Substrate Noise Analysis And Reduction In High Frequency Ic Design

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Substrate Noise Analysis and Reduction in High Frequency IC Design By: Albert Onabajo

Northwestern Polytechnic University PHD Seminar April 30th 2005

What is noise?

Noise is a Physical process that interferes with transmission of a Signal or message.

What is noise? The main sources physical noise in a system are: Shot, Thermal, Burst, Avalanche and Flicker noise. 1. Physical Noise Sources i. Thermal noise. Sometimes called Johnson-Nyqiust Noise is the noise generated by the equilibrium fluctuations of the electric current inside an electrical conductor, due to the random thermal motion of the charge carrier (the electrons).

Thermal noise at room temperature can be estimated in decibels as:

P = − 174 + 10log(Δf) Where P is measured in dBm (0 dBm = 1 mW) and Δf is bandwidth in Hz. Noise Voltage = Noise current =

The spectra density of thermal noise with frequency is flat, and is known as white noise.

What is noise?… (ii) Shot noise – This noise is generated by current flowing across a PN junction and is a function of the bias current and the electron charge. -- The impulse of charge q is detected as a single shot event in the time domain can be Fourier transformed into the frequency domain as a wideband noise

What is noise?... (iii). Burst noise – occurs in semiconductor devices, especially monolithic amplifiers. (iv). Avalanche noise – occurs in Zener diodes breakdown phenomenon. It is created when a PN junction is operated in a reversed biased mode. -- This noise is considerably larger than shot noise, so if zeners have to be used as part of a bias circuit then they need to be RF decoupled. (v). Flicker or 1/f noise – This noise occurs in MOS devices due to interface traps. -- Flicker noise is usually defined by the Center Frequency (fc).

What is noise?... 2. Man-made (or environmental) noise:

i. Man-made noise can be orders of magnitude larger than physical noise sources.

What is noise?... ii. For CMOS digital circuits, noise is any deviation in the analog voltage from the nominal supply or ground rails when the node should represent a stable logic ‘0’ or ‘1’ value.

What is noise?

In general:

-- Noise is the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality In Engineering: -- Noise is a question of Signal Integrity, and Cross-Talk is one of the byproducts.

What is Signal Integrity? -- Design with signal integrity means preservation of the intended behavior of a circuit in the presence of noise. -- The quality of an electrical signal or pulse on the interconnect track of a PCBA or component. -- Designers, particular high frequency circuit designers have to make allowance for impedance matching, and signal transmission effect like Noise to prevent signal deterioration, distortion or oscillation.

What is Substrate Noise? Millions of gates integrated on a chip may generate substrate potential fluctuation large enough to impair sensitive analog circuits on the same chip. As a result, the substrate noise coupling can severely degrade the performance of sensitive circuitry.

Modeling the Substrate

What is needed for Substrate Noise Analysis Physical Design Information (GDSII) Layout Extracted Netlist (SPICE) / Cell-Based P&R Data (DEF) Dynamic switching information (Spectre, PowerMill output) or Static /Dynamic switching information (VCD) Substrate current library view Package Netlist (SPICE)

-- Substrate Noise Analysis should incorporated into the design flow as early as during the floor planning to ensure that talkers and listeners are placed to minimize cross-talk and noise injection

What we need for crosstalk analysis? Extracted coupled distributed interconnect parasitics Static timing information -- Static logic constraints -- Timing windows -- Slews (slews and the Timing window of the aggressors are most critical Noise-on-Delay)

Noise library view

Substrate Noise Injection mechanisms A digital switching device induces currents to the substrate through the depletion capacitances of the device p-n junctions. The output buffers may be particularly noisy, as well as common-emitter bipolar transistors.

Substrate Noise Injection mechanisms Due to the inductances associated to package pins: noise at the power-supply lines (delta-i noise) is usually large in CMOS circuits. These supply lines are typically used to bias the wells and substrate in the digital section. Thus the amount of noise introduced to the silicon bulk may be very large, all depending on the number and location of contacts and the delta-I noise level. Also, this noise may forward-bias protection diodes, and introduce substrate currents.

Substrate Noise Injection mechanisms Also, interconnect capacitances add to the junction capacitances. A particular case of this interaction is the noise coupled from spiral inductors in RF IC’s.

• Accurate analysis requires extraction of wells, contacts, well taps • For additional accuracy interconnect extraction can also be considered

Substrate Noise Injection mechanisms As device feature sizes are being reduced: impact-ionization currents have gained significance. although traditionally the noise capacitively coupled through the junction is larger than impact-ionization, in deep submicron devices hot-carrier effects become a major source of noise injection

Sources of Substrate Noise

Sources of Substrate Noise Injection of substrate noise: Typical active devices include bipolar junction transistors, MOS transistors and diodes. Typical passive device include resistor, capacitors, inductors, and interconnects. Local wells and diffusions are bellowed to passive structures.

Reception of substrate noise The reception of noise by most devices on the surface takes place through capacitive sensing. This is true of bipolar transistors, capacitors, resistors, and interconnect lines.

Transmission of substrate noise Substrates act as the media for coupling of noise from one device to another

The Origin of Substrate Noise A mixed-signal IC circuit is a very noisy place: –Analog always vulnerable The delta-i or switching noise at the power supply lines is a contributor to substrate noise. Typical active devices include bipolar junction transistors, MOS transistors and diodes.

Noise Origin… -- Logic signals switching from Gnd (0)->Vdd (1), and/or Vdd (1) ->Gnd (0) couple to other quiet or switching nets through unintended “couplings”

Substrate Noise Origin….. Currents from Device junctions and channels – Supply currents injected into the substrate through the substrate contacts

Noise Sensitivity Analysis • Noise Analysis:

Noise current injected into the substrate

Y.v=I Noise Sensitivity Analysis: •Admittance Matrix

Substrate node voltage

Y . dv/dp = di/dp –d Y/dp .v

Sensitivities of voltages, currents and admittances to parameter, p

Substrate Noise Reception Mechanisms Noise present in the substrate may interact with MOS transistors in two ways: 1). through the junction capacitances and through bodyeffect. 2). Analog sections may have the substrate biased with the analog power-supply lines. If so, substrate noise may be acquired by these lines through the contacts, and thus affect the analog circuitry.

Noise reception mechanisms.. Noise attenuation behavior depends on the type of wafer. -- lightly-doped wafers are about less noisy than heavily-doped epi ones, -- the presence of a grounded backside contact has negligible influence even in a heavily-doped wafer

- A typical two-transistor amplifier analog sensor configuration

Why are noise problems getting worse? Interconnect scaling – More levels of interconnect, aggressors and victims, are packed closer together. – Metal thickness remains constant because of resistance – In scaling from 1.8 um to 0.9 um pitch, line-to-line capacitance increases from 46% to 68% of full-loaded self-capacitance. • Faster clock frequencies and slew times • Higher current density demands

Mitigating Substrate Noise Noise increases with increase in frequency, Noise isolation typically degrades at higher frequencies

Mitigating Substrate noise in sensitive Analog cells (e.g. Op-Amp) Splitting power will reduce substrate noise

-- Additional pins is required but with no additional space

Mitigating Substrate noise in sensitive Analog cells (e.g. Op-Amp) Backside Grounding has little effect on substrate noise reduction for high frequency ic.

-- A backside connection through a 5nH wire bond may only improve isolation at a PLL ring by about 0.03dB

Mitigating Substrate noise in sensitive Analog cells (e.g. Op-Amp)… Extending the N-Well under the compensation devices may improve noise immunity by upto 50%

A sensitive Analog cell (An Op-Amp)

Goal: locate the most sensitive parts of the analog cell and improve the noise immunity (lightly doped substrate)

Mitigating Substrate noise in sensitive Analog cells (Non Inv. Op-Amp)… P+ ring around the cells may increase noise immunity by about 80%

p+ ring

Mitigation of Substrate Noise… Use Nwell -- to isolates resistors from substrate. -- to isolated bottom plate from substrate. -- Nwell rings and p diffusion substrate contacts to reduce noise.

Add diffusion ring around segmented Nwell. Add multiple rows of contacts.

Mitigation of Substrate Noise… the substrate thickness and doping concentrations – Lightly doped substrate has more noise immunity. the physical separation between noise aggressors and victims the placement of substrate contacts, guard rings, and wells the use of a backplane substrate contacts/biasing signals transition times routing of the power lines. Splitting power reduces substrate noise

Substrate Noise Measurements With the high level of complexity and integration, substrate noise has become an important consideration in the design. Thus a simple and accurate substrate measurement is required for the analysis of system on a chip.

Challenges It is very difficult to isolate and measure the substrate coupling in real circuits. Noise through packages and boards couples sections of circuit are very strongly as well. This is especially the case at high frequencies.

A Measurement approach… It uses down-conversion to isolate the noise coupled through the substrate a VOC is used as a noise generator. an external signal is supplied to the chip as a frequency that is slightly offset from the VCO’s frequency. In effect an heterodyne down-converter is implemented on-chip to isolate substrate noise.

Heterodyne Down-Conversion

Substrate Noise Coupling Model

Noise Coupling

Guard Rings can increase noise at the Analog circuit if: (1). Zs < Zpd (2). the Guard Ring is tied to a noisy supply,. it will inject substrate noise.

Conclusion Substrate noise is created mostly from high frequency mixed-signal integrated circuit. The noise coupling from the substrate can severely degrade performance of noise sensitive circuits. Therefore substrate noise reduction and analysis must included in the early part of the design flow of high frequency ic circuits.

References H. Chen and D. Ling, “Power Supply Noise Analysis Methodology for Deep-Submicron VLSI Chip Design,” Proceedings of the 37th Design Automation Conference, pp. 638-642, June, 1997. Xavier Aragon`es and Antonio Rubio, “Experimental Comparison of Substrate Noise Coupling Using Different Wafer Types” IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 34, NO. 10, OCTOBER 1999, pp. 1405 – 1409. K. Shepard and V. Narayanan, “Noise in Deep Submicron Digital Design,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1996, pp. 524-531. Nishath Verghese, “CAD Tools for Signal Integrity Analysis of Mixed-Signal ICs,” Cadence Design Systems, 2OOO Albert Onabajo, “Performance Driven Power Grid Analysis and Noise in Very High Speed VLSI, SoC, and ASIC ic Design”, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Dallas, TX. 2003. Philippe Duchene, “Substrate Noise Analysis and Simulation with SubstrateStorm”, 2001 Simplex Solutions, Inc. 2001 J. P. Costa, etc. “Efficient techniques for accurate modeling and simulation of substrate coupling in mixed-signal Ics”, IEEE Trans. On Computer-aided design, pp. 597-607, May 1999 A. Samavedam, etc. “A scalable substrate noise coupling model for design of mixedsignal IC’s” IEEE Journal of Solid-state Cirucits, Vol. 35, No.6, pp 895-904, June 2000


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