Structured Interview Guide

  • May 2020
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Lesson: 16 Structured Interview Guide Contents: o Applicant interview guide o Information technology and HR o Lighter side to HRM

APPLICANT INTERVIEW GUIDE To the interviewer: This Applicant Interview Guide is, intended to assist in employee selection and placement. If it is used for all applicants for a position, it will help you to compare them, and it will provide more objective information than you will obtain from unstructured interviews. Because this is a general guide, all of the items may not apply in every instance. Skip those that are not applicable and add questions appropriate to the specific position. Space for additional questions will be found at the end of the form. Federal law prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, and, in most instances, age. The laws of most states also ban some or all of the above types of discrimination in employment as well as discrimination based on marital status or ancestry. Interviewers should take care to avoid any questions that suggest that an employment decision will be made on the basis of any such factors. Everybody let us now try to fill up this form Job Interest Name ___________________________________________________________ Position applied for_________________________________________________ What do you think the job (position) involves? __________________________________________________________ Why do you want the job (position)? ___________________________________ Why are you qualified for it? __________________________________________

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What would your salary requirements be? ________________________________ What do you know about our company? _________________________________ Why do you want to work for us? _______________________________________ Current Work Status Are you now employed? ______ Yes -_________No. If not, how long have you been Unemployed? _________________________________________________________ Why are you unemployed? _____________________________________________ If you are working, why are you applying for this position? ____________________________________________________________ When would you be available to start work with us? _________________________________________________________________ Work Experience (Start with the applicant's current or last position and work back. All periods of time should be accounted for. Go back at least 12 years, depending upon the applicant's age. Military service should be treated as a job.) Current or last Employer _____________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Dates of employment: from___________________ to___________________________ Current or last job title_____________________________________________________ What are (were) your duties?_______________________________________________ Have you held the same job throughout your employment with that company? Yes ____ No____ If not, describe the various jobs you have had with that employer, how long you held each of them, and the main duties of each. What was your starting salary? ______________________________________________ What are you earning now? _________________________________________________ Name of your last or current supervisor _______________________________________ What did you like most about that job? ________________________________________

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What did you like least about it? _____________________________________________ Why are you thinking of leaving? ___________________________________________ Why are you leaving right now? _____________________________________________ Interviewer's comments or observations ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ What did you do before you took, your last job? _______________________________________________________________________ Where were you employed? ________________________________________________ Location____________________________ Job title_____________________________ Duties__________________________________________________________________ Did you, hold the same job throughout your employment with that company? ______Yes – No ____If not, describe the jobs you held, when you held them and the duties of each ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What was your starting salary? ______________________________________________ What was your final salary? _________________________________________________ Name of your last supervisor ________________________________________________ May we contact that company? ___Yes ___ No What did you like most about that job? _______________________________________________________________________ What did you like least about that job? ________________________________________ Why did you leave that job? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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Would you consider working there again?__________________________________________________________________ Interviewer comments or Observations_____________________________________________________________ What other jobs or experience have you had? Describe them briefly and explain the general duties of each._____________________________________________________ Have you been unemployed at any time in the last five years_______ Yes _____ No. What efforts did you make to find work?___________________________________ What other experience- or training do you have that would help qualify you for the job you applied for? Explain how and where you obtained this experience or____________ Training. _______________________________________________________________ Educational Background What education or training do you have that would help you in the job for which you have applied?_________________________________________________________ Describe any formal education you have had (Interviewer may substitute technical training, if relevant.)____________________________________________________ Off-Job Activities What do you do in your Off-hours? - Part-time job - Athletics - Spectator sports - Clubs – Other. Please explain.______________________________________________________ Interviewer's Specific Questions Interviewer: Add any questions to the particular job for which you are interviewing, leaving space for brief answers (Be careful to avoid questions which may be viewed as discriminatory)___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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________________________________________________________________________ Personal Would you be willing to relocate? ______ Yes ______ No Are you willing to travel? ___Yes____ No

Article The Time is Here for Automated Time and Attendance Systems

Information Technology and HR To be strategic players in the organization, HR department employees must have information at their fingertips. Time and attendance systems provide vast amounts of HR data that can be used to create valuable management reports, ranging from payroll information to absenteeism, money transaction, general employee information, actual hours worked vs. budgeted hours, and employee activity reports. Data can be collected using punch cards, keypads, bar-coded cards, badges with magnetic strips that employees swipe through a reader, or a biometric reader that uses measurements of each employee’s hand to allow him/her to enter information into the system. Time and attendance software systems can also operate with interactive voice response (IVR). These can be set up to work through the Internet, on a regular company computer network, across telephone lines, or on all three. A primary use of an IVR-operated time and attendance system is the efficient scheduling of staff, one of the most important functions of the HR department. Today’s sophisticated time and attendance software systems are omniscient— they know where people are, what they want, what they can and cannot do, and who can and who cannot be trusted to come in when they say they will. Such software can be programmed to incorporate dozens—even hundreds—of possible scenarios. Scheduling basics such as vacation time, overtime and budgets can be taken into account, as well as tracking functions such as who has signed up to work but not shown up. A key advantage is that such a system operates 24 hours per day, and can therefore handle last-minute scheduling changes. An IVR-operated time and attendance system can be invaluable in complex settings, such as school boards, which have: employees who need to be replaced from time to time (such as part-time teachers),employees who may have to be replaced at the last minute (such as full-time faculty members); and employees who are never replaced (such as the principal). At Edmonton’s Public School Board, for example, a computerdriven telephone system has automated teacher absence reporting, and handles 600 to 800 placements per day. Using such a system, replacement workers can be contacted based on a number of different programmed criteria. Such criteria might involve random calls, or calls in alphabetical order, by seniority or according to the top 10 preferred substitutes. Key advantages include the fact that the likelihood of several schools calling the same

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person to cover on a particular day can be eliminated, while the likelihood of a school obtaining the preferred substitute is increased (provided he or she is available, of course). Such software can assume a personal touch, if so desired. An example would be permitting a teacher calling in sick to leave a recorded message for his or her substitute regarding scheduled activities, topics to be covered, etc. The system can also be programmed so that when the principal calls in sick no replacement is contacted, whereas when the head caretaker phones in, the system calls the secondary caretaker to advise that he or she will be assuming the leadership role that day. Another setting in which an IVR system can be invaluable is one that is volume-driven, such as a hospital. To schedule staff, hospital unit heads normally discuss any scheduling discrepancies and assign workers according to their expertise and the unit’s needs, something that can take hours of valuable (and expensive) time. Because no one group of people can possibly be aware of all of the hospital’s scheduling needs, one department may end up sending people home on paid leave while another pays people overtime to fill in. A scheduling system knows who is currently working, each person’s areas of expertise, and who is needed where. Because an automated system involves dialing in using a specific telephone and PIN number, paperwork is eliminated, as is the need for expensive and bulky equipment such as time clocks. Another key advantage of both IVR systems and biometric collection devices is that employee misuse is eliminated, as happens when one employee “punches in” for a tardy or absent colleague.

Lighter side to HRM A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long? " The crow answered: "Sure, why not. " So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

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