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Research Title Strategies In Dealing With Bullies Of Selected Grade 8 Students of Malate Catholic School


Bullying is to use superior strength or influence to intimidate someone. It is an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious lasting problems like depression, low self-esteem, low confidence and even suicide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. There are thought to be at least four types of bullying. Such as physical bullying, relational bullying, reactive bullying, and verbal bullying. The experience of being bullied is painful and difficult. Bullying has a negative effect on everyone, including the bully, the target, the people who witness it, and anyone else connected to it.

Page |2 According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Service's site, being bullied can lead to negative health and emotional issues including, depression, anxiety, changes in sleep and eating, loss of interest, health issues and decrease in academic achievement. Statistics on bullying suggest that 28% of students from grades six through 12 have a history of being the victim of bullying, while 30% of high school students acknowledge having bullied other students. About 10%-14% of children have been the victim of bullying for more than six months. Most victims of cyberbullying have also been victims of school bullying. Studies show that teachers often underestimate how much bullying is occurring at their school since they only see about 4% of bullying incidents that occur. Further, victims of bullying only report it to school adults one-third of the time, usually when the bullying is being suffered repeatedly or has caused injury. Parents tend to be aware their child is being bullied only about half the time.

Here in the Philippines, there has been an implementation of the AntiBullying act. The policies under the Anti Bullying Act clearly protects students against bullying while on school grounds and within its perimeter. Bullying is thought to be the result of the bully's need to get and keep control over someone else. The aggression that is involved in bullying is thought to interfere with the empathy needed to refrain from bullying others. The aggression is described as being of two different types: proactive aggression and reactive aggression.

Page |3 Teens who bully are at greater risk for engaging in delinquent behaviors, including vandalism, as well as violence inside and outside of school. They are also at risk of substance abuse and dropping out of school.

Like any other schools in the Philippines and the world, students of Malate Catholic School also experience bullying and it has been a problem since then, that's why this issue lead the Student Coordinating Board to conduct a campaign last school year about anti-bullying which they made a case study and a documentary. They interviewed students who experienced bullying. Either being a bully or the victim of bullying has been found to increase the risk of engaging in self-harm, as well as suicidal thoughts and actions in both boys and girls increase their severity of anxiety. Bullying is a common issue when growing up, but it’s an issue that shouldn’t be brushed away. Solving it takes action from members of the entire community and addressing the issue head-on will bring it out into the open. Support must be given to those who are bullied, those who witness bullying, and the bullies themselves. The researchers want to help them with the strategies that they are going to do if they find themselves in the same situation. By doing this, the researchers can help the students who experience it, the bully, and the people around them. Bullying has been a problem of many students around the world that is why a research like this needs to be conducted.

Page |4 Statement of the problem This study aims to explore the different strategies in dealing with bullies of selected Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School. Specifically, this seeks to find out: 1. Where and when do you experience bullying? 2. What are the different forms/kinds of bullying did you experience? 3. How did they deal with the bullies?

Scope and Delimitation Out of 134 Gr. 8 students in Malate Catholic School, 20 students were used as a sample in conducting this investigation. This study focused on what, among all the strategies, are the most common and effective in dealing with bullies.

This study limits its coverage on the Gr. 8 students of the current school year only because last school year, the Student Coordinating Board created a campaign about anti-bullying. Its main purpose is to identify on what were their strategies and how did the strategies worked. Also, to propose possible solutions and more understandings about this problem.

This study considers not only the side of the bullied, but also the bully. On what reason led them to bully, family problems or psychological problems, what strategies did they use and what was the most effective.

Page |5 Each of the respondents will be interviewed carefully in their preferred time and their identities will remain anonymous for their own safety. No personal information will be mentioned in this research.

Significance of the study The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

Students: The results of this investigation will provide the students knowledge and awareness on what to do when faced with bullies. It will give them strategies that will help them to overcome this kind of situation. At the end of this study, students will finally know the effective strategies in dealing with bullies.

Teachers: The given data will help the teachers to understand the bully and the bullied, because these kind of students tend to perform low in class. It will also help them on what to do with the students who bully and experience bullying.

Parents: Like the teachers, this investigation will help the parents to understand why their child is a bully or a victim of bullying. The given result will inform them about some preventive measures and on how to give help to their children.

Guidance Counselor: The given data of this research will give them information on how to really help and treat a student who is a victim of bullying. And how to deal with different kinds/forms of bullying inside the school.

Page |6

The information presented in this investigation may be used as reference data in conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related findings. This study will also serve as their cross-reference that will give them a background or an over-view of the effective strategies in bullying.

Definition of Terms The following terms are used in the current study and are defined operationally for the purpose of the research:

American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States with around 117,500 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Bully is someone who is habitually insulting or threatening others who appear to be weaker, smaller, or in someway vulnerable. Bullying any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, fighting, and the use of available objects as weapons. Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-being. Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue emotional distress.

Page |7 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States, with the goal of improving overall public health. Cyber-bullying is a type of bullying done through the use of technology or electronic means. Intimidate is to compel or deter by or as if by threats. Psychological is directed toward the will or toward the mind specifically in its cognitive function. Physical Bullying is using one’s body to act or exert power over peers. Strategies is a careful plan or method that the victim uses. Superior is situated higher up. Victim is someone who is affected adversely by the bully. Verbal Bullying uses verbal language to gain power over his or her peers.

Page |8 Chapter 2


Anchoring on the purpose of the study, the researcher reviewed literature and studies relevant related to it. The related literature part of this chapter contains the existing literature on who are the bullies, who are the victims of bullying, what are the different forms of bullying, what kind of form did the victims experienced the most, and how did they deal with the bullies. On the other hand, the related studies part reveals the existing research studies that are inclined with the possible motives of the bully, the experience and the strategy of the victim himself, and how they overcome it.

Related Literature Last July 23, 2012 an act was presented at the Senate and House of Representatives. The Anti-bullying Act of 2013 RA 10627 and under section 2 stated that “bullying” refer to any or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the other student or the orderly operation of the school.

Page |9 Today’s bullies are often popular, have many friends, are in the “in crowd,” are often high achievers, socially and academically. They are hard to identify because they enjoy high social status and may even be perceived to be school leaders. This really complicates things because their peers won’t report their aggressive behavior; by doing so it would undermine their ability to be part of the popular group. These bullies use their power and social status to control the school’s social scene. A bully intends to hurt another and has usually established a pattern of hurtful behavior. A bully can be big or small, a boy or a girl, have good or bad grades in school and can be older or younger than you. However, there are some things that most bullies have in common. They like to have to have power and control over others, they think they should always win, they think they should always get what they want, they intend to humiliate others, they lack empathy, and they are very comfortable with their behavior and feel pretty good about themselves (Dryden, 2011).

Victims of bullying include girls and boys of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds. But some children are more likely than others to be victimized because they appear small, weak, insecure, sensitive, or “different” from their peers. The most obvious reason kids become a target for bullying is being different in some way. Victims of bullying show the bullies that they are sensitive and have weaknesses. Kids all have weaknesses, but victims of bullying openly express their weaknesses or at least do not try to hide them. Victims of bullying are also passive, quiet and shy.

P a g e | 10 They do not stand up for themselves and lack assertiveness skills. They may not have a supportive group of friends or there is no support group at all.

There are many different types of bullying that can be experienced by children and adults alike, some are obvious to spot while others can be more subtle. Physical bullying is the most obvious form of bullying. It occurs when kids use physical actions to gain power and control over their targets. Physical bullies tend to be bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than their peers. Examples of physical bullying include kicking, hitting, punching, slapping, shoving, and other physical attacks. Verbal bullying use words, statements, and name-calling to gain power and control over a target.

Typically, verbal bullies will use relentless insults to belittle, demean, and hurt another person. They choose their targets based on the way they look, act, or behave. Relational aggression is a sneaky and insidious type of bullying that often goes unnoticed by parents and teachers. Sometimes referred to as emotional bullying, relational aggression is a type of social manipulation where bullies often ostracize others from a group, spread rumors, manipulate situations, and break confidences. Cyberbullying is where the bully uses the Internet, a smartphone, or other technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Sexual bullying consists of repeated, harmful, and humiliating actions that target a person sexually. And the last form of bullying is prejudicial bullying.

P a g e | 11 It is based on prejudices teens have toward people of different races, religions, or sexual orientation. This type of bullying can encompass all the other types of bullying including cyberbullying, verbal bullying, relational bullying, physical bullying, and sometimes even sexual bullying (Conrad, 2015).

Although schools are doing more to deal bullying, it still happens and here are the most common types of bullying. First is verbal bullying, example is when a child says to another child, "You're really, really fat, and so is your mom." In dealing with this, parents should teach their child about respect and self-respect, in order for them to appreciate their own strengths and be confident. Second is physical bullying, example is when a child gets his pants pulled down on the playground at lunchtime. In dealing with this, victims should start with a casual conversation and try to handle the situations by themselves.

If this still continues, the victim should their parents and/or contact the law enforcement because there are local, state, and federal anti-bullying and harassment laws. Third is relational bullying, example is when a group of girls in dance class keeps talking about a weekend sleepover and sharing pictures, treating the one uninvited child as if she were invisible. In dealing with this, victims should practice or try to have a nightly routine talk with their parents in order for them to know that there are people who love and care about them. And the last common form of bullying is cyberbullying.

P a g e | 12 Example is when someone tweets or posts, "Kayden is a total loser. Why is anyone hanging out with him? He's so gay." In dealing with this, the victims should print out the offending messages including the dates and report it to the school or the law enforcement. (Kjellberg, 2009).

Related Studies For students that are actively bullying or getting victimized, strategy or interventions such as counseling should be provided as a support. Ross (2002, p.120), summarizing Olweus’ work, states “bullying is intentional, a purposeful act, and consequently, one that can be controlled provided that there is strong commitment and willingness to work together on the part of all involved: school personnel, other professionals, parents, and children”. However, before schools can effectively put a whole-school plan into place some groundwork must be securely laid down first. In this groundwork, principals are vital in the success of the program they implement in their schools (Ballard, Argus & Remley, 1999; Harris & Hathorn, 2002). They are the conductors of each category needed in a successful program.

Principals must hold students and staff accountable for their roles in changing the climate of the school and they must allow for the time and manpower implementing a new program will take. Ross (2002, p. 120) explains that first a solid code of conduct must be in place and operating smoothly.

P a g e | 13 These clearly stated rules communicate to all students and staff what the expectation is for behavior and they must be “enforced without exception”. Furthermore, this means that specific procedures must be in place if negative behavior occurs. All staff must be on board, supervising and monitoring their hallways and classrooms and acting on any inappropriate behaviors taking place. It also means that staff members have a responsibility and procedure in place if a student reports an incident to them.

Harris, Petrie & Willoughby (2002, p. 7) state that many students feel that reporting to staff members is unhelpful because they feel either nothing is done on the staff member’s part or that the intervention is ineffective and the bullying may get worse. Harris & Hathorn (2006, p. 55) state that “although teachers understood the social context of bullying, they did not understand the best way to intervene in bullying and many times considered this a personal problem of the individual rather than a problem requiring a cooperative response”. They continue stating “there must be increased efforts for staff development and opportunities for students and teachers to engage in class discussions about bullying”.

For students that are actively bullying or getting victimized, strategy or interventions such as counseling should be provided as a support. Ross (2002, p.120), summarizing Olweus’ work, states “bullying is intentional, a purposeful act, and consequently, one that can be controlled provided that there is strong commitment and willingness to work together on the part of all involved: school

P a g e | 14 personnel, other professionals, parents, and children”. In bullying, adults report that school safety is a mild problem, while students report that it is a severe problem.

School climate encompasses many factors, but there is substantial evidence that a positive school climate engages students in learning and promotes academic achievement and success.

A study of 276 Virginia high schools found that a school climate characterized by lower rates of bullying and teasing was predictive of higher graduation rates four years later (Cornell, Gregory, Huang, & Fan, 2013). Schools with high levels of bullying and teasing had dropout rates 29% above the state average, compared with schools with a low level of bullying and teasing, which had a dropout rate 28% below average. The association between school climate and graduation rates was just as strong as the association between student poverty and graduation rates. There is a compelling need for schools to strengthen their delivery of social-behavioral prevention programs to achieve a well-coordinated, efficient, and comprehensive school-wide approach (Mayer & Furlong, 2010).

Robust National Studies indicate that 70% of students who have been bullied in elementary or high school are also bullied in college. Bullying was more frequently observed in families with separated parents or in the absence of two biologic parents (Olweus, 2016).

P a g e | 15 Bullying is often exerted in the classrooms, but it is also encountered in other parts of the school, like corridors, and rest rooms, as well. Most especially if an adult is not around (Buch, 2013). Davis conducted a study on victim coping techniques where they broke the techniques into two distinct categories, which were behavioral and cognitive strategies. The study found that 74 percent of participant’s preferred behavioral strategies and of those 74 percent, 69 percent of those people found the strategies to be effective. These behavioral strategies included seeking social support, making a creative outlet, or ignoring and confronting the bully (Davis, 2014).

Many children are bullied before they ever walk into a school — they are bullied every day by their parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, and cousins, etc. The truth is you don't have to be a kid to be a bully, you must have to fit the description. Parents, and other family members who intimidate, threaten violence, and demean their children are no different than a bully in school who does the same (Tune, 2012). Unfortunately, a study was conducted at Michigan University last 2014 and the results were that 17% of elementary children were bullied inside their house. They identified being bullied by their parents and other family members by threatening them to do what they want or they will get scolded.

P a g e | 16 Kids are being bullied not only by the class thug, but also by the children who they consider to be friends. A study conducted by Wendy Robinson in 2011 showed that 30% of young children have been bullied by a friend. You can also get situations where a child is afraid to report the bully because it is their or they fear that it might get worse.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry bullying statistics conducted an investigation in 2013 and it stated that 10% of the children who are being bullied confronted the bully at some point and they recall this strategy to be effective.

When being faced by a bully it is important that victims learn to cope and move on from their experiences in order to prevent them from suffering in their personal and professional life like some of the victims in previous studies. Davis et al. (2014) conducted a study on victim coping techniques where they broke the techniques into two distinct categories, which were behavioral and cognitive strategies. Davis et al. (2014) found that 74 percent of participants’ preferred behavioral strategies and of those 74 percent, 69 percent of those people found the strategies to be effective. These behavioral strategies included seeking social support, making a creative outlet, or ignoring the bully.

P a g e | 17 Bullying can cause traumatic stress responses. With these acts of bullying being continuous and going unnoticed, many children who are bullied can in fact develop symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (van der Kolk, Weisaeth, & McFarlane, 2007). That's why a research like this is very important because although many of us experience it, a lot still doesn't know what to do when faced in different kind of situations. This would be a big help to raise awareness and for those who will conduct future investigations, the data that we will find will be very useful for them.

P a g e | 18 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

This chapter describes the research design, respondents, environment, instruments, data gathering procedure, statistical treatments and sampling procedure used in the study.

Research Design

This study features the case study qualitative design because the researchers want an in-depth and detailed investigation on the experience the victims of bullying and on how they dealt with the bullies.

In this study, the researchers will use the data gathered from the interview transcript. Specifically, the data about their experience of bullying, the strategies of the victims, and the different anti-bullying interventions. Having known these various information, it can aid in helping the bully, the victim, and the people around them. The unique experiences of each respondents could give other relevant information that is involved in this research topic.

P a g e | 19 Research Respondents The respondents of this research would be the selected 20 Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School who experienced bullying.

Research Environment The research environment is in Malate Catholic School located at 1030 A. Mabini St. cor. San Andres St., Malate, Manila. It is a private school established in 1917 and is currently managed by Father Elpidio Biliran Jr., its vision is "A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of persons with fullness of life witnessing to the Kingdom of God by living the Paschal Mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as companion." A PAASCU accredited school that focuses to produce students with faith, excellence, and service as stated in their core values.

In this school, bullying is happening that is why the Anti-Bullying Campaign was implemented in 2017 by the Student Coordinating Board with the theme "Step In, Step Up" and the hashtag #KickTheHabit. Where their goal is to create a one family and a safe, bully-free environment for Malateans. The SCB also interviewed and conducted activities such as digital poster making and advocacy video making.

P a g e | 20 Research Instruments The following instruments are used in the study: 1. Survey Questionnaire This survey questionnaire is used to know if the Grade 8 student have seen or experienced bullying, where they usually see it, and what kind of bullying is it. This will help the researchers identify who are the victims of bullying.

2. Interview Guide This interview guide is used to know the students' experiences and strategies on bullying. This contains 5 open ended questions and 5 close ended questions. To further know their experience in bullying and the different strategies that they did to overcome it.

3. Audio Recorder Since our research topic is somewhat confidential, audio recorder will be used to record the in-depth interview that will happen between the researcher and the respondent. It is an essential tool that will help us to record data.

Data Gathering Procedures A letter asking for permission to conduct this study (attached as Appendix A) would be submitted to the principal of Malate Catholic School, Malate, Manila. After its approval, the researchers will start to conduct a survey (attached as Appendix B) from all of the Grade 8 students of the said institution.

P a g e | 21 And from that survey, the researchers would randomly select those students who experienced bullying in order for them to participate in the interview. The chosen 20 respondents will be interviewed with the interview guide (attached as Appendix C) and audio recorder. They will be given a consent letter (attached as Appendix D) inviting them to participate in our study.

Data Analysis The data needed for this research is to know who are the bullies, who are the victims of bullies, what are the different forms of bullying, what is the most common form, and how did they overcome it.

After collecting all the data that is needed, the first thing to do is to transcribe everything that has been recorded in the audio between the researcher and the respondent. And then coding and memo writing would be done to help the researchers look for patterns, similarities and differences between each of the respondents. Categorizing or grouping would also be done for the basis of the theme of this research. With the recorded data, this could easily help us to differentiate the different strategies and the positive or negative outcomes of it. It is very important that the data gathered is segregated and well compared to each of the respondents.

P a g e | 22 Sampling Procedure The purposive sampling procedure would be here in this study. The researchers would identify 20 students who experienced bullying. Out of the 134 Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School, 20 students would be chosen to be interviewed by the researchers.

P a g e | 23 CHAPTER 4


The purpose of this study was to explore the different strategies in dealing with bullies of selected Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School. This chapter discusses the analysis, findings, and interpretation of data obtained from the answers of selected Grade 8 students who were bullied during the interview. The findings are organized and presented according to the sequence of the research questions:

1. Where and when do you experience bullying? 2. What are the forms/kinds of bullying did you experience? 3. How did you deal with the bullies?

1 Where and when do you experience bullying?

Based on the answers of the participants, bullying happened in different places such as their house, school, or group of friends. They described that this happened in their house whenever they would accidentally do something wrong and their parents or older siblings would get mad at them.

P a g e | 24 Respondent 5:

"Mababa kasi grades ko, kaya tuwing kuhaan ng card kinakabahan ako kasi nadidisappoint sila mama at papa sa akin at kinukumpara nila ako sa mga classmates ko. Pero di nila alam ginagawa ko naman best ko."

Respondent 3: “Tinatakot po ako ni kuya pag di ko po sinunod yung utos nya, minsan po kinukurot nya ko.”

This finding confirms the finding of Tune in 2012 which states that bullying can start at home. Parents and family members who intimidate, threaten violence, and demean their children are no different than a bully in school who does the same. Bullying is a learned behavior for many kids. When parents/siblings bully at home to get what they want they legitimize the use of threat and intimidation as a normal behavior for their children.

Victims also identified bullying inside their school. One of the respondents stated that this usually happens when their teacher is not around.

P a g e | 25

Respondent 9:

“Pag recess po o kaya lunch o pag walang teacher inaasar asar po ako lagi ng classmates ko kasi english po ako mag-salita. Pinagtatawanan po nila yung tagalog ko. Tumatawa po ako minsan pero nasasaktan po ako talaga.”

This finding confirms the finding of Ross in 2002 which stated that bullying is an intentional and purposeful act. Bullies tend to feel empowered or superior to others whenever an adult is not around. Mainly because they feel that no one is there to stop them.

Bullying can also happen in group of friends. One of our respondents said that this occurs whenever she doesn’t go out with her friends because her parents doesn’t allow her. This finding confirms the finding of Robinson in 2011 which states that 30% of young people have been bullied by a friend. It can be difficult to spot because some children think ‘it is ok’ if their friend is doing it.

Respondent 10:

“Pag umaalis po sila tapos di ako nakakasama, na-oop po ako sa pinag-uusapan nila tapos pag aalis po sila ulit di na po nila ako niyayaya.”

P a g e | 26 2 What are the forms/kinds of bullying did you experience?

Based on the answers of the respondents, they experienced physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. For physical bullying, one of the respondents indicated that he experienced being pushed by his classmates.

Respondent 4:

“Naka-pila kami nun, bigla nila ako tinulak, natumba ako tapos tinawanan pa nila ako. Di ko na lang sila pinansin.”

Physical Bullying is considered to be the most obvious form of bullying, it occurs when physical actions are used over the victims. It can be identified as pushing, kicking, slapping, punching, and many more. Boys are the most commonly involved in this type of bullying. This finding confirms the finding of Samsa in 2004 which stated that victims of physical bullying are usually weaker or socially marginalized.

For verbal bullying, based on the answers of the respondents, they experienced being called different names and spreading false information about them.

P a g e | 27 Respondent 9:

“Nakikita niyo naman po na mataba ako diba? Syempre po kung ano-ano po yung tinatawag nila sakin like baboy, tabaching-ching and mga offensive words po. Minsan po tumatawa na lang ako at sinasabayan na lang sila pero deep inside masakit po sakin yun”

Verbal bullies use words to attack their victim. They use these statements to gain power and feel superior. They choose their victim on the way they look, act, or behave. It is the most common type of violence in schools and most commonly for girls. This finding supports the finding of Djokovic in 2017, which indicated that children who are different in some way i.e. overweight, or wears glasses are often exposed to taunting. It causes them to feel uncomfortable in their own skin.

On the other hand, for cyberbullying, according to the answers of the respondents they experienced receiving hurtful or harmful messages on social media. One of them recalls the time where she posted a picture and others made fun of it.

P a g e | 28 Respondent 14:

“Nag-post po ako ng picture nun sa facebook, tapos nagulat po ako dahil nagcomment yung isa ko pong classmate sabi nya ‘ang taba mo HAHAHAHA’ syempre di na lang po ako nag-reply kasi nahihiya din po ako. Dinilete ko na lang po yung comment nya.”

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying using electric means. It is increasingly common, especially among teenagers. According to National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, nationwide, about 21% of students aged 12-18 experienced bullying. Anyone can be a victim. Although the Philippines has an anti-bullying and cybercrime as law, not everyone is aware of it.

3 How did you deal with the Bullies?

Based on the answers of the respondents, they dealt with the bullying that they experienced by confronting the bully, avoiding the bully, and reporting the bully to an adult. For confronting the bully, one of the respondents stated:

“Ang ginagawa ko po para layuan nila ako is sinasabi ko po na “uy wag naman ganyan sana, nakakasakit na kayo.” And mas okay na tina-take nilang joke yun pero atleast nasabi ko yung gusto kong sabihin. Pag nasabi ko po yun lumalayo naman po sila”

P a g e | 29 This finding confirms the finding of Cornell in 2018, which states that confronting a bully can help build a victim’s self-esteem and put an end to the bullying. Because bullies thrive on your insecurities and by standing up to them, you are sending a message that you are not afraid.

For avoiding the bully, according to the answers of the participants, the bullying lessen when they avoided and ignored the bully.

Respondent 15:

“Lumipat po ako ng upuan para malayo po ako sa kanila, at umiiwas po talaga ako sa kanila sa loob ng classroom.”

This finding confirms the finding of Smith in 2010, where it is indicated that most bullies eventually grow bored and stop bothering someone who does not react to them. Being confident and building one’s self-esteem is a core component of bullying prevention. To do this, victims should know how to distance theirselves to anyone that is bullying them.

For reporting the bully to an adult, our respondents answered that it helped lessen or completely get rid of the bullying, it only made the matters worse, and it did not help at all.

P a g e | 30 Respondent 17:

“Nung sinabi ko po kay mama yung nangyari sakin, pumunta po sya dito (school) para kausapin yung adviser ko at yung magulang nya (the bully) tapos pagkatapos nun, di na po ako binully ulit. Nilayuan ko na po sya at umiiwas po ako talaga.”

Respondent 8:

“Sinabi ko po kay mama at papa yung nangyari sakin kaso busy po kasi sila kaya wala din po nangyari.”

Respondent 2:

“Nung sinabi ko po kay Miss ________ yung nangyari, kinausap nya po si _______. Tumigil po yun ng saglit pero umulit lang po ulit.”

This finding confirms the finding of Harris, Petrie, and Willoughby in 2002 which stated that many students feel that reporting to adults is unhelpful because they fell either nothing is done on the adult’s part or that the intervention is ineffective and the bullying might get worse.

P a g e | 31 CHAPTER 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings; the conclusion arrived based on the findings and recommendations offered.

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS This study aimed to assess the strategies of Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School in bullying. The research questionnaire and the interview guide was the instrument used to gather the needed data. As a summary, the researchers found out that the bullying strategies of Grade 8 students of Malate Catholic School is to confront the bully, avoid the bully, and report the bully to an adult.

Based on the findings, bullying often happens in school when the teacher is not around because bullies feel they are superior and that no one is there to stop them. Bullying occurs inside their house when they threat and intimidate the children to do what they want and if not, their parents/sibling would get mad at them. Bullying also happens in their group of friends whenever he/she does not go out with them and she feels invisible with them.

P a g e | 32 The findings also indicate that the victims experienced physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. According to the victims, they would get pushed by their classmates, get called different names, spread false information, and made fun of on social media sites. The victims dealt with the bullying by confronting the bully, avoiding the bully, and reporting the bully to an adult. By confronting the bully and avoiding the bully, respondents stated that it helped the bullying that they experience to lessen. By reporting the bully to an adult, it only made the matters worse for them and it did not help at all.

P a g e | 33 CONCLUSION Based on the findings, it is concluded that the bullying strategies of students is to confront, avoid and report the bully to an adult. Half of the respondents stated that they will confront and the bully and tell them to stop. Mainly because bullies often feel superior to their victims and the victim should know better than the bully. Avoiding is also a strategy that the victims stated and it is one way of letting the bully know that you are not affected and somehow it will stop them. Reporting the bully to an adult is also a strategy. However, the victims find this strategy to not work and not help them at all. But, if adults show victims that they take incidents of bullying seriously, it will increase the number of students who are willing to confide with an adult about their experiences.

P a g e | 34 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are offered:

1. For the school administrators, directors, deans, teachers, it is recommended that a focus group should be conducted where students can discuss their feelings and focus on how schools can properly evaluate their bullying policies for effectiveness. Educational efforts should be exerted to eliminate and prevent bullying behaviors in schools. The researchers believe that proper knowledge and education about this topic could be a great start for an intervention.

2. For the parents of the victims and bullies, understanding why their child was a victim or was a bully can have a big impact on helping them cope up with this kind of problem. Mutual sharing of information of parents, teachers and children can contribute to preventing or avoiding the development of this problem. It is also recommended to undergo counseling for the victim and the bully.

3. To the Department of Education and other non-government organizations, the researchers recommended that, in order to protect the student, they should make a policy that every school must have bullying interventions to help reduce it or eliminate it at all. Conducting talks and seminars for the teachers and students can be a big help. Lastly, the researchers recommend that there should be a male and female guidance counselor in schools.

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