Summer Reading List 2009

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 295
  • Pages: 2
Atheneum School’s Summer Reading List 2009 Dear Atheneum Students, Please choose at least two of the following books to read this summer. We recommend that you write coaching notes because we will have oral exams on what you’ve read during the first week of school. Enjoy your summer! -The Atheneum Faculty Esperanza Rising- Pam Munoz Ryan Wind, Sand and Stars- Antoine de Saint Exupery Night Flight- Antoine de Saint Exupery A Firmament of Time- Loren Eiseley, with Introduction by Gary Holthaus Arab/American –Gary Paul Nablan The Clouds Should Know Me By Now, Buddhist Poet Monks of China- Edited by Red Pine Mike & Mike O’Connor Rounding the Human Corners- Linda Hogan Just Six Numbers- Sir Martin Rees The Pine Island Paradox- Kathleen Dean Moore The Chalice & the Blade- Riane Eisler Chills & Fever- Robert Fortuine Minus 148- Art Davidson The Birth of Tragedy- Nietzsche The Little World of Don Camillo- Giovanni Guareschi Platero & I- Juan Ramon Jimenez Magister Ludi (also called, The Glass Bead Game) –Herman Hesse The Analects- Confucius The Only Kayak- Kim Heacox Rip Rap & Cold Mountain- Gary Snyder Because of Winn Dixie- Kate DiCamillo Touching Spirit Bear- Ben Mikaelsen The Green Book- Elizabeth Rogers Adventures of Huck Finn- Mark Twain

The Trap- John Smelcer Winter News- John Haynes Abstract Wild- Jack Turner Grizzly Years- Doug Peacock The Blue Bear- Lynn Schooler One Hundred Years of Solitude- Gabriel Garcia Marquez Things Fall Apart- Achebe Hamlet- Shakespeare Uncle Tungsten- Oliver Sachs If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler- Italo Calvino Call of the Wild- Jack London White Fang – Jack London The Double Helix- James Watson Three Cups of Tea –Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin Billy Budd –Herman Melville The Alchemist –Paul Coelho The Starship & the Canoe –Kenneth Brower

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