Supporting Statements_qecs.docx

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  • Words: 1,203
  • Pages: 4
Supporting Statements STATEMENT ONE: Plan of Study Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships provide unique opportunities to study for a Master’s in leading universities in low and middle-income countries throughout the Commonwealth. Provide a statement clearly describing:

   

Why you have chosen your proposed course of study – what aspects of the course do you find interesting. Why you want to undertake this study in the institution and country you have selected. How your previous studies and experiences are relevant to this course? How the course would fit with your future career plans?

(150-300 words) *

Since my early days, I’ve always heard stories; stories that spoke of how great Nigeria was in the early 70s and 80s, stories that sounded too good to be true in my ears. And I wonder “where did we get it wrong?”. It didn’t take long for me to discover the truth; that crude oil was the sole mainstay of the country and consequently, Nigeria became a consumer state, where a lot of internally generated revenue was spent on imports, and the export sector quickly atrophied. Nigeria’s overdependence on crude oil indeed affected every other sector of the country. I, as a fresh graduate of Mechanical Engineering, trained to look for the solutions to varying problems, have seen the prospect in agriculture to revitalize the economy and how engineering can serve as the panacea to the problems faced by farmers, both learned and unlearned; problems such as the storage of post-harvest perishable crops, fish farming, animal husbandry, cattle rustling, poultry etc. and lack of automation in the agricultural sector, as peasant tools are still used for farming in most areas Providing solutions to most of these agricultural problems has been something that I have always ruminated on-in times past and I am convinced that getting a Master’s degree in my choice of interest which is Mechatronics Engineering with a focus on automation would be the best decision to take since it is said that you can’t solve a problem on the level in which you meet with it. Therefore, in solving this malady facing the industrialization of agriculture in Nigeria, it is paramount that I venture further in my quest for knowledge towards solving the problems The undergraduate curriculum in Mechanical Engineering at University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria, has introduced me to a wide variety of engineering courses. Various courses like Engineering mechanics; statics and dynamics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat transfer, Automatic control, just to mention but a few as entrenched in my transcript attached with this application, has provided me with a strong footing in the theoretical and even practical concepts of Mechanical Engineering. While offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the importance and relevance of Mechanical Engineering and the application of its fundamentals to the problems faced by the real world.

UM believes that a multicultural and multinational campus will enrich students' experiences in terms of social and cultural diversity.

STATEMENT TWO: Development Impact & Implementation The Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships are for students committed to creating change in their (local) communities and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals .

Provide a statement clearly explaining:

 

How your proposed study relates to (a) particular development challenge(s) or need(s) at the global, national, or local level in your sector. How you will use your planned course of study to address at least one developmental challenge in your home country or internationally, with reference to one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

(200-400 words)

Having been aware of the challenges facing agricultural farming, and convinced that some solutions to them are automation based. I will enroll for a master’s program in mechatronics and robotics where I will specialize in automation. I will ensure that relevant courses are taken during the course work year to better comprehend the depths of automation. I will also engage in research work with an expert in the field of automation. I intend using the knowledge garnered to solve agricultural related automation problems. I will subsequently pursue a PhD in automation to better hone my research into automation tending my research towards agricultural related problems around the globe which will be put to use as a result of the publications made to tackle the problems. During my post-doctoral or fellowship year, I will engage in solving copious problems by research, implementation and findings from the research properly incorporated into the body of knowledge by various publications. SUSTAINABLE GOAL DISSCUSSED

STATEMENT THREE: Creating International Networks

The Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships enable study throughout the Commonwealth, providing an opportunity to develop different perspectives, embrace new cultures and enhance collaboration opportunities. Provide a statement clearly explaining:

 

How you will build your international networks during your award and utilise them when you return home. How do you feel these networks will help you to contribute towards the future of the Commonwealth?

(200-400 words)

STATEMENT FOUR: Post Study Outreach

Through a Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship, you will be supported to develop your knowledge and skills, and learn how to apply this in your career so you can create solutions to global challenges. Provide a statement clearly explaining:

   

The skills that you expect to gain from this scholarship How you will share the knowledge and skills gained when you return home. How you will apply your new skills and qualifications when you return home. Your career plans relating to outreach in the local community/wider Commonwealth once you return home after completing your scholarship; this can be broken down into 5 years following the award and long term career plans

(200-400 words) *

Finally, upon successful completion of my Doctorate degree program, I will return to my home country to contribute to the ailing agricultural sector through research and by proffering solutions to agricultural problems. The knowledge and skills acquired during my PhD program will be used in seeking means of solving automation and industrialization on a commercial basis of agricultural

produce in my home country. In the long run, I plan to collaborate with both governmental and non-governmental organizations to formulate policies that will enhance the adoption of automation of these technologies and to train enthusiastic farmers both learned or unlearned the use of these technologies. I plan to take a career in the academia where I can use my knowledge to train future mechanical or mechatronics engineers.

References Reference letters will need to be provided by two academic referees. References should:

 Demonstrate applicant’s capacity to benefit from proposed course of study  Demonstrate applicant’s ability to deliver development impact post award In the section below, list the details of two academic referees who will provide your references.

Name of Referee 1 * Response required

Job Title of Referee 1 * Response required

Email Address of Referee 1 * Confirm email address * Response required

Name of Referee 2 * Response required

Job Title of Referee 2 * Response required

Email Address of Referee 2 * Confirm email address * Response required

You will be asked to upload the two references in the "Upload Documents" section of the application before submitting your

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