Student Appraisal-song Analysis

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,885
  • Pages: 12

MATRIC NO.: A129308




In this first assignment of critical appreciation, I had chosen three songs that I like to be analyze. The first and second songs are songs that had been written and performed by Jason Mraz. Jason Mraz is famously known for his style of songs which i s s o f t r o c k a n d h i s i n t e l l i g e n c e w a y w i t h w o r d s . H e a l w a ys s h a r e d h i s v i e w w i t h t h e l i s t e n e r. H i s s o n g s e n t i t l e d ‘ L i v e H i g h ’ and ‘Make It Mine’ are my choice for this task. This is because both of those songs are very inspiring and encouraging for me. My third choice of song is ‘Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy’, a song that had been written by Freddie Mercury and Brian May for t h e i r b a n d ( Q u e e n ) t h e n s u n g b y h i m a n d h i s b a n d ’s m e m b e r, M i k e Stone. Jason Mraz also sing this song as a cover song.

I n J a s o n M r a z ’s s o n g e n t i t l e d “ L i v e H i g h ” , i t i s a b o u t t h e optimism and inspiration in life. In the first verse of the song, he is using similes to say that he sees her/girl as a “carbon atom” which is maybe due to the fact that human is made up of carbon atoms. Then he also mentioned that he sees her/girl as “her own new world”. I think this is meaning that each girl is different because each of them lives a different life. Beside that, Jason Mraz also uses metaphor in last couplet of the first verse, “Though a home is on the surface, she is still a universe”. As for me, the couplet means that though all human lives on earth but every girl has their own world which state that each girl is d i f f e r e n t f r o m o n e a n o t h e r. H e a l s o u s e s i m a g e r y i n t h e s e c o n d verse of the song, “Glory God, oh God is peeking through the blinds” to tell us that although we cannot exactly see God with o u r e y e s b u t G o d w i l l a l w a ys t h e r e a n d w a t c h i n g o v e r u s . T h e r e i s a use of metaphor in line, “Are we all here standing naked, taking guesses at the actual date and time”. He did not mean it literally but metaphorically he wonder if we just standing there and have no idea what is going on and clueless about life. In the third verse, Mraz talk about hyperboles about men and explain that men should not be judge by the bad characteristics that alwa ys been linked to the m. He co mpar e men uses si mi le “as a giving tree” and “as a matter”. Then he states that not all men a r e b a d a n d m e n a c t u a l l y k i n d i n t h e s e p h r a s e s , “ M a t t e r f a c t h e ’s

n o t a b e a s t , N o n o t a d e v i l e i t h e r, A l w a y s a g o o d d e e d d o e r ” . H e a l s o u s e m e t a p h o r i n p h r a s e , “ Ye a h , l i f e i s b u t a d r e a m ” which implies that life sometimes can be like a dream because we do not know what will happen next.

This song entitled “Make it mine” which had been written and performed by Jason Mraz himself. In the first verse of this song, he started it with metaphoric phrases, “How can you sleep at a tim e like this, unless the dreamer is the real you” (sim ile). The phrases implied that how could we just ‘sleep’ and ignore the wonderful matter in the world, unless we are dreamers whom p r e f e r t o l i v e i n d r e a m / i m a g i n a r y r a t h e r t h a n f a c e t h e r e a l i t y. Then he uses alliteration in the phrase, “taste past the tip of your tongue” which repeat the word ‘T’ as well as in the phrase, “make it mine” which repeats the word ‘M’. The phrase, “to taste past the tip of your tongue” suggests that we should be able to live to the fullest and out of the box. In the third verse, Mraz tell us that he want to live his life to the fullest for every m o m e n t . “ I d o n ’ t w a n n a w a k e u p b e f o r e , t h e d r e a m i s o v e r, I ’ m gonna make it mine”. From the phrase, he uses ‘the dream’ as a symbol to his life and the whole phrase implies that he does not want to awake from the feeling of satisfaction before his life ends. There is also the use of metaphor in the phrase, “I keep my l i f e o n a h e a v y r o t a t i o n , r e q u e s t i n g t h a t i t ’s l i f t i n g y o u u p , u p , u p a n d a w a y, a n d o v e r t o a t a b l e a t t h e g r a t i t u d e c a f é ” . H e i s telling us that he likes to try new thing so he always do changes in his life in the line, “I keep my life on a heavy rotation”. He also tell us that we should be content and thankful for what we have in the phrase, “over to a table at the gratitude café”. The phrase, “And I am finally there, and all the angels they’ll be

singing” is metaphoric where he states that he finally had reach the point of happiness in his life. He also uses hyperbole in the p h r a s e , “ We l l I d o n ’ t w a n n a w a i t n o m o r e , o h I w a n n a celebrate the whole world” which tells that he wants to appreciate and live his life to the fullest that he can.

Last but not least, the song entitled Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy written by Freddie Mercury for his band, Queen. This song is mainly about love between a man and his beloved one. In the first verse of this song, he uses personification in the phrase, “And sing you songs full of sad things” where he means that he want to sing a sad song for his beloved. Then he uses metaphor in the phrase, “I can serenade and gently play on your heartstring”. I think what he actually means is he want to cherish their love and took a good care of his beloved feeling in order to maintaining their love. He also uses symbolism in the phrase, “Be your valentino just for you” where ‘valentino’ s y m b o l i z e a s b e l o v e d o r l o v e r. I n t h e t h i r d v e r s e , h e u s e s metaphor in the phrase, “Ooh can you feel my love heat” which m e a n s h e a s k h i s l o v e r w h e t h e r s h e c a n f e e l h i s l o v e f o r h e r. T h e p h r a s e “ s i t o n m y h o t s e a t o f l o v e ” i s h yp e r b o l e w h e r e h e w a n t his lover to fill in the place that he had provided just for his beloved one in his heart(meaning he really love her). Next the phrase, “And use my fancy patter on the telephone” contain symbolism where he s ymbolize ‘my fancy patter ’ as persuasion or wordplay to persuade his lover when they have a conversation on the telephone. Anaphora is also used in the song, because “lover boy” is repeated a few times in different spots of the song.


In conclusion, most of all songs do have figurative language and poetic devices in order to make the song more interesting. Beside that, every songs whether its an English songs or other language songs such as Malay or Chinese had its own meaning or stor y behind it. A song often reflects the lyricist experiences and views or other people experiences. For example in the song ‘Live High’, Jason Mraz tried to share his view on life which is very optimistic. He tried to inspire the listener to appreciate and look ever ything that happened in a positive perspective. There will alwa ys be a sun behind the dark cloud. So does in the song ‘Make I t M i n e ’ . I t a l s o c o n v e ys t h e m e s s a g e t h a t w e s h o u l d l i v e o u r l i f e t o t h e f u l l e s t a n d t r y t o r e a c h f o r s t a r. T h e n i n t h e s o n g ‘ G o o d Old-Fashioned Lover Boy’ tell us the story about love between a

man and his lover where he willing to do many things for the person he love. It also tell us their experience about love.

Live High By Jason Mraz

I try to picture a girl Through a looking glass See her as a carbon atom See her eyes and stare back at them See that girl As her own new world Though a home is on the surface, she is still a universe Glory God, oh God is peeking through the blinds Are we all here standing naked Taking guesses at the actual date and time Oh my, justifying reasons why Is an absolutely insane resolution to live by Live high

Live mighty Live righteously Takin it easy Live high, live mighty Live righteously Try to picture the man To always have an open hand And see him as a giving tree See him as matter Matter fact he's not a beast No not the devil either Always a good deed doer And it's laughter that we're making after all The call of the wild is still an ordination why And the order of the primates All our politics are too late Oh my, the congregation in my mind Is this assembly singing of gratitude Practicing their lovin for you Live high Live mighty Live righteously Takin it easy Live high, live mighty Oh live righteously Take it all, And just take it easy And celebrate the malleable reality You see nothing is ever as it seems Yeah this life is but a dream Lift me up to the almighty Raise your hands and start acknowledging Live high, live high Live mighty, mighty, mighty, Oh live righteously Takin it easy Live high, live mighty Oh live righteously Just take, just just taking it easy Live high Oh live mighty, mighty, Oh live righteously Take it all, just take it, take it easy

See live high, Oh live righteously Just take it easy

Make It Make By Jason Mraz

How can you sleep at a time like this? Unless the dreamer is the real you Listen to your voice The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue Leap and the net will appear I don't wanna wake before The dream is over I'm gonna make it mine Yes, I... I wanna own it I'm gonna make it mine Yes, I'll make it all mine

I keep my life on a heavy rotation Requesting that it's lifting you up Up, up and away And over to a table at the gratitude café And I am finally there Well, I don't wanna break before the tour is over I'm gonna make it mine That's right, I... I wanna own it I'm gonna make it mine Yes, I'll make it all mine Yes I will make it all mine And timing's everything, and this time there's plenty I am balancing, Careful and steady, And reveling in energy that everyone's emitting Well, I don't wanna wait no more Oh, I wanna celebrate the whole world I'm gonna make it mine Because I'm following your joy I'm gonna make it mine Because I... I am opened I'm gonna make it mine That's right... I wanna show it I'm gonna make it, it mine gonna make, gonna make, gonna make, gonna make, gonna make, make it, make it mine (I'll make it mine) yes, mine (I'll make it mine) yes, mine (I'll make it mine) oooh mine Yes, I will make it all, make it all mine Yes, i will make it all

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy Freddie Mercury and Brian May

I can dim the lights And sing you songs full of sad things We can do the tango just for two I can serenade and gently play On your heart strings Be your Valentino just for you

Ooh love, Ooh loverboy What ya doin' tonight, hey boy? Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old fashioned loverboy Ooh let me feel your heartbeat (Grow faster faster) Ooh can you feel my love heat Come on and sit on my hot seat of love And tell me how do you feel right after all I'd like for you and I to go romancing Say the word your wish is my command Ooh love, Ooh loverboy What ya doin' tonight, hey boy? Write my letter Feel much better And use my fancy patter on the telephone When I'm not with you I think of you always I miss you (I miss those long hot summer nights) When I'm not with you Think of me always, I love you, love you Hey boy, where did you get it from? Hey boy, where did you go? I learned my passion In the good old fashioned school of loverboys Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine precisely (One two three four five six seven eight nine o'clock) I will pay the bill, you taste the wine Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely Just take me back to yours that will be fine (Come on and get it) Ooh love (There he goes again) Ooh lover boy (Goes my good old-fashioned lover boy) What you did tonight, hey boy? Ev'rything's all right, just hold on tight That's because I'm a good old fashioned (fashioned) loverboy

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