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  • Words: 1,244
  • Pages: 9
This report shows the results of a survey that we implement on 26 students from Keiser University in San Marcos, Carazo. The purpose of the survey is to know how students manage their time inside the university, and at their homes. The survey also has the intention to give some pieces of advice about how to manage the time and achieve academic success.

Finding: 53.8% of the students are between 16 and 18 years old. 30.8% are between 19 and 21 years old. 7.7% are between 22 and 25 years old, and the same percentage is over 25 years old. Analysis: The majority of the students are minors.

Finding: 53.8% of the students are females and 46.2% are males. Analysis: The majority of the surveyed are females.

Finding: When asked if they have a set time to study every day, 61.5% answered yes, and the other 38.5% said no. Analysis: The results of the survey show that most students have a certain time to study. That is, studying is a priority in their lives.

Finding: The graph shows that 34.6% of surveyed study two hours, 30.8% only study one hour, 23.1% study between two to three hours, and only 11.5% study more than three hours. Analysis: From the results, we can deduce that although all the students dedicate time to study at home or during their free time, but most of them study less than two hours, which is not

enough when they are studying their major. Only a small percentage of 11.5% study more than four hours.

Finding: When a test is coming, 76.9% of surveyed study with anticipation, but the other 23.1% study until the last time. Analysis: From the graph, we can analyze that the majority of students are responsible and study with sufficient anticipation for a test. On the other hand, we can see a lower percentage that studies until the last time, which means that maintaining good grades is not important.

Finding: 34.6% of students spend each night on working on their homework, 30.8% spend two hours, other 30.8% spend between two and three hours, and only 3.8% spend more than three hours.

Analysis: The numbers show the same problem as the chart number 4. Although students spend time doing their homework, most of them spend less than two hours completing their assignment. Only a minimum percentage dedicates more than three hours.

Finding: 53.8% of students do their homework whenever they have time to do it, 34.6% of them do it as soon as the teacher assigns it, and the other 11.5% do their homework until the last minute. Analysis: From the chart, we can analyze that most of students do not prioritize their assignments, and they do it when they have time. In addition, we continue to observe that a small percentage of them leaves their homework until the last minute.

Finding: 57.7% of students always complete their assignments on time, 38.5% frequently, and only 3.8% complete their assignments on time.

Analysis: From the results, we can deduce the most of students always complete their assignments on time, but we continue to observe that a significant percentage that does not complete it on time. This could mean that they are not responsible enough, or that they have many distractions in their environment. Result:

Finding: 50% of surveyed are satisfied whit the way they use their time. On the other hand, we have the same number of people who are not satisfied. Analysis: The numbers do not lie. With this graphic, we infer that 50% of students know that they have a problem about how to manage their time. This is a good signal because they can make some changes to improve.

Finding: 53.8% of students use some tools to manage their time and activities. The other 46.2% do not use any tool. Analysis: With this information and the data of graph 12, we can see that the reason why half of the students are not satisfied with their time management is that they do not use tools to manage their time and activities.

Finding: The graph shows that 50% of students use apps in their cellphone to manage their time. 16.7% use calendar, other 16.7% use an agenda, 4.2% use their mind to remember the activities they need to do during the day, 4.2% use reminders and agenda, and finally, 4.2% do not use any tool. Analysis: From the chart, we can infer that apps on cellphone are the most popular tools for the students to manage their time. We can deduce that the majority part of the students prefer using the electronic resources because they are more comfortable and portable. In addition, a small percentage of students prefer to use the old method, organize their activities in an agenda or calendar.

Finding: 88.5% of the students said they have specific and clear academic goals. On the other hands, 11.5% do not know what their academic goals are. Analysis: The graph reveals that the majority of the student population has established what their academic goals are, but it is worrying that 11.5% have nothing established in their academic life.

Finding: The students were honest with us. When we asked about how often they are multitask while they study or attend class, 50% of them said are frequently, 30.8% sometimes, and 19.2% always. Analysis: With this information, we can infer that it is common in the students to be multitasks, but this can affect them in a negative way because they cannot complete their assignments on time, or lead them to get a bad score in the end of the semester.

Finding: 53.8% of the students do two tasks at the same time, 42.3% do three, and 3.8% do four activities at the same time. Analysis: With this information, we can infer that the majority of surveyed do two, three, or even four tasks at the same time. This is a bad habit in the academic field, and we think the students need to avoid distractions if they want to achieve academic success.

Finding: When asked what tasks they do at the same time, 65.4% of student say listen to music and chat online while they are studying or doing their homework, 46.2% text with friends while taking notes, and the other 23.1% what TV while they are doing their homework. Analysis: The results of the survey show that be multitasking is a common problem in the students, but even though it is a normal or universal situation, we cannot ignore this problematic. When students are doing two or more activities at the same time, they do not focus on their academic goals, so they may get low grades. With all the information that we collect from the surveys, we can conclude that the main problem of the students at Keiser University is about their time management. Although the surveyed are clear about their academic goals, they are procrastinators and do many activities at the same time during their class times and self-study. The important thing about all this is that they recognize that they are failing and at the same time offered some pieces of advice that could be useful for other people who are in the same situation. For instance, to set goals and write down all the tasks you need to do, to use some tools such as apps, agenda, or calendar to manage your time. Also, avoid multitasking, procrastination, and other distractions can be useful.

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