Studies In Nary

  • November 2019
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Symbols of the Freemasonry

Masonic Symbol All seeing Eye-also found on the dollar bill Cross and Bones-reminder of material life Masonic Lodge-found all over US and world

Symbols of the Freemasonry

Order of the Eastern Star-Women’s Auxiliary Masonic Members with aprons

Freemasonry (masons or the lodge) is probably one of the most debated issues facing the church today. There are over four million Masons in the United States, these include 76 members of Congress and many pastors, elders, and Sunday School teachers. The influence of this powerful fraternal order is felt throughout society.

The debate is on many fronts A. Is freemasonry a religion? B. Does freemasonry teach a plan of salvation? C. Can a truly committed Christian be a freemason? D. Is freemasonry a cult?

I believe that there are a few reasons why the debate of freemasonry has never been settled. We have studied many other movements and orders that we can know and tell the difference but the question of freemasonry has not been settled for centuries.

2) Freemasonry is a secret organization. A person is not allowed to reveal the many symbols and rituals that is involved in the masonry ceremonies. 2) Freemasonry has no set writings to go by. Although many leaders have written books on Morals and Dogma of the lodge there is no standard writings.

3) The view of religion is another factor. Many adherents to the teachings of freemasonry do not view their participation in this order as a religious event. While many others do. Even some of their leaders have been quoted as calling it a religion.

4) Many of the participants never go past the first three basic and universal degrees of the Blue Lodge (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason). The Blue Lodge is common to all masons and must be surpassed to go to any other area of masons such as Scottish Rite or York Rite. 5) There are many views of its teachings within each group.

History Masonry traces it roots to around the 18th century. As we mentioned the basic level of masonry is the Blue Lodge. All masons must go through this level. You must first assert your belief in certain areas: a. a belief in a supreme being b. a belief in the immortality of the soul c. give honorable service to God by practicing the secrets arts of masonry d. pray prayers to deity e. swear oaths in the name of God.

Is Masonry a religion? Well this is what causes so much debate. The debate is just as much in masonry as outside. Many credible Masonic authors such as Henry Wilson Coil (author of Masonic Encyclopedia) and Albert Mackey (author of Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry) says that they are. They vehemently try to prove their selves as a religious body. Yet many oppose the assumption that this body is a religious body.

So what does it take to be a religion: Webster “the service and worship of God or the supernatural, commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance, a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices, a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. So masonry could easily be considered to be a religion by its practices of religious symbols and ceremonies.

God To be a mason you must have a basic belief in a “supreme being”. In other words you cannot be an atheists and be a mason. For many this is looked upon as a plus for masons. This could be a belief in any god. God, Allah, etc.

Salvation There is no clear teaching on salvation according to the Masonic teachings. It is interesting to note that throughout the whole Masonic journey the purpose of being a mason is to obey the teachings of morality and to receive rewards from God. Again this maybe to some just a mantra or hollow words but they cannot be ignored. The purpose of the Masonic ritual at a funeral is to commit the body to the Lord.

The Bible According to mason teachings the Bible is a sacred book. Just as is the Koran and the Vedra’s writings of the Hindus. Or the book of Mormon of the Mormons.

Oaths One of the common practices in the Freemasonry is the that of oaths. All throughout the stages one is expected to make oath. It is when these oaths become greater than the commitment to Christianity.

Jesus Christ Considering that one must believe in a “supreme being” then the concept of Jesus is only one part of belief in Freemasonary.


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