Stress And Performance

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  • Words: 1,110
  • Pages: 33
Occupational stress • Occupational stress can be defined as the "harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the worker" (Sauter and Murphy. 1999).

Organisational stress and job Performance What is performance? Performance is defined as an activity in which an individual is able to accomplish successfully the task/goal assigned, subject to normal constraint of the reasonable utilisation of available resources.(Jamal 1984). Job performance has studied in relation to organisational stress and quite inconsistent findings have emerged:

• Performance is defined as the outcomes and accomplishments valued by the organization or system that one works in.

• Each individual is exposed to a range of stressors both at work and in their personal lives which ultimately affect his or her performance. • Pressure at work can be positive leading to increased productivity. when this pressure becomes • However, excessive it has a negative impact. The individual perceive themselves as being unable to cope and not to possess the necessary skills to combat their stress. Stress is acknowledged to be one of the main causes of absence from work (Mead, 2000).

• The occupational stressors can be categorized into four major groups. Firstly, the working conditions, including shift and week-end work, inadequate remuneration, hours of work, discrimination and safety at the work environment. Secondly, relationships at work including quality of relationships with peers, subordinates and supervisors. Thirdly, role conflict and ambiguity including ill-defined role, functions, expectations, and duties.

• Fourthly, organization structure and climate which includes communication policy and practice, major changes in the workplace, culture of the organization, and lack of participation in decisionmaking. Another cause is career development including under utilization of skills or failing to reach full potential. • Another contributing factor is the nature of the job which might • amount to an immense amount of physical and emotional exhaustion

Relationship between job performance and organisational stress

• 3 types of relationships have emerged from findings: Positive linear relationship Negative linear relationship Inverted U relationship.

Positive linear relationship  In a positive linear relationship between stress and job performance, stress is equated with challenge to be treated as the occasion for constructive activity and high performance.  At low level of stress the individual faces little challenge, he would not display an improved performance.  At moderate level of stress, the individual is slightly aroused in the terms of challenge, thus he/she is slightly expected to show improved performance.

 At a high level of stress, the individual experiences substantial arousal thus would be expected to display high improved performance.

Negative linear relationship  A negative linear relationship between stress and performance implies that stress is a noxious stimulus, aversive to most individuals.  Those facing stress would waste most of their energy in coping with stress.  Their performance would be negatively affected.

Inverted U Relationship • It is evident that a high degree of stress results in decrease in the level of performance. • Low levels of stress cause bored room and results in lack of stimulation, motivation and challenge are associated with low levels of performance.As level of stress the performance is higher. • A moderate degree of stress stimulates one to face challenge and is necessary for higher level of performance. However a moderate stress over a long period may prove more harmful than a short time high level of stress.


Personality and Stress

• Individuals personality has a major effect on his or her behavior. • Research conducted by Kobasa suggests that hardy personalities can adapt positively to the stressor. • Kobasa identifies 3 general characteristics of them: The believe that they can control and influence events in their lives.

Committed to their activities in life Enjoy anticipating challenges

• Low hardiness Personality assess stressors pessimistically, view stressful life as unchangeable disruptions to normal course of their behavior and try to escape from stressors.

• Research done by kahn states that people do suffer from neurotic anxiety. • People suffering from high neurotic anxiety have a lower tolerance to organizational stress rather then their counter parts.

• Rotter has done research on: People with internal and external locus of control. Another dimension for research was extroversion and introversion. Another dimension for research was flexibility rigidity dimension.

A simple division of preference or personality type is into Type A and Type B, which is based broadly on anxiety and stress levels.

• Type A The Type A personality generally lives at a higher stress level. This is driven by :  They enjoy achievement of goals, with greater enjoyment in achieving of more difficult goals. They are thus constantly working hard to achieve these.  They find it difficult to stop, even when they have achieved goals.  They feel the pressure of time, constantly working flat out.  They are highly competitive and will, if necessary create competition.  They hate failure and will work hard to avoid it.  They are generally pretty fit and often well-educated (a result of their anxiety

• Type B  The Type B personality generally lives at a lower stress level and are typically:  They work steadily, enjoying achievements but not becoming stressed when they are not achieved.  When faced with competition, they do not mind losing and either enjoy the game or back down.  They may be creative and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts.  They are often reflective, thinking about the outer and inner worlds.

TYPE A • High degree of ambition and drive • Extremely competitive • Exhibits a high level of aggressiveness • Constantly working against time

Type B • High level of patience • Easy going and relaxed • Less likely to over react to situations in hostile or aggressive ways. • Unconcerned about time pressures.


Stress Effects • Individual effects(physical, psychological and behavioral) • Organizational Effects: Burden of high costs to the organization Absenteeism and turnover Resistance to change Workplace violence The loss of intellectual capital

Stress coping strategies • Coping has been defined as problem solving efforts made by an individual faced with demands that are highly relevant to his welfare.

• Stress reduction strategies • Stress resilience strategies • Stress Recuperation strategies

Stress reduction strategies • • • •

Simple and effective planning Time Management Delegation of authority Development of network and social support • Choosing or altering the work environment

Stress Resilience strategies • Exercise • Good nutritional habits • Regular physical checkups

Stress Recuperation strategies • • • • • • •

Meditation Transcendental meditation Antigenic Training Biofeedback Progressive relaxation Vipassana yoga

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