Stuefer Project 4 3dconcepts Blog

  • November 2019
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ART 2757 Ceramics: 3-d Concepts Emphasis

Project 4: Scale, Proportion

Project 4: Scale, Proportion, Emphasis Readings: Launching the Imagination • Pp. 231- 234, Scale, Proportion, Emphasis • Pp. 206-211, Light, Color The pouring vessel as pitcher, ewer, or in its lidded form, the teapot, consists of body, spout, and handle, and may also have a defined foot, and a neck. With many parts that compete for Jim Connell, coil-built, Red Sandblasted Carved the viewer’s attention, it’s the artist’s problem Teapot, 1997 to use scale, proportion, surface, and color to create points of emphasis that organize the reading of the form, and show the artist’s intention. By creating points of emphasis, the viewer is directed to interpret the artist’s content – views about meaning and what the artist chooses to make most important, as well as what is secondary. Look at Karen Karnes’ Vessel, on p. 199 of Launching the Imagination. The vertical negative space defines the bottom of the work as an elevated foot, and the smaller top portioni as the contained space. Although the container space and lighter value are at the top of the piece, the drama of the negative space and the unusual proportion of foot to container of the bottom focus attention on those details, rather than the usual focus of a lidded jar – the container. Karen challenges your usual expectations about a lidded container, and uses scale, proportion, and value to create an emphasis on the bottom. Research Research pouring vessel forms, both historic and contemporary. Research considerations for effective spouts for pouring. Class will discuss the considerations of pouring, and you will be able to test pouring from various kinds of vessels with spouts in class.

Suze Lindsay. Teapot.

Research how artists create emphasis using scale, proportion, color, value, and/or surface. Consider your own references for form, proportion and scale for the various parts, and where you would like to place emphasis in your vessel. Use sketches to develop ideas: do at least 8 sketches of various ideas. Use color on your sketches to research options for surface color, texture, and/or value. Consider how light will react with your piece. Review your sketches. Make 5 quick, solid maquettes to develop your best idea. Use slip to indicate color and value options. Make Make 3 variations of the same form where you either create emphasis in different ways, or in different places. Color and value should reinforce emphasis created through scale and/or proportion. Minimum size is 8” in one dimension. Page

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China. Yixing teapot. Handbuilt.

ART 2757 Ceramics: 3-d Concepts Emphasis

Project 4: Scale, Proportion

Grading: Your project will be evaluated for • Design research and development • Skill and craftsmanship in construction • Craftsmanship in glazing • Use of proportion, scale, surface, color, and/or value to create emphasis • Variety of approaches in location of emphasis • Ability of your vessel to pour effectively in a tight stream, and control dripping upon completion of the pour Timeline: <Wed.Nov.5>: Project introduction, Load Proj. 3 bisque : Load Proj. 3 testiles in bisque at 4p.m. <Mon.Nov.10>: Research due. Feedback groups to present research to each other and discuss strategies. Hand in research. Unload Proj.3 <Wed.Nov.12>: work day. Glaze Proj. 3 <Sat. Nov.15>: Load Proj. 3 glaze at 9a.m. <Mon.Nov.17>: work day. In-progress crit. Finish Proj. 4 testiles <Wed.Nov.19>: Proj. 3 Critique. Load Proj. 4 testiles Iran. Spouted Jar. Earthenware. 1350 bisque. Finish Proj. 4 over weekend to load on Monday! B.C.E. Glaze testiles. <Mon.Nov.24>: Load Proj. 4 bisque. Load testiles glaze. <Mon.Dec.1> : Glaze Proj. 4. <Wed.Dec.3>: Load Proj. 4 glaze <Mon.Dec.8>: Final Critiques! <Wed.Dec.10>: Final Critiques and Class Party!

Resources Books 500 Teapots 500 Pitchers Video

Lark Books Lark Books

Research Due Mon. Nov.10: Find 3 examples of pouring vessels in books, blog or internet. Print these 3 examples on paper, making each image at least the size of the images on this sheet. Page

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Peru. Moche portrait vessel. 200-500 C.E. L.A. County Museum

ART 2757 Ceramics: 3-d Concepts Emphasis

Project 4: Scale, Proportion

Sketch the forms; get to know them. You will present a finished sketch on 8x11 paper (filling up the page) that is a hybrid of the 3 forms. Your final sketch will be a pouring vessel that includes formal elements from each of the 3 initial forms. You may want to print the 3 examples large, cut up, and rearrange collage-style or just begin sketching. You will be graded on your research and sketches on the basis of creativity and craftsmanship.


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