Student Organization Resource Guide

  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 33
Student Organization Manual 2006-2007

Student Organization Manual 2006-2007

STUDENT ORGANIZATION RESOURCE GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS General Policy and Information Important Campus Contacts Benefits of Registering as a Student Organization Conditions for Maintaining Registration Organization Membership Organization Advisors Organization Officers Withdrawal and Denial of Registration Organizational Misconduct Social/Alcohol Policy Facilities and Services a. Facilities b. Classic Fare Catering c. Equipment Rental d. Grounds Usage Permit e. Promotional and Advertising Space f. Student Organization Office Space g. Student Organization Lockers h. Vehicle Rentals Advertising and Soliciting on Campus Getting the Word Out About Your Organization a. Chalking b. Crimson White c. 91 Seconds on New Rock d. World Wide Web e. Student Organization Directory f. CCSO E-mail List g. Student Organization Display Board h. CCSO Application Center and Drop-Off Slot i. Get On Board Day j. Student Organization of the Month k. Student Organization Awards Banquet Financial Information 14 a. Financial Affairs Committee

Appendix Ferguson Center Policies Financial Affairs Committee Information Hazing Policy Student Organization Update Form Social Events Registration Form Alcohol Beverage Permit

IMPORTANT CAMPUS CONTACTS Athletic Marketing and Trademark Licensing 348-7731

Campus Mail Service 7807 Campus Media Corolla Yearbook Crimson White Dateline Alabama 8254 WVUA-FM WVUA-TV Cable TV


348-7257 348-6076 348-7845

Coordinating Council for Student Organizations 348-CCSO

348-6082 348-8660 (fax) 348-0752

Community Service Center 5722 Counseling Center 3863


Ferguson Center Student Union 3486063 Bama Dining and Classic Fare Catering 3486080 Career Center 3485848 Crimson Copies 348-6544 Ferguson Reservations 348-2827 Sylvester Jones Leadership and Career Resource Center 3480599 The Supply Store 3486168 Campus Activities Office Office of Judicial Affairs 8234 Public Safety UA Police Department 5454 Seebeck Computer Center HELP





Student Government Association 34UASGA Financial Affairs Committee Homecoming Office of the President Student Legal Clinic 348-5715 348-6121 348-6127 348-2742

University Information 6010


University Printing 5200 Bulk Mail Processing

University Programs 7525


University Relations 5765


Women’s Resource Center 5040






There are many opportunities and services registered organizations may take advantage of:  Use of University facilities including Ferguson Center meeting rooms (free of charge or at a discounted rate)  Sponsorship of events, on-campus solicitation, and fundraising activities  Organization mailbox services (oncampus mail only)  Eligibility to apply for student activity funds in accordance with University procedures and regulations  Limited computer privileges determined by User Services  Eligibility to obtain a student organization E-mail and Website accounts through the Seebeck Computer Center  Opportunity to participate in “Get On Board Day”  Inclusion in the Student Organization Directory  Access to consultation with Campus Activities Office professional staff on organizational issues (i.e., conflict resolution, retreats, officer transition, etc.)  Free advertising of program/activities in the Ferguson Center  Free use of display cases in the Ferguson Center.  Opportunity for recognition through the CCSO Awards Banquet Registered student organizations are private, voluntary associations and are not official components of The University of Alabama. Registration allows student organizations to enjoy basic privileges granted by the institution when the

organization meets minimum standards for registered status. Registration does not imply University approval of the organization or the activities of the group; and The University of Alabama and the Campus Activities Office in no way accept liability for the actions of registered student groups ALL organizations must renew registration every year. Reminders will be sent by mail and via e-mail.

CONDITIONS FOR MAINTAINING REGISTRATION To remain registered status, previously registered student organizations must: A. Renew registration each fall semester by completing a Student Organization Information Update Form within the first two (2) weeks of the beginning of the fall semester. B. Have at least one (1) representative from the organization attend the Foresight: A Transition Workshop for Organization Leaders (generally held in September). C. Registered student organizations are responsible for submitting to the Campus Activities Office a Student Organization Information Update Form after election or appointment of new officers, or when changes occur in the organizational officers or advisors, mailing addresses, and phone numbers. D. Registered student organizations must submit a copy of their constitution and by-laws to the Campus Activities Office (every year). E. Registered student organizations must notify the Campus Activities Office in writing when changes occur in the general status of the organization (inactive, defunct, name change, etc.). F. To maintain registered status at The University of Alabama, student organizations affiliated/associated





with a national/international organization or designated as chapters of national/inter-national organizations must retain official recognition by the national/international association. If the organization allows membership to include non-University of Alabama students, at least 50% plus one (1) of the total membership must remain currently enrolled University of Alabama students. At the end of each spring semester and no later than a specified date, non-social fraternal organizations must submit a Student Organization Annual Report to the Campus Activities Office. * The Student Organization Annual Report serves as an historical record of organizational activities and as an instrument through which the Campus Activities Office and CCSO can evaluate and improve services and resources currently available to registered student organizations. The Annual Report will not be used as a basis to deny future registration. Every four (4) years, each social fraternal organization must submit to the Campus Activities Office a selfstudy report based on standards determined by the Greek Self Assessment Board and outlined in the Greek Self-Assessment Program. All student organizations shall conduct affairs in a lawful manner and in accordance with the constitution and by-laws on file in the Campus Activities Office and with all applicable The University of Alabama policies and regulations, city ordinances, and state statutes and federal law.

ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP The following guidelines for membership in non-fraternal student organizations are located in the Student Handbook. Please

make officers and members aware of these guidelines. 1. Membership in registered student organizations shall be open to all students of The University of Alabama, without regard to race, religion, sex, disability, or national origin, except in cases of designated fraternal organizations exempted from Title IX regulations (20 U.S.C. §1681) concerning discrimination on the basis of sex. 2. Registered student organizations must inform the University community of organizational membership criteria and selection processes, including membership application deadlines. Organizations should attempt outreach efforts to groups that are typically under-represented in student organizations. a. Selection criteria must be relevant to the goals and objectives of the organization. Organizations with selection criteria adversely impacting a particular segment of the university community must eliminate that criteria or demonstrate adequately the relationship between selection criteria and organizational goals and objectives. b. CCSO, in conjunction with the Campus Activities Office, reserves the right to work with registered student organizations to enhance inclusiveness and to determine alternatives to arbitrary criteria, limiting membership and encourage irrelevant exclusivity.

ORGANIZATION ADVISORS In order to take full advantage of all that is available to student organizations, it works to the organization’s advantage to

have an advisor. The advisor will be able to share insights and directions with you to ensure your organization promote the objective and meaningfulness of your group. Advisors of registered student organizations must be permanent employees of the university, either faculty or staff. An advisor’s role is different for every group, but in every case your group is a STUDENT organization. The primary responsibilities of an organization advisor include:  Overseeing all financial transactions and receiving all bank statements:  Ensuring that officers have a minimum cumulative 2.00 gradepoint average and 3.00 grade point average for graduate students and that primary officers are currently enrolled University of Alabama students;  Providing consultation concerning membership selection procedures and responsibilities, conducting an initial overview of membership outcomes and reviewing profiles of newly selected members;  Reviewing and signing organizational registration documents and Annual Reports;  Performing other duties deemed appropriate by the organization and outlined in the organizational constitution and by-laws. Registered student organizations have the right to select a new advisor at anytime according to procedures outlined in the organizational constitution and bylaws. As an advisor becomes familiar with the organization and its leaders, he or she can assess group needs. An advisor should be perceptive and sensitive to

changing leadership and organization conditions and adjust his or her advising style accordingly. Maintaining frequent and open communication with the organization and its officers can easily facilitate this process.

ORGANIZATION OFFICERS 1. The primary officers of a registered student organization (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, or the equivalent) must be currently enrolled students at The University of Alabama. 2. Officers of student organizations must be in good disciplinary standing and must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA to hold office for undergraduates and 3.00 GPA for graduate students to hold office. The responsibility of verification rests ultimately with the organization and organization advisor(s). Student Organization Leadership There are many styles of student leadership – leading vs. managing, personal vs. position power, and success vs. effectiveness. The Campus Activities Office provides opportunities to gain leadership experience through both traditional settings and through nonpositional leadership development offerings designed to boost your leadership potential. By participating in workshops, service opportunities, and leadership training conferences and events, you can become the kind of leader that employers seek. Some of these programs are even facilitated by students, offered by the LEAD team and Outreach Team, peer educators whose primary focus is to equip students with marketable skills and to help student

organizations improve their efficiency and effectiveness. For more information call 348-CCSO.

WITHDRAWAL No student organization will be officially registered with The University of Alabama if the Campus Activities Office determines that the organizational activities are detrimental to the academic and/or educational missions of the University. A. If the Campus Activities Office denies registration of a new student organization, the Campus Activities Office will notify the president and advisor of the organization in writing of the decision to deny registration. The organization denied registration may appeal in writing to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs within five (5) University working days from the date of the denial notification correspondence. The decision of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is final. B. The Campus Activities Office reserves the right to withdraw registration of a student organization for [1] failure to comply with regulations governing students and student groups or [2] loss of recognition by or membership in its respective national/international organization. a. The Campus Activities Office will notify the president and advisor of the organization in writing about the proposed withdrawal of registration and the reason(s) for proposed withdrawal of registration. b. Within five [5] University working days of the date of proposed registration withdrawal correspondence,

the organization must show cause why registration should not be withdrawn. c. Should the organization choose not to show cause or should the Campus Activities Office determine justifications for retaining registration to be inadequate, the Campus Activities Office will notify the president and advisor of the organization in writing of the actual withdrawal of registration, and the reason(s) for withdrawal of registration, and the effective date of withdrawal of registration. d. The organization may appeal withdrawal of registration in writing to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs within five (5) University working days from the date of registration withdrawal correspondence. If the organization fails to appeal withdrawal of registration within the specified time period, the decision of the Campus Activities Office is final. e. Concerning organizational appeals of withdrawal of registration by the Campus Activities Office, the decision of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is final.

ORGANIZATIONAL MISCONDUCT The following regulations are located in the Student Handbook that is available from the Campus Activities Office. Please make members aware of the regulations. If a violation of the Student Code of Conduct is believed to have occurred, the judicial procedures laid out in the Student Handbook will be followed. 5. Article IV: Organizational Misconduct

Student organizations enrich the campus and community by providing a source of intellectual, personal and social development of students through their programs and activities. The University fulfills an important mission by providing procedures and policies for the registration and of student organizations is the obligation of each organization to conduct activities in accordance with University rules and policies and applicable laws. Student organizations are required to comply with the written rules and policies of the University. A. Responsibility of Officers A fundamental aspect of any organization is the right of the membership to elect officers who serve to ensure, among their other duties, that the activities of the organization are conducted properly. It is the responsibility of the officers of each student organization to ensure that the organization complies with this Code of Conduct and to actively oppose and prevent any planned organizational activity, which would violate the Code of Conduct. It is also the obligation of the officers of any student organization to advise and counsel individual members of their organization whose conduct could lead to misconduct charges against the organization, as provided herein. B. Organizational Responsibly for Misconduct Student organizations will be held responsible for misconduct in the following circumstances: *Organizational responsibility for its own acts. The organization will be held responsible: 1. When the organization fails to comply with a duty imposed by a written University policy, including, but not limited to, improper membership education and initiation, improper organizational registration of activities for which registration and/or permission is required; failure to comply with applicable health and safety regulations; misuse of University property, facilities and equipment; violations of University regulations on the use of alcohol; and violations of any other rule or policy applicable to organizations. 2. When one or more officers refuse or neglect to perform their duties under this code as described above in Article IV. *Organizational responsibility for individual acts of misconduct. 1. The organization will be held responsible for the actions of one or more of its members, which violate this Code of Conduct when the actions arise in the course of or derive from the activities of the organization. 2. In situations other than those described in (1) above the organization may be held responsible for a member or members’

misconduct when, prior to such misconduct, a member or members have committed acts of misconduct the nature of which has caused the Campus Activities Office to be concerned that the organization is not conducting activities in a manner which discourages such conduct, and the Campus Activities Office has notified the organization that further occurrences of such conduct by one or more members will result in disciplinary actions against the organization. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to offenses against persons, offenses against property, alcohol abuse and illegal drug use. The notice will be in sufficient detail to notify the officers of the precise nature of the offenses and the length of time the notice shall be effective.

SOCIAL/ALCOHOL POLICY The University of Alabama has established a social/alcohol policy in order to ensure that the normal academic functions of the University are not disrupted and to encourage the responsible developments of all students. For more information and specific guidelines, please see the appendix or obtain a copy of Party Smart, available at the Campus Activities Office.




There are several facilities and services available to registered student organizations including facilities for meetings and events, promotional and advertising space, vehicle rentals, and technical services. Facilities Facilities are available for various size groups in the Ferguson Center, Plaza, Crimson Promenade, and Student Services Center. For specific guidelines, please see the Ferguson Center User’s Guide or the appendix. Some of the facilities that are available to student organizations are as follows:

Ferguson Center 16 meeting rooms Alabama Ballroom Heritage Room Forum (90 people) Theater (424 people) Plaza – outdoor facility Game Room – pool tables and arcade games Crimson Promenade Outdoor area available for informational and recognition nature Student Services Center 5 meeting rooms Social Activity Space Space at The Student Recreational Center is available for social functions. Reservations made ONLINE only. Go to for reservation and reservation policies. Classic Fare Catering Classic Fare is available for all catering needs for student organizations. Special student discounts are available. For more information, please call 348-6080. Note: Registered student organizations are allowed to bring in snack food and beverages to organization meetings in the Ferguson Center (subject to certain conditions) not totaling more than $35. For a list of those conditions, please see the appendix or call 3486063. All groups reserving room space in the Ferguson Center that will need food for meals will be required to use Classic Fare for all catering. Equipment Rental Student organizations can rent a full range of furniture, audio-visual equipment, and accessories to use in conjunction with their Ferguson facility

reservation. These arrangements can be made in the Ferguson Center Event Planning Office at the time the facility reservation is made. Grounds Usage Permit Areas such as the Quad and other University grounds are available for use. Contact the Campus Activities Office at 348-6114 for more information and/or specific guidelines. Promotional and Advertising Space The following promotional and advertising space can be reserved by student organizations in the Ferguson Center Event Planning Office: Display Cases Many large display cases are located throughout the Ferguson Center. The cases may be reserved for a maximum of four (4) weeks. And can only be reserved once a semester. Policies are posted on the Ferguson Center website at Banner Spaces Areas around the Plaza and parking deck are available for hanging professionally made banners. These spaces are rented by the week. Policies are also posted on the Ferguson Center website at Ferguson Center Table Spaces Table spaces are available in the Ferguson Center for distributing information and for appropriate fundraising. Please note the policies on the Ferguson Center website. Student Organization Office Space Limited office space is available in the Ferguson Center for student organizations. Applications are available each spring in the Ferguson Center Union Director’s office. Student Organization Lockers

Lockers are available on the third floor for storage for student organizations. Priority is given to organizations without assigned office space. For more information and/or specific guidelines, call the Ferguson Center at 348-7487. Vehicle Rentals Fleet Services has passenger vans and cars available for rental by registered student organizations. The vans are available for official in or out-of-state travel by UA faculty, staff, employees, students, and authorized guests. Students are not permitted to travel out of the Tuscaloosa area without a faculty or staff member with them or within a caravan. Reservation requests must be completed and turned into the Campus Activities Office at least five (5) business days prior to the trip. Please note that personal use of these vehicles is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. A note to new student organizations: Privileges afforded to prospective student organizations are limited to use of Ferguson Center meeting space up to three [3] times within 30 days after submitting the proper forms, permission to publicize meetings for membership recruitment and to complete the registration process, and pre-registration advising from the Campus Activities Office concerning organization and registration participation in “Get on Board Day.”

ADVERTISING AND SOLICITING ON CAMPUS There are several options available to student organizations regarding advertising, but keep in mind that there are some restrictions and regulations regarding such. Please make all members and future members of your organization aware of policies as well as the many options they have to promote

the organization. The following is located in the Student Handbook (VIII. Advertisements, Co-sponsorship, Printed Materials, and Solicitation): I. General Guidelines A. Solicitations, advertisements, sales, displays, or distribution of publications on The University of Alabama campus will be permissible under the circumstances and within the parameters provided for herein. All other solicitations, advertisements, sales, displays, or distribution of publications on campus are prohibited. B. These guidelines apply to all individuals, groups, associations or businesses of whatever kind or nature wishes to post any advertisement or distribute printed materials or who wish to engage in any commercial activity on the campus of The University of Alabama. II. Advertisements, Printed Materials, and Publicity A. General Provisions a. Printed materials may be posted on designated bulletin boards in accordance with these guidelines. Posting of such printed materials in any other location inside campus buildings is strictly prohibited. b. All posters, signs, and bumper stickers should be in good taste. Any questions that arise concerning the interpretation of good taste should be directed to the Auxiliary and Support Services Office. Advertisers are responsible for the removal and proper disposal of all advertising materials within seven (7) days after


d. e. f.

the event, which has been publicized, has occurred or the time limits or conditions of the advertisement have expired. City codes and state statutes prohibit notices on any curb, tree, mailbox, utility pole, or public building. Printed materials may not be affixed to the outside of University buildings. Placement of printed materials on motor vehicles is prohibited. Printed materials may be distributed on public sidewalks. Tables or structures, which would impede pedestrian traffic on public sidewalks, are prohibited.

B. Ferguson Center The placement of printed advertising or promotional materials in the Ferguson Center must be coordinated in advance with the Ferguson Center Events Coordinator. Such placement of printed materials is subject to specific guidelines established by the Campus Activities Office and the Ferguson Center. C. Free Speech Area The outdoor area immediately adjacent to the south entrance of the Ferguson Center on the ground floor is designated as the Free Speech Area. Any individual or organization for the expression of views and opinions and/or the distribution of printed materials and advertisements may use this area on a first-come basis without reservations. However, the use of the Free Speech Area must not violate the rights of others or

disrupt the normal functions of the University. D. Academic Buildings Permission for distribution or display of nonacademic printed materials or the Dean of the college or school responsible for the building(s) must approve commercial advertisements in academic buildings. E. Residential Facilities Permission for distribution or display or printed materials for commercial advertisements in University residence halls and apartments must be approved by Housing and Residential Communities F. All Other University Facilities Permission for distribution or display of printed materials or commercial advertisements in all University facilities other than the Auxiliary and Support Services must be approved by that department. G. Commercial Co-Sponsorship of Student Events and Activities The University permits all recognized student organizations and the Residence Hall Association to enter into co-sponsorship agreements with commercial businesses and corporations for the purpose of providing campus-based student activities and events in accordance with the policies and procedures contained within The University of Alabama Student Handbook. The administration of the policies and procedures for the commercial co-sponsorship of student organization events and activities is the responsibility of the Campus Activities Office. H. Campus Merchandising Policy The University Supply Store, as mandated by The University of

Alabama Board of Trustees, has the exclusive franchise rights to conduct all mercantile activity on campus. No other mercantile activity shall therefore be permitted without permission of the Auxiliary and Support Services Office. Upon approval from the Auxiliary and Support Services Office, reservations for vending space within the Ferguson Center can be scheduled through the Ferguson Center Events Coordinator. The availability of such space will be subject to specific guidelines established by the Ferguson Center and the Campus Activities Office. Commercial solicitations for sales of goods and services by off-campus businesses, corporations, and individuals or through recognized University organizations are normally limited to the Ferguson Center as outlined in Item III.G. However, location exceptions may be granted for special campus wide events or activities. Requests for campus commercial solicitations outside the Ferguson Center must be approved by the Office of the Campus Activities Office and the Office of Auxiliary and Support Services. Commercial solicitations for sales of goods and services by off-campus businesses, corporations, individuals or through recognized University organizations that are to be conducted in University residence halls and apartments must be approved by the Office of Housing and Residential Communities and the Office of Auxiliary and Support Services. I. Distribution of Printed Materials, Advertisements, and Solicitations through Student Media.

The distribution of printed advertising materials through student publications must be coordinated through the Office of Student Media. Requests for distribution of printed materials at campus locations served by the student newspaper can be arranged by contacting the Office of Student Media. All advertisements and solicitations on printed material must meet all production requirements and established procedural guidelines of the Office of Student Media before it will be considered for distribution. The Office of Student Media will charge a fee for the distribution of any printed advertisement or solicitation material that is accepted. Advertisers that are interested in distributing their materials through the student newspaper should contact the Office of Student Media for information. III. Use of University of Alabama Trademarks The use of any University of Alabama trademarks that appear on the artwork sheet in association with the promotion, advertisement, or merchandising of any product or service is strictly prohibited without first obtaining written permission from the University’s Trademark Licensing Office. IV. Violations of These Guidelines The University reserves the right to enforce these guidelines by all necessary means to ensure compliance. Persons who violate these guidelines may be criminally prosecuted under the ordinances of the City of Tuscaloosa as well as the trademark statutes of the State of Alabama and the United States. Persons, groups or associations

that repeatedly violate these guidelines will be prohibited from further distribution of materials or use of University facilities. NOTE: All inquiries regarding The University of Alabama Commercialization and Solicitation Guidelines should be directed to the Auxiliary and Support Services Office, 202 Hayden Harris Hall.




Chalking Chalking is a wonderful and inexpensive way to advertise or promote programs and events. Failure to adhere to the following guidelines will result in disciplinary action according to the Code of Student Conduct. A. Chalking is only permitted on natural gray concrete sidewalks and streets that are subject to being washed by the rain. No chalking can occur on sidewalks or building entrances that are covered by a shelter of any type. B. No chalking can be closer than 20 feet to a building. A building structure includes porches, stairs, and drive thrus. C. No chalking is permitted on a vertical surface including the riser portion of stairs. D. Absolutely no chalking is permitted in the Plaza of the Ferguson Center or in the Crimson Promenade. E. Chalking is not permitted on any type of brick or concrete paver. F. Only solid concrete surfaces and streets as outlined in A-E are subject to chalking. G. The type of chalk used must be washable and not capable of withstanding several rains. H. The following are expressly prohibited from chalking: a. Plaza

b. Crimson Promenade c. Walls anywhere on campus d. Brick pavers (bricks or brick like materials used for surfaces on which to walk) e. Surfaces under porches or drive thrus f. The entrance to the south end of the Recreation Center g. Law School and surrounding sidewalks h. Brick pavers surrounding the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business

Crimson White Student organizations may purchase a display advertisement in the Crimson White based on the size of the ad. For more information or to find out the Crimson White reporter assigned to your organization, please call 348-6144. 91 Seconds on New Rock 91 Seconds on New Rock is a program available to registered student organizations through the Coordinating Council for Student Organizations and New Rock WVUA-FM. This program allows student organizations easy access to having public service announcements made on the campus radio station. For more information or an application, please call 348-CCSO. World Wide Web A registered student organization may apply for e-mail and website space through the Seebeck Computer Center. Applications are available in the Campus Activities Office. For more information call 348-6114. Student Organization Directory The Student Organization Directory, located on the CCSO website, is a listing of all registered student organizations on

campus. Included is the directory is a brief description of the organization and contact information for the president and advisor. For more information visit or call 348-CCSO. CCSO E-mail List Once an organization is registered, the president will be placed on the CCSO Email list. The list is used as a tool to inform the president of current and upcoming events on and sometimes off campus. It is also used to inform presidents of CCSO deadlines and events, as well as information about registration renewal. For more information call 348CCSO. CCSO Application Center and DropOff Slot The Application Center, located on the second floor of the Ferguson Center, is a great way to promote student organizations. Applications may be placed in the Application Center, and completed applications may be dropped off in the Drop-Off Slot, located at the CCSO office (341 Ferguson Center). A contract must be completed before the Application Center can be used. For more information on the center and/or specific guidelines, please call 348-CCSO.

that make a difference both to the student body and to the University communities. The award is selected based on criteria such as outstanding service to the University of Alabama or Tuscaloosa area community, outstanding accomplishments within the organization itself, extraordinary activity regarding its relationship to The University of Alabama, etc. For more information call 348-CCSO. Applications are posted on the CCSO website Student Organization Display Case A display case specifically designated for the Student Organization of the Month is located on the second floor of the Ferguson Center. The Student Organization of the Month can use this display case to publicize their organization for the month of their award. Student Organization Awards Banquet Held during Honors Week each year, the Student Organization Awards Banquet is a formal dinner and ceremony in which CCSO recognizes outstanding students, advisors, and organizations. Awards are presented for outstanding organizations, officer, advisors, and programs and projects.

Get On Board Day CCSO sponsors Get On Board Day each fall and spring. The event is a wonderful way to promote an organization and recruit new members. Held on the Quad in the fall and the Ferg during the spring, Get On Board Day draws large numbers of students who are interested in joining organizations. An officer within the organization will receive an application by e-mail when it is time to apply, which is a “first come, first serve” basis.


Student Organization of the Month The Student Organization of the Month is an award given monthly during October through April to student organizations

Guidelines for financial management and accountability are the following: 1. Registered student organizations must maintain all funds allocated

from University-controlled sources in a University account and must spend these moneys in accordance with current University of Alabama financial policies and procedures. Student organizations losing registered status also forfeit student fee allocations. 2. Registered organizations maintaining an account outside the University must keep accurate records of funding sources and disbursements, including the amount of income and expenditures, the means of generating funds and approving expenditures, and the purposes of expenditures. Student organizations must keep receipts for moneys expended and must issue receipts for moneys collected. 3. Members of registered student organizations have the right to know how organizational funds are collected and disbursed. Additionally, sources and amounts of organizational revenues and the objectives and amounts of organizational expenditures are public knowledge. 4. Organizational moneys should be dispersed by use of checks rather than cash. All checks must include the signature of the advisor and one (1) officer, preferably the president or treasurer. Financial Affairs Committee FAC serves as a source of funding for registered student organizations that do not receive a direct allocation from University sources. The committee is able to fund such things as office supplies, travel to national/regional conference, and events and programs that are sponsored by student organizations. For more information and/or specific guidelines, please contact the Student Government Association at 34U-ASGA.

Forms and Documents Ferguson Center Policy Financial Affairs Committee Meetings and Information Hazing Policy Social Events Registration Form Alcohol Beverage Permits

University of Alabama Ferguson Center Display Case Reservation Policy Reservations must be made at least (5) working days in advance. Reservations can be made by contacting the Ferguson Center Reservations Office at 205.348.2827 or by filling out an on-line Display Case Reservation Form. Only recognized University affiliated groups and University Departments will be allowed to reserve display cases. Display cases may be used to promote student activities, organizations or departments and may be reserved for a maximum of one (1) calendar month. Items must be placed into the rented display case within the first week of the reserved month. If not, the display case will be forfeited and the space will be given to the next person on the waitlist. Display cases cannot be reserved for consecutive months by the same department or student organization. The reserving party must provide all decorations and materials necessary for the display. The use of nails or staples to tack items in the display case is prohibited. Anyone doing so will be charged for damages. The reserving party is responsible for removing all materials and decorations at the conclusion of the reservation period. If materials are not removed, unclaimed displays will be taken down by Ferguson Center staff and discarded. The Display Case key may be checked out at the Ferguson Center Reservations Office during regular hours of operation. The key must be returned as soon as you have either set up and/or removed your display. Please be sure that the display case is locked. If there is not a lock on the display case that you have reserved, please notify the Ferguson Center Reservations Office, Facilities Manager or Student Building Manager on duty (if during evening or weekend hours). The Ferguson Center is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items that are a part of any display case. Posting Policy for Display Boards (Near Theater) 1. All flyers must be no larger than 8 1/2" x 14" and must clearly state the name(s) of the sponsoring organization(s) or departments(s). 2. A maximum of one flyer or sign per event, per week can be posted.

3. Posters or flyers in any language other than English should carry an English translation. 4. Items should be brought to Room 230 Ferguson Center for posting. 5. All flyers/signs will be removed after the date of the event. 6. Profanity, nudity, or the promotion of alcoholic beverages or bars on display board flyers will not be permitted. 7. Questions regarding the posting policy should be directed to the Union Director's Office in Room 230 Ferguson Center.

General Reservation Guidelines The Ferguson Center Event Planning Office (EPO) is located in Room 230 in the Ferguson Center Student Union. The staff is available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday to answer questions and can help you successfully plan and carry out any size event. Who is eligible to make reservations at Ferguson Center? Registered student organizations, University Departments, faculty/staff organizations and external guests of the University are eligible to reserve Ferguson Center facilities. For student organizations, the President or Advisor must initiate the reservation request. Please note that the Ferguson Center is not available for regular academic classes. On-line reservation form requests are preferred and can be submitted via the on-line reservation system. To access the web site go to and click on Reservations/Room Request. The Ferguson Center EPO will try to assign requested space when possible and appropriate. The EPO reserves the right to substitute assignments when necessary to best accommodate all space requests. Please note that the time frames listed below are guidelines. Requests may not be able to be accommodated if adequate notice is not received; additional fees may also be incurred. 1. Reservation Time Frames 10 (ten) working days notice for: Building hour extension Internet connection Security Teleconference arrangements

Telephone line activation Grounds Use Permit Application 5 (five) working days notice for: Audio-visual requests Room set-up requirements Cancellation of the Ballroom, Heritage Room and Pavilion Display Case Requests 2 (two) working days notice for: Cancellation of audio-visual equipment Cancellation of the Amphitheater 1 (one) working day notice for: Cancellation of regular meeting rooms Cancellation of vendor tables Cancellation of information tables 2. An organization or department may schedule only one series of general meetings and/or one series of executive committee/board meetings per week. The same holds true for sub-committees of larger student organizations. Auditions, petitions, interviews, etc. are not considered serial weekly meetings. 3. Audio/Visual Policies The use of all audio/visual equipment requires a reservation placed five working days in advance of the event date. Cancellations made less than 48 business hours before the event will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the rental charges. 4. Food and Alcoholic Beverages Bama Dining Services/Classic Fare Catering operated by Aramark holds an exclusive contract with the Ferguson Center. All food and beverage service at an event in Ferguson must be provided by Bama Dining/Classic Fare Catering with the exception of foods and procedures as outlined in the Student Group Snack Policy.

Any student organization wishing to request an exception to the food policy should contact the Event Planning Office two weeks prior to the event. When serving alcohol, arrangements must be made through Ferguson Center to ensure that no one under 21 will be consuming alcohol. Any organization bringing in its own food or beverages is in violation of these policies may lose their right to meet in Ferguson Center. 5. Billing A University of Alabama departmental account number is helpful in processing reservations with billable charges. All reservations will be billed on a weekly basis and payment should be remitted to the Accounting Assistant for Ferguson Center at Box 870292, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.

6. No Shows/Cancellations In order to accommodate as many requests for events as possible, we must ask all organizations to honor their reservations. Because of the high demand for Ferguson Center meeting rooms, an organization or department that reserves a room and does not use it and fails to cancel the reservation within a reasonable amount of time may be assessed a late cancellation fee. Cancellations for regular Ferguson Center facilities must be received by 2:00 p.m. one (1) business day prior to the event by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by calling (205) 348-2827. Cancellations for the Ferguson Center Ballroom, Ballroom/Heritage Room or Pavilion must be submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the event without incurring a charge. The following late cancellation fee will be applied: Ballroom and Heritage Room - $100.00 Presidential Pavilion - $100.00 Theater and Forum - $50.00 All other meeting rooms: $25.00 Failure to show or cancel a reservation will result in the following: First occurrence – warning

Second occurrence – loss of privileges for one month and cancellation fee. Third occurrence – loss of privileges for one semester and cancellation fee. 7. Time Restraints Rooms may be occupied only during specified event times. Events must end at least 30 minutes before the building closes. 8. Extending Building Hours Requests for a building hour extension must be made at least 10 working days in advance of the event to the Event Planning Office. If an extension is approved, an operating cost of $150 per hour will be charged to keep the building open late. Fees are not pro-rated for partial hours. 9. Event Security Sponsoring student organizations must take adequate precautions for the security of attendees at an event, as determined by the Union Director’s office and the University of Alabama Police Department. Failure to adhere to these security policies may result in an administrative and/or disciplinary sanction. Event security is scheduled through the Ferguson Center Union Director’s Office. The sponsoring organization will be required to pay a portion of the security personnel in advance of the event. UAPD establishes the hourly rates for security and UAPD and Ferguson Center will jointly decide the number of officers needed for an event. If security requirements are not completed, the event will be canceled. In general, the required number and type of security personnel for an event will be determined by the following: Projected attendance (usually 250 or more people) Time and location of event Presence of alcoholic beverages Description of activity planned Number of organizational personnel available to help monitor the event Final determination as to the appropriate number of security personnel will be made by the Assistant Director, Operations for Ferguson Center. Other factors which may be determined are as follows: Advertising:

Dependent upon the content and nature, advertising can either increase or reduce the need for security. Advertising which indicates that the attendance will be limited in number and/or restricted to University of Alabama students and their guests may reduce security needs. Closed vs. Open Event: Closed events (restricted to the members of the sponsoring organization and their guests) may require less security than events open to all University of Alabama students and their guests. Money Collection: The collection of money for any purposes (ticket sales, souvenir sales, refreshment sales, etc.) could require additional security personnel. Risk Assessment: Increased risks (e.g., threats received, demonstrations planned) will increase the security requirement. Written Invitations or Prior Ticket Sales: Events which are restricted to persons with written invitations or advanced ticket sale holders will usually require less security than events selling tickets at the door. 10. Decorations Must be flame retardant. Candles, incense, and fire are not permitted. No glitter sparkles or small confetti may be used. No smoke machines are allowed. Waterfalls, fountains, or pools are not allowed. No decoration materials of any kind are to be attached to the interior walls, doors, door frames, draperies, light fixtures, columns, or ceilings.


Taping, tacking, nailing, or gluing decorations is strictly prohibited. CONTACT THE FERGUSON CENTER EVENT COORDINATOR FOR DECORATING IDEAS AND


11. Solicitation and Publicity May take place only at reserved locations on the First and Second Floor by registered student organizations, University Departments, or approved vendors who have made a reservation through the EPO. In order to protect the rights of our patrons, distribution or solicitation is not allowed away from assigned space in other parts of Ferguson Center or in the areas outside of Ferguson Center (including parking lots). 12. Parking

Permits are required to park on campus Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. Handicap zones are in effect at all times. Arrangements for Visitor/Vendor parking permits can be made through the Transportation Services Office located in Room 103 Student Services Building (3488391). Please note that there is a fee associated with temporary parking permits. Parking is also available for $0.50 on the upper two levels of the Ferguson Center Parking Deck located off of McCorvey Drive. 13. Furniture and Room Sets The SGA President’s Room (307), Morris Mayer Room (312), Anderson Society Room (313), Sparkman Room (358), The Forum (360), and Rooms 204-A, 204-B, and 305 have pre-set conference furniture. A minimum of $25 fee will be levied if these sets are altered or rearranged in any way. Organizations should contact the Event Planning Office at least five days in advance to discuss room sets. Ferguson Center furniture and audio/visual equipment is not available for rental at other venues on campus. As the only exception to this provision, Ferguson furniture and equipment may be rented for a fee by organizations using the Ferguson Center Plaza or Crimson Promenade. The EPO can arrange the rental furniture order for you. 14. Smoking Policy • •

Ferguson Center is a smoke free building. Smoking is not permitted at any time. The Second Floor Terrace area outside Starbucks has also been designated as a no smoking area. The designated smoking area is located outside the Game Room and Supply Store Entrance on the First Floor.

15. Responsibility The sponsoring organization is responsible for all charges, fees, and any damage resulting from a member of the organization or from anyone attending the event. The sponsoring organization will be assessed the full replacement cost for any damaged furniture, draperies, carpeting, etc. Users of departmental facilities or grounds must abide by University regulations and Federal, State and local laws. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of future reservations and/or restriction of use of Ferguson Center facilities. 16. Misrepresentation

Student organizations shall not use their privileges for access to university space and services inappropriately. As an example, a student organization should never agree to reserve a meeting room for a non-university group or commercial vendor who would not have access to campus or for whom there would be a fee charged. If a non-university group of any type contacts your student organization about "cosponsorship" for access to space or service, please contact the Event Coordinator for more information.

Student Group Snack Policy 1. Student groups are allowed to bring in snack food and beverages to organizational meeting (subject to the following conditions) not totaling more than $35 in value in to the Ferguson Center. 2. Approved snacks include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pretzels Chips Salsa/Dips Crackers Candy Popcorn Cookies/Brownies Peanuts Baked goods (donuts, breads, Rice Krispie Treats, bread sticks, etc.) Vegetables and fruit platters Whole fruit Sodas Bottled Waters Iced Tea Juice Punch/Lemonade Pre-made hot beverages

3. All incidental items (paper plates, tableware, napkins, and cups) must be provided by the student group. Classic Fare Catering can provide these items for a charge if required in advance. 4. The use of appliances that require and electrical supply (coffeepots, crock pots, etc.) is not permitted. 5. No food preparation is allowed in meeting rooms. 6. Student groups who plan to bring food in to the Ferguson Center must stop at the Information Desk upon entry to the building and inform the Information Desk attendant that they will be bringing food in to the Ferguson Center. 7. Rooms must be left in the condition they were found. All trash must be placed in the trash bags obtained from the Ferguson Center Information Desk.

8. Organizations that fail to follow the above guidelines or abuse the snack food policy can have their privileges revoked by the Ferguson Center Union Directors Office. 9. This policy only applies to registered student organizations. All University Departments and outside organizations must use Bama Dining/Classic Fare Catering to provide refreshments. Information Table/Promotional Table Space Policy 1. Distribution of literature, petition drives, surveys, and similar activities in Ferguson Center may be conducted only from a reserved information table location. 2. Tables are only available for registered student organizations and University Departments. 3. In order to protect the rights of patrons, distributions or solicitation is not allowed away from assigned space in other parts of Ferguson Center or outside of Ferguson Center. Group members should remain behind the table and not approach patrons in the hallway area. 4. Group members must remain with the table at all times. Groups cannot leave information displays unattended. 5. Amplified sound (i.e., radios, TVs, etc.) may be used only with permission from the Event Planning Office and must be at an acceptable volume level. The Ferguson Center EPO reserves the right to ask groups to lower the volume on sound equipment. 6. Tables can be reserved for up to one week (Monday-Friday) for a specific activity or promotion. 7. Information tables reserved during Study Week or Finals Week should not be staffed by students. 8. Student groups must adhere to the same policies as outside vendors regarding the prohibition of credit cards, cellular/paging, etc

Tentative 2006 – 2006

October 2, 2006 November 7, 2006 November 27, 2006 January 29, 2007 February 12, 2007 March 5, 2007 April 9, 2007 All FAC Packets are due in the SGA office by 4:45 p.m. the Monday prior to the meeting Date. Meetings are scheduled at 6:00 p.m.


2006 – 2007

DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR FAC REIMBURSEMENT 1. Reimbursements require original receipts or invoices. Staple (don’t clip) these to the voucher to help keep the documentation with the voucher. 2.

If a receipt does not detail the items purchased, a description of each item on the receipt must be submitted.

3. Appropriate documentation required for reimbursement includes the following: a. Original receipts. b. Canceled checks. c. Credit Card slips. d. Bank statements that give details of paid checks. e. Credit Card statements. f. Original and detailed folios from hotels. g. If travel, names of ALL students on trip. 4. Honorariums require proof of social security number and address (copy of driver’s license is acceptable).

PERSON TO BE REIMBURSED MUST BE THE SAME AS ON RECEIPT EXCEPT WHEN: • Organization has previously reimbursed the students (Proof of that reimbursement must be attached). • Department has previously reimbursed the students and the department is to be reimbursed by a departmental transfer (DTA).

THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA HAZING POLICY PREFACE Simply defined, hazing includes any act which inflicts extreme physical, emotional, or psychological pressure or injury on an individual or which purposely demeans, degrades, or disgraces an individual. Though most commonly associated with sororities and fraternities, hazing can occur in any student organization. Alabama is one of 31 states with anti-hazing legislation. In the State of Alabama, individuals committing acts of hazing can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor and can be subject to both criminal and civil prosecution. Additionally, an individual or organization participating in hazing or knowingly permitting hazing forfeits entitlements to public funds, scholarships, awards, and grants.

The University of Alabama does not condone any form of hazing, and students involved in hazing incidents are subject to University disciplinary sanctions. The University has accepted and approved the following antihazing policy: Hazing, as defined by Section 16-1-23, Code of Alabama (1975), and such Section as may be amended from time to time. Additionally, for the purpose of this Code, hazing shall include any mental or physical requirement or obligation placed upon a person by a member of an organization, individual or a group of individuals, which could cause discomfort, pain, or injury including, but not limited to, striking, laying open hand upon, treating with violence or offering to do bodily harm to a person with intent to punish or injure the individual, or other treatment of a tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting, or humiliating nature. Hazing is an action taken or situation created, whether on or off University premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Hazing is also considered to be the creation of a situation, which results in or might result in mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule, including involuntary servitude, often called “personal favors.” Both individuals and organizations may be held accountable for such activity. We, the undersigned, have read and understand the above statements concerning the policies of The University of Alabama and the Campus Activities Office prohibiting hazing in any form or fashion. Our signatures attest that our organization follows and adheres to all University, local, state and federal laws. __________________________________________


Name of Organization

President Signature



Vice President

Advisor Signature _______________________________ Date

STUDENT ORGANIZATION UPDATE FORM (SEMESTER) ______ (YEAR) ______ OFFICIAL ORGANIZATION NAME (The University of Alabama should not be part of the official group name, “Bama”, “Alabama” or “University” is acceptable.) ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS (if applicable) ORGANIZATION WEBSITE (if applicable) NUMBER OF CURRENT MEMBERS

Is this group a local chapter of a national/international organization? YES* NO

*If this organization is a campus chapter of a local, state, regional national or international organization, please submit with the campus constitution and by-laws a copy of the local, state, regional, national or international constitution and by-laws.

ORGANIZATION OFFICERS By signing below, we hereby give our consent to release our grades for official education purposes to the advisor(s) of the above named organization and the Campus Activities Office. We grant this permission as long as we are officers of this organization. PRESIDENT Student Full Name

E-mail Address

Complete Local Mailing Address City VICE PRESIDENT Student Full Name


Complete Local Mailing Address TREASURER Student Full Name



Complete Local Mailing Address


Zip Code Local Phone Number E-mail Address Zip Code Local Phone Number E-mail Address


Zip Code Local Phone Number

Campus Wide ID Number X Student’s Signature Campus Wide ID Number X Student’s Signature Campus Wide ID Number X Student’s Signature

DECLARATION OF ADVISOR I am aware of the responsibilities of a student organization advisor as outlined in the Student Handbook (, and I agree to serve as advisor for the above named organization during the current academic year. 1. Faculty/Staff Advisor Name Campus E-Mail Address Campus Wide ID Number X University Department/Office Campus Box Number Campus Phone Number Advisor’s Signature 2. Faculty/Staff Advisor Name Campus E-Mail Address Campus Wide ID Number X University Department/Office Campus Box Number Campus Phone Number Advisor’s Signature We hereby certify that the above named organization will abide by and conduct all activities in accordance with state and federal law, the organization constitution and by-laws, and the policies and procedures governing student organizations as formulated by The University of Alabama and stated in the Student Handbook ( Additionally, we, the undersigned, certify that organization membership currently includes at least ten (10) or more students enrolled at The University of Alabama and verify that the information appearing on this form is true and correct to be best of our knowledge. This information may be released for directory and mailing purposes. The Campus Activities Office will receive written notification of any changes occurring in the organizational constitution and by-laws, officers, advisors, or general status.

X President Signature


X Faculty/Staff Advisor Signature


Date Received ________________ Approved By ___________________________________________ Date ___________________ Entered By _________________ Date __________________ Category _________________________________ Mailbox # _______



SOCIAL EVENT REGISTRATION FORM Purpose: This form is used to register on-campus events. Social events include parties, swaps, band parties, formals, receptions, theme parties and social activities in Greek houses, residence halls and other facilities. Some events may also require submission of Campus Ground Use/ Amplification Equipment request forms. Registering: Organizations registering on-campus events must submit this completed form, additional forms (if necessary) and all applicable fees to the Campus Activities Office during regular business hours at least five (5) working days prior to the event. Submission of this form does not imply registration has been accepted. All registrations will be processed within five (5) days of receipt; and the event chairperson will receive a copy of this form. Failure to follow social event registration procedures may result in the loss of an organization’s social privileges. See Part V of STUDENT AFFAIRS HANDBOOK for the complete policy.

Note: Events featuring musical entertainment (band, disc jockey, or other performers) require a $6 per event royalty fee made payable to The University of Alabama at the time the function is registered. _____________________________________ Name of Organization(s) ____________________________________ Date of Event ____________________________________ Day of Event Facility Reservation Confirmed Will an admission fee be charged? If yes, how much? $__________

Yes Yes

No No

_____________________________________ _________________________________________ Type of Event Place of Event Time from _______AM/PM to _____AM/PM Number of Guest/Members Attending______ N/A Will Alcohol be present? Alcohol Permit: Single


or Outside



Yes No Annual N/A

**IF THE EVENT IS CLOSED, DESCRIBE METHOD OF LIMITING ACCESS TO THE EVENT AND OF IDENTIFYING GUESTS MEMBERS:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Complete the following items if alcoholic beverages will be present: 1. The organization plans to use the following acceptable method of identifying members/guests who are of the legal drinking age (21 in the state of Alabama): (check one) ____distinctive stamp not not easily imitated or duplicated. _____colored wrist bracelets. 2. Describe plans to provide sufficient food and alternative beverages to members/guests for the duration of the event. 3. Describe method of providing transportation to those unable to drive and of preventing intoxicated members/guest from driving.

SPONSOR INFORMATION __________________________________________________________

CO-SPONSOR _____________________________________________________________

President Name Phone President Name Phone E-Mail Address ______________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Vice President Name Phone Vice President Name Phone E-Mail Address ______________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Secretary Name Phone Secretary Name Phone E-Mail Address ______________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Treasurer Name Phone Treasurer Name Phone E-Mail Address ______________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Event Chairperson Name Phone Event Chairperson Name Phone E-Mail Address ______________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ ******************************************************************************************** _______________________________________________________


Advisor Signature Phone E-Mail Address _____________________________

Advisor Signature E-Mail Address _________________________________

Faculty Advisor Signature ____________________ E-Mail Address _____________ Phone_________

Faculty Advisor Signature _________________________ E-Mail Address ________________ Phone __________


_______________________________________________ President Signature Phone

President Signature


I hereby certify that, as the event chairperson for this organization, I am at least 21 years of age (for functions with alcohol). I understand that I am responsible for coordinating and overseeing this event. I hereby agree that I will be present for the duration of the event. I will be available to meet with any University official to review the procedures which are to be followed for registered social functions.



Event Chairperson Signature

Event Chairperson Signature

Do not write below this line

______________________________________________________ Registration Accepted/Rejected

Reason ______________________________

________________________________________ For the Campus Activities Office

______________________ Date

The University of Alabama

Date Received _________________________ BMI/ASCAP _________________________ Permit Number _______________________ Security Pmt. Received _____________________

The Campus Activities Office ALCOHOL BEVERAGE PERMIT Application and Agreement Date:___________________ Type of Permit: _____annual _____single event Applicant’s Name:_________________________________________________________________ Designated Location:_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (Describe the site or facility. If Single Event, describe the social event and provide date.) ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

I, the undersigned, a duly authorized representative or officer of the Applicant, for and on behalf of the Applicant hereby apply for the Permit described above. By signing this Permit Agreement and for the period of time for which the Permit is issued, the Applicant agrees:

1. To abide by and comply with all provisions set forth in the Social Event Alcohol Policy. 2. To abide by and comply with all state and local laws applicable to a social event at which alcoholic beverages are present and consumed.

3. To permit any State of Alabama Beverage Control Board official and any University of Alabama representative to inspect the area or premises that is being used for the social event.

4. Not to offer either as an association or organization with any person, group, or organization anything of value as a premium or consideration to have alcoholic beverages served or available at a social event.

5. Not to advertise or give public notice of the use, availability, or consumption of alcoholic beverages at an upcoming social event. The Applicant understands a violation of the conditions set forth in this Permit Application and Agreement may subject the Applicant to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct published in the Student Affairs Handbook and could result in sanctions, including, but not limited to, imposition of fines and suspension or revocation of the Applicant’s permit. Applicant acknowledges that the Permit is not a license to offer for sale or to sell or distribute alcoholic beverages. The Permit issued by Campus Activities Office serves only as permission from the University of Alabama for a student organization to have alcoholic beverages at an on-campus social event. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Social Event Alcohol Policy.

_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant’s Authorized Representative or Officer Address, City, State and Zip / Phone __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Signature of Faculty Advisor Phone Signature of Chapter Advisor Phone __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊

(FOR CAMPUS ACTIVITIES OFFICE USE ONLY) Date Received_____________ Date Paid ______________ Amount__________________ Approved______ Not Approved_____ Reason___________________________________________________Signature__________________________

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