. “Where do you have to go?!” “I have to go to Selina’s house.” “Why is it always Selina’s house?! This is a house, why can’t you stay here?!” he asked. “I have to use her computer to finish my report.” “Don’t you have one?” “nope.” Ella shook her head childishly. “I’ll buy you one” “I don’t want it!” she argued and let go of his hand. “I want to use Selina’s.” “Why?”

“That way I’ll have an excuse to be at her house more often.” smiled Ella. “and my mom already knows that I’m going, so if your not going anywhere, watch the house!” “Hey, Hey, Hey.” he pulled her in back again but this time closer. “I have a computer, you can use mine.” “But I want to go to Selina’s…” before she can finish her words, Chun dragged little Ella up the stairs and into his room. As they entered his room, Ella stood outside his door not wanting to go in, until Chun pulled her inside. He sat himself in his chair behind the computer desk. “Well, here you go, a computer.” he smiled. “Now you don’t have to go to Selina’s.” “This isn’t fair, you plan on locking me inside this house forever?” “Only until the day after forever.” grinned Chun. “I thought you have homework to do, do it.” She knew whatever she said, he wasn’t going to let her out of this room, might as well give up. And she doesn’t know what Chun might do to her, since their home alone, he can kill her and still get away with it. She slowly walked herself up to the computer and stood still. “Umm, are you going to stay here and watch me?” she asked. “Yeah.” he patted his lap giving her a sign to tell her to sit on him, but after no movement from her, he just dragged her in and sat her down himself. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she nervously sat on his lap, staring at him with confusion. “You can start.” Pulling out a disk inside the bag that she quickly grabbed out of her room, she inserted it in the hard rive. Gazing around at his computer, she felt her phone go off. “Hi Selina” she greeted.” yeah, I can’t go to your house today.” “Why?” “I have to stay home, my boss wont let me out.” Replied Ella. “Your boss is a jackass!” Selina shouted through the phone loud enough for Chun to hear. “And Danson is a dumbass! And oh my god, you better rip that take apart, because if Danson blackmails us again, I’ll stab him Ella, I really will!” “Okay, Okay,” Ella laughed. “Calm down. I have to finish up my report in a bit, so I’ll call you when I’m not busy okay?” with that said, Ella hung up and immediately was caught face to face with one of Chun’s teasing smiles. “What are you smiling at!?” “Can I watch the tape?” “No, I burned it!!” she shouted. “Don’t even dream about it!” “You’re not as innocent as I thought you were.” He said. “You’re a bad girl.” “Am not!” she jumped up down on his lap rocking back and forth like what a little child would do. She soon stopped when she saw Chun just sitting still doing nothing. “Hey, what’s

wrong with you?! I’m not that heavy am I? Did I break your leg?!” she continued rocking back and forth again trying to gain his attention since he was completely still. “Okay, you shouldn’t be doing that!” he held her still trying to calm his nerves down, because her rocking back and forth was the reason why he’s like this. He cleared his throat a couple of times and wiping the sweats of his forehead. “HEY!!!” Ella screamed and jumped back up when she saw Chun’s little friend beginning to rise. “HEY!!!” “What?! Its not my fault you were rocking back and forth!” Chun Argued. “Well calm yourself down!!” she shouted back and walked out of his computer room and into the bedroom trying to exit through the door. “Hey! I’m sorry!” He chased after her and moved her back into the room. “I told you, sometimes things on my bodies don’t listen to me, just let me calm down, a few minutes.. You can go back to the computer.” As she slowly walked back to the computer desk, Chun sat down on his bed and tried calming himself down. He looked over and Ella was still standing against the wall across his bed, scared to move. He gazed at her body up and down. With her white buttoned shirt, and the navy blue tie wrapped around her collar, moving his eyes to her blue and black plaid short skirt that was hugging closely to her waist, along with her white knee high socks to go perfectly with her uniform. As much as he tried to calm himself down, he really couldn’t help but do the opposite because she was making him crazy. “Are you okay now?” she asked dumbly staring at him like he’s some kind of weird species. After noticing that she was afraid to move one inch, Chun walked up to her and pulled her into his chest. “What are you doing?” Without another word from him, he lifted up her chin and pressed his lips onto hers without giving her a sign or a warning. As his tongue left his lips and moved into hers, his hands worked its way around her waist and wandered up her back, all the way to her hair as he released her hair tie, letting her hair down as he nibbled on her ear. As Ella enjoyed feeling his touch once again, she was also pulling him closer by his waist and pressed herself in deeper into him. She disappointedly smiled as she felt Chun pulling back from her. She let him go and he walked towards the door.. But instead of leaving the room, he closed the door and locked it, making his way back to her. “Why’d you lock the door?” she whispered. “I don’t know, it just seems right.” replied Chun. She smiled and placed her hands over his face, pulling him in closer and embraced her tongue with his. This time, instead of roaming her back, Chun instantly wandered his hands over her tucked in shirt, going passed her stomach and onto her breast, where he gave out a light squeeze. “Mmm.” she let out a pleasurable whimper. As he continued, he worked up to her collar and undid her tie, throwing it across the room. The next thing on his list was her shirt. He slowly

tucked her shirt out from her skirt, with his lips moving down to her neck. Unbuttoning the first button, he pressed his lips lower each time he popped opened a button. After popping 3 buttons, he stopped in front of her breast, revealing her smooth, white skin. Unlike last time, Ella was wearing a black bra with a single butterfly on the bottom corner. He opened up her semi buttoned shirt wider to reveal half of her perfect body. Quickly continuing his quest. He unbuttoned the rest of her shirt. Seeing this, Ella took off her shirt and dropped it down to the floor. “Its okay” he whispered, looking straight into her angelical eyes. She lightly smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt, only to be stopped half way. Chun pulled her hands together and carried her to his bed. He sat her down and unhook her bra. Pushing her back, he laid on top of her and massaged his lips around her neck, lowering himself down to her breast where he took of her bra and threw it to the side, showing her perfect, perky breasts. “Ohh..” moaned Ella when she felt him lowered himself upon her breasts and massaging them with his hands. As one of his hands caressed her, another one of his hands found itself going down her skirt and slipping in between her undies. “Your wet..” he smirked, while rubbing her clit. “You like it..” he didn’t get any response since Ella was still shocked with his hands inside of her. With his thumb rubbing around her, he let another finger guide itself deeper inside of her. “Chun!..” whimpered Ella with pain, but as he pulled his finger in and out of her she began to feel the pleasure. Each time he pulled his finger out, he went in even deeper causing her to moan with ecstasy. “Ugh.. Oh.. Chun.” she bit her bottom lip and lifted Chun up to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled him even tighter when she was about to come. With one more thrust, he went even deeper. “Ahh…” she let out a scream as her legs closed tightly together and held him closer to her. He felt her come all over his hand and waited until she relaxed her muscle, then pulled out his hand. “You like that feeling don’t you kid.?” once again chuckling before kissing her again. About 5 minutes after, he pulled up at her and asked. “Are you on the pill?” “Pill?” she asked dumbly. “Oh right.” he nodded continuously and laughed. “Your still innocent.” he got up and opened the drawer next to his bed and took out a squared shaped box. “I’ll be right back.” he said and went into the bathroom after kissing her lips. When he left, she covered herself with the light blue bed covers. About another 2 minutes, Chun walked out of the bathroom half naked and wrapped in a white towel. She sat up and rest her back against his back board, just watching him leave the bathroom. Sitting right beside her, he got under the covers with her and made his way back on top. He lifted her chin up and put on his charming smile. “Smile for me?” After seeing her beautiful smile, Chun got up, unwrapped both of them and ran his fingers down her tummy all the way down to the waistband of her skirt. He unzipped her from the back and pulled it off of her, along with her undies. Her hands quickly made its way down her body, covering the parts that had just been uncovered by him. He look up at her face and saw her nervous appearance. “Its okay.” he assured her. “Everything is okay.” with that said, he kissed her hands and pulled them away. He quickly massaged her clit with her fingers again, and rotated his fingers in a circular motion. After awhile of enjoying his touch, she began to

close her eyes only to feel something else inside of her. She look down and saw Chun laying there with his tongue inside of her. “OH.. Chun.. Ugh..” she moaned loudly and grabbed the bed sheets and began twirling it with her hand. He ran his tongue up and down around her clit, going faster and faster, but then slowly. It was driving her insane how he was teasing her. He felt her juices coming out even more, and she was moaning louder and louder. “Chun.. Chun!!” she screamed his name. She was breathing heavier and heavier as Chun rotating his tongue faster and faster until she came again. “Oh My God, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” continuing to scream out loud, since they were home alone, she didn’t really care about controlling her screams, her hands were now pulling the bed sheets even harder as her legs shook uncontrollably. Making his way up, Chun laid on top of her and smiled. “Your so sweet” he winked as he looked at her breathing harder and her forehead was covered in sweat. After catching all her air, he angled her face with his and quickly ran their lips together, letting her taste the sweetness of herself from his tongue. He covered the both of them with the thin sheet covers as he stood there on top of her. He threw the towel he used to wrap around his waist onto the floor and lowered his fully erect self into her. But before he entered her, he held her hips firmly and kissed her once more. “This might hurt a little..” As he entered the tip of himself, he could see it in her eyes that she was in pain. She bit her bottom lip and looked right back at him. Slowly and little at a time, he entered her and finally fully inserted himself into her and she could feel herself tearing apart. “CHUN!!!!!!!” She cried out in pain. “Chun!!!!!!!!!!!” “Just for a little bit.” he whispered to her and pulled back out halfway. Continuing to pull in and out slowly, she was beginning to feel the pain fade away as the waves of pleasure took over her. When Chun realized that her pain was gone, he felt much more better and began moving a little faster. “Oh.. Oh..” moaned Ella as she is now enjoying this every moment. He continued himself and thrust in and out of her faster and deeper. She endured her moans as he kept on pumping in and out of her. It wasn’t long until Chun could feel himself about to climax. As for Ella, she was on the edge of coming for the 3rd time. After a few seconds.. “ CHUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screamed out once more and felt her body shaking with pleasure, she touched her stomach, which felt like she had been dropped down 1000 feet. She looked down at Chun who was still moving himself inside of her, climaxing seconds after her. He collapsed on top with him still inside of her afterwards, kissing her passionately, even before he could catch his breath. “You were wonderful.” Ella wiped the sweat off his head and smiled. “Thank you.” she said and kissed him back. They laid their for 10 minutes, kissing and exploring each other’s body, finally Chun got up and walked back into the bathroom while she, once again wrapped herself with the covers. When he came back out, he slipped himself back in bed with her under the covers and placed her head on top of his chest with hands snuggling around her tightly. She turned to him with her breast touching his bare skin and laid her head on his smooth chest. She didn’t know what she was doing .. Or why she did it. She wasn’t suppose to be with him, she was suppose to be somewhere far from him.. But for some reason.. It cant happen. She took a peek out the window and noticed it was dark. She turned over to the clock and it read 12:15 midnight..

Time sure moves fast when your enjoying time.. She looked over at Chun once more and found him sleeping with his head on hers. She sweetly smiled. “I might hate myself in the morning..” she thought to herself. “But I’m going to love you tonight..” Chapter 8 Selina..wha? “Stupid Ella, she better have a good excuse for not calling me back last night!” Selina grumpily mumbled to herself as she glance at her watch. She called up a cab and went on her way to Chun’s house.

While with Chun, he opened his eyes and saw Ella sleeping on his chest. Brushing her hair softly, he leaned in and kissed her head causing Ella to shift a little. Quickly pulling his head back, Chun closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Ella opened her eyes and felt Chun wrapping her whole body with his hand. Slowly pushing it back, she untangled herself from him and sat up with the sheets still covering her. As she attempt to get out of bed, Chun pulled her back and pinned her under him with her still in shock, her eyes widened and her heart, once again, beat faster. “Morning Princess.” he smiled and pressed his lips lightly on her cheek. “It’s still early, where are you going?” “Mr. Chun” widening her eyes. “Weren’t you still sleeping?!” “Mr. Chun?” he chuckled. “That wasn’t what you were screaming last night.” Ella’s face became red as she recalled what happened last night, looking away, she tried to get out from him only to be pulling in closer. “I have to.. Uh. Uh..” she stuttered insanely while waiting for her common sense to come back to her. But before she knew it, Chun brushed her strands of messy hair back pressing his lips onto her hair. She was right, she did hate herself in the morning. “Ella how could you be so fucking stupid?! Do you know who this is?! This is Chun Wu, your boss, your manager, number one playboy in the country! And you just slept with him. YOU SLEPT WITH HIM!!!” arguing with herself only made it worse, how could something that feels so good be so wrong? “I.. Uh..” she nervously sighed. “Look, last night…” Chun looked at her while still caressing her long, silky hair. “What about last night?” he interrupted. Her blushing stopped and her heart calmed down. He was right. What about last night? She continues to remind herself who he actually was. Its not like he was really going to fall for her right? She’s just his servant. Ella knew his words didn’t mean to hurt her, but it had her thinking. Out of all the people who could have been her first, why did it have to be him? “I don’t want to be a part of your collection!!!” she shouted, shutting both her eyes. She was expecting screams, yells, and anger, but.. It was still silent. Slowly opening her eyes again, Chun was staring at her in confusion. “What? What are you talking about?” he leaned his head in a little lower, close enough to press it against her forehead giving her one of his charming smiles. “Hmm?”

“I was just saying that..” She swallowed her fear and blinked. “Since.. You got what you wanted, I can go on with my life now right?” Ignoring her words, Chun looked at her and chuckled a bit. Seeing the wonder in her eyes, he brought his lips down to hers and began massaging her lips with his. He pulled his lips back up and looked at her. “No more smart remarks from the witty kid?” he teased. “Or are you still tired from last night?” Ella pouted as she glared at him. In an instant, she lifted her head up and bit Chun’s shoulder. “OW WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes in pain as She continued to dig her teeth deeper and deeper then finally letting go. Both of them looked at it and saw little drops of blood beginning to show. “What was that for?!” his face was filled with an expression similar to anger, but when he looked at her, she just shrugged her shoulders with a dumb kiddish look on her face and dropped her head back down on the pillow. “You know that’s going to leave a permanent mark right?” asked Chun, putting back on his smile. “I guess so..” “Is that’s how it’s going to be then?” “Mhmm” she nodded. “Fine, then let me bite you back!” he tickled her for a bit, but stopped after her wiggles and laughs. Lightly, he pecked her shoulder and gazed back into her eyes. He brushed her face gently. “I wouldn’t hurt you.” he whispered. Going back to her shoulder, he pecked his way to her neck and let out his hot breath onto her followed by his lips. There was something about her eyes that keeps him wanting more. Something about the way she smiles that keeps him thinking about her.. There was just something, something about her that makes him fall deeper each time they meet. His lips finally finished its craving .. For now as he angled his face to her, with their lips almost touching.. “ELLA!!!! ELLA!!!!!!!!!” Selina screamed from the hallways, thinking that Ella might be cleaning upstairs since she wasn’t in her room. “ELLA WHERE ARE YOU?!” “Damn it!” Chun cursed as he left his bed in white shorts. He opened the door and saw Selina standing there seeing eye to eye with him. Her eyes widened as she took a peep inside the room, Ella was laying on the bed with the covers wrapping itself around her and Chun in shorts, half naked. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Selina screamed. “Ella!!” she ran through Chun and entered the room. Rushing over to Ella, Selina felt her temperature and opened Ella’s eyes. “Were you drugged?! Did he rape you?! Or are you just sick?!” Selina continued to check her arms. “OH GOD! HE GAVE YOU SHOTS DIDN’T HE?!” “Selina.. I.. Uh..” “Please tell me you have a good reason why your on his bed naked!!!!” she begged. “It doesn’t even have to be a good reason! Just a reason is good enough! Just tell me you didn’t

sleep with him!! God please!!! Tell me you didn’t sleep with him!!!!” She glared over at Chun like she was going to rip him apart in seconds. “I’M GOING TO FIX YOU, ASSHOLE!!” Selina nearly jumped at him, but Ella caught her and pulled her back. Due to her struggles, Selina accidentally pulled off Ella’s covers causing it to drop to the floor. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Screamed Selina, looking back at Chun, she caught him smirking. Immediately, Selina picked up the sheets and covered her again. “Stop looking at her or I’m going to make you look like the pig you are!!” “I’ve seen all of it already!! I’m the one that’s suppose to cover her from you!” He argued back. “You want to leave my room now?” “Ella lets go!!” Selina pulled Ella out of the bed, wrapping the sheets extra tight. As she was about to walk out of the door, Chun pulled Ella back into his arms and pushed Selina out and slammed the door on her. “Give me Ella back!!! Unlock this door!!” “You can go downstairs alone! She’ll be out.. In minute or maybe two…..hours.” he muffled from the room. “My friend isn’t a doll!!!” Inside the room, Chun held Ella close running his lips all over her while arguing with Selina. “Course she’s not, I’m sure playing with a doll wouldn’t be this fun.” “Chun Wu!!!!” Selina stomped her feet to the ground. “Ella come back out!!” “She can’t speak to you right now, But I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you be a good friend and go grab her another outfit, She’s going to shower.” “She can shower in her own room!!” “Yeah.. That’s going to be hard.” he sighed. Covering Ella’s mouth from speaking to Selina. He picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. “She’s showering with me.” he grunted.. “Sorry Selina and Thanks.” Selina stomped her way down the stairs after hearing the water running from Chun’s shower. She brought Ella’s clothes and dropped it in front of the doorstep. Walking back down, She threw herself on the couch cursing herself then at Chun. She wanted to kill him this instant. How dare he touch her friend. “Chun! You fucking bastard! I’m going to make sure you get fixed just watch!” she mumbled to herself. “Something wrong?” a guys voice asked. “Why are you arguing with yourself?” Selina sighed annoyingly. She knew who it was. It was stupid Danson, with his stupid charming sweet tone. “Go away” she ordered. “Aww, why is my baby mad? Hmm?” “Shut the hell up Danson, I am not your baby.” she argued. “You hate me that much huh?”

“I hate you even more than that.” “Oh and I’m guessing that Jiro is much more better than me?!” at this point Danson’s tone got a little more strict and more mean. “He’s way better than you!! And you don’t need to compare him with yourself!! Its like comparing heaven to hell!” Selina stood up and got ready to walk off. “And what makes him better than me?!” Turning around with a dreaming smile, Selina began thinking of words that would hurt Danson. “He’s nice, sweet, charming, a guy that every girl dreams about. “Oh, and is he great in bed too?” he asked sarcastically. Selina’s anger rose when she heard his sarcasm. He was trying to say that she was a slut and slept with Jiro already. The more she tried calming her anger the more she wanted to stab Danson. The way Danson was standing in front of her with his hands tucked into his jean pockets and his stupid grin showing that he had won this argument. “Probably much better than what you can do.” Selina shot back. The way he wiped his smirk off was priceless. This was it. She had won an argument with Danson, and it felt amazing. “You want to see what I can do in bed?” Danson winked. “I can show you that I’m much better than your friend Jiro.” “You are such an asshole, a jerk.” she claimed. “Not to mention a perverted pig just like your friend!! I hate yo-…” After hearing all the names she called him, Danson held back nothing, he grabbed her and instantly covered her lips with his. As she tried to pull away, He only pulled her back more until he fell back on the couch taking Selina with him. “Oh Wow!!” Chun laughed as Ella was besides him with her eyes widened to the view of Danson sitting on the couch and Selina sitting on top of him with her knees and legs wrapped around his waist. As they continue to look down, Danson’s hands had its way around Selina, cupping her behind while Selina’s arms were on his shoulders.. Not to mention their lip locking. “Selina, you are such a hypocrite.” “Umm, Selina.. “ Ella looked at her dumbly. “What are you doing?” The two instantly pulled back and Danson got a slap from Selina after she rushed off of him. Aside from her anger showing, he somewhat he she liked it. He felt the cheek where he got slapped and began licking his lips tasting the last of her, which pissed Selina off even more… Chapter 9 I hate You. -RatedWarning: this chapter is rated.


“Selina, what are you doing?” Ella asked with her eyes still widened. Selina was the type of person who means what she says, if she says she hates someone, it sure means that they were the last person she wanted to see. “I..” Selina stuttered, pointing at her and then at Danson continuously. “He.. I..” “Ay.” Chun chuckled as he glued his arms around Ella’s waist. “What’s with the questions?” he whispered in her ear. “Their doing what we were doing last night.” Feeling the blood rushing through her cheeks, she pushed Chun away and stood next to Selina. “Are there no fine gentlemen left in this world?!” questioned Selina. She rolled her eyes and pulled Ella nearly out the living room. “Where are we going?” “Your mom said that you could spend time at my house, “ Selina replied. “And remember? You promised me we’d go watch the new movie that’s coming out today.” “Oh, right. I forgot.” Ella smacked her forehead. “Let me go get my things first.” Before Ella could run to her room, Chun stopped her. With her being pulled back, Ella slipped into Chun’s arms. “Your leaving?” “Yeah, I already promised Selina that we’d go together.” Ella innocently said. “What about me?” “What about you?” Selina interrupted. “Don’t you have work to go to?” “Nope.” “Well, it doesn’t matter because she’s coming with me.” “Don’t force her if she doesn’t want to go.” Danson smiled. “This has nothing to do with you, Ella.. Come on, we’re going to be late.” Selina could tell by the look on Ella’s face that she didn’t want to leave Chun. With her pouting lips, and Chun resting on her shoulders. Selina must admit, they did make a cute couple. “So your really not going to go?” she sighed. After noticing the sorry look on Ella’s face, Selina already knew she had lost her friend to Chun. Still trying to convince Ella to go out with her, Selina pulled Ella aside and whispered. “But I already made a date..” “Date? With who?” “Dude, remember? We told Jiro that --..” Selina tried continuing her words, but her phone kept ringing. “Shit..” “Who is it?” asked Ella.

“It’s Jiro..” Selina whispered hoping that Danson wouldn’t hear her or else she was going to argue with him again. “Look, I have to go.. If your not going to make it, I can’t bail on Jiro.. Twice..” “Selina!!” Ella whined and pulled Selina back. “Come on.. Stay with me.” “I already told you Ella, “Selina sighed. “I can’t bail on him twice, it’s just not right.” and just like that, Selina ran out the door without another word. She walked out a couple of steps before hearing Danson’s footsteps coming after her. She turned around quickly just to prove herself right and instantly ran from him. As she was running, a car pulled up to her and that’s when Danson witnessed Selina getting into the car with Jiro inside. “Were you going to a jog?” Jiro joked. “And isn’t that Mr. Tang back there?” “no and yes.” “Why isn’t Ella coming out today?” he asked. “grounded or something?” “No, she’s busy with something… I guess.” Selina replied. “Anyways, lets go watch the movie first then we can go eat.” “Sure..” he smiled. For the whole day, Jiro and Selina spent time together, going to the movies, dinner, and ice cream. It would have been the perfect date if her mind wasn’t constantly being interrupted by the thoughts of Danson and their kiss. “freaking dammit Selina! Stop thinking about what happened this morning. This isn’t even cool. He so stole that kiss!” Selina argued with herself trying to actually convince her mind that she didn’t respond to that kiss. While Selina was thinking to herself, Jiro’s car was already parked in front of her apartment. “Sweet dreams Selina.” he smiled. “You too Jiro” she said and got out of his car. Jiro waited until Selina actually got into her house until he decided to leave. When she entered her home, Selina noticed that her mom was still out of town. “Thank god I ate already” she sighed and laughed. “Or else, this house would burn down if I tried cooking tonight.” She lifted her hand up and realized that her wrist seemed lighter. “My bracelet.. “ she gasped and thought about it for awhile. “It must have fell in Jiro’s car… I hope It fell in Jiro’s car.” looking at her plain wrist, she remembers the bracelet and giggled, it was a gift from Danson for her 18th birthday, but since she had lost some weight, her bracelet would slip off her hand occasionally. After changing into her PJ’s, Selina opened up her fridge, and took a sip of her Kool Aid when she heard the doorbell ring. Trying to ignore it, Selina just walked into her room. She was just listening to her mom’s rule. Don’t open the door after Dark, but no matter what she does, the door bell was still ringing. “Okay, Okay! I’m coming!!” Selina shouted. “This better be someone important.” she opened up the door and saw Danson stand there. “Can I help you?” she asked annoyingly. “What’s with the mean tone?”

“Its after dark, your ringing my doorbell, and your also the last person I want to see.” she replied. “Anymore questions you need me to answer?” “Can I come in?” “no” “Please.” “No” “Pretty please” “Let me think about it for a minute..” she paused for a quick second before shouting “NO!” Danson looked at her from head to toe and couldn’t help but stare at her. She was wearing loose shorts and a spaghetti strap top. “Are you here to talk to me or stare at me?” “A little of both if I get lucky.” “You know what..” she sighed. “Good night.” “Hey, wait a minute,” he shouted as he pushed the door back. “Why are you so mean to me now a days.” “You started it.” “What? How?” “When you totally ignored me and just went on talking with your stupid whorish secretar-” Selina immediately shut her mouth and turned back around. “Wait wait!! What was that?!” Danson questioned. “I didn’t hear the last part too clearly.” “Nothing. “ He followed her inside the house and pulled her arms back. “No, I want to hear this.” “Shut up Danson Tang, leave my house! If my mom comes back your in deep shit.” she explained. “And I don’t want to see you aga-..” Just as she turned around to tell him off, Danson’s lips immediately glued itself to hers. With his hands on her waist, moving it rapidly down her behind and back up again. “Still hating me now?” Danson smirked, pulling himself back. “I hate you even more.” she gasped and pulled him back into her. She ran her lips with his again with her hands cupping his cheeks. He kicked the door closed and the both of them walked back to Selina’s room with their lips still together and their hands all over each other.

Selina gently pushed herself back on the bed, scooting herself higher as Danson got ready to take off his shirt. Before he finished unbuttoning his shirt, Selina got back up and pulled him on her by the collar. “Oh first your being mean and now your rushing?!” Danson blurted out. “There’s the door,” she smiled. “Feel free to leave.” without another word, Danson pressed himself onto her and began kissing her lips down to her neck. Pulling themselves up, Danson stared into Selina’s eyes, and finally pulling the top over her head. She hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off his under white tee. Their clothes filled the floor leaving Selina with only her shorts on while Danson was already half naked. He pressed her back down leaning himself on top of her. Unhooking her bra, he worked his hands down to her shorts and took it off. “Wow..” he paused and gasped for air. “No uh.. Uh.. Underwear?” “I wasn’t expecting any guests you ass.” “That excuse works.” he smilingly nodded and continued where he left off. Standing back on the edge of the bed, Danson unbuckled his pants as Selina kneeled on her bed tasting his lips. “I‘ll.. Uh.. Play nice.” he uttered between his breaths while massaging Selina’s tongue with his. “I didn’t ask you to play nice.” With that said, Selina furiously dragged Danson back onto her, craving for his lips to touch hers again. “Oh Damn.” “What’s wrong?” she asked with giggles escaping her breath. She looked at Danson who would pointing down and noticed that her knee was rubbing his inner thigh. With her eyes widened she lightly blushed and bit her finger. “Whoa..” she chuckled nervously. “You know.” he sighed. “We should fight more often.” “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” she sarcastically asked as Danson began sucking on her neck, moving down to her bare breast. “Mmmm” she lets out a soft moan. “Mmm mm ooh” with Danson nibbling harder on her breast, Selina’s moan became louder. As his lips moved lower, Danson’s hands began massaging the inner part of her thigh. She lowered her arm and rubbing over his hands on each side. He slowly spread her legs and stuck his tongue inside, rapidly rotating it around her clit. “Oh fuck..” she uttered in pleasure as she threw her head back and arched her back. A few minutes after tasting her, Danson could hear Selina moaning out his name with passion as her hand continued stroking his hair. “Danson!! Danson!!” she yelled each time nearly running out of air. It was her first time ever feeling this way, and she couldn’t help but admit, it felt soo… good. Selina was enjoying this pleasure deeply when Danson suddenly stopped. He wiggled himself back up and saw her panting with her eyes shut. giving her a surprising kiss, he entered his warm tongue in between her lips. Danson moved his hands and rubbing it down on her moist area before guiding his fully erect self into her. Without slowing down, he thrust himself through her. “AHHHHHHHHHH.” screamed Selina with a drop of tear coming

down her eye and dug her nails into his shoulders. He waited for a bit before moving in and out of her. Pulling her sharp fingers away from around his neck, he pined both her wrist to each side of the bed. “ooh Danson..” she moaned after feeling the pleasure taking over her pain. The longer he went in and out of her, the faster and deeper Danson continued. He loosened up his grip on her wrist and held her hands to the side with his face buried into her neck. Within a few, Selina came as she felt Danson releasing himself inside her. “Oh God!!!!” she moaned extra loudly and squeezed his hands. He stroked himself in and out for a few more seconds before pulling himself out and laid back right next to her. “Hi.” Danson panted as he tucked himself in closer to her. Feeling Danson’s arm wrapping around her, she scooted herself back and turned to him with her sweetest smile. “Hi…”

Chapter 10 The voice of Guilt The next morning, as the sun shone inside her room, Selina’s eyes opened. She turned over to the side of her and saw Danson sleeping on his stomach with one hand wrapped around her waist. Giggling, Selina took one strand of her hear and slowly ran it across his nose causing his nose to wiggle. “How cute.” Selina smiled and continued to run it across his nose again. Her giggles became laughs when all of a sudden she heard.

“You do know that I’m awake right?” Danson said with his eyes still close. Selina’s laughs was shut out and Danson quickly pulled her in tighter and lifted his head over her shoulders. Picking up his hand, Selina glanced over at his watch. “Oh my god I’m late!!!” “WHAT?!” he jumped up. “We only had sex once how can it be that soon?!” Looking at him oddly, Selina smacked him upside the head. “No, butt for brains! I’m late for school!!” she got up with the thick blankets snaked around her, but before she left the bed, Danson lead his arms around her and landed her on his lap. “Today is Sunday.” he muttered into her ear and kissed it. Selina always had a problem with mistaking Sunday with Monday, if it wasn’t for Ella always reminding her, Selina would always show up for school on a Sunday. “Are you sure?” “Mmmhmm.” he nodded sweetly. “How come Ella didn’t call me today?” Selina questioned herself, scratching her head dumbly. “No school for one more day. YaY!!”

“You know..” Danson chuckled as he took a peek inside her blanket. “Even if you are pregnant, I‘m sure our son or daughter will look gorgeous..” “Pregnant?! In your dreams Danson.” “No, I mean it.” he said, with s face full of concern. Danson held her tighter towards him and caressed her hair. “If you really become pregnant, I’ll take care of you.” “You cant get pregnant if your on birth control dork.” “What?! Your on birth control?!” He shouted. “Is there something I should know about?!” Selina rolled her eyes and sighed, knowing she would have to explain something stupid to him. “My mom put me on it when I turned 17. She has this thing about trusting me. I don’t get it! I mean, I’m trustworthy right? Its not like I’m going to go do something stupid.” Selina continued to complain and caught Danson laughing at her. “What’s so funny?!” “And you continue to take it?” “Well, yeah.” she nodded. “I realized that my acne was gone after taking the pills for a week, so I stuck with it.” Danson leaned his face in a little too close to her and smiled. “Hey, your right… no acne. What brand do you use?” “Danson!!!” “It was just a friendly question.” he simpered and pressed his nose onto her long, black, silky hair. The longer he sniffed her scent, the closer he got to her face, and finally onto her lips. Laying her back, Danson opened up the cover and rolled over on top of her. He roamed his lips all over her neck, going down onto her chest and wandered his mouth over her breast. “Danson…” she gasped. “It’s too early in the morning…” with no response, Danson went disappearing under the covers, going lower and lower on her. “Ooh.. Ugh.” a moan lets out when she felt her legs spreading apart and a familiar warmth massaging her lower self. Danson rubbed over her gently with a hint of firmness. During their pleasures, a sound of keys rattling loudly interrupted them. As the sound was stopped as if someone threw a chain of keys onto the table and that’s when they knew someone had entered the house. “Selina, Honey are you inside your room?!” “Oh my god!!” Selina got up with her knees still hugging onto Danson. “My mom is back!” Danson hurriedly got up and picked up his clothes. He tried heading for the door when Selina pulled him back. “What are you doing?!” she whispered. “My mom is in the front! You want to die?!” “Selina, are you still asleep?!” her mother shouted from outside the room.

“Which way am I suppose to go?” he asked. “You only have one door!” “Go through the windows. “ she ordered and pointed to the side of her room. Quickly getting dressed, Danson dragged Selina into him and kissed her once more. “I’ll call you later.” he whispered, before jumping out. Danson got into his car and drove off as Selina stared at him from her bedroom window. ============================= Early in the morning, while still sleeping in Chun’s room, Ella felt warmth pressed upon her body. “Chun!!” her eyes widened and found Chun laying on top of her, half naked. “Surprise?” he cheekily smiled back, meeting her lips with his. “Chun, no please.” Ella begged, trying to push him back. Chun grabbed both her hands and pinned it above her head as he lifted he ripped her shirt open. “CHUN!!” she cried. “It’s not like you’ve never done this before.” he coldly stated. “If you don’t like it, then you should at least be used to it.” he forced his fingers down her PJ’s and roughly rubbed her clit. “STOP IT!! YOUR HURTING ME!!” she cried in pain as tears ran down her eyes. Without any warning, Chun fully thrust his fully erect self all the way into her causing Ella to scream. Each time he went in and out of her, he went deeper and faster, entering his tongue inside of Ella’s mouth to keep her from screaming out loud. With her hands still being pinned, and her body completely numb, Ella lost all strength to fight back or even move. She closed her eyes tight and felt the hot tears running down her face. What seemed to be like forever, her eyes widened as she felt a familiar feeling about to rise within her. “AHHHHHHHH!!!” cried Ella one last time as she felt Chun’s hot juice shooting up inside her. He stroked himself in and out of her a few more times before pulling out. Chun got off of Ella and stood next to the bedside as she laid there lifelessly. Wrapping his waist of a towel nearby, Chun grabbed a pack of pills on his nightstand and tossed it right beside her. Ella got up, with the comforter hugging her body tightly and picked it up. “Birth control pills?” she weakly muttered in disbelief. “You should start taking it everyday now.” Chun added, while putting his pants back on, he noticed Ella, unfolding the packet. “I already slipped one in your orange juice last night, don’t worry.” with that said, Chun pulled over his shirt and walked out of the door. More tears began running down her face. The man that looked at her with sweetness in his eyes was now gone. “Ella, you fool, did you really think he was actually going to change? Mom always warned you about him, Selina warned you about him, hell, everyone warned you about him.. And yet you still chose to be stupid.” She blamed herself, with her face buried to her knees. “You’re not even part of his collection, your just his sex slave Ella, SEX SLAVE!!” her hands covered her ears, as the voice continued to haunt her. “You’re stupid Ella, Stupid, stupid, stupid.” the words kept repeating. Out of the window, she could hear Chun’s car leaving the house’s drive way, the haunting in her mind got worse while tears rapidly soaked her face. “You’re not the innocent girl everyone thought you were, you broke

your mother’s trust!!” it continued. “If people know that your one of Chun Wu’s pleasure toys, their going to think your no different from a whore, you can might as well die now..” “STOP!! STOP!!!” Ella shouted, shaking her head furiously.

Chapter 11 Deadly Smile “Did you think he really cared for you?” the voice within her head began to take over her mind as it got louder and louder causing Ella to shake her head more furiously. “He’s a player, and players never change.”

“Ella?! Ella?!” she heard a familiar voice call for her. “Ella! Wake up! Wake up Ella!!” Her eyes rose and there she saw, Chun laying next to her with his hands still shaking her up. She glanced around the room, noticing that she was still sleeping in Chun’s room, Ella took a glimpse at the clock, it was the same date she was dreaming about. Drops of sweats rolled over her forehead as she took deep sighs. “It was only a dream..” she calmed herself down, gulping hard, passed the dryness of her throat. Chun stood on his elbow and wiped the sweats off her head. “Did you have a bad dream?” he asked softly. Staring in his eyes, Ella saw the warmhearted Chun laying right across of her, not the coldhearted person that hurt her in the nightmare. She was relieved to see Chun sweetly smile at her as he’s caressing her face. “I’m okay now.” she replied. She didn’t know why she had that nightmare, but she knew Chun wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, I didn’t rape you last night.. That is, if you don’t want me to.” Chun winked and covered her body with the same comforter that was covering him. He smiled at Ella’s little uncomfortable grin and kissed her on the lips. Since Chun knew that her first time was with him, he didn’t try to get her to do anything yesterday. He just wanted to wake up and find her by his side, and there he was satisfied. He had no clue what was going on in his body, or even why his heart was aching for her, as much as he hates to admit it, he really needed her, not just physically, but emotionally as well. “What was your nightmare about?” Thinking about her nightmare, Ella’s gentle stare turned into a mean glare towards him. Even if it was just a nightmare, he had something to do with it, because he was in it! “You!!” she stated loudly, and madly. “Hey? Why do you look so mean? shouldn’t you be happy to see me in your dreams?!” Chun asked, a bit scared at this point. “Why would you call it a nightmare if I’m in it.” “Because you raped me in the stupid nightmare!!”

“Oh see! Even in your dreams you want me!!” he laughed, but that didn’t change the expression on her face. He pointed to the permanent bit mark left by Ella from the other day and stated. “Do you see this? With your evil little teeth who would dare do anything to you?!” Giggling to herself, she lifted her head towards his and closed her eyes. Chun waited patiently for her lips to touch his only to be surprised by something else. “OW KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” he felt the same pain in that very shoulder he just pointed. She dropped her head back on the pillow and smiled back at him. Chun glanced back and saw another bite mark aligning itself on the old one. “Why did you do that? It’s already a permanent mark.” “Just to make sure that you remember that mark, and not do anything stupid.” Ella lectured, with her eyeballs nearly popping out at him. “Just because I was being nice to you last night doesn’t mean you can abuse me Little Miss Ella Chen.” he said. “It’s only fair that I return the favor for your precious mark.” “No!! stop its not fair!!” Ella giggled as Chun tried biting her shoulder. “Chun, no stop!!” “Fine, I’ll stop..” he hugged her tightly into his chest, resting his head on hers. “But.. You have to give me something in return..” “Another bite mark?” “In your dreams missy, but you can uh..” he leveled his eyes with hers, rolling them in a perverted manner. “You can uh.. Get dress? Then we can go out together.” “I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” she stubbornly rejected and turned away. “I don’t hang out with old people, its not my style.” “If you don’t want this old man to take you out anywhere..” he whispered into her ears, before licking the side of her neck. “I can take you here..” “O..okay I’m going, I’m going.” “See, now it’s too late, my lips aren’t listening to me..” Chun smiled. he ran his lips over her neck, going up her cheeks and finally meeting her lips. He entered his tongue, impatiently waiting for it to meet hers. After what seems of hours of pleasure, Chun roamed his lips back down to her neck giving out an evil chuckle. “Hehehehehe..” “Chun!!!” she pulled both his ears back, with his head following it. “Don’t try biting me!!” With a huge grin running across his face, Chun continued to clink his teeth together, as if he was really biting her. “I was so close..” he mutter, She rose herself up and pinned him down on the bed with her sitting on top of his stomach. “Are we gonna try something new honey?” Chun smirked in excitement. Ella nodded and leaned down to kiss his lips before whispering. “Dream On..” Seeing her jumping off of him and running out the room, Chun quickly sat up and made a grab for her only to miss and captured air instead. “IT’S NOT NICE TO TEASE PEOPLE

LIKE THAT!!! MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT!!” he shouted. Laying back on his bed, Chun grabbed the pillow Ella was using and pressed his nose against it, smelling the sweet scent of her shampoo. Ever since he began tangling himself with Ella, he never found himself thinking of anyone else besides her, it was a weird feeling, but he liked it.. Minutes after Ella took a shower and got dressed, walking out to the living room, she was suddenly approached from the back with a pair of hands lapped over her waist. “You cruel, cruel person.” he lowly stated with his deep voice as he snuck his face between her chin and shoulders. “Leaving me cold and lonely on that bed.” the scent on her was even sweeter than the scent she left on his pillow. “Strawberries Champagne..” Chun muttered. “Nice choice of lotion.” Ella turned herself around, and found that she was still being locked in his embrace, she rested her arms on his shoulders to keep him in his distant. If he got any closer, he can might as well swallow her alive.. “Oh, right.. I forgot you’re an expertise with the ladies.” she stated with an innocent seductiveness manner. “So tell me, how many girls have you been with that uses this scent?” “Lets see..” Chun blinked his eyes continuously, staring past her shoulders. “There’s Mary, Sandra, Cindy.. Jun.. July..” He continued, more in a bragging tone at this point. “August.. September..” Ella rolled her eyes and turned away, only to be pulled back into his arms. “If you’re going to name just about every girl that you’ve been with, I don’t have that kind of time..” “I’m only kidding.. You don’t have to get jealous you know.” “Jealous?” she giggled with her lips curving seductively. Ella bit her bottom lip to keep her smile from growing bigger as her fingers brushed the side of his hair back. She nodded amusingly. “Whatever helps your ego..” Chun loved that smile of hers, it made her so irresistible, and the way her eyes glow when she’s smiling caused his hunger for her to grow. In his eyes, her smile was his gift, but it was also his curse because he already knew that with that smile, he could give her the world. “If you don’t stop with that smile, I’m not sure if we can make it past the door.” he warned. “Oh? Is it a crime to smile in this house?” Ella’s lips curved more upwards, pushing Chun’s buttons even more. “No, but I can’t guarantee what will happen if you keep smiling like that.” as if fate was trying to test him, a tiny gust of wind blew inside the house, causing Ella’s long, silky hair to wave in the air and soothingly fall upon the side of eyes. Seeing this, Chun put his head down and chuckled unbelievably. Lifting his head up, his grip around her waist got tighter. “Great, now we don’t have to go out anymore.” he smirked and buried his lips onto hers. With Chun walking foreword, and Ella walking backwards, both of them stumble over onto the black, leathered sofa, with their lips never parting. “Chun.. It’s still in the middle of the day..” Ella breathlessly muttered. “And I thought we were going to go out.”

Still working his lips over her chin and down her neck, Chun laid himself on top of her. “I warned you about the smile didn’t I?” as much as he seemed experienced with woman, Chun knew Ella was different because his hands were shaking with frustration from how much he wanted her at this point. He couldn’t even get the passed the first button. “You need help?” She asked, silently laughing to herself. “Help would be nice..” he nodded with agreement. “Help would be REALLY nice..” Chun raised himself up just enough for Ella to actually help him unbutton his shirt. She bit the corner of her bottom lip to stop her grin since she knew Chun was going to hate her from what she was about to do. She began undoing the first button with an unbelievably slow pace as her hands would touch his smooth, bare chest at random times. “This isn’t a really good time to tease me..” Chun muttered semi-clearing under his breath. “I’m sorry.” she innocently stated, with her round eyes staring right at him. “I’m trying..” again, she continued with the teasing, but this time her fingers would rotate in a circular motion on his chest as she undoes the second button of his bright white collared shirt. “Okay, never mind!” Chun bolted and pressed himself fully onto her. “Screw the shirt..” wandering his hands to her hips, Chun finally made it under his shirt moving up her tummy and then fondling with her from over her bra. “Chun..” she wiggled. “We’re in the middle of the living room..” “I don’t think we can make it upstairs..” was all he said before massaging the warmth of his tongue with hers. His hands as of now, was working down her stomach and entering his jean skirt, but before he could slip them through her panties, the both of them were disturbed by a voice in the front yard. “Ella!! Are you home?!” Selina whined, while walking towards the front door. “Ella!!” “Oh my god!!” Chun groaned with annoyance. “Selina?” “No, don’t go.” He whispered. “If she doesn’t see us, maybe she’ll go away.” Chun tried pulling Ella back down only to be pushed off. “The front door is wide open!!” she replied. “And what if Selina needs me?!” Trying to catch his breath and calming himself down. “Ella, I NEED you..” he corrected. “Throw her a stick and have her fetch it or something.” Ella gasped at his comment and smacked him on the head. “That’s my friend your talking about!” “I’m sorry.” Chun pouted and kissed her on the lips. “But really it might buy us some time..” Ella shook her head with laughter and fixed her clothes before walking out the front door..

Chapter 12 Maybe... After leaving poor Chun on the couch, Ella walked out the door and saw Selina standing there wearing a white thick sweater with a short white skirt that was about an inch above her knee as her arms crossed over each other. Ella knew Selina wasn’t in a happy mood taking notice of the grumpy puppy pout she was giving. “Selina? What’s wrong?”

“My mom!!” “She’s back?” asked Ella. “does that have anything to do with why your wearing all white?” “Ella, Danson called he said he‘s-” Chun ran out, and stopped behind Ella, trying his best to keep his laughter to himself. “Whoa, why are you wearing all white?” “My mom made me wear all white okay?!” Selina replied. “and now she’s forcing me to go to the temple!!” “Well, then go. My house isn’t a temple.” “Chun, shut up!!” yelled Ella, smacking his shoulders. She walked over to Selina’s side and wrapped her arms around Selina’s shoulders and pulled her inside the house before they heard someone else’s voice. “Afternoon people!” Danson greeted loudly. “Beautiful day isn’t it?” Selina turned around and glanced over at Danson with a grumpy pout and entered the house with Ella. Sitting down at the tables in the kitchen, Selina held a can of soda in her hand sighing annoyingly. “Want to explain why your mother is forcing you to go to the temple? And why are you wearing all white?!” “My mom came back this morning and she said that I looked different than usual.” replied Selina. “she said that I looked like I did something wrong and the only way I could clear it is by going to the temple and spend some time there!” seeing Ella cracking up only made Selina’s moodiness grow. She grabbed Ella’s shoulders and shook her senselessly. “What’s so funny?! ELLA CHEN, THIS IS NOT FUNNY!! DO YOU KNOW HOW BORING THE TEMPLE IS?! I CANNOT SIT THERE FOR HOURS!!!” “..and the white is suppose to represent…?” “Pureness, I guess.” sighed Selina. “I don’t know.” “Well, tell your mom that it’s not possible.” Danson came out of nowhere with Chun besides him. “Sure your hair is in a ponytail, but it doesn’t mean your horns aren’t showing.” Selina didn’t know what came over her, but she actually felt the top of her head causing Danson to laugh sneakily. Afterwards, she shot him a death glare and turned her back to him. “Ass.” she muttered. “This isn’t even a time to be teasing.”

“What was that?” Ella questioned. “Nothing.” Selina quickly turned around to face Ella. “So, come with me okay?” “You can’t just come in here and drag her with you!” argued Chun. “Don’t you have another best friend eating grass somewhere?! Here! Take Danson, leave Ella!” Chun added, Pushing Danson towards her. “NO! before she became yours, she was mine!” Selina shouted. “You took her away from me and that’s not fair! What’s wrong? Can’t find any girls your age?! Working down the age line?!” “Okay, stop! Stop!” Ella ordered. “I’m going with Selina.” “Hah! In your face!!” “Just let me go change my clothes first.” “And make sure you wear all white!!” Selina added. “I’m not walking out like this all alone.” Ella nodded laughingly and walked into her room, followed by Chun, leaving Selina in the kitchen alone with Danson. Walking closer to the seat where Selina was sitting, Danson sat on the chair next to her. “Honey…” he dragged it out sweetly. “Don’t talk to me.” “What did I do now? I was only kidding about the horns, you look very pretty.” he picked her up and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his hands around her waist. “Don’t be like this, you were really sweet this morning.” “Don’t even speak of this morning, because of you, I have to go to the temple.” “Why because of me?” She glanced at him but then turned away. It was his fault for causing her to unknowingly smile. And it was his fault for her mom to notice it and made her go to the temple. But then.. She wasn’t going to let him that that was she?.. “Nothing, it’s just your fault!!” she pouted back at him. “Okay, okay, okay..” Danson chuckled, raising his hands to surrender. “It’s my fault that you had to wear white, and it’s my fault that you have to go to the temple. And as my punishment, I’ll go with you.” he pressed his lips onto hers passionately before pulling back. “Oh hey look, your horns are coming back up.” “Danson!!” “I’m kidding.” he laughed once more before letting Selina rest her head onto Danson’s shoulders. “You seem tired honey.” “mmhmm..”

“Your must be, especially from last night.” Selina smacked his shoulders, snaked her arms around Danson’s neck, and then fell asleep on his shoulders while he wrapped one hand around her waist, stroking her hair with the other. -----------------------------------------“Do you have to go?” asked Chun, who was sitting on Ella’s bed as she went through her closet. “I thought it would be a good day to take you out.” “We are going out.” “Alone Ella, go out alone.” Ella turned around with a half disappointed smile. “You can go out if you want, you don’t have to stay home alone.” “But, I want to go too.” “You just said you didn’t want to go to the temple.” argued Ella. “What’s wrong now?” “I want to be with you.” Chun smiled and got up gripping her into his embrace. As Ella enjoyed the warmth of his touch, she heard his phone ringing which caused him to release her and turned over to pick up his call. Hearing upon a girls name, Ella went back to going through her closet and ignored his call. For about 5 minutes, Chun would continuously hang up only to receive another call from a different woman. she knew instantly that her moment was over and the spot light that shone on her in Chun’s mind was gone. “I’ll try okay..” he whispered into his phone. After choosing out her clothes, Ella made a way to her bathroom only to be pulled back by Chun. “You don’t have to.” She explained, trying her best to smile back at him. “It’s okay, I understand.” “No, Ella I-” “I gotta go.” she interrupted before giving Chun a chance to finish his words. It was a better idea if she got herself out of this mess before she gets any deeper. She walked into her bathroom and locked the door, leaning herself against the cold, hardened walls. Maybe her dream was trying to tell her something. Maybe all of this isn’t true and that one day she was going to be just like the other girls that Chun has been with. Maybe her heart was trying to warn her before her heart gets broken, or maybe.. It just wasn’t meant to be..

Chapter 13 The Temple As Ella continued dressing herself in the bathroom, her nightmare replayed itself over and over in her mind. She allowed her feelings to take over her common

sense, she actually convinced herself that feelings took place between the affair. Though she hate to admit it, Ella knew she had to face the fact, she was just another girl that’s been with Chun Wu. She took one more look in the mirror and sighed heavily. “Be brave Ella, you can get over this.”

Exiting the bathroom, Ella glanced around and just as she hoped, Chun was nowhere to be found. It would be hard for her to leave this place if she has to face Chun’s look again. She walked into the kitchen and smile at the sweet view in front of her. Selina’s head was resting on Danson’s shoulders, napping peacefully as Danson laid his head on hers. Ella’s smile turned into giggles as she remembered yesterday the two were fighting like wild animals, and now their as cute as little puppies. With silent steps, Ella tried walking to Selina as quiet as possible, and gently tapping on her shoulder. “Hey, Little Miss Devil, wake up.” Ella whispered into Selina’s ear. “We can go now.” “Huh?” Selina softly groaned, opening her eyes to the bright kitchen. “Your ready?” “Mhmm.” Ella nodded as a response. Feeling pressure on her head, Selina rolled her eyes up and saw Danson’s head on hers. She slowly removed his head and lifted her head up, gently placing it back on her shoulder. “I’ll wait for you guys outside.” Ella whispered. After seeing the nod from Selina, Ella walked out after glancing at the cute couple behind her one more. “Danson..” Selina tried waking him sweetly. Sensing the snores still coming from Danson, she held her face down to his and stared at him sleeping, with no response. “Danson..” once again, no replies. This time, Selina lean in closer and pressed her soft glossy lips onto his hoping that it would wake him up. Feeling a familiar warmth entering between his lips, Danson immediately replied to the kiss. Selina knew he had woken up when she felt his tongue massaging hers while both his hands stroked the back of her hair. Seconds after this passionate kiss, Selina pulled back as Danson lift his head up satisfyingly. “You sure know how to wake a person up.” He grinned. “You are such a heavy sleeper you know that?” “I am not a heavy sleeper.” he replied. “I called you many times and you still didn’t wake up!” “You only called me twice, I heard you.” He quickly blurted out then widened his eyes. “I meant.. Uh…” “Oh, so you heard me the whole time but didn’t bother to answer me?!” “Well, I just wanted to see what you were going to do if I didn’t wake up.” winked Danson. “And it’s a good thing I was curious.” “Keep being curious and next time its going to be a bucket of cold water.”

“Don’t be like that, honey.” he pleaded, and wrapped both arms around her waist. “don’t we have to go now, lets go, I’m ready.” “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” she sweetly said, wiping the smeared lip gloss of from the side of his lips. She then brushed his semi-long hair to the side, examining the dark circles around his eyes. “You look tired.” “I can make it.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m positive.” “Okay..” Selina smiled and got off of him. She held Danson’s hand and pulled him up then walked out the house together. “Since when did you guys become a couple?” Ella teased as she witnessed Danson and Selina walking out hand in hand. “because yesterday, I could have sworn I saw two people who look exactly like you two trying to bite each other’s head off.” “I’ll bite his head off one day. don’t worry.” Selina stated and playfully pushed Ella. “You girls actually look innocent wearing all white.” Danson said. “WE ARE INNOCENT!” the girls shouted back. “Yeah, right….” As the girls are playfully beating up Danson, they saw a black Mercedes pulling up behind Danson’s car. An unknown lady got out of her vehicle and stared at the two girls disgustingly. “Can I help you?” Ella asked. “You can tell me where Chun is.” she replied. “Rainie.” Chun’s voice called out as he walked outside of the house. The girl instantly ran up to him, sharing a quick passionate kiss. “Oh, I recognize her.” Selina muttered. “She’s Rainie Yang, one of you guys model right? Also known as another one of Chun’s collection.” “Selina, tone it down a little.” Ella mumbled softly, tugging onto Selina’s sweater. Ella could feel her eyes stinging when she tried fighting her tears. She knew her spotlight in Chun’s memory was over and he’s moving on to the next girl he could find. “Chun, who are these girls?!” Rainie asked. “One of them works in my house. But never mind that, we should get going now.” Chun said, holding onto her waist, together they walked to his car and took off. Passing Ella and her friends.

“How can he just do that?!” Shouted Selina. “What about Ella?! I’m going to poison his food and watch him die slowly!! He should be chained to and have his limbs pulled apart!! Or better yet!! Have him die of AIDS and perverted horn dog!” “Selina stop.” Danson said, pointing at Ella, who was speechless and look like she was about to cry. “Ella, don’t cry for that stupid jerk! I promise I’ll find you a guy that’s even better than him. Just tell me when and I’ll bring them to you. I don’t even have to bring them to you, the guys at school would be on their knees begging you to give them a chance!!” Selina firmly spoke. “I’m fine.” Ella replied, making a smile appear on her face. “Didn’t we have to go to the temple?! Lets go!” the girls hopped into the car with Danson and drove off. In her mind, she knew she had to get over this phase. But what happens when your heart is doing the opposite of your brain? Although Ella knew she still had some tiny feelings for this man, she wasn’t the type of person who still cling onto someone who didn’t feel the same way about her. “Ella stop thinking about him.” she mentally ordered herself. “After the count of 3, you will automatically forget about him okay?! 1..2..3!! There, its over with. No more thinking about him, you will have nothing to do with this man from this moment on!” after mentally yelling at herself, Ella’s big smile appeared on her face as she hugged Selina in the back seat of the car. “You have your whole life ahead of you, don’t be stuck with one loser.” Selina muttered and squeezed Ella tightly. When they finally arrived at the temple, Selina walked out and dragged Ella along with her. They reached inside where all the statues of different types of Buddha were rest upon on and kneeled down each grabbing 3 incense and began praying. “Buddha, Help me make Selina a little bit nicer please. This woman is pure evil, but you already knew that. No wonder her mom makes her come here.” Danson stated, bowing repeatedly at the Buddha statue with the burning incense in his hands. “I’ll kill you Danson!” Selina shouted. “Honey, this is a temple. You can’t say those things here.” “Oh, your right.” Selina replied, covering her mouth. “Buddha, please help me make Danson a better person. At least make him look cuter, I’ll even settle with you making him look half as good a Jiro.” she teased, but sensing the true jealous anger from Danson, Selina turned her face back to the Buddha statue. “Scratch that Buddha, don’t change Danson, he’s sexy just the way he is. However, I hope that you can teach Chun a lesson! I hope if he continues to be a player, make his manhood fall off, or make his face ugly!” “Selina!” Ella gasped, trying hard not to laugh at Selina’s words. “Thank god we are the only ones in this temple.” “I know, honey. How could you be so cruel?!” Danson added. “He deserves it!” Selina replied. “Fine, since you guys think that’s too much. I’ll stop. But Ella, what did you pray for?”

“I want to finish school, get a job, make a lot of money and buy a house so me and mom could live happily together so she wouldn’t have to work anymore.” Ella smiled dreamily. “I don’t want to depend on other people anymore. I just want to move far away with my mom and live peacefully.” “That’s it?” Danson leaned his head in curiously. “What about your love life?” “I don’t need a love life, nosy Rich boy.” Ella replied, pushing Danson’s forehead back. She knew who he was trying to talk about, and frankly, she didn’t care. “ if I meet a guy, I’d want to meet someone nice, sweet, caring, and most importantly.. He has to love me.” “Well gee Ella, that’s half the guys at our school!” Selina said. Ella rolled her eyes, got up and walked out of the praying room with Selina and Danson following behind her. As Selina caught up with Ella, they noticed out in the corner a fortune teller stand was there. “Ella, lets go see the fortune teller!” “They still have those things lying around?!” Ella stared at the fortune teller stand wonderingly. “It’s probably fake. don’t waste our time on it.” “Just give it a try!” Selina insisted, dragged Ella over to the stand and sat down. “What would you ladies like to read about?” the elderly man asked, paying close attention to Ella’s face. “Read hers!” Selina replied, pointing at Ella. “What about?” “Her love life.” said Selina. “Can I see your palms.” he asked. Selina opened Ella’s hands and placed them in front of the elderly man. After examining her palms, he then read Ella’s face again and sighed. “How old are you young lady?” “I just turned 19.” Ella replied. “Why?” “Is there a person in your life right now?” Ella stared at the fortuneteller blankly for a minute before replying. “No.” “That’s not what your face says, the age difference between you and him is about 5 years, a tall and wealthy gentleman.” “How did you know?!” Selina questioned loudly, gazing at the fortune teller in amazement. “It’s like you can see him!” “Selina, let him finish talking.” Danson muttered. “Its fate..” the old man shook his head and let out a pitiful sigh.

“Fate?” “History tends to repeat itself, despite what life time. it’s a story of a woman who became a secret mistress and lost her life with her loved one.” he said. “And in this story.. I’m…” “You were the mistress in your past life, and he’s the person you were in love with.” the old man explained. “I also know that a lot of people have been warning you to stay away from him, and their telling you the right thing. If you don’t want history to repeat itself, stay away from him.” Ella sat there, with her heart dropping every second. She was scared of the words of this old man. Ella’s body stiffened and her face turned pale. “Stay away from him?” she mumbled softly.. “Uh.. Ella we should get going.” Selina nervously stated and pulled Ella up. She weakly smiled at the fortuneteller with a slight nod before walking away from Ella and Danson. As they got into the car, Danson took the girls to dinner. When they got into the restaurant, Selina noticed at Ella hasn’t said anything since they left the temple and her appearance was still pale. “Ella, don’t pay attention to the old man at the temple!” she said. “You even said it yourself, fortunetellers aren’t even real.” “I.. I’m not even thinking about it. I was just wondering why my mom hasn’t called yet, its been a few days now.” Ella quickly responding, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice. “Here, how about you stay at my house for tonight. We can go to school tomorrow, and you can borrow my other uniform okay?” “Uh.. Okay.” Ella nodded. --------------------------------------------------------While with Chun, he entered his own house somehow hoping to find Ella in the kitchen, but instead he found the house cold and dark. He walked up into his room and turned on the lights, his bed was empty and Ella wasn’t in sight. Sighing heavily, Chun dropped on his bed and rolled himself over to the side that Ella has slept on this morning. He sniffed the pillow next to his side and held it tightly in his arms. He doesn’t know why he misses her so much or why he ached for her to be near him. He never felt this way for any other girls he’s been with and yet he felt like he has been locked up in this little girls heart. Chun knew it was wrong what he did early today. He shouldn’t have left with Rainie. Its not like he did anything with her, he only took her to the studio and came back to his house. Although Rainie wanted something more, Chun pushed her away and sent her off home. Afterwards, Chun even went out to look for her in different temples but she was nowhere to be found. “Why am I going crazy over this kid?!” He questioned himself. Glancing over at the clock, Chun sighed once again. “It’s past 10 where is she?!” He pulled out his phone and began calling Ella’s cell phone number. After about 10 rings, Chun hung up and tried calling again. --------------------------

“Ella who is that? Why aren’t you picking up?” Selina asked, walking out of the bathroom with a towel drying her hair. “It could be your mom.” “It’s him.” She replied calmly, staring at her phone. For the past 8 minutes, Ella’s phone has been ringing repeatedly. After the phone stopped ringing, Selina looked at it and it read 16 missed calls. “Should I turn off your phone?” “Go ahead.” Before Selina could press the off button, the phone rang again. “Hang up and turn off the phone Selina.” “No, let me talk to him!” Selina stated. “Hello?” “Can I speak to Ella?” Chun asked calmly. “She’s not here right now!” “Where is she? Do you have any idea what time it is?” “No need to worry, she’s out with Jiro!” Selina happily sang. “And she’s probably having a really good time right now.” “Don’t lie, if she’s with Jiro then how come she didn’t take her phone?” he questioned. “Well, then it just shows how happy she was to go out with Jiro that she forgot her phone. Now stop calling her and leave my friend alone. don’t you have any other models to bother?!” “Just let me talk to her. I know she’s there Selina.” “Wait.. What?! I.. I.. Can’t hear you Chun.” Selina broke her voice on purpose. “Your.. You..r breaking up….BYE!” with that said, Selina hung up instantly and turned off the phone. “Why did you say I was out with Jiro?” Ella questioned. “So he knows that without him, other guys will be waiting in line for you. Now stop thinking about today and go to sleep. We have school tomorrow.” she hopped into bed with Ella and kissed her cheek. “Good night, stop thinking too much. Your going to look older than your age.” “Okay.. Good night..”

Chapter 14 I Love You -Rated“A quiz on a Monday? Are you serious?!” Selina whined as she walked out of their last class together with Ella. “I didn’t even recognize the material on it.”

“I told you to study didn’t I? But no Miss Smartie, you were busy doing something else.” “Oh please, you stared at that test just as blank as I did!” Selina pouted. She grabbed Ella’s arm and smiled brightly. “So what should we do today? Movie then dinner? Mall then movie? Or mall movie and dinner?!” “How about work?” “That’s dumb, who would I need to go to wor-” Selina froze in place when she realized that it wasn’t Ella’s voice, but the voice came from Danson. “Your starting work today.” Danson said, snaking his arms around Selina and pecked her on the lips. “Ready to be a model?” “If I say no will you still force me?” Selina asked “Yes.” “Then why bother asking me?” With Selina’s response, Danson wandered his eyes dumbly and kept his mouth shut. Sensing that Selina was still anger about the model work. He squeezed her tighter and placed his head on her shoulders. “You might as well agree because you already signed the papers and that’s how it’s going to be for the next 3 years.” “3 years?!” Ella and Selina shouted. “Yeah, 3 years. Its not that bad working for me and Chun. I promise you no child labor!” “Child labor?!” Ella exclaimed. “Danson Tang, we are not children!” Selina added with a pout. With a smile leaving his lips, Danson leaned into her ear and whispered. “I know your not a child, and it’s a good thing your not because if you were a child, what we did over the weekend would have been illegal.” “What are you whispering about Danson?” Ella asked. Selina blushed at his words and immediately covered Danson’s mouth with her hands. “Nothing! He didn’t say anything! We should get going now right?” Selina untangled herself from Danson and walked up to his car with Ella next to her. -------------------------------------------------

When they arrived at their destination, Danson walked the girls over to the shooting studio where the spotlights were all shining on the center of the stage with different girls posing with different types of clothing. Ella and Selina looked over at each other then at the stage in awkward silence. Only one thing crossed their minds.. “I hope my mother won’t kill me when she finds out..” “Are the girls ready?” Chun asked, walking up behind Danson and the girls. Ella turned around and their gazed locked. Oddly, Chun looked quite different today. He had dark circles around his eyes, his hair wasn’t nicely combed or gelled, and he seemed grumpy today. “Yeah, their ready.” Danson replied. “When do you want them to start?” with no response from Chun, Danson lifted his head up from the pack of papers he was looking at and notice the tension between Chun and Ella. He tapped on Chun’s shoulder continuously until he received a response. “When do you want them to start?!” “Oh uh.. Right now is fine. We have time right now.” “Alright, lets get started!” After going through with the make up artist, hair stylist, and the director, Ella and Selina were ready for their first photo shoot. During their shoot, the girls thought they were just going to be minor models and nothing big, not knowing that this moment was going to change their lives forever. They never thought that being a model could be so easy. To them, it was just like any other day where they play, laugh and take random pictures. “This isn’t so bad huh Ella?” Selina stated after their shooting as she sat their with Ella waiting for the workers to take off their make up. “ You spin around a few times, laugh a bit, play a little, and glare at the Photographer like your about to kick his ass… its kind of fun.” “That’s because the Photographer was Danson. Glad your having fun, I’m actually really tired.” Ella replied. “What time can we leave anyway? I really want to get out of this place.” it wasn’t that Ella didn’t like this job, it’s the fact that she noticed Chun sitting behind Danson, watching their every move with his gentle stare, dreamy eyes, and soft smiling lips. “You girls did great. How did the first day go for you?” Danson walked over, smiling at Selina’s reflection. “Wasn’t as bad as you thought huh?” “Well, how am I suppose to know that you were actually going to cover us up?!” Selina replied. “We’ve seen your models in the magazine, and most of them aren’t.. well…. Fully clothed.” “I told you I wasn’t going to put you through hell honey. Now do you believe me?” “Danson, we are we allowed to leave? I want to go home.” Ella muttered. “Well, we can go get some dinner.” Danson said and shouted at Chun from across the studio. “Hey Chun! You want to go out to eat with us?” “I don’t want to go out to eat.” Ella instantly answered.

Chun walked over to Danson and the girls and stood behind Ella. He glanced over at Ella’s reaction and let out a disappointing smile. “Its cool, you guys have a good time. I have to work late tonight, and plus, some people here might not enjoy my company much.” Chun stated and left after giving Ella another glance. As Chun walked away, Ella kept her head still and her eyes forward, refusing to take another look at him, no matter how much she wanted to. His tone seemed so heartless and cold, but his eyes seemed so sad and gentle. She hated this feeling that was building up within her. A part of her just wants to be far from him, yet another part of her wanted to be by his side. Ella shut her eyes tightly, feeling the burn firing up inside of her eyes, refusing to let any emotions show… “Ella, are you okay?” Danson asked. “I’m fine, just tired that’s all.” “Oh, well I’m going to go straighten out some information and we can get going okay?” Danson said and left. “Are you sure your okay?” questioned Selina. “We can go straight home if you want.” “No its okay, I’m going to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Ella excused herself and slowly made her way out of the dressing room. After sitting still in the dressing room for five minutes, Selina got up and walked out of the dressing room hoping to either find Danson or Ella but instead she saw.. “Hey Selina!” Jiro called out from behind her. “Hey Jiro, what’s up? I didn’t see you at school today.” “I have night classes on Mondays, by the way, I just came here to give you this back.” Jiro stated and handed her a small box. “You dropped it in my car the other day.” Although the conversation was innocent between Jiro and Selina, from a fair distance, Danson only saw Jiro handing Selina a small box, and that alone brought out the jealousy in him. “Selina!!” he shouted, marching over to her and Jiro. “Why did you have to yell so loud? I’m right here.” Selina irritatingly said, rubbing both her ears which didn’t help Danson’s anger at all. “Come here!!” Danson ordered and pulled her with him. Leaving Jiro behind in confusion. “Danson! What are you doing?! Let me go!!” Selina shouted as she’s being dragged by Danson. “Your hurting me!!” Ignoring the struggling and shouting from Selina, Danson pulled her into his office and locked the door. After one hard yank from Selina, he finally let her go. “What is wrong with you?! Why are you acting like such a maniac?!”

Seeing the glares given from outside, Danson closed all the blinds and focused back on Selina. “I’m not around you for one minute and other guys are already giving you gifts?! And worse of all, your accepting them?!” “What the hell are you talking about? All Jiro gave me was this!” she shouted back, holding up the little box in her hand. Without hesitation, Danson grabbed the little golden box and threw it on the black leathered sofa across the office. “I don’t like you hanging out Jiro Wang!” “He’s a friend and you should have thought of that before you made him me and Ella’s personal assistant!” Selina argued. “Great, well now he’s not going to be a personal assistant anymore! Better yet, why don’t I just fire him. You think I don’t know him guys like him? He’s just waiting for a perfect moment to get with you. And who knows what he’s planning right now.. As Danson continued blabbing on and on, Selina stood still in distress just staring at Danson’s jealousy. The more he spoke, the redder he got, up to a point where Selina could just sense the steam coming out of his ears. “Danson! Danson!” she called out, but no response. “If I ever catch him doing anything to y-” in a sudden, Danson felt a grabbed on him and by the time he realized what it was, Selina’s lips was already pressed onto his. Instantly responding to her kisses, Danson entered his tongue between her lips as he wandered his hands all over her covered back while Selina caressed his face, pulling him into her. For a moment in time, the two roamed all over the office before finally landing on the sofa. Danson undid her blouse buttons and parted them, but not taking it off. Selina sat on top of him and unbutton his shirt as well, not parting her lips from his. He then roamed his lips down her neck and onto her chest, removing her strapless bra and pressing his lips onto them, causing her to gasp. With his hands moving up and down the side of her bare body, Danson pulled her green and navy blue plaid skirt up and moved her panties to the side, rubbing her clit slowly at first then faster. “Ugh.. Danson.” she moaned with passion. Feeling one finger entering her, Selina arched her back with pleasure, giving Danson access to please her. Minutes after, she slowly moved her hands down and pulled out Danson’s finger from within her. Selina unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, revealing his fully erect self. She pressed her lips onto his once more before guiding him inside of her. “Ohh ooh..” her moans got louder, until Danson locked his lips with hers, passionately kissing her to tone down her moans. Selina rocked herself back and forth in a circular motion, going faster and faster then finally slowly down her pace. Noticing this, Danson placed each hand on both her hips and bounced her up and down once again, filling Selina up in pleasure. “Danson! Ooh god.. “ she panted heavily, wrapping her arms around his neck. Within minutes, Selina felt herself stiffening and her whole body shaking in pleasure. “OOhh Danson!!” she arched her back again and sense Danson slowly his pace. She continued to rock back and forth slowly, feeling Danson release himself inside of her and collapsed his head on her chest, breathing heavily.

After a few seconds, he lifted his head up and stared at Selina, who was gazing back at him. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her inwards, craving for her lips to touch his again.. --------------------------------------------------------------“Cheese cake or Chocolate Cake?” Ella debated with herself, standing in front of a vending machine with one finger tapping on her chin. “Cheese Cake or Chocolate cake?” “Chocolate cake!” Jiro answered for her. “The cheese cake here doesn’t taste that good.” “Hey, have you seen Selina or Danson? They’ve been gone for quite awhile.” “Umm, I might have caused an argument between Mr. Tang and Selina.” “Really?” Ella giggled. “How so?” “I don’t know, me and her were just having a conversation, and Mr. Tang came out of nowhere and dragged her away.” “Don’t worry about it.” She laughed. “Selina will be okay, now Chocolate Cake you said?” “Oh yeah, double fudge with little candy sprinkles?! Its so awesome!” Jiro replied with full excitement. “Wanna share?” Ella asked, with Jiro nodding like a little child, they walked over to a table and began eating the delicious double fudge chocolate cake. Out of the corner of her eye, Ella noticed Chun walking by. Although he stopped for a few seconds, his sad and gentle look was gazing right at her. Within a few seconds, Chun turned and walk away after seeing Ella trying her best to avoid him.. -----------------------------------While Ella was in the lounge trying to enjoy her company with Jiro, Selina was still trying to make herself look presentable as Danson did the same. She stood up with her back turning to Danson as she tried to button up her shirt and straightening out her skirt. Turning around, Selina glanced at Danson. “I’m going to go now .” she muttered soft and calmly. “Wait..” he stopped her, and pulled her back onto his lap. “What’s wrong now?” She looked straight into his eyes and sigh deeply. How was she going to ask him if he only wanted her for her body, or if he really wanted her. She let out another sigh and finally said. “Danson, if your like your friend who only want girls for their body, you have to tell me now. At least I can control my feelings towards you so it wouldn’t hurt me today as much as it will tomorrow.” “Selina why would you think like that?” “What am I suppose to think? You actually want me to believe that out of all these pretty girls that you’re working with, you’d actually have feelings for ordinary 19 year old girl like me? I

don’t want to have feelings for someone then realizing that its just a lie.” Selina stated. “Whatever it is that your thinking, just tell me now so at least I’d know what to prepare for.” “I love you” When she got ready for a major heartache, Selina heard the three little words that she wasn’t expecting instead. “..What?” “I love you. I’ve had feelings for you since Ella introduced me to you a few years back.” he wrapped his arms tighter around her and kissed her cheek lightly. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” “Well.. Then, you weren’t legal. And I thought you’d only see me as a friend. But now, I’m ready to tell you that I love you. When I saw you accepting Jiro’s gift, I seriously thought you were going to leave me since your always complimenting him.” Laughing childishly, Selina grabbed the golden box that Danson threw earlier from the corner of the sofa. She opened it up revealing the bracelet Danson gave her on her birthday. “You mean this gift?” Staring at it dumbly, he recognize this bracelet. “Isn’t that the one I bought you?” “I dropped it in Jiro’s car the other day. He just returned it to me. Anything else you’d like to know?” Selina questioned. “Sorry…” Leaning her forehead onto his, Selina smiled sweetly at him. “You said you love me right?” “I do love you..” “If you love me, trust me. No one’s going to take me away from you if I don’t want them to. No matter who it is, I’m not going to leave you because…” “Because what?”.. he grinned with hope. “Because I love you too…” --------------------------------------------------“Hey, What took you guys so long?” Ella stared at Danson and Selina wonderingly as they made their way into the lounge. “Wait, never mind. I don’t want to know.” “Want to go eat now? I’m hungry.” Selina said. “Don’t let me bother you guys, just drop me off home.” Ella replied. “I’m really tired.” “Are you sure?” Selina asked. “are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just take me home okay and you guys can go on your romantic date.” with that said, Ella walked out of the studio and into Danson’s car. When she arrived home, Ella went straight to her room without turning on any lights. She immediately laid on her bed and rolled herself up in her blankets, facing herself to the cold wall that’s attached to her bed. Out of nowhere, tears began filling her eyes and making its way down the side of her eyes and onto her pillows. Its amazing how over a week ago, she was as happy as a little bird, with no care in the world, and now she’s crying over someone who wasn’t suppose to be in her life in the first place. The more she thought about Chun, the more she cried and soon enough her tears drowned her into sleep.. While with Chun, he sat in his office doing nothing but stare at the white ceiling above him. On his desk was stacks of pictures of Ella. He picked one up and caressed it gently, smiling to himself. But the thought of Ella avoiding him and not speaking to him caused his smile to fade. How was he suppose to make things better if he doesn’t even have a chance to talk to her? After long thoughts in the office, Chun finally made his way back home. He walked into the cold dark house and went straight to his room thinking that Ella was probably not going to come back tonight. Switching on the lights, Chun took off his shirt and went to the bathroom, washing his face. He gazed at his permanent bite mark through the mirror and felt his shoulder. He began laughing at the silly moments they had and wiped his face with a cloth. Stepping down the stairs, Chun went into the kitchen for some water and he gazed at Ella’s room. He didn’t know what possessed him, but he began walking towards it, and twisting the doorknob only to find it locked. “Why is the door locked?” using the spare keys hanging in the kitchen, Chun unlocked the door and made his way in where he saw his beautiful angel sleeping peacefully. She’s finally back home. Without further thinking, he got into the comforter next to her and snuggled her tightly “What the..” Ella’s eyes widened when she felt a fair amount of weight on her. She turned her head to find herself face to face with Chun. “What are you doing?!!” “Don’t yell so loud, you’ll wake the neighbors.” Chun smiled, with his arms still hugging her. “Come on let go!!” She struggled harshly and sat up, causing Chun to sit up with her, but even then he still wouldn’t let go of her. “Why are you so clingy? Let me go!” He examined her eyes and found it to be puffy and red. “Were you crying?” he asked. “No I wasn’t crying.” she replied, looking passed him. Chun wiped the dried tears away and smiled at her little red shiny nose and her swollen eyes. “I’m sorry I came home so late, but I told you I was working late tonight. I wanted to call and tell you but I thought you were going to be out with Selina. Don’t be mad at me okay Honey?” He sweetly said, sounding as if they were a married couple. “You don’t have to explain these things to me. I don’t want to know.” “Why aren’t you sleeping in our room?”

“It’s your room, not my room. Theirs no such thing as ‘ours’.” Ella replied stubbornly. “Now leave, I want to sleep.” “Are you still mad at me?” Chun asked, leaning his face in closer to hers. “Did you do something that caused me to be mad?” “I didn’t do anything with Rainie, we only went to the studio and then she went back home. Nothing else. And that kiss was unexpected, I swear.” he stated, pointing three fingers up into the air. “I really didn’t do anything I wasn’t suppose to do.” “Are you done? If you are then leave.” “Okay okay! I know I was wrong to hold her waist and drive off in front of you. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have acted like a jerk today. Please don’t be mad at me anymore. You can punish me all you want just let me..” he paused and buried his arms around her waist with his head pressed against her tummy. “Just let me hold you again.” “What is wrong with him?” She mentally asked. “Why is he acting this way?” “You know how scared I was at the thought of losing you?” he mumbled loud enough for her to hear. “Ever since I’ve been with you, I never thought about anyone else. You have the powers to drive me insane, did you know that Ella?” he raised himself up and pulled her closer in his embrace. “I never thought that a little girl like you can have me wrapped around your little fingers. In one day, my heart was aching for you like crazy, I really need you.” with nothing but silence coming from Ella, Chun lifted her chin up and saw tears leaving her eyes again. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying again?!” Her sniffles were soft and cute with her cherry red nose and pouting lips, Ella pushed Chun back and smacked him a few times on his chest. “You couldn’t tell me this sooner?! You’re a heartless person!! You have no emotions and you don’t have any heart! You waited until now to tell me?!” she shouted at him wildly. He pulled her back into his embrace and patted her head. “If you didn’t ignore me, I wouldn’t have known how much I needed you. And I know I don’t have any heart because you took my heart.” he chuckled before staring into her eyes again. “Ella.. I love you.” “you..yo.. You love me?” her eyes widened with glow. Chun nodded and flinched. “Please don’t bite me!!” Ella laughed at the childish side of him and spotted the biting mark she left him. Leaning in closer, she kissed the mark and replied “I love you too..” Chapter 15 Teased. [Rated] [[[Rated]]] ----------------------------------

As the sun of Tuesday morning continue to shine, the alarm clock of Ella’s room rang louder each time. “Damn it!” Ella cursed herself and wanted to roll over forward only to smack her forehead hard into the wall. “OW! What is the wall doing here?!” covering her forehead in pain, Ella bounced herself back only to have herself land on top of the sleeping Chun’s half naked body. “Are you okay?” Chun asked, trying to keep his laughs down after witnessing her horrible wake up. “Do you always wake up like this?” “OH OF COURSE!” she loudly expressed her sarcasm. “I always smack my head into the wall whenever I share a small full size bed with someone!” “Whoa, not a morning person are we kid?” She sighed at her morning snap as she threw her face back onto her pillow. “Sorry.” Ella muffled, “Stupid morning class, stupid alarm clock.” her mumbles and complaints continued as she caressed her face with the soft pillows. “Stupid wall, stupid boss, stupid bed..” “What?!” Chun rolled over her with his shocked widened eyes. “Stupid what?!” “I said stupid bed!” Ella immediately smiled back, noticing that she was pinned under him. “Before that.” “Stupid wall?” “No, I meant the one in between the wall and the bed.” “I don’t understand what you’re talking about sir.” “You said stupid boss.” Chun stated. “I said no such thing. “You liar, yes you did!” he argued. “Your bed is so small…” “That’s because your over built body is here, it’s perfectly fine to me.” “that’s because no one ever slept with you on here.” he replied, then he gazed down at Ella for a minute before adding… “I am the only person you’ve shared this bed with right?” Ella kept quiet with a mischievous smile upon her face, focusing on Chun’s wondering face as he pressed his nose onto hers. “Sure… whatever.” She calmly replied. “Who’s been on this bed?” “My mom…” “and…?”

“Selina…” “That’s it?” “Oh!” she gasped. “And Mr. froggie!” “Who?!” “Mr. Froggie.” She childishly replied, pulling the poor little stuffed animal from Chun’s heavy legs. “You sleep with a stuffed animal?” Chun asked, raising one brow. She glanced at him dumbly and asked. “Don’t you?” Chun lifted up and shook his head, mouthing a short ‘no’, but then he grabbed the little froggie and threw it over his shoulder just before topping Ella again. “But now I can be your stuffed animal.” He growled. “You can hug me, kiss me, squeeze me, or hold me close to your breasts, or better yet, you can have me between your legs…” “WHOA! HEY NOW…” Ella stopped him before he spoke any further, not like he wasn’t going far enough… “You don’t like the idea? I can demonstrate it for you.” With that said, Chun lowered his head and pressed his lips onto hers, getting a taste of her tongue before moving lower to her neck. He lifted her shirt up and pulled her over her head, throwing it to the side of her bed, revealing her baby blue bra with a tiny ribbon bow in the front. Chun massaged the curve of her lower breasts, but not touching them causing Ella to whimper with pleasure, he wanted her to ask for it, telling him that she wants more. He slid his fingers under her back and unclasped her bra, removing them to the side. His hands still massaged her, occasionally he would pass his hands over her nipples, loving the way she cringe when feeling his touch… “Your teasing aren’t you.” She deliberately stated. “No I’m not.” He scoffed, failing to keep his smirk when looking at her. Nodding with a smile, Ella lightly pushed Chun back and crossed her chest with her hands, covering her own breasts. Slowly, she began to massage herself lightly, giving herself the attention Chun wasn’t giving her. “Mmm…” Ella hummed seductively. His eyes widened as he kneeled back and gawked at her. “El... El…Ella, what are you doing?” “Nothing.” “You doing that is called nothing?!” he loudly questioned. “If that’s nothing, then what is something?” Ignoring his silly comments, Ella sat up and turned her back to him, she closed her eyes and angled her head to the right, continuing to groan in pleasure as she rubbed her breasts in a

speed motion. As she enjoyed the feeling, Chun pressed her bare back against his, and cupped her breasts over her hands. “What are you doing?” “Don’t be stingy.” He whispered in her ears. He pushed her hands away, replacing them with his as he trailed his kisses down her shoulders and over her sides. Laying her back on the bed, Chun pressed his lips over her breasts and flicker her nipples with his tongue. His lips moved lower over to the stomach and as Chun went lower, trying to pull down her pants at the same time…… the alarm went off. “Ignore it…” “No, I can’t” Ella pushed his head back and pulled her pants back up. She sat up on her bed and glanced at the clock. “It’s 7.00 I have to get ready for school.” “But, we were in the middle of something.” He pouted. “I’m sorry; I really have to be in class today.” “Don’t go I’ll give you something to study! I’ll give you homework!” Chun smirked and then pouted when he saw Ella still trying to get out of bed. “Don’t you have work today?” she asked. “Now you’re trying to push me away?” Ella smiled at his kiddy attitude and sat on his lap, after putting her shirt back on. Pressing her lips onto his, Ella gave him a quick passionate kiss before pulling back. “If you’re not going to work today, I’ll be back at 12 noon okay?” “I’ll take you to school today.” “You don’t have to.” Replied Ella. “Jiro’s taking me to school.” “Why is Jiro taking you to school, didn’t Danson always take you to school?!” “Jiro’s my tutor for math. Since he’s going there anyways, why not go with him.” Before giving Chun a chance to reply, Ella grabbed her uniform and walked into the bathroom. Walking out into the kitchen, Chun was looking for something to eat when he spotted Jiro’s car stopping in his driveway. “Oh, you’re so quick today.” Chun muttered, glaring at Jiro’s view from outside the window. He walked back into Ella’s room and found her all ready and dressed. “Jiro’s here.” Chun grumpily stated. “Oh cool, I’ll see you later then.” “Hey, hey, hey.” He grabbed her back and closed the door behind him. Chun layered his arms over her stomach as he whispered from behind her ears. “You’re going to think of me and me only right?” “Yes Mr. Wu, I’ll think of you and you only.” “But I still need to make sure.”

“And how are you planning to do that?” Ella asked, feeling her back pressed against Chun’s chest tighter. In seconds, Chun’s hand crawled up her skirt and into her panties. “Chun, what are you doing?” she asked, breathing heavily. “I’m going to make you think of me for the rest of the day.” His fingers began caressing her clit, feeling her becoming wetter. He pressed his lips onto her ears and whispered. “That’s not fair, you’re already wet.” “Chun, if…mmm oh… Jiro’s going to catch us.” She gasped, moaning in between her words. “We shouldn’t be doing this, not now, I have class.” Ella’s ass pressed harder against Chun’s member as he motioned his fingers faster and faster, slowing down when he feels that she’s about to come. “Maybe I want Jiro to hear us…” he smiled, sticking one finger inside her entrance. “Mmm Chun…” she moaned softly, throwing her hands behind her and over Chun’s neck. Her eyes closed as she bit her bottom lip, feeling his fingers stroke in and out of her faster while Chun’s member was being rubbed by her behind. “You’re thinking of me now right?” “Mmmhmm. Right there… oh yeah… right there…” She nodded, with Chun’s lips caressing hers, the warmth of his tongue and the stroking of his fingers inside of her, Ella’s moans died down when Chun suddenly stopped his fingers from moving, and pulled it out of her, resting it on her clit. Disappointingly sighing, she parted her lips and glanced at him. She knew what he was doing, he was teasing again. He wanted to make sure she thought about him and only him by firing her up and leaving her there. She shook her head lightly and giggled. “You’re so heartless.” “I didn’t do anything, you said it yourself right? Your late for school.” He replied, looking dumbly even though he knew he had been caught for what he’s doing. “Have fun at school kid.” Ella stood there, feeling helpless. She thought it was cruel for him to do this to her. But then again, he couldn’t blame her she would probably do the same thing too. Although she knew he had his reason… a stupid one, but still a reason, she wasn’t going to let him win. Slipping her own hand down her skirt, Ella met with Chun’s hand. She pushed it aside and began rubbing her clit; once again, giving it the attention that Chun refuses to give. “Oh…yeah…” she weakly moaned. “What are you doing now?! You can’t just keep doing that!” even though he was trying to argue his point, he couldn’t help but smile, for crying out loud, she was touching herself in front of him! If only she didn’t have school today, he could have sworn he’d be all over her in a matter of milliseconds. He stopped her hand from doing any other movement even though he wanted her to continue to bad. “Don’t you have class?” he winked. “I’m doing you a favor.” Damn right she did, she was full filling one of his many fantasies, and as a matter of fact she was full filling every man’s fantasy. “I know you are…” he winked once again.

“Not that favor!” “Oh, then what favor?” She bit her bottom lip and whispered into his ears. “Think about it, you turned me on, not doing anything about it and yet you’re letting me go to school with another man. Don’t you think it seems silly?” by the looks on Chun’s face, Ella knew he got the message. She knew it was cruel to say that, but she couldn’t help it, he was the one that started this game. Busted, she got him, and she got him good. “You wouldn’t dare!” he muttered calmly. But it didn’t matter because he felt Ella’s fingers moving again, pressing against his as she continued to rub her clit, this time faster. A smile ran across his face as he held onto her hand. “Let me teach you something new.” With that said, Chun used Ella’s finger to enter her letting her gasp with excitement. “What are you doing now?” “Teaching you something new.” He replied and pulled her finger in and out of her with his hand gripping onto hers. “How does that feel?” “That feels… feels…mmm” she jumped a little but continued to enjoy it very much. “It feels so good.” The faster Chun thrust her fingers in and out, the more she moaned. Finally, feeling that she was about ready to come, Chun thrust into her one more time, deeper than before. “Chun!!!!!!” her lips were being claimed by Chun when he knew she was coming, toning down her moans with his tongue exploring her mouth. Ella stood still as Chun still held her finger inside her, feeling all of her juices flow onto their hands as she gasped for air. “I hope you didn’t mean what you said earlier.” He pouted, resting his head on her shoulders. “Who would dare to.” She replied, finally releasing her hands out of her skirt. Chun turned her around with and kissed her once more. “Have fun in school, and you better hurry home! I don’t know how much more I can take this. Since when did you know how to tease people?!” “I learned it from you. You shouldn’t have started it!” Wrapping his arms around her, Chun adorable the fact that Ella was everything put into one, she could be that silly little girl on the playground, the witty smart mouth child that can out speak anyone, a sexy tease that can turn just about anything on, or the sensitive teary eye girl that’s just waiting for his embrace to make her smile, but it didn’t matter because he loves any and all sides of her. “You should leave my room now before Jiro actually sees us.” Ella stated. “Are you scared?” “No, but I also would like to re-fix myself!” she argued.

Chun laughed at her statement, but didn’t bother to argue with it. “Make sure you fix your hair too.” He waved his hand through her hair and pecked her on the cheek. “Have fun in class, love you.” With that said, Chun walked out of the room, giving her some space to make herself presentable…

Chapter 16 I Need You -RATEDOkay, rated chapter...as in rated rated lol. i guess i owe you that much with the sex scenes. again if you dont like it, there's something called the [x] box.

Thanks. [[ yes this story does have a story line if some of you are questioning, but i haven't had any bad comments yet so... it's all good. thanks all. ]] ======================================== After Ella leaving the house, Chun felt even more aroused, but the fact that she left the house with Jiro ticked him off. Why did she have to go with him? Why did she have to go to school? He sat himself in the living room couch and flipped through the channels in the television. He tried calming himself down by taking cold showers, drinking extremely cold water, and of course ice. Nothing worked and the thought of Ella was still in his mind. Chun finally rested the remote and kept the channel on the cartoons that was playing. The little girl in the cartoon had adorable round eyes with pinkish lips, just like Ella. Once again, the thought of Ella crossed his mind. He kept thinking the way he would slip all of her clothes off and watch her naked. The way she moans his name aloud, soon enough, the fire of desires sizzled within him again, but this time much hotter. He closed his eyes and gently felt his huge bulge from the outer part of his pants, only to open his eyes again and remove his hands away from his member. He REFUSES to touch himself over a freakin’ cartoon! Glancing over the clock, he half heartedly sighed. “Thirty more minutes, just thirty more minutes until she comes back.” he tried controlling himself. “You can wait for thirty more minutes.” “Do you remember where you put it?” Selina shouted from outside the house. “Course I remember let me go get it.” Ella replied. Just when the girls entered the house, Chun grabbed the pillow and immediately placed it over his pants. “Why are you ladies back so early?” he asked, tilting his head back. “They released us early and I had to come get Selina’s disc back.” Ella answered, leaning her head over him and pecking Chun on the lips. “How did you do today?” “Horrible.” He softly muttered. “You guys are…” Selina pointed dumbly. “But didn’t… okay never mind, I’m not going to ask.” She continued and took the disc from Ella’s hand. “I’m going to go now.”

“Where are you going? It’s not due until next week.” Ella asked. “I’m going back home to sleep. I’m so tired I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep until the sun sets and rise again.” Just as Selina turned around and opened the door, Danson was already in front of him. “Are you stalking me?!” “Well no, I live next door so it’s easy to see if you were coming or not.” He winked. “What are you doing here?” “What are you doing here?” “I asked first.” He replied. “I asked second.” “If you’re going to argue, do it somewhere else this is my house!” Chun shouted. “I’m going now bye Ella.” Selina waved and walked out the door with Danson holding onto her from behind. The door instantly closed and that’s when Ella felt a grip around her waist. His lips hungrily massaged her neck, sucking up her scent. “You have no idea how hard it was waiting for you to back from school.” he whispered in her ear, nibbling lightly on it. As he led her hands up the stairs, the phone rang. She immediately walked back down stairs and picked up the phone. “Hello? Mommy, I missed you! When are you coming home?!” nodding for a little bit, “Oh, okay then. Bye bye mommy I love you.” Hanging up the phone, Ella turned around to see Chun leaning over the staircase staring at her. “What?” “What did your mom say?” “Nothing much, she doesn’t know when she’s coming back.” she pouted, taking steps up the stairs; she stopped in front of Chun and held her head down. “I miss my mommy.” “Come on, don’t be such a little girl who waits around for her mommy.” He smiled, caressing her cheek. He lifted her chin up and kissed her. Not being able to control himself any longer, Chun pressed his body against the wall and instantly ripped her shirt off and threw it over the stair case, having it hit the ceramic titled floor. Next, he buried his head into her chest as he unclasped her bra, moving his lips down to her breasts. “Mmm Chun, we’re on the stairs.” She weakly muttered, closing her eyes in pleasure. “I can take you here and now.” With that said, he continued sucking on her nipple as his hands worked up her skirt, stroking on her clit. “Chun…” she lowly gasped, feeling his finger motioning itself around her sensitive area. From the way he was pressing himself against her pelvis, she knew he was hard, but yet she was amuse at the way he tried controlling himself as he breathe heavily. She ran her hands under his shirt and pulling it over his head, once again, tossing it to the floor. She lowered herself, kissing his chest and dived down, unbuckling his belt. Ella glanced up at Chun and

saw him closing his eyes, slowly breathing as if he was expecting it. Pulling him back, she pressed him against the wall and continued her quest of undoing his jeans. With one pull, Ella dropped his boxers, revealing his hardened member. She gasped at the view of it since it was her first time actually being in this position. Ella took it in her hands and felt Chun shifting with excitement. Slowly, she began stroking it as she got used to the movement. “Ella…” he calmly groaned, holding his cock over her hands. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” She smiled at him and pushed his hands back, then kneeled down and placed her tongue at the tip of his head. Her tongue then rolled down his shaft before finally, taking it in her mouth. “Oh Ella…” his mad groans were getting louder and the view of Ella’s lips around his cock only made matters worse. His breath got heavier and heavier each time her head bobbles back and forth. Both his hands were placed on each side of her head, pulling it back and forth as Chun felt Ella sucking harder. “I’m coming! I’m coming!” Instead of pulling herself back, Ella began sucking faster and faster until she felt him shoot his liquid in her mouth. “Uh!! Uh!!” With one gulped, she took it all in and that’s when she felt Chun pull her up and pressed her back against the cold hardened walls. “My turn.” Chun grinned and lifted her skirt up. He dropped down and began fingering her again, feeling her wetness gushing out as he entered two fingers. “Chun!!” Pulling out his fingers, Chun used his tongue and licked her juices, working his way to her clit. He raised one of her legs and placed it over his shoulders he allowed her to balance herself with the other leg. “Ayi!! Ayi!! Right there.” Ella wildly moaned, stroking on Chun’s hair. “Faster, faster…” Rotating his tongue speedily over her clit, Chun began nipping it towards her entrance. He loved the way she tasted; she was so sweet, just like candy. And her loud pleading moans were only urging him on. Soon enough, both her legs were over his shoulders as Chun pressed her hard against the stair walls. “CHUN!! Oh God Chun!!” she screamed, feeling an orgasm building within her and finally releasing the tense aroused feeling as Chun licked it faster. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” Letting her balance on her own two feet, Chun rose up. “I love the way you scream my name.” he huskily whispered in her ears and finally entering her tongue inside of her lips. “And I love the way you taste…”

“So do I…” she replied softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him lift her feet of the stairs and having it wrap it around his waist, and she was once again being pressed against the walls. “Chun, I want you.” He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled before kissing her soft, swollen lips. “I need you.” Afterwards, Chun used one hand to hold her waist as one was guiding him into her. This time, instead of hearing her screams, all he heard was moans of ecstasy entering his ears. “You like this don’t you?” “I love it.” She corrected and felt Chun’s face buried into her breasts as he sucked her nipples harshly. He began thrusting himself inside and out of her each time going deeper. “Oh yes Chun! Chun!! Oh god yes!” she moaned, ignoring the scratch from the walls that was lightly dabbing on her bare back. “Ah… Chun, faster please!” Chun couldn’t help but grin hearing her plead. Although he didn’t want to hurt her, she was actually pleading him to go harder. Without holding back, Chun plunge his cock faster and much deeper, hearing a light scream from her each time he entered. Within seconds, Ella once again felt her orgasm take over her. “AHHHH CHUN!!!” she shouted loudly, hugging him closer to her. He slowed his pace and held her against the wall, giving Ella a chance to catch her breath as Chun kept him inside of her. His lips were still glued to her breasts as Ella looked down at him and smiled, wiping away his sweat. Later, she felt Chun carrying her up the stairs. “Where are we going?” “Our room, I’m not done with you yet.” He replied. Not parting their bodies, Chun opened the door and lowered Ella to the bed as he topped her. he slowly pulled himself out and pushed it back in, seeing that Ella’s reaction was quite positive, he once again began to thrust in and out of her, this time at a medium speed. He couldn’t help it, he needed her like crazy. He wanted her to be his and only his. She was his… “Mmm Chun.” She moaned, closing her eyes in pleasure as she played with her own breasts. She didn’t know why she was acting this way; it was like she’s a whole new person. But it was okay but Chun didn’t seem to complain at all. “Chun, I’m coming!!” Pumping in and out of her like crazy, Chun’s pants were getting heavier and heavier as he too, felt that he was on the edge of coming. With one more thrust, Ella screamed once more as Chun released him inside of her and collapsed him on top. “Where did you learn to get so naughty?” “From you.” She weakly smiled. “You learn too much from me.” “You don’t like it?” “Only if it’s with me.” He replied, kissing her lips and rolling himself next to her. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She smiled and rolled into his opened arms where he held her tightly close to his heart… hapter 17 The Curse In his arms, Ella felt his warmth that gave her a sense of security. Although she’s never been in love, Ella was sure that this was it. It was everything people around her had talk about. Seeing his smile did make every problem go away, his embrace kept her safe and warm and just the thought of being with him made her heart skip a beat. She wanted this feeling to go on forever, having him by her side always. But suddenly the words of the old man at the temple came to her.

“History tends to repeat itself, despite what life time. It’s a story of a woman who became a secret mistress and lost her life with her loved one” If she was the mistress in the past life, then was Chun the person she died with? Was he the one the old man was talking about? “I’m supposed to stay away from him?” Ella questioned herself. Being held tightly in Chun’s embrace, Ella lifted her head up to see him softly snoring. She caressed his cheek, removing the strands of hair away from his eyes. “I’d don’t want to lose you.” Ella whispered and buried her head back onto his naked chest. She pulled the sheets higher as her body pressed closely against Chun, wrapping her arms around him. “If this is a curse that we can’t escape, I want to be the one to take all the consequences; it has nothing to do with him.” “What are you mumbling kid?” Chun asked calmly, shifting his body extremely close to hers. “Are you talking behind my back?” “Did I wake you?” “Nah, I woke up because I was scared that I won’t find you next to me.” He replied sweetly, facing down to meet her gaze. “Why would you think that?” “Because a few nights ago I woke up and I couldn’t find you near me.” “Don’t be silly, I’m right here.” He smiled at her and pecked her cheek lightly, resting her head on hers. “Ella, promise me something?” “What’s that?” “Promise me that you’ll never leave my side, no matter what happens.” He said, with one of his arms wrapped around her back and holding her hand. “Promise to never leave me okay?” “Why do you want me to promise you? Did you do something that will cause me to leave you?” Ella asked teasingly.

“I want to assure myself that you’ll be with me no matter what happens. To tell you the truth, you’re the first girl that I have ever loved, and you’re going to be my last.” “What if I die?” “Then I’ll die with you.” “Chun!” she lightly pushed him back and stared right into his eyes with sorrow deep within hers. “I don’t want you to die with me.” “Why are you speaking as if you’re really going to die?” “It was just a question, that’s all.” She replied. “If one day I have to leave you, it’s because I have to.” “No, it doesn’t matter what happens, I don’t want you to leave me. You have to promise me that you’ll be by my side always.” He stubbornly argued. “If fate has to take you away from me, we’ll die together, but on the other hand if…if I have to leave you… then you have to move on.” “That’s not fair.” She faintly argued. “You’re setting a double standard.” “Just promise me that you’ll always be by my side.” “I promise.” “Good kid.” He chuckled as he stroked her hair. “You need to stop calling me kid. If you think about it, I’m an adult now.” Chun playfully massaged her arm and whispered. “You sure are…” “Okay, I’m going to go now!” She muttered and lifted herself up, only to be pulled back down again. “Where are you going? It’s almost midnight already.” “Well, I want to take a shower.” She rolled her eyes, trying to think of an excuse. “I’m all sticky and sweaty, it’s nasty.” “You can do that tomorrow morning.” He grinned and rolled over on top of her. “Stop making excuses.” “I am not.” “You are too, kid.” “I told you not to call me a kid anymore!”

“Well I’m sorry, I just remember you being that little girl that just moved into my house.” He laughed. “And now you don’t want me to call you a kid anymore? Then show me that you’re not a child anymore.” He grinned, leaning his lips close enough to touch hers, but not kiss. “Prove to me that you’re an adult.” Ella pouted and glared at him as she bit on her bottom lip. She pushed him off of her, causing him to lay back into his original spot. She then rolled herself onto Chun, placing both her hands on his chest, preventing him from getting up. “If I’m a kid, then that makes you a pedophile, you know that right?” Rolling his eyes, Chun threw his hands behind his hands and stared into the ceiling. “I said show me, not tell me.” “hmph!” she pouted once again but then smirked. Running her fingers up his chest and down again, Chun felt the tingling sensation that she was sending, and he didn’t fail to show it to her. Her giggles toned down as her hands worked down his waist and stroking his inner thigh. After a few seconds, Chun’s eyes widened as he felt her hands massaging his inner thigh and going higher, finally taking his cock into her hands, stroking it lightly. He knew that it was going to lead to this, but damn that child with her innocent moves, she never fail to surprise him. The flames of temptation were burning more and more inside of him. Sitting on top of him was the beautiful goddess with nothing on but her smile, the same woman who will probably lead him to his death one day, and here she was teasing his weakness for her. He slowly creep his hands from behind his head and up her hips, leading them to her firm, smooth breasts, massaging them lightly causing Ella to gasp. “Are you just going to sit there and tease me kid?” “Patience is the key to success.” She nodded and smiled, as her hands were stroking his hardened member, going faster by the second. Chun closed his eyes and groaned as he tried hard to think of a comeback for her smart remark. Damn her and those hands, those lips, that smooth, firm breasts, and damn him for the lack of blood flowing through his brain. “I don’t want success, I want you!” instantly, he raised his member up and guided into her, allowing Ella to sit directly on top of him. “Mmmh.” She shut her eyes and strapped her knees to his waist, with her hands planting out on his chest. He rested both hands on her hips and swung her in a circular motion. “Yeah, just like that.” He groaned in pleasure. His eyes gaped at Ella’s head tilt to the side, breathing heavily. “Mmh, Chun…” Her hair messily waved from side to side while she rocked back and forth. Feeling the sensation formed inside of her, Ella slowed down. Moving his hands from her hips down to grip her ass, Chun pulled her harder onto him. “No, don’t stop.” He grunted. “Keep going, just like that…” “Ugh! Mmh Chun!!” Ella arched her back in pleasure and screamed as she came.

“Oh God!!” he held Ella in placed as he felt her muscles tightened up, finally coming in her. Afterwards, Ella leaned down and rest herself head on his chest as Chun held her in his embrace, kissing her lips passionately. “Am I still a child now?” She playfully pouted. He covered both of them with the thin sheets and chuckled, “Course not, you’re my wife now.” He replied. “No I’m not.” She mumbled, drifting off to sleep. “You are too.” He stroked her back and pecked her on the forehead. “Sweet dreams honey.” Feeling his eyelids getting heavy, Chun too went to sleep. ==================================== Standing in front of the same temple that they went to the other day, Ella and Selina stood hand in hand, staring dumbly at the huge temple. “Ella, are you sure you want to do this? Maybe what the fortune teller said was nonsense. How can you be Chun’s mistress if Chun doesn’t even have a wife yet? Don’t make a huge deal out of this.” “I want to make sure. I don’t want this to haunt me for the rest of my life.” Ella replied. “Let’s go…” They entered the temple and to the garden where they spotted the same elderly man in his own corner. Selina and Ella walked closer to him, with their hands trembling. That morning, she told Chun that she was going to school but now, she’s here with Selina, standing in front of the man that told her she was walking directly into her own grave. “Oh it’s you ladies.” The elderly man greeted. “I knew you’d be back.” “Hey grandpa fortune teller, how about you just tell Ella that what you said the other day was all nonsense so she doesn’t have to think about it.” Selina smiled, hoping that the old man can just say that he lied and make everything all better. “I wish I can, but I don’t want her to repeat the same mistake she did last life.” He replied. “If you can avoid the fault, avoid it. The farther you are away from him the better.” “Last time you said that she was a mistress, but he’s not even married yet. So it’s not the same.” Selina argued. “You might not believe me now, but for the next 4 years, it’s better if you stay away from him. Fate can play a cruel game, and if you choose not to listen to me you’ll have to pay the consequences. Not only will you have to suffer from this curse, your future child will to.” The old man stated. “Don’t let this happen to yourself.” “So I…” “Stay away from him. Now you might be filled with happiness, but your path has been set for you. If you stay with him, you will meet death.”

Still as a rock, Ella’s face became pale and her body froze. Fear rose within her as the thought of leaving Chun floated through her mind. “Death…?”

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