Study In Stockholm

  • May 2020
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Stockholm – an international setting with renowned universities

The best education in an informal atmosphere

The Swedish Parliament building

Produced by: Stockholms Akademiska Forum 2008. Print: ETCETERA Offset AB. Editing and layout: Ylva Hermansson Translation: Cambrian Language Service. Original texts: page 2-6 Stockholms Akademiska Forum, page 7-27 the universities and university colleges. Photo: Cover photos from the top left: KTH, Mikael Sjöberg (Stockholm Visitors Board), Jon Sullivan, Michael Stephen Moran, SU/KTH Campus Kista, Olof Holdar (Stockholm Visitors Board) x2. Insert photos (when no name is given): page 3: Stockholm School of Theology, Olof Holdar (Stockholm Visitors Board), Ersta Sköndal University College, Michael Stephen Moran; page 5: Håkan Lindgren, Olof Holdar (Stockholm Visitors Board), Hélène Van Kerrebroeck; page 28: Jürgen Howaldt, Wikimedia Commons, Richard Ryan (Stockholm Visitors Board).



n the website you will find information about all the colleges and universities in Stockholm and the various courses they offer. You will also be able to read more about activities for international students, student life, life in Stockholm in general and you will find the answers to many of your questions on the FAQ page. Many useful links have been collected on the website for you, the international student. Some of them you will see in the collection of links on page 5 in this brochure.

At you can also read some of the blogs that international students in Stockholm have written or are writing. If you don’t know where your college is situated in Stockholm, it is easy to find it on the map page of the site. There is also a map of the Stockholm Metro on the map page. Do you need to find accommodation on your own? On the accommodation pages you can look for housing agencies that offer student accommodation within a 25-minute journey on public transport from your college. Welcome to! chers that can often be seen in the media taking part in social debates, or they may the ones who are invited to take part in important national and international inquiries. Study programmes will often include most recent developments in their particular field of study and this makes them not only interesting but also more appealing. Most colleges and universities in Stockholm have extremely good contacts with universities abroad. The atmosphere at the colleges is relaxed and this provides excellent opportunities for informal contact between teachers and students. Equality, tolerance and freedom of choice

Stockholm is an international milieu where you can meet people from the whole world. By studying abroad you have the opportunity to learn about another people’s behaviour and customs. Most Swedish people speak good English and are positive and helpful. Sweden is one of the most gender-equal countries in the world.

Photo by: Richard Ryan (Stockholm Visitors Board)

In Stockholm you will get a high-quality education at recognized colleges and universities. Stockholm has robust trademarks such as Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology, the Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University, providing education of the highest international standards. Twelve Nobel Prize laureates within the fields of physiology/medicine, physics, economics and chemistry have been active in these universities and university colleges over the years. Renowned international research continues to be carried out at universities and colleges in Stockholm and several institutions are among the best in the world in their fields. These knowledgeable researchers will be your teachers. Some of the areas of research that are especially prominent today are climate and environmental research, ICT, neuroscience, financing and financial markets; economic, health and social inequality; medical epidemiology, materials and nano technology, economics and international economics. Furthermore Stockholm is the centre of Sweden’s political, cultural and business world and the financial centre of Scandinavia. Many multinational companies are to be found here, side by side with the headquarters of a whole range of Swedish organizations, authorities and cultural institutions. This is clearly reflected in the education on offer. You may find that your teachers or guest researchers are the same resear-

Photo by: Gustaf Lingmark, Ylva Hermansson, Alexander Dokukin (Stockholm Visitors Board)

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and the largest university town in the Nordic countries. Approximately 80,000 students, 5,000 of them international, study at the city’s impressive 21 universities and university colleges. Here you will find cutting edge competence everywhere – from technical colleges and nursing schools to colleges and universities specializing in the humanities, law, economics and art. There is a broad range of courses to choose from and many of the Masters courses are available in English. Whatever you choose, the chances are that you will find your dream course of study in Stockholm.


Useful links

for first-time visitors:

Studies In addition to the individual websites presented under each of the universities and colleges, we also recommend:

Studying in Stockholm and student life in Stockholm. Everything about studies and life in Sweden.

The student accomodation area Lappkärrsberget, close to Lappis beach. Photo: Paul Hamberg, Brendan Sexton. House in Stockholm. Photo: Alexander Dokukin.

Culture/Sport/Social Activities

Just as other large cities in the world, Stockholm is especially open to outside influences. The city has a broad ethnic spectrum and trends within fashion, culture, art and music quickly take root. Restaurants with cuisine from every corner of the world jostle with pubs, clubs, cafés, galleries, museums, large shopping centres, and small unique shops. There are large theatres, sports arenas and inspiring lectures open to all and discussion cafés where various socially interesting subjects are taken up. Green and Secure

While you have access to the throbbing big city, you are often close to nature. Stockholm is made up of water, green areas and built-up areas in three equal parts and it is one of the cleanest cities in Europe. Parks and green areas are nestled amongst both the cityscapes and the heavily built-up suburbs. Several nature reserves are connected to the city, as is the Stockholm archipelago with its 24,000 islands and skerries. Every year many Stockholmers take the ferries out to the outer archipelago, take their mountain bikes to the forests, swim in the lakes or at one of the many city beaches, ski, go hiking along trails, or go longdistance ice-skating. You can find more information about activities and excursions at Stockholm has a low ranking in the world’s crime statistics and is considered to be a safe place. Activities for international students

In addition to Stockholm’s enormous range of events, the student unions at the colleges arrange activities for their students: pubs, parties, concerts, dinners, sports events, etc. For you the international student there are also special events that the university colleges arrange individually or together with other Stockholm colleges. Read more about which activities are arranged un-


der “Being an international student in Stockholm” on page 6. Stockholm also hosts a whole range of specialinterest organizations and associations where you can meet people who share your interests.


Most exchange students who come to Stockholm are given help finding accommodation by their college or university. If you are not an exchange student, generally you must arrange accommodation yourself. The most usual housing solution for a student in Stockholm is to rent a student room or flat. Both forms of accommodation have a high standard. If you choose to live in a student room or on a student corridor you will have your own room and bathroom but share the kitchen with others. Living on a corridor is usually popular because it is a good way to become involved in student life. But some students, who prefer to live more independently, choose instead to live in a student flat with its own kitchenette or kitchen. If you need to make arrangements for your accommodation it is important to start early. At you will find housing companies close to the college where you would like to study.


Stockholms Akademiska Forum

Stockholms Akademiska Forum is responsible for this publication. Stockholms Akademiska Forum is a coordinating organization for the 21 universities and university colleges in greater Stockholm and the city of Stockholm. Our intention is to develop and market Stockholm as a centre of knowledge and a student city. We are also working to ensure that your time spent studying in Stockholm will be as rewarding as possible. Read more about Stockholms Akademiska Forum at our website: Welcome to Stockholm!

The official Stockholm visitors’ guide. Information about shopping, bars, pubs and restaurants in Stockholm. Ticket bookings for concerts, theatre, musicals, sports events, etc. Information about student life in Stockholm. is the network for international students, scholars and professionals who are living in Sweden or have been in Sweden. The Stockholm International Researchers Association organizes trips, club evenings and social events. News about Sweden, in English. Stockholms Studenters Idrottsförening, SSIF, offers everything from gymnastics and aerobics to badminton, tennis, squash and a variety of courses in floorball, quigong, and bowling. Reduced prices for students. Information about travel in and around Stockholm by metro, bus and boat. Information about train travel in Sweden. The airline of Scandinavia offers cheap stand-by tickets for students. A good site for weather forecasts for Stockholm and Sweden.

Stockholm’s largest student housing company. Stockholm’s second largest student housing company (site in Swedish only). Accommodation guide with links to agencies that provide student housing. Here you can also find links to agencies that offer accommodation close to the college or university where you would like to study. Links to hotels and hostels. If you are a student or guest researcher at Stockholm University, Karolinska Insitutet, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) or the Stockholm School of Economics, you can contact the University Accommodation Center which can arrange furnished rooms and flats. Links to other housing companies in Sweden. Subletting of accommodation. Subletting of accommodation.


Universities and university colleges

Being an International Student in Stockholm

Beckmans College of Design

As we have mentioned, the city of Stockholm offers many different activities for a wide range of interests. You can read more on the Stockholm official visitors’ guide As an international student you can also take part in the activities that the universities and university colleges arrange together with the student unions. Most of these are extremely active when it comes to organizing events for international students and they will make every effort to make you feel welcome and help you to get better acquainted with Stockholm. Get to know Stockholm city

If you would like to meet international students from the other colleges in Stockholm, you are welcome to take part in the joint activities that Stockholms Akademiska Forum* arranges together with the 21 university colleges and universities in Stockholm. The object of these activities is to help you get to know Stockholm city and its ambience, to gain insight into Swedish culture and history and to meet people from different parts of the world. Our goal is for you to get as much as possible out of the time you spend studying in Stockholm. Many of the social activities are arranged together with SIRAP (Stockholm International Researchers Association). More information on their activities is available on the website

”A Different” by Maria Johansson. Graduation project in Fashion, spring 2008. Photo Mattias Lindbäck. ”Turn” by Joel Hesselgren. Graduation project in Product Design, spring 2008. Photo Joel Hesselgren.

Trips outside Stockholm, and seminars

During 2008 Stockholms Akademiska Forum arranged guided tours of Skansen (Sweden’s largest open-air museum), lectures on the Nobel Prize, a bus trip to Gripsholm Castle outside Stockholm and a trip to the annual Christmas market at Taxinge, about 60 kilometres north of Stockholm. The international students also had the opportunity of taking part in social events connected to Swedish festivals, study visits showing life in medieval Sweden and seminars with researchers. In their seminars the researchers talked about their specialist areas, described their travels in Sweden and much more. These social events are extremely appreciated among international researchers and students. At Stockholms Akademiska Forum we are continually developing new activities and you the international student have the opportunity to influence


Photo by: SIRAP

developments by saying what you think and telling us what you would like to know more about. You can read everything about our activities at the website under “Activities for international students”. *Stockholms Akademiska Forum is a joint organization for Stockholm’s 21 university colleges and universities.

Beckmans College of Design was founded in 1939 in Stockholm by Anders Beckman and Göta Trägårdh. Both were highly successful in their respective fields, advertising and fashion, and had long been thinking of starting an alternative design college in a contemporary spirit. Beckmans has been a university college since 2003, with Advertising and Graphic Design, Fashion and Product Design on the syllabus. Three years of study lead to a BA in Art (180 university credits). The College is artistically and theoretically oriented. All the permanent teachers are active professionals in their fields, and the college also engages many guest teachers. Collaborative projects with commercial businesses and NGOs are a regular feature. Beckmans College of Design also cooperates with other Swedish design colleges and is gradually building an international network of design colleges for student and teacher exchanges.

Fashion Sweden’s most design-intensive fashion course at university college level, aimed at the increasingly expanding and volatile labour market. The curriculum includes textile pattern design and fashion illustration. Product Design A versatile design course specializing in product design and spatial design. The focus is on material diversity and knowledge in a broad range of disciplines in the field of three-dimensional design. Translation: Gabriella Berggren [email protected] +46 8 660 20 20 Number of full-year students 2008: 123 Number of programmes: 3 Number of programmes in English: 0


Advertising and Graphic Design A broad and dynamic vocational course focusing on communication in advertising, film, design and media. Collaborative projects with businesses and organizations are a regular feature, as are interdisciplinary projects.


Universities and university colleges

Ersta Sköndal University College

Different specializations

The Department of Diaconal Studies, Church Music and Theology offers courses in Theology and Diaconal Studies. The course in diaconal studies is a one-year formation programme. The theological programme consists of a basic course in Theology (60 ECTS credits), and a number of separate courses (each comprising 15 ECTS credits) at a higher academic level. The Department also offers the only programme in Sweden leading to a University Degree in Church Music. St. Lukas Department of Psychotherapy offers a two-year basic training programme in psychotherapy, a three-year training programme in psychotherapy and a two-year training programme in teaching and supervising psychotherapy. The Department of Health Care Sciences offers a three-year nursing programme and a four-year nursing programme coordinated with the social work programme, oriented towards elderly care. There is also a programme leading to a Masters Degree in Nursing and a programme in specialist nursing. Finally, The Department of Social Work offers students a four-year programme in social work, a four-year programme coordinated with the nursing programme oriented towards elderly care and a programme leading to a Masters Degree in Social Work.


Photo by: Camilla Svensk, Lasse Skog

At Ersta Sköndal University College, you can study to become a nurse, psychotherapist, social worker, deacon, theologist or church musician. The education offered by Ersta Sköndal University College is carried out in four departments, located on two campuses. The Ersta Campus is situated in central Stockholm. The premises have recently been redecorated and the teaching takes place in light and airy lecture halls and seminar rooms with a magnificent view of Stockholm. The Sköndal Campus is situated 10 kilometres south of Stockholm on the shores of Lake Drevviken in truly beautiful natural surroundings. Our university library has branches at both campuses. Some courses are conducted in English, but Swedish is the main language.

Karolinska Institutet

The two campuses: Ersta and Sköndal.

liative care research, voluntary social work, organizational ethics and ethics in working life. Ersta Sköndal University College participates in the European exchange programme Socrates/Erasmus and in Nordplus which offers excellent possibilities for student exchange within the Nordic countries. We also have international contacts with countries such as Thailand, South Africa and the Philippines through the Linnaeus-Palme programme. There are furnished rooms to rent for students at both campuses. As the number of rooms is limited, priority is given to students studying at Ersta and Sköndal. Welcome to Ersta Sköndal University College! [email protected] +46 8 555 050 00 Number of full-year students 2007: 856 Number of programmes: 5 Number of programmes in English: 0 Some courses are available in English

Karolinska Institutet (KI) is the only university in Sweden with a purely medical orientation and the largest centre for medical education and research in the country. It is also one of the largest medical universities in Europe and one of the world’s leading universities in this field. Over 40 percent of all medical research at Swedish universities and university colleges is carried out at Karolinska Institutet. An international environment

KI offers a number of educational programmes within Medicine, Medical Care and Odontology as well as advanced courses and single-subject courses. We can offer the broadest variety of programmes within the medical area collected under “one roof ” on our two campuses, KI Campus Solna and KI Campus Huddinge. This leads to a natural cooperation between subject areas and professions, which contributes both to the development in medicine and to your own development. Programmes at KI are carried out in an international environment. During your time as a student, you might meet both students and visiting teachers from different countries. If you study at KI, you will also have good opportunities of doing part of your course abroad as an exchange student.

Research and International Exchange

Many professions to choose from

Research is mainly pursued in nursing and social work, focusing particularly on health care ethics, pal-

The future labour market in Sweden and abroad lies open to you if you have an education in medical care.

There is an increase in the number of old people in society, while the development within the medical area is proceeding at an amazing speed. This means that more people will be treated over a longer period of time. If you instead choose to do research, you can contribute to breakthroughs in medicine and participate in the development of new drugs and methods for treatment. It is no coincidence that five Nobel Prize laureates in physiology or medicine have had their workplace here. You can also be part of this success story. However, regardless of whether you choose to work within medical care in practice or do research, you can be completely certain that by obtaining your education at Karolinska Institutet, you are choosing something that will give you a meaningful future – to be able to work towards improving people’s health. +46 8 524 862 50 Number of full-year students 2007: 5500 Number of programmes: 38 Number of programmes in English: 5


Universities and university colleges

Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design

Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH)

Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, is the largest of its kind in Sweden. The school was founded in 1844. Every year, about 900 students are enrolled in the undergraduate and Master programmes, the Art Education programme and single-subject courses. At Konstfack, we place great value on your aptitude for individual expression and your theoretical and practical professional skills. Give us your skills and your desire for advanced learning, and we will give you the tools you need to change the world!

Founded in 1771, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) is one of the largest colleges of music in Scandinavia. KMH is also Sweden’s only independent, state-owned college for higher music education. From Folk Music to Orchestral Conducting

* No admission to fall 2009.

Concerts and cooperation

The Bachelor’s Programme:

In the three-year undergraduate programme, leading to the requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, you can choose among seven different programmes such as Graphic Design and Illustration, Industrial Design, Interior Architecture and Furniture Design, Ceramics and Glass, Fine Art, Textiles and Jewellery and Metal Design (Ädellab). The undergraduate programme is conducted in Swedish but in certain cases, non-Swedish speaking students may participate for a restricted period of time. The Master Programme

In 2007, the university introduced a new Master programme. The requirements are a Bachelor’s Degree and a good knowledge of English. At the two-year graduate level leading to the requirements for a Masters Degree in Fine Arts, the Master programme offers nine different disciplines called Masters Groups which are Storytelling, Formgiving Intelligence, InSpace, Experience Design, WIRE (write + interpret + research + exhibit)*, Ceramics and Glass, Jewellery + Corpus and Textiles in the Expanded Field. The Master programme is conducted in English and/or Swedish, and prepares you for both research and professional careers. Teacher Education Programme

The Teacher Education Programme lasts four and a half years and leads to a Bachelor’s Degree in Education in Visual Culture, Art and Design (270-300 ECTS credits). This can later be supplemented with an additional

10 +46 8 450 41 00 Student office: [email protected] +46 8 450 41 77 Number of full-year students 2007: 634 Number of programmes: 9 Number of programmes in English: 1

More than 200 concerts and events are offered each year at KMH. In this way, as in many others, we are one of the major contributors to the Stockholm arts scene. The general public has regular opportunities to enjoy symphony orchestra, folk music, jazz, choral, and chamber music concerts, and much more! We also cooperate regularly with various organizations, institutions, and members of the business community, in a variety of contexts and settings. An international college

The Nordplus and Erasmus exchange programmes for students and teachers play an important role among KMH’s international commitments. Some ten percent of KMH’s student population come from countries other than Sweden. In addition, KMH has a long tradition of inviting international artists and teachers to act as guest professors for master classes, lectures, and seminars.

Photo by: Stefan Nilsson

semester of studies in order to qualify for a Masters Degree in Education in Visual Art and Design.

At KMH, you will meet other students and skilled teachers involved in a wide variety of disciplines: classical music, Nordic folk music, music from other cultures, jazz, improvisation, composition, conducting, music and media production, and various forms of music education. Open-mindedness and an inquisitive spirit are important qualities for anyone wishing to enter the music profession – a profession that never stops changing and developing. The study programmes at KMH give you the opportunity to develop not only your own musicianship, but also the professional flexibility that is a required part of every musician’s set of skills. Your personal development, in interaction with your teachers, will be in focus during your studies here. You will have many opportunities to decide on your own individual learning path. A large part of most programmes will consist of concerts and productions offered through various media.

Two Masters programmes – in Jazz and Folk music – are offered in the English language. Otherwise, Swedish is generally used at KMH. For exchange and guest students, and for students applying to postgraduate programmes, instruction during individual lessons can be given in English if the professor agrees. For all teacher-training (pedagogical) programmes, excellent knowledge of Swedish is required – and this includes exchange and guest students. [email protected] +46 8 16 18 00 Application info: [email protected] +46 8 16 32 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 765 Number of programmes: 32 Number of programmes in English: 2 Individual tuition in English: see above

Kungl. Musikhögskolan Royal College of Music in Stockholm


Universities and university colleges

Royal University College of Fine Arts

Photo by: KTH

KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, is the largest technical university in Sweden. The education and research provided cover a broad spectrum of subjects, from Natural Sciences to all the various branches of Engineering and Architecture, Industrial Economics, Social Planning, Work Science and Environmental Technology. In addition to the research carried out at KTH, the university also houses a number of national Competence Centres. Various research foundations finance a number of research programmes and research schools. Opportunities to study at KTH

At KTH a student can earn a Master of Science degree in Engineering or Architecture, a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering, or a Masters Degree, Licentiate or Doctorate. There are technical preparatory courses for non-scientists and further education for people already working within the area. A total of 17,000 students participate in undergraduate programmes, over 1,400 in postgraduate courses and 3,100 people are employed at KTH. Different campus

KTH was founded in 1827 and its main campus has been located at its current site in attractive buildings, now listed as being of historical interest, in central Stockholm since 1917. In addition, KTH has developed a joint project with Stockholm University concerning education and research within Biotechnology and Physics at AlbaNova, located at Roslagstull. KTH also runs activities at its Kista Campus, the Informa-


tion and Communication Technology School (ICT) and the School of Technology and Health (STH), operating in Haninge, Flemingsberg and Södertälje south of Stockholm. International activities

KTH became involved in international cooperation at a very early stage, and is today running a large number of international projects and cooperating with prestigious universities worldwide. KTH is also an attractive university for international students. During 2007, approximately 1,000 exchange students and 1,000 international masters students chose to study at KTH. A broad range of Masters programmes taught in English are offered, including several Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes. +46 8 790 60 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 12,093 Number of programmes: 82 Number of programmes in English: 42

Photo by: Robert Berns

Royal Institute of Technology

The Royal University College of Fine Arts (KKH) was founded in 1773, and is today both the oldest and the leading university college of fine arts in Sweden. KKH offers courses in fine arts at basic and advanced levels, and in architecture at an advanced level. KKH has approximately 240 students; some of them are on a five-year programme leading to a Masters Degree, others a three-year bachelor programme in fine arts, or on various project programmes for professional artists, supplementary courses in architecture, restoration art, and in art and architecture. There will be a two-year master programme in fine arts starting in 2010. The ability to formulate and express your own distinctive character through various media forms, to develop your skills, and the opportunity to develop an independent attitude and a critical view of artistic creation are some of the goals of the fine arts programmes. The courses take the students’ own individual art work as their base and extend this with both theoretical and practical training in both older and more recent techniques in KKH’s own workshops. At the School of Architecture at KKH the goal is to make more in-depth studies of professional work in architecture and the restoration of buildings as well as broadening knowledge of architectural history. Lectures, project work, seminars, workshops and study visits, both in Sweden and abroad, are prominent parts of the programmes.

Both in fine arts and in architecture, the teachers are themselves professional artists, architects or teachers with other relevant professional specializations. The teachers have their own professional careers besides their work at KKH. This helps to maintain close contact with the world of art and society at large, and makes the teaching alive and continuously subject to change, whether it be in step – or out of step – with current society. [email protected] +46 8 614 40 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 220 Number of programmes: 6 Number of programmes in English: 2 The guest student and project programmes are in English. Other programmes have some instruction in English.


Universities and university colleges

Sophiahemmet University College

Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts

Sophiahemmet University College is a modern university college with high-quality education and research in Nursing Science and related areas. Approximately 1,000 students attend our different programmes and courses. The three-year nursing programme is rated as one of the best in the country. With nearly half of the educational time clinically based, a number of elective courses and a personal study environment, the nursing students are well prepared for a professional role when graduating. The language of instruction is currently Swedish. Applicants therefore need advanced Swedish language skills. Study on site or online

Besides the three-year nursing programme we provide specialist nursing programmes in Elderly Care and Pre-hospital Emergency Care. In addition, a programme leading to a Master of Science in Nursing (one year) is offered. The University College also offers commissioned courses. Most of the programmes and courses offered are Internet-based in order to allow students the possibility to study when and where it is most convenient for them. Research and study exchange programmes

Science is well integrated into all programmes and courses. Teachers with a PhD and postgraduate students are engaged in scientific projects mainly covering different fields of Health Care and Nursing. The projects are frequently carried out in collaboration with scientists from other university colleges/universities in Sweden or abroad. Sophiahemmet University College participates in several student exchange programmes. Via these programmes international students in Nursing may apply for clinical training arranged by Sophiahemmet University College.


Since 1889 the University College has been located right in the very heart of Stockholm in the Sophiahemmet Park at Valhallavägen. Our new, modern facilities for teaching and learning were inaugurated in autumn 2007. [email protected] +46 8 406 20 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 348 Number of programmes: 4 Number of programmes in English: 0

The training of actors in Sweden began in 1787, and was initiated by King Gustaf III. Until the mid 1960s, the education of actors was closely connected to some of the theatres in Sweden; in Stockholm to the Royal Dramatic Theatre. Three separate colleges of acting were established in 1964: in Gothenburg and Malmö as part of Gothenburg and Lund Universities, and in Stockholm as an independent academy. In 1996, a fourth college of acting was established in Luleå in the north of Sweden. The Stockholm Academy has two programmes, a three-year acting programme and a three-year mime programme. There is also a great variety of continuation courses for actors, on different subjects and of varying length.

Located in the very heart of Stockholm


Sophiahemmet University College originated in the nursing school that was started in 1884 by the Swedish Queen Sophia, who introduced a programme that contained both theoretical teaching and clinical training. This concept was new in Sweden at the time and was inspired by the ideas of Florence Nightingale.

Students in the two programmes are selected through special auditions. One of the requirements for participating in these auditions is a good command of the Swedish language. There are today no courses for non-Swedish-speaking students. The Academy has no scholarships to offer. Every year the Academy accepts 8-10 students to

the acting programme. The number of applicants is usually 800-1000. To the mime programme, the number of applicants is 100-150, with auditions every third year; 8-10 students are accepted. The deadlines for applications to both programmes vary. [email protected] +46 8 55 60 93 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 69 Number of programmes: 2 Number of programmes in English: 0


Universities and university colleges

Stockholm School of Economics

Stockholm School of Theology

Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is the oldest private institution of higher education in Sweden and one of Europe’s leading business schools. The Financial Times evaluated the SSE MSc Program as among the best in Europe in 2008. SSE works closely with leading Swedish and international corporations as well as its alumni. Since its establishment in 1909, SSE has supplied the business community and the public sector with highly qualified graduates. SSE’s focus is highly international. Close ties with multinational organizations guarantee an internationally oriented curriculum. Programs

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Programs 3 years, 180 ECTS credits SSE Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics SSE Bachelor of Science in Retail Management (in Norrtälje) Bachelor Study Program in Economics and Business (in Riga) Master of Science (MSc) Programs 2 years, 120 ECTS credits SSE Master of Science (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management or Marketing), Stockholm SSE Master of Science in General Management, Stockholm Doctoral Programs SSE Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration SSE Doctor of Philosophy in Economics SSE Doctor of Philosophy in Finance Post-experience Programs Programs for professionals seeking professional development and enhanced competence through an MBA: SSE MBA or Executive MBA. [email protected] +46 736 90 00

Number of full-year students 2008: 1800 Number of programmes: 5 Number of programmes in English: 2

There are three study programmes at the Stockholm School of Theology (THS), one in cooperation with Uppsala University. All programmes are validated by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (Högskoleverket). The programmes are open to those who want to pursue the full programme, as well as to those who want to take individual courses. Courses usually run over a period of ten weeks and some of them take place in the evenings. Since its establishment in 1993 the Stockholm School of Theology has developed into one of the leading schools of its kind in the country in education and research. The campus of THS is situated in Bromma, close to a nature reserve and within walking distance of the metro at Brommaplan. The premises are modern and comfortable and the library is large and well stocked. We make every effort to employ teachers who are pedagogically skilled and who are at the frontline of research in their fields. There are approximately 500 students registered at THS. As a result of good international contacts there are many opportunities for the students to do field studies, and even to pursue longer periods of studies in other parts of the world. To be admitted to a programme or an individual course at the school, fluency in Swedish is required. The Stockholm School of Theology has no scholarships to offer.

of Theology is a school with extraordinary possibilities in terms of its programmes and courses for ministerial service in the Church. The school offers worship services of various kinds, as well as other activities designed to give pastoral competence to the students. Human Rights and Democracy

The Stockholm School of Theology offers a programme that leads to a Bachelor degree in Human Rights and Democracy, as well as a Masters programme in cooperation with Uppsala University. The programmes are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge in the moral as well as the legal aspects of Human Rights. [email protected] +46 8 564 357 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 215 Number of programmes: 3 Number of programmes in English: 0 At times the theological programme offers a few courses taught in English.

The Theological Programme

For students who wish to study theology in order to be able to work in the Church, the Stockholm School



Universities and university colleges

Stockholm University

Södertörn University

Stockholm University is one of Sweden’s largest institutions of higher education, and it offers education and research at the highest level. Several of the world’s most renowned researchers and scientists are active here, and thousands of students graduate from the University every term, as do large numbers of doctoral students. New ideas are both born and best develop in an open and stimulating environment, and the importance of such a realm has influenced work here since the University’s inception. Its environs encompass networks of contacts between researchers in different fields, both within Sweden and abroad. In addition to this, the University is also a cosmopolitan meeting place for people of different nationalities and with differing backgrounds. Stockholm University is located in the middle of the world’s first National City Park, while the city centre is only minutes away. Beautiful natural surroundings, historical environs, and access to the dynamism of the capital and Sweden’s largest job market are some of the features that make the University unique.

Södertörn University was founded in 1996 and has, since its foundation, created a multidisciplinary university organization with an extensive range of undergraduate courses. In addition to this, there are a number of postgraduate courses and research opportunities at the different research schools. In 2007, there were 750 employees, half of whom were teachers and/or researchers. Södertörn University is located in a multicultural, dynamic and expanding area of southern Stockholm, 20 minutes from the centre of Stockholm by commuter train.

Towards the future

Stockholm University offers a broad spectrum of educational programmes and a large number of independent courses within the fields of the humanities, law, social sciences and science. One example of the quality of the education on offer is the fact that Stockholm University has consistently been ranked very highly in national evaluations. The teaching at the University has a solid academic basis, which enables students to develop independence of thought and an ability to critically evaluate information. The syllabus and grading criteria follow European standards, enabling studies at Stockholm University to be comparable with other universities, and to be compatible across Europe. Students studying here will leave Stockholm University with a high quality of education, well prepared for the demands of working life. The world as a workplace

Knowledge spreads, and people move all over the world to study or to work. Stockholm University helps play an active supporting role in this development.


Photo by: Monica Lindgren

Multidisciplinary and multicultural

Every educational programme at the University has been adapted to the Bologna process, a sphere in which forty-six European countries have agreed that university programmes and courses should be comparable and compatible all over Europe. In this way students are given greater possibilities to take parts of their courses at other institutions of higher education, as well as better career opportunities abroad. At Stockholm University teaching and research are carried out at the highest level. The University participates in regional, national and international collaboration, in debate and in social change. More than 50,000 students and 5,000 members of staff within the humanities, law, science, social sciences and teacher training come together in a space where open minds meet and thrive.

The large number of multidisciplinary academic programmes makes Södertörn University unique in Sweden. Many of the courses and educational programmes deal with issues of ethnicity, migration and nationalism in modern Europe. Södertörn University specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, particularly Contemporary History, Urban Research, Labour Market Studies, Coastal Zone Management, Business and Entrepreneurship. It also specializes in the Life Sciences, particularly Biology, Molecular Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences. +46 8 16 20 00 [email protected] Number of full-year students 2007: 27,500 Number of programmes: 200 Number of programmes in English: 50

Photo by: Henrik Peel

A strong link between teaching and research

A considerable part of the ongoing research in the Social Sciences and the Humanities focuses on the history and culture of Eastern and Central Europe, particularly the Baltic Region. Södertörn University has the right to award Bachelor and Master Degrees. The university college offers more than 60 academic programmes within the Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Education. In addition, there are over 400 single-subject courses.

in the International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP), and has a number of bilateral agreements. Södertörn University also participates in programmes funded by SIDA, the Linnaeus-Palme Programme and the Minor Field Studies Programme (MFS). Currently, we welcome approximately 220 exchange students every year. International students who are not a part of an exchange programme may also study at Södertörn University. Any foreigner who is a resident in Sweden is welcome to take Swedish university college courses. Swedish is the language of instruction in the majority of the undergraduate programmes and courses, but we also offer a range of courses in English. [email protected] +46 8 608 32 00

Number of full-year students 2008: 5580 Number of programmes: 60 Number of programmes in English: 7

Extensive international ties

Södertörn University has extensive international ties, including agreements with over 90 different universities worldwide. The majority of these are with universities in Europe within the framework of the Erasmus Programme that deals with exchanges for both students and teachers. The university also participates


Universities and university colleges

The Erica Foundation

The Red Cross University College of Nursing

The Erica Foundation has been commissioned by the Swedish government and the Stockholm County Council to run university-level training and provide psychotherapeutic treatment for children, adolescents and their families. The foundation integrates various training and clinical activities with research and method development.

Field studies and research

Besides traineeships abroad within exchange programmes, our students are also offered the possibility of carrying out field studies in other countries and participating in international courses and conferences. You always keep in contact with ongoing research at the university college, for example through lectures and seminars given by our teachers who are active within research.

Prerequisite: education in a caring profession

Educational programmes are offered to those who already have basic education in a caring profession. Examples of programmes given at the Erica Foundation are advanced training in psychotherapy targeting children and young people (Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy), education in psychodiagnostics and clinical assessment of children, advanced special pedagogical training for pre-school teachers and for supervisors. The work of the Foundation is based on psychodynamic theory, developmental psychology research and research in psychotherapy as well as clinical experience. Access to a broad network, both national and international, is an important factor for the development of the work of the foundation. The staff includes physicians, psychologists, qualified social workers, special education teachers and administrators. They represent a spectrum of specialists within child and adolescent psychiatry, education, psycho-therapy and research. International cooperation

The clinical research we carry out encourages the integration of current developmental psychology research and research in psychotherapy with clinical experience. There is ongoing cooperation in treatment, education and research with similar institutions in, for example, the UK, Italy and the Nordic countries. +46 8 402 17 60


The individual university college

Number of full-year students 2008: 37 Number of programmes: 1 Number of programmes in English: 0

The Red Cross University College, RKH, offers an education leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, as well as single-subject courses for nurses. The university college also provides courses for specialist nurses and awards a Masters Degree in Nursing. We also carry out commissioned courses within the area of medical care. The number of students is about 500. Our training of nurses has existed since 1867. A thorough knowledge of written and spoken Swedish is necessary for both our undergraduate and postgraduate courses since, with a few exceptions, most of the literature and most lectures are in Swedish. Humanity and impartiality

The Red Cross University College is a small university college that combines tradition and renewal in order to provide high-quality education. It is easy to get in contact with the staff at the university college and you have great possibilities to influence your education. The theoretical education is provided on the university college’s own modern premises at the Red Cross Hospital and has been a part of the KTH Campus since 2004. You can easily get here by bus, metro or Roslagsbanan to Tekniska Högskolan station. Clinical training is provided at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna and at clinics in the city and the western part of Stockholm. +46 8 587 516 00 Number of full-year students 2007: 460 Number of programmes: 1 Number of programmes in English: 0

The university college has the Non-Profit Foundation for the Red Cross Hospital and the Red Cross University College as its principal. It is important for us to work in accordance with the basic principles of the Red Cross: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, unity, voluntary service and universality. We have well-established contacts with universities and university colleges all over the world, for example through exchange programmes and research exchanges.


Universities and university colleges

The Swedish National Defence College

The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences

The Swedish National Defence College carries out research and provides educational programmes to help our society cope and protect itself in times of crisis and war. At our college, civilian and military students and researchers with completely different backgrounds meet each other, and our students often go on to follow exciting and important occupations.

The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) was founded in 1813 by Pehr Henrik Ling. This makes it the oldest institute for higher education within its field in the world. GIH offers degree programmes and courses in Health Education, Coaching, and Physical Education Teacher Training. We provide a high level of teaching, primarily within the areas of Human Biology, Physical Education and Pedagogics/ Didactics. Approximately 600 students are enrolled. The language of instruction is currently Swedish. Applicants therefore need advanced Swedish language skills at the time of their application. There are, however, plans for developing courses in English.

With or without a uniform

The Swedish National Defence College is responsible for military education and training at all levels. This includes the Officers Programme – an academic education and training programme at first-degree level offering 180 academic credits and an Officer’s Degree. But you don’t have to be in uniform to study at the College. Here, you can also study as a regular university student. We offer programmes in political science, military-technology, military history, command and control science and leadership. Whether you’re in uniform or not – it’s your choice.

Sport Pedagogics and Human Biology

The Swedish National Defence College is one of Sweden’s smallest university colleges comprising only approx. 500 full-time students. This means that we can maintain top quality in our study programmes, but it also means that you won’t just get lost in the crowd here at our college. Furthermore, we have the Nordic countries’ leading scientific library in the fields of defence policy, foreign policy and security policy which you as a student have access to round the clock. The Swedish National Defence College also offers the possibility for unique meetings. In our corridors, both civilian and military people can get together – students coming straight from upper-secondary level education and those with long professional experience. This not only gives you a wider field of knowledge and a more enriching time of study, but it is also a possibility for you to make contacts when it’s time to step out into the labour market – irrespective of whether you choose to have Sweden or the rest of the world as your place of work. Our study programmes are not to be found anywhere else. The knowledge needed to operate in a world of changing security policy can only be found


here at our college. This makes us well prepared to educate and train those whose task it is to lead our society in the right direction. If you want the chance to influence the centre of events, a study programme at our college is one of the best investments you can make. [email protected] +46 8 553 425 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 500 Number of programmes: 1 Number of programmes in English: 0

Photo by: upper: Jonas Ekströmer, lower: Carl-Johan Thorell

A personal study environment and unique possibilities

The emphasis of research at GIH is on Sports Pedagogics and Human Biology, and it is characterized by its close contacts with students and growing international exchanges. Research in Behavioural Science is carried out in collaboration with the Stockholm Institute of Education. Research in Human Biology is conducted in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet and focuses especially on two areas: Exercise Physiology, and Biomechanics and Motor Control. In addition, the institution also collaborates with schools and sport organizations, which is valuable for both education and research. Sweden’s largest laboratory for applied sport science was developed here, with support from the Swedish Olympic Committee and the Swedish Sports Confederation. Specialist library on health and sports

The GIH Library is the only specialist library on sports, physical education and health in Sweden. The collections consist of about 60,000 books and 230 periodicals. Today, the collections contain books in the fields of gymnastics, sports, physiology, biomechanics, physical activity and health, etc. GIH is centrally located next to a beautiful eco park, which has both natural and cultural values and also offers excellent opportunities for sports and recreation. The 1912 Olympic Stadium is situated near the campus and gives the area a unique atmosphere.

Number of full-year students 2008: 395 Number of programmes: 3 Number of programmes in English: 0 [email protected] +46 8 402 22 00


Universities and university colleges

University College of Dance

Opera is music theatre in which many different art forms work together to tell a story. Opera has been multi-media from the very beginning. Theatre, music, poetry, stage design, lighting, costume and make-up – all combine to give the audience a powerful dramatic experience. The University College of Opera is situated on the KTH Campus on Valhallavägen in Stockholm. The acoustically adapted facilities include a studio theatre, several staging rooms, a room for movement training, studios and practice rooms. Practical tuition and lectures, as well as concerts and performances, Photo by: Bengt Wanselius take place at the college. All the pianos, both grand We regard it as our job not only to be good stewards and upright, are maintained to a very high standard. of operatic tradition but also to make a contribution towards the opera of the future. We do this by commissioning new works in conjunction with composers Intense competition for places The College is an independent university institute and librettists. This means that our students are well with approximately 40 students. Each year 120 po- equipped to perform contemporary music and play tential opera singers apply, of whom about 10 are of- their part in the creative processes of music theatre. fered places. We run Bachelor and Master study programmes for opera singers, and Master programmes for opera [email protected] directors and repetiteurs. (A smaller number of pla- +46 8 545 810 60 ces are made available for directors and repetiteurs every other year.) Musical and dramatic studies, singing technique, movement and stagecraft provide the Number of full-year students 2008: 38 Number of programmes: 4 backbone of our programmes. Alumni from the ColNumber of programmes in English: 0 lege are active professionally both in Sweden and internationally.

The University College of Dance is the only school of its kind for dance and neo circus in Sweden’s system of higher education. Our prestigious institution has the sole responsibility for instructing an expanding student body in a broad range of dance-related fields: Dance Performance, Neo Circus, Dance Pedagogy, Choreography and Dance Therapy. It is a dynamic and creative environment where art and research go hand in hand. At our school, tradition is challenged by innovation and experiment. It is a meeting place for art, pedagogy and science, and old and new theoretical concepts. Popular traditions gain new meaning and new artistic careers develop to change our ideas about what is known.

Influencing the future of music theatre

Extensive international cooperation

The College has an extensive programme of cooperation with the world of professional opera. Students are regularly offered work experience in Swedish theatres and a number of our teachers are actively involved professionally. For many years we have had wellestablished relationships with FolkOperan, The Royal Swedish Opera, and Drottningholms Slottsteater. In addition directors, conductors and international opera coaches regularly work at the College as visiting teachers and professors.

The University College of Dance is a strong hub in the Swedish Dance environment. It is dedicated to the highest standards of quality and professionalism in artistic production, teaching, research and administration. From its unique position, it is also committed to an active role in matters of public policy concerning the arts, culture and education. Our students, teachers and professors traverse national borders as the workplace is expanding. As a Centre of Excellence, we work together with national and in-

Art of dance and neo circus in development

Our training programmes are conducted in close collaboration between art and scientific research with a focus on dance and neo circus. They aim at developing new forms of work and clarifying the inherent possibilities of dance and neo circus art in our society, using the knowledge of our history and traditions. We offer a strong, creative network for the various professions within dance and neo circus, together with other art forms. After completing your studies at the University College of Dance, you will have a strong artistic and scientific identity, be independent and have excellent insights into your own abilities and needs, as well as an understanding of the demands of the workplace. You can enter your career with great expectations, a power to compete and a knowledge of how to best show competence. We do not train people for today’s demands; we target future demands. Our students and your visions will challenge the present and change the world!

Photo by: Håkan Larsson


The University College of Opera, Stockholm

ternational seats of learning, participate actively in various umbrella organizations and national and international networks as well as in forums for artistic and scientific research. The University College of Dance is simply a very exciting place to be! [email protected] +46 8 459 05 00 International coordinator: +46 8 459 05 55 Number of full-year students 2008: 158 Number of programmes: 5 Number of programmes in English: 0 Some courses are available in English


Universities and university colleges

University College of Music Education in Stockholm

This is where the film, radio, TV and theatre of the future are created! At the University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre (DI) you can be educated in a number of professions. We have basic programmes, advanced courses, and further education for those with professional experience. We provide a selection of lectures and seminars and various projects. Most of the time, you will be working on various production projects. You will often work in a group and learn to cooperate with other professions related to your area. We work with “real-life” exercises and productions in full-scale production environments, just like those you will experience in your professional life after obtaining your degree.

The University College of Music Education in Stockholm, SMI, was founded in 1960 and is an independent university college for education in music and related arts. SMI educates music teachers and teachers in speech and communication. SMI is located in a beautiful school building from 1912 in the centre of Stockholm. It is a small university college where you get to know everyone and share classes with students from various programmes in pedagogical and artistic projects.

Photo: Jyrki Siikanen

University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre

Close connection with professionals

Here, you can choose among seventeen three-year undergraduate programmes and a number of masters programmes. We also work with artistic development in the form of research projects, research collegium seminars and participation in research institutes. We cooperate a great deal with professionals; many of the most prominent professionals teach at the school as permanent teachers or visiting teachers. We also have many Nordic and international contacts and cooperate with other university colleges involved in the arts. Our student productions appear in international festivals and trainee periods often form part of our educational programmes.


SMI offers a three-year undergraduate programme to qualify you as a music teacher in compulsory and upper-secondary school, in schools of music and arts or other types of schools. The programme leads to a Bachelor of Education in Music (180 ECTS credits). Auditions take place at the end of March every year and the deadline for applications is normally March 1. The minimum age for applicants is 22. Previous work experience as a music teacher will be considered as a qualification. Studying at SMI includes your own music teaching practice. Programmes of Advanced Study


Admission to our undergraduate programmes takes place every second year. The number of students is 4-12 per programme and year. There are about 160 students at the school each year. Most students find employment within their field after completing their course. The deadline for applications is in DecemberJanuary for the following autumn semester, and at the beginning of September for the following spring semester. Applicants are admitted on the basis of the result of various admission tests. DI is the only university college in Sweden that provides courses in several art forms related to the stage and the media, providing a unique opportunity for cross-border cooperation.

Undergraduate Programme [email protected] +46 8 55 57 20 00 Number of full-year students 2008: 160 Number of programmes: 24 Number of programmes in English: 0

To be accepted to the Advanced Study programme you are required to have a Bachelor of Education or a Bachelor of Arts. Programmes of Advanced Study include: Logonomy – speech and communication pedagogy with a focus on aesthetics (120 ECTS credits), Music Education in the compulsory and uppersecondary school (30-60 ECTS credits), and Music Education in instrumental teaching methods (60 ECTS credits). SMI also offers a large number of single-subject courses for further education of teachers in music and other fields. The language of instruction is Swedish. SMI does not provide any scholarships.

Number of full-year students 2007: 81 Number of programmes: 5 Number of programmes in English: 0 [email protected] +46 8 611 05 02


Welcome to Stockholm!

Beckmans College of Design Ersta Sköndal University College Karolinska Institutet Konstfack – University College of Arts, Crafts and Design Royal College of Music in Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology Royal University College of Fine Arts Sophiahemmet University College Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm School of Theology Stockholm University Swedish National Defence College Södertörn University The Erica Foundation The Red Cross University College of Nursing The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences The University College of Opera University College of Dance University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre University College of Music Education in Stockholm

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