Success Without Stop

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Success without stop

Written By: Kartikey Sharma

"To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence" -Mark Twain

Success, What it mean for us? I learned that success isn't a one way street. It doesn't look like this. It really looks more like this.It's a continuous journey. And if we want to avoid "success to failure syndrome." We just keep follow our heart which always says yes but mind always change it in idle way. Because that is not only how we achieve success, it's how we sustain it. So here is to your continued success.Thank you very much. Basically what propel us to achieve something which is so massive? Why do we trust on such kind of freaky philosophy for success? why do we like to read inspirational quotation? that's quite tough to destined some of words in books, notebook , in daily routine. We are here for something great but if we don't do anything then after, is there anybody going to ask us? , may be yes or may be not. We are here to define our self not any one. The day when we turned from 19 to 20 age, we thought to feel , wow one more year in my age. it looks us good because we were growing but other side it was something else. The happiest moments , how much we have it on count. if i say roughly then it would not have to more then 20 moments in 20 years. Who knows in what corner we get the happiest moments and in what side of work we get sad moments. but at the last , we have to accept it all. so the need of motivation. I have a question.if somebody who is new, comes as a new comer, how do you react with him/her. Will you let him/her go or start talking with them. Its an obvious case we needs to increase our tribes but what really makes us comfortable. its an obvious question for those who are so furious for making friends. Time by time unknown friendship change it in deep breathless talk, sometime on late night call or sometime in the morning , we follow together. But what is the significance of all? do we really want us in the relation , or just for fun it is? Quite tough but the fact is as same as it was before the friendship, we love friends and if someone in between the group comes as special we feel so zesty. its an easy task for us to make themselves best. but how long this all relation goes. god knows, but for time being its fun for someone, someone likes to be committed. its an obvious fact. Finally we are on the conclusion and it is so clear and generous, here we are in the list of those tribes which always should be in the reference who knows when they help us. Its an unknown perception for some of mighty hearts who met sometime back and moved the places. now the story behind us. its an easy to relate,to join, to co-relate. I am caring to my friends but at last what we get? It is so easy to find the inside voice but how to being in touch with your buried soul. Sometime back when you have started to take things in your way , someone like your dad ,mom,sister,brother, friend stop you too. but you still follow the same heart beats inside your soul so the same prosperity gives you , wait for a minute then decide to take action , it impulse your bits and give you the right way. I have confession with god but god wouldn't listen me, because he just want me to be good before taking any intimate. it hurts because god always comes when you do right things in wrong side ,he just give you the path of hell. God, The word which itself pronounceable by self divinity , Keep the faith rather you never image the god's depiction in your heart. Pray for him but nobody knows is he still exist. The Solitary of yours always approach him , always loves him and he never listen you.

"If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever" - Anonymous

The First Word: First Word, What is that? is this all about to wish like Hay Honey! Good morning, how are you doing dear? , Hello my dearest friend, well i am doing good , how about you. or it is something when you meet to someone first time, you want to say something and you say it in impressive way and that kind of conversation gives you a good friend in your list. you really want to be in that friendship forever. Its in some of moments of your life which gives you pleasure. First Word, how do you express? how do you relate this? Many of question but the answer is one, its Joy. you are terribly give it your best to buy this. Joy , you could buy from good people, those who likes to live in positive inertia. Its nothing so tough to find. The shop of good people is in every garden of beautiful flowers but to buy the joy , you really have to work a lot. Surrounding not only give you the joy , it gives you the way of living. Joy is something that comes from within.Your feeling,your taste,your first touch, your happiness , all the prosperity relate to the power of self. Now the first word Joy still have many thing to stay but how do we get in it? the relation of Joy from self and to get the self interest, Gosh its really tough so in that concern Joy relate with meditation, how many know about this word. i think there are very rare. but the power of self, you could only feel it by meditation this word says a lots about self-realization. i know these words are so hard to learn. if i say we have to go to meditation after knowing the definition of this word. i know some of still have to doubt , what is this all about? am i really feasible for that kind of task? it is somewhat hard to learn about meditation. its nothing more then self but we are not here for such kind of kudos. Fact is , we are not having enough time to think about it. everyday wake up early , fight for office traffic then office work and then after again fight for traffic , where's the time for all such kind of stuffy words like meditation. even sometime we are so much stuck with work and forget to pray for god, if its in pray then we are not following the inside soul, god even think sometime. Sometime back there was a boy in the village, who usually follow to his teacher and his teacher was yoga specialist, One day teacher called to all the student and said him to show the some of exercises which he taught in the yoga class. Somewhat in 20 student, nobody was confident and determined because of lack of knowledge , the boy who was so curious came in front of all and said , teacher,i will show you that exercise which you taught us first day, teacher said him to show the exercise and then boy have started taking the breath , somewhere he felt like he still needs some training. the class where teacher taught first day , was so simple, the first lesson which he taught to all child was, to take the inhale breathing, Teacher felt happy not because the boy but due to his efforts which he invested on children . Mediation is somewhat the same , once you start it looks like very simple but once you enter in it, you have to give it some short of daily time on it. if you leave in middle, you lost somewhat relax but that makes you fantasize to continue for long and long hour.

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." Alice Walker

Three Seconds : I am counting some of most valuable seconds in my life. I admired for the best, lived in more precious days and night. You know if i would say , i am here to change something which gives me joy and pleasure. it really gives a great positive affection and here it is appreciated. Three seconds, why it is three only? Three follow three chance, three steps, three process , three desire. Three seconds is something about the plan to achieve anything in this world. first second which is for think , the second one if for making architecture and third one is for action. The first second which is so important and vulnerable , Its the begining and the base when you start anything. Why we give the most value to the first seconds. We have something since long last , its a wish to do something or to start something.

We usually ask the quesiton like, What What What lot? What What What What

is that dream which i saw sometime back when i was in sleep? if it was just my imagination ? is the base of my success, and the dream which i am looking for really change a if ,i never get the applicable result? if, its in my mind with uncertain thought? will happen when i cross the age ? i really like to do?

Many of the blank question and answer is the same, Yes, the way you are thinking never give you anything. The first and formost second of my life is thinking? Those of person who are really willing to do something , they appreciate them self first and then anything. Time is running but you could catch it in a while. Start to gear up your first second in most conventional second. The second second, it is heart of success and this is your architecture, your model, your process flow. you have to depict this beautiful thought in your heart, and the same thought will comes with real projection. The model which is having some of outlines not really a true depiction but it just suggest you guide the better path. It comes in second second. The third second, i know how much it counts. rather you are loaded with 100% of thoughts and the process is also in it, but if the action overload , you lost it and in that case your third second will lost you in a while.

"Age and experience mellowed over the years" Anonymous

Mellow shine : There is a great time again but when will it come. rather it could be now or never. I am so fascinated with today's jargon. there is a smell in the nature and in the wind. it is going to touch my heart and the song of the birds, made my day with full of zeal. its nothing more then the way i take the things in positive way. Somewhere it is from my deep heart. every single day with lots of aspiration by nature. I I I I I I I I I

want want want want want want want want want

to to to to to to to to to

sing the song which i never sing till now. see the speed of wind. share the moments. do meditate. come outside from my soul and feel the body of mine. come by my potential. hug my sweetest pal. touch the mountain's cliff. fantasize my day.

I know some of moments you can't depict in your words, it is a kind of joy which always comes and raise the voice of your soul. Everyday is for something new, remarkable, prosperous but how to being in the same state always. There are hundreds of problems, and which always raise a voice of uncertainty. But how do i know for the best ever each day. Morning always looks good , its a beautiful time which start with jogging , enchant mantras and well inspired morning wishes. but how do i realize it all to overcome my past mistakes, future tension. Its a routine job which i am following it but there is thousands of moments which we miss to live. Its a kind of happy and sad one. Time change your each problem in solution. that all beneath in the same root of success. The experience who guide us a new direction, a new path , always helps us when we feel the trouble.Once we out of problem, there is a tiny vertical line comes on the cheek and it says , That's an amaze ,I solved my problem I know that problem solved by someone, but after all i did that. I am so happy you know why, because i found the solution. My relation was absurd due to my ego but for i asked her to give me sorry and she gave and now we are again stay together. I wanted to clear an exam, my teacher said, son follow the way of work, do it the best as you never did , you will get the result and the same i did and i cleared my exam with good marks.

That all happened with one constraints which always raised in front of mirror where you see you face everyday, that is Happiness. You decided for something great , time changed and you embarked yourself. and then got the result.

"you can count the seeds in an apple. But you can't count the apples in one seed" The best ever : How many times we did the best ever. can you count it all. its tuff but somewhere it is not countable at all. once you find the new day, it change it in our mind and then that time , we have to realize like are we going to take any action on it or not. the way we treat the things, sometime certain and sometime uncertain. But the best ever comes by heart and once heart says yes to the soul. even soul is not having any physical existence rather we always follows the body and mind. each of work in the surrounding of relation. The way we feel the inside which comes outside, rarely approach us. Time and work, the two major constraints of life, it never say us to stop. and we also dont want to. How do we use both of words with the same meaning, Hay i have no time to do that task (Work). I am wasting my time , best is i could do some other work. What is the time in your watch, because have to finish daily To do List Are you alright with the task(work), which i have assigned you for the specific date (Time). I am running out of time because i have nothing to do (work). I am doing(work) maverick and the result i will get after some time.

The relation we have joined, its phenomenal, the value for something outrageous, courageous. Every single second follow the time , what a hard rule. to lead this all , my entire life will be crash. where's the joy? am i still finding the joy inside my soul. No. My family, friends , where they are. if i follow the time constraint might be i screw but my friend, you could also utilize your each second work. mean to say, family and relation change bases on time, and you are not here to change anything. you want to build your relation that is why you are giving your time. And you also want to fulfill your life happily that is why you are working fine. The best ever always treat to those who are leading the time and work together. You are the only creator and the true soul, love your life like a bird who stay alone in the nest and in sudden her child comes after a long walk, they both loved and shared the food and sleep.

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." Henry Ford

The only Result : What do you call to success and failure ? Most of time we are on that stage where we rather get success or failure. but there is only on word which makes you dull and this is failure. Change is it now in result. there is only result. Fail, it looks like more negative side of word. If i would say , How many target you succeeded till now. Some of will say, five, seven or many, you couldn't count at all. ya thats true. and if i will say in that case , how many times you get the positive result. of course it will be fix because the affirmation which you use to feel it here. its really remarkable. they way you treat your each second ,says more about your result. If anything exist after the action so it is your outcome. We are here to wait for success but when it comes, somewhere the steps which we have had it in our past. who loosed on some extent. but you are the only true will who have infinite potential. what would you call that guy who have nothing, born in the poverty, lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown. he was Abraham Lincoln. if you see the list of some of his legendary steps , you would now him better. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1838 1843 1846 1848 1849 1854 1856 1858 1860


Lost his job Defeated in run for Illinois State Legislature Failed in business Elected to Illinois State Legislature (success) Sweetheart died Had nervous breakdown Defeated in run for Illinois House Speaker Defeated in run for nomination for U.S. Congress Elected to Congress (success) Lost re-nomination Rejected for land officer position Defeated in run for U.S. Senate Defeated in run for nomination for Vice President Again defeated in run for U.S. Senate Elected President (success)

Now where the success ,Did he get when he reached on presidency . No. In each of defeats he accepted fails as a result and tried best ever always. he never demolished himself, and fought for the greatest achievement. Even in the journey of defeat somewhere he also got the result snarky, opposite. but the dreams of success which he looked around in the childhood reached him on the greatest success. It is

not so contemporary and wired if you lost, that doesn't matter also to get the defeat. Taste the defeat, i am sure it will give you which you never expect.

And what is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all— Mark Twain

A man without potential We are here again to find the new ways. How many suggestion you really need it. Time is passing and we are sucking each seconds rather it is for us or not. Those steps which we always try to find in our side. but sometime due to negative climate or lack of knowledge we lost everything. Its your potential which is beyond to anything rather work,love,desire,feeling,happiness.Your massive potential always apporach you for the better one. What i want to say on that occasion which we sometime get it suddenly where there is less more prosperity and less efforts like in lottery,casino, play cards, even the same money you deserve after tons of efforts, sweat and snazzy task. so what really drive us? Is it inside soul who always approach to work in the field or it is like unknown path, but just go beyond,who knows? whats that? So much work and then after some chunks of money in your pocket.How about that person,who are begging on the road with any predetermined goal. What he really wants? The optimal but to earn that much by which he could eat some short of food. The way he takes things , its pretty correct. If suppose the beggar would have been stop to ask begging , what would have then ? Definably nobody will comes to him side. The beggar who struggle a lot to earn some chunks of coins. Where’s the infinte wisdom for him, But it all depends if a beggar go for begging whether he could work also. Due to unwanted action and rejection of work or service. Now what would you call to a person, who left his wealthy lavish life style and joined the garage where he worked as a mechanic, Henry ford grew up on a farm and might easily have remained in agriculture. But something stronger pulled at Ford's imagination: mechanics, machinery,understanding how things worked and what new possibilities lay in store. As a young boy, he took apart everything he got his hands on. He quickly became known around the neighborhood for fixing people's watches.The deep concern of man's potential always says something slowly in your ear, it always gives the positive feeling, positive waves of success. He returned to Greenfield after his father gave him 40 acres to start his own farm. He disliked farming and spent much of the time trying to build a steam road carriage and a farm locomotive. Unable to settle at Greenfield, Ford returned to Detroit to work as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company.

"The road to success is always under construction" Confucius

Supreme Desire Now how many are really trust on the matter of success? how many are feel the taste of success every single moment. Someof really have supreme desire to achieve something valuable, something productive. i have one story which i heard sometime back. There was a boy in the town , who was really eager to learn piano. manytimes he asked to his parents, i want to join piano class , please give me the chance to join there. everytime his parents suggested to not join that stuff. they think , nobody could earn much better to play piano. And that was really one in human’s perception. But that boy was so eager , one day he left his home to join the class without intimating to anyone. His mother knew about him, and told him to not join the class but he moved. that day and another day and the day after tomorrow , without asking to anyone, he left his day and came to home before to his father at home.Time was moving so fast as he moved. one day his father asked him suddenly , hay what do you do in the evening time. Could you please give me the company at the shop? boy said in murmuring sound. Father , i learnt piano. Father annoyed and said him to not go again. That boy was so curious and said to his father to shows his talent. he picked to his father and reached at piano studio and said him to sit there so he could show his talent.Once he stared to play the piano, everybody laughed on him and replied like , whats the hell you are doing? you even dont know how to push on piano? even that boy has joined that piano class 15 days back , but the enthu to do it is so good , made him so genrous. Finally the story concept says , Success is not all about one time winning, you merely devote your self for each second rather it takes short time or long time

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Warren Buffett

Credit for the past : When the lights were off due to cloudy weather. still there was some sound in the air which was crossing from the window. My window's curtain was flying like outside shell and i was not able to close it off. The age, where i was staying so painful. I always remember when somebody give me a hand and i could see the world in my eyes. Now the time is i am still alone and here the way, i am passing off is really tuff. The only son of mine who leave me 2 year back because of i stopped him to give the better education and love. Everyday near the tree, he wished me and said , Dad when i will be younger i will do the best of my life. I will touch the star. but now the time is turning so fast and furious and i am here again to do something. now i am old and so even tired too. I am not able to do it anything. God knows , how will i pass my upcoming moments. Everyday i see my gate and wait for him to come again. but he never come. the mistake i ever i did, i am facing the pain of that. Everywhere , there is a sound A sound in the air, A sound in the nature Far-far from the crowd I obliged to come again Now i am old , i am sick i am dull , i am not in shine Missing for the days and for the beautiful night Didn't even race it Didn't even face it the son of my glory and from my success leave me so far In the dark rainy night In the dark rainy night

Now i always think , i must crop the tree which gives a pleasure to my child. and my child always asked me for something great. I was not in the good time and in the good well shine. Well i must to say now, Whenever you wake for the day, make it the best plan for the upcoming seconds who knows in the seconds you raise high and high and in the second dark cloud leave you far behind.

I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream -- a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few; a dream of a land where men will not argue that the color of a man's skin determines the content of his character; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality.-Martin King luther II

Dream for alive or die: 4 Years back , when i have completed my engineering , i have always thought an instant dream and that is for the best in my profession. Once i entered in my profession, but time by time i have changed my plan and parted myself in the community of none resist. The way life was treating me , so anonymous , i circulated myself only for wages which i have earned in my past 4 year. The dream for truth, the dream of faith , was in somewhere in the corner part of my head. Everyday fought for long queue in traffic and then reached to office somewhat late , delayed with daily routine and finally on work, i knew myself , i am most commited for the work but how about the dream , which always said clearly, being number one in the proffesion where you work for. That always scratched me, tracked me. Finally 2 year passed out and i was on the same place, no particular growth, the same way and work. But there was one thing which i always realized and that is the faith in dream. I have decided and started to take initiate. So the fact is , where am i going ? the dream which i saw yesterday , it was just history. And the way i was treating so sluggish. Once you decide something, you only achieve or avoid. The way you take thing seriously , change a lot in your life. The only opponent who wish to accept your dream.

"Earth laughs in flowers" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Near the tree We must accept the nature where we live everyday. Under the same nature where animal, man, tree and lots more stay together. One of the faithful and most trusty resource in all is Tree. The only surviver of the climate. One of the best friend ever in man's life. They are precious and we, the people never care for them, never give the food to them. it is something so occurred and empty face of tree. Each day , we wish for the best climate and nature and somewhat we do it the best and how about those tree which has been cut by civilian. Is this a kind of nature we are looking for? that is more then versatile, the resources who is giving us the way to live life happily , now are in the mud of demand. All and all the nature is effective. Now the lots of question comes in the mind, it is for the nature and for the earth , the surrounding we are looking for, getting polluted every second. we need the revolution , new sparks in human being , who could change and guide a new path for success.Some what have to take some of evident action beyond them who neglect the facts and cutting the tree redundantly.

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