Summary - Big Three Revision Chart

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 266
  • Pages: 1
The Treaty of Versailles (Part 1- “The big 3”) What the Big Three Wanted



Lloyd George

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2.

14 Points (know some details) a better world ‘safe for democracy’ fair peace self-determination International Co-operation (League of Nations) blamed Germany = punishment/ ‘hard justice’ angry = revenge. wanted to ’make Germany pay’ for the Damage = reparations threatened = wanted independent Rhineland/ get Alsace-Lorraine/ peace = wanted Germany weak and crippled . compromise (nb Fontainbleau Memorandum) had promised Parliament/November 1918 election that he would punish/make Germany pay, but did not want revenge like France 3. protect British Empire (=Mandates)/ British navy (=German navy) 4. trade 5. peace: did not want to create anger in Germany which would lead to war in the future.

What the Big Three Got



Lloyd George

LIKED/GOT • League of Nations • self-determination for Poland, Czechoslovakia etc, DISLIKED • many of his 14 points were ignored • Britain opposed freedom of seas • only defeated powers were made to disarm • colonies were given no say in their future LIKED/GOT • Clause 231 • disarmament • Reparations • Getting back Alsace-Lorraine • getting mandates DISLIKED • Saar (only got for 15 years) • wanted an independent Rhineland, not just demilitarised. LIKED/GOT • reducing German navy • getting German colonies as British mandates DISLIKED • Wilson’s ideas about colonies and freedom of the seas • Clemenceau’s harshness • JM Keynes said that reparations would cause another war • Harold Nicolson thought the Treaty ‘neither just nor wise'. By F. Rodríguez

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