Dear people, I saw many words against Islam in this site; Unfortunately Islam has not been depicted correctly in this site; Everybody who has some issues with the Muslims cires words against religion or Islam. If you want to know the real Islam, well go and study the Koran completely and the prayers in this religion. i'm not a Muslim, but have searched a lot about Islam and found many reasonable and beautiful things and concepts in it. Look at the following Islamic prayer, which depicts human communication with God in a beautiful way: بسم ال الرحن الرحیم. In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. به نام خداوند بشاینده مهربان.
اللهم اخرجنی من ظلمات الوهم، My God! Let me out of the darkness of illusion, خدای من!مرا از تاریکیهای توهم برون فرما،
و اکرمنی بنور الفهم؛ and let me be honorable by the light of understanding; و به روشنای فهم گرامیم دار؛
اللهم افتح علینا ابواب رحتک، My God, open to us the doors of Thy Compassion, !بار خدایا بر ما درهای مهربانیت را باز فرما،
و انشر علینا خزائن علومک، And uncover to us the treasures of Thy knowledge, و بر ما گنجینه های دانشت را بگشای،
برحتک یا ارحم الرحی. By Thy compassion, O, the Most Compassionate of the compassionate ones!
!به مهربانیت ،ای مهربانتین مهربانان