Study Questions Romans 1:1-15 1.
Identify Paul’s threefold description of himself in Romans 1:1. What significance is there in Paul’s threefold self description? Elaborate upon each of the three self-descriptions.
In Romans 1:2, what do Paul's words suggest about the gospel's relationship to the Old Testament? Explain clearly. Check out what Paul says about his gospel in relation to the Old Testament in Romans 16:25-27.
What is the significance of Paul’s mention concerning the ―Son of God‖ in Romans 1:3-4? What relationship does this have with the OT? What relationship does this suggest that Jesus has with Israel?
Identify the various portions of Paul's letter. What role does the ―thanksgiving‖ portion have in relation to the body of the letter?
In Romans 1:7 how does Paul identify the believers in Rome? Explain what Paul means with this description of the Roman Christians.
Closely examine two passages—one at the beginning of Romans and one at the closing. First consider Romans 1:8–―First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world‖ (NIV). Then ponder Romans 16:19– ―Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil‖ (NIV). Do these two verses speak of the same thing? If so, what does this contribute to a proper understanding of Paul’s belief concerning the relationship of ―faith‖ and ―obedience‖?
In verses 8-10, identify Paul's attitude or posture toward the Roman Christians. Describe his posture towards the believers in Rome.
In Romans 1:11-15, what reasons does Paul give for his desire to visit Rome?
What reasons do you find throughout the letter for Paul's writing this letter to the Roman believers?