Study Guide Worksheet 1 Summary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 519
  • Pages: 1
Worksheet 1 – Writing One-sentence Summaries

Instructions: Read the following two paragraphs and write for each paragraph, (a) a title within 8 words, and (b) a one-sentence summary within 35 words that best summarizes its main idea and its most important points in your own words (with identification of the source of the paragraph). Question 1 A major programme was launched in January 2005 to fight against AIDS in Mainland. With joint funding from the Mainland Government, a series of projects have been sponsored in the past 3 years. Its aim is to enhance the public’s awareness of AIDS. Even the Publicity Department of the Mainland Government has joined in efforts to run training workshops for Chinese officials nationwide to correct their attitude towards AIDS. As a community official from Gansu in western China put it, “For officials, no matter how low they rank, they should not play safe by keeping themselves clean from the disease or doing nothing in the national battle against AIDS. They are responsible to help the general public to be more aware of AIDS and its prevention.” In collaboration with 27 government departments in Hubei province, family planners distribute leaflets on AIDS prevention to sex workers, and tourism administrations advise hotels to place such leaflets in their guest rooms. The programme against AIDS is now carried out in many cities and provinces. Most importantly, the extensive government support to this programme has led to a change in attitude — from lack of interest to concern for AIDS. It is hoped that more and more people will benefit from this programme in the future. - Xiong Lei, “Health Issue”, China Daily, 2008

Question 2 Many companies have tested their cosmetics on animals. The cosmetic animal testing is done for eye shadows and soaps. Majority of these eye shadow tests are done on rabbits in order to assess the level of damage or irritation caused to the rabbits. The sunscreen products are also tested on guinea pigs to assess the level of allergic reaction and irritation. However, such cosmetic testing could cause severe physical damages to the tested animals, such as bleeding, allergic reactions, liver problems, swollen eyelids, and ulceration. According to statistics, 50% of the animals die two or three weeks after the experimentation. Furthermore, some scientists state that such animal testing may not be reliable. The animals have a different distribution of fine blood vessels, and their skin does not react in the same way to the tests as that of a human. The animals are exhausted through a lot of tests in the laboratory and this may make the end-result meaningless. With the advancement of technology, new testing alternatives, such as cell cultures, tissue cultures, and sophisticated computer models, have come into place. Traditional animal testing is more costly than most of these new alternatives. Therefore, more and more companies have made a decision and stopped testing their products on animals. Bob Smith, “Beauty”, Times Weekly, 2008

CC 204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mic S t udie s ( He al th C are) – S tudy G uide

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