Sun Moon Aries Leo

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 439
  • Pages: 1
Sun in Aries/Moon in Leo: Eager Beaver You are someone who needs attention and sometimes you go a bit overboard being dramatic in order to get it. You have a clear presence that gets you attention; however you still use your clothing and behavior to acquire it. A condescending attitude toward others is possible, but you laugh easily and are generous and this essentially compensates for that. You have a strong loyalty that makes up for your lofty persona and your intuition is generally reliable. That means that you generally know who to be loyal to and how to go about it. One of the main features that you have is being yourself, which is very much an individual who marches to the beat of your own drummer. You have the courage of spirit to be real, to be creative, coupled with an ambition and assertiveness that makes you a unique individual. This results in a person who is the paradigm example of an Aries; one who strives to attain power as well as status along with creativity. Defensiveness and self-justification are foreign as far as your character is concerned, thanks to your inborn confidence deep within you. Generally, you know that you are right and do not feel the need to justify your concepts or opinions. You are someone who attracts other people to you with your determined spirit and bold personality and this makes you a confident leader. As frequently as not, your inclinations are correct, but your judgment is sometimes a bit lacking. Professionally, you are best suited for any career in which your executive and creative strengths can be put to use. The creative strength can be combined with your innovation and decision making and bring you success. You must, however try to be less biased. A role that some associate with being for males is fine for you. You should not be intimidated by your own assertiveness. When you are young this is especially true. It is very likely that you will seek a professional career. Self-deception is always a possibility for you, particularly relative to trusting others. Others do not always live up to your expectations and often this surprises you. Caution needs to used to protect against immoral people who take advantage of your trust. Most often this is simply a matter of putting your antenna up and using you excellent intuition. You are somewhat fixed in your opinion in spite of the fact that you are a pathfinder in many ways. You seem to have fixed ideas and beliefs in your mind and often do not want to give them up.  


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